Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 493: ChaosBringer's Recap

Chapter 493: ChaosBringer's Recap

Chapter 493: ChaosBringer’s Recap

(Meanwhile ChaosBringer’s POV)

Over the past 1.5 months, ChaosBringer magically saw everything within his organisation starting to automatically fall into place.

It was as if some unseen hand had reshaped the once chaotic mess that was ‘The Uprising’ into a fully functioning machine.

The guild, which had spent months floundering in disarray, was now operating with a level of efficiency that was both impressive and, for ChaosBringer, a little unsettling.

The regular injection of funds from Leo Skyshard had been one of the first catalysts that prompted this change, but the transformation went far beyond mere financial support.

Guild members, who once operated with little regard for structure or discipline, were now following a clear chain of command.

Squads were formed, roles were assigned, and territories were being managed with military precision.

Even the unruly mercenaries, and the NPC wing of the organisation that was renowned to be troublemakers and resistant to any form of hierarchy, had begun to recognize the importance of maintaining order within their ranks.

Armies were organised, and ranks were formalised, with captains and lieutenants emerging to take control of the different factions within ‘The Uprising’.

ChaosBringer found himself marvelling at the way the leadership had emerged from within the ranks.

It wasn’t that he had directed it—he had been too focused on his own missions to be concerned with internal affairs—but somehow, the right people had taken the reins.

The financial team was tracking expenditures and managing resources with a level of professionalism unheard of!

Not only were the salaries being paid on time to every guild member, but a clear pay structure had been defined for every level of officer within the group.

Territories were fortified and managed with strategic care, and a sophisticated system for maintaining order and discipline had emerged without his direct involvement.

It was almost as if a Rebel Government had started to take shape and “The Uprising” was evolving from being just an underground military group of ragtag members into a legitimate anti-establishment force, capable of not only capturing territories but also governing them with real authority.

This was a very important change, as capturing territories was only half the challenge, while governing them was the real headache.

Since their end goal was to replace the existing government, they needed to first become capable enough of handling that kind of workload, and for that, they needed a proper organisational shape.

However, while ‘The Uprising’ underwent severe reforms, the only thing ChaosBringer truly focused on was ensuring ‘The Boss’s’ needs were met.

When given a mission by ‘TheBoss’—whether it was night or day, whether the guild members were busy with something else or not, the orders of ‘TheBoss’ took highest priority.

ChaosBringer personally ensured that all of TheBoss’s needs were met, as he became his most loyal and reliable working dog.

Over the last 1.5 months, ‘TheBoss’ issued 5 missions for him, which he completed with unbelievable speed and efficiency.

His first mission was to submit a war plan to ‘TheBoss’ on how to capture the Southern and Eastern regions completely, which was a tough proposal, however, after consulting with all the senior members of the guild, some NPC strategists and holding non-stop debates, ChaosBringer submitted a satisfactory plan back to ‘TheBoss’, only for him to get another mission instantly, which was to get the blueprints of the Royal Palace and the City of StrongHaven.

This was a more difficult mission as there were no public records of the precise layout of either StrongHaven City or the Royal Palace in public hands, and for the uprising to obtain one, the guild had to prepare an undercover scholar who was requesting access to the royal archives for his thesis.

Not only did the guild have to complete several missions across the Empire overnight for that particular player to gain enough fame to be recognized as a theoretical scholar, but even after achieving that recognition, ChaosBringer faced even more obstacles before he was finally able to send him in.

However, once inside, the spy stole everything from the sewer line blueprints, the royal castles hidden tunnels, to the detailed blueprints of StrongHaven City.

Overjoyed, ChaosBringer sent the collected data to ‘TheBoss’, only for the guy to once again slap him with a nearly impossible mission, without any words of praise offered for the completion of the previous mission.

This time the mission was to track a player by the name of ‘Eren’, who was the alleged ‘Demon Whisperer’ before he was caught.

Unfortunately, with the game world being massive, finding a particular player within it without having clues to narrow the search down was like finding a needle in a haystack, however, despite the difficult nature of the request, ChaosBringer never gave up.

Racking his brain day and night, ChaosBringer personally spearheaded the search, however, with the clear lack of clues on where to even start, progress on finding him was slow.

However, after a lot of thinking, once ChaosBringer realised that Eren was an old generation player and most likely on the same Arc Ship as the majority of uprising members, he immediately moved the scope of the mission from inside the game world to the real world.

In a bold move, ChaosBringer put an absurdly high bounty on Eren’s head and instructed all guild members to search for him within the Arc Ship, as well as to gather any intel on his whereabouts in the game world.

This strategy proved to be highly effective as by the very next day, guild members from sectors D and E, where most of The Uprising’s members originated, began hunting for Eren like cats and dogs.

The entire area buzzed with activity as members scoured every corner, leaving no stone unturned, as after four days of relentless searching, one guild member finally stumbled upon Eren, working as a sewage cleaner in the most unlikely of places.

The mighty Demon Whisperer within the game, was nothing more than a sewage cleaner in real life, and hence, when he was offered a chance at joining The Uprising, the man accepted it in a heartbeat.

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