Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 581: He Knows

Chapter 581: He Knows

Chapter 581: He Knows

(Cervantez’s POV, The DarkSky Guild Office)

“So you want to quit the guild?” Cervantez asked, as he could hardly contain his surprise over Amanda’s decision.

“Yes…. I’m very grateful for all you’ve done for me guildmaster, but it’s something that I must do for my own future growth” Amanda said, as she felt a little guilty at leaving the guild on such short notice, especially after everything that Cervantez and the guild had done for her.

“Is this because I did not get you the latest burner furnace that you asked for? I swear I tried to find it but could not find one available for purchase….” Cervantez said, as Amanda immediately interrupted.

“No…no… it’s nothing about the guild. It’s just my own decision, guildmaster. Because I feel like I won’t grow as a forger if I don’t meet new people and don’t see them use new techniques.

I do repetitive work at the guild, making mass weapons of not necessarily high quality and while it was a fun work experience, I can’t keep doing it if I want to become a Grandmaster.

That’s the only reason behind my decision to quit” Amanda clarified as she did not want Cervantez to think that she was quitting because the guild did not support her enough.

“Well alright. If you’ve already made up your mind then go ahead.

Also don’t worry about serving out a notice period, we have enough weapons for a while and don’t need you to serve out some corporate notice of two weeks.

Just take care of yourself and feel free to come back here if you ever wish to, because this guild will always be your home” Cervantez said, as he did not hinder Amanda’s career prospects at all, although he knew that her loss was going to be irreplaceable.

Had he been a greedier guildmaster or a manipulative person in general, he would not have let a talent like Amanda slip through his hands as easily as he did, however, Cervantez was not a lowlife scum.

As an ambitious man himself, he respected others having a vision for themselves and did not try to hold them back like a crab.

“Thankyou guildmaster….update Ƀy Ɲ0ʋeʟ1st.cοm  Really, thankyou for everything you’ve done for me.

If I ever need a more stable home to practice my craft, I’m surely coming back here and no place else” Amanda said with a slightly emotional voice, as she did not expect the exit interview to go this smoothly.

Back when she was still learning her craft under granny, it was Cervantez who had given her MP and a monthly salary to cover her expenses and had essentially invested in her when no-one else would have.

It was only recently that he had started to get a return on that investment with Amanda working for the guild, however, now she wanted to quit.

She understood that it wasn’t fair that she was quitting this family style guild that had taken care of her so endearingly, however, she was still happy that Cervantez did not hold her to it and set her free.

“Amanda…. Send Luke into my office on your way out, okay?” Cervantez requested, as once Amanda got a hold of herself and left Cervantez’s office for the last time, she carried out this one last instruction to the T and sent Luke into his office.


“You called for me?” Luke inquired, as he entered Cervantez’s office.

“Yes… Luke, where are you living these days? I’ve been trying to find you in sector B but I could not get a hold of you, Amanda or your brother.

I thought surely you guys were not left in Sector C, because that would make no sense, but I could not find you guys there either?

But just in-case I checked and I could not find you there either?

So I’m just wondering if you’re all demoted to SectorD for some reason?” Cervantez asked, as he seemed genuinely worried that he could not find Luke and Amanda in sector B.

“Agh that…. Yes, we are not living in Sector B” Luke replied nervously, as he did not understand how to reply to Cervantez about his current whereabouts.

Leo had requested that Luke not tell anyone about the truth of their circumstances, however, while Luke could hide the truth from the whole world, hiding it from Cervantez was a tricky endeavor.

“So where are you? Why are you not in sector B?” Cervantez asked, as Luke felt as if he was stuck between a rock and a hard place when faced with this question.

On one hand, he did not wish to lie to Cervantez, but on the other he did not wish to betray Leo’s trust either.

Hence, for a while he remained silent, but in the end, after letting out a long sigh he told Cervantez the truth.

“I’m currently living in the VIP sector. It’s a sector beyond Sector S and even beyond the staff quarters.

Me, Leo and Amanda, we have all moved there” Luke replied, as Cervantez felt goosebumps run all over his spine when he heard these words.

He did not think that Luke was lying, because he had heard about the existence of the VIP sector in his past life, however, as per his memory, the only player to ever reside in that elusive sector was PinkLotus and that too only during the last year of their journey.

The requirement to get into the VIP sector as per his memory was to become a ‘Master’ level fighter at the minimum, however, currently there was only one ‘Master’ level fighter in the game.

Hence unless that one master level fighter had asked Luke and Amanda to tag alongside him to the VIP sector, none of this would make sense.

But Leo Skyshard could not be that master fighter could he?

“This makes no sense….. ‘TheBoss’, ‘Leo Skyshard’ …. Sky merchant…. Am I the only fool since the beginning?” Cervantez wondered, as for a while he felt his mind becoming dizzy from the sudden clash of opposing information.

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