Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 84: Weapons training

Chapter 84: Weapons training

Chapter 84: Weapons training

Dining in Terra Nova offered a gratifying experience.

Consuming meals facilitated a player’s swift stamina restoration and bolstered their HP recovery speed.

Neglecting to consume food for an extended period of time, while also not consuming potions as an alternate supplement could trigger a strength penalty, progressively intensifying and potentially culminating in death under extreme conditions.

This adverse effect could be mitigated by advancing levels, yet it wasn’t the most dependable strategy for warding off hunger.

For Leo, who consistently drained his stamina through rigorous training, nourishment was essential with starvation only compounding his challenges.

Since he failed to secure a successful hunt for breakfast, he was compelled to endure hunger during weapons training.

For his inaugural lesson, Ben opted to instruct him in dagger throwing, deeming it a crucial skill that could help Leo secure breakfast upon mastery.

“Watch closely boy,” Ben instructed Leo, as he explained the fundamentals of dagger throwing, starting from the very basic lesson of how to hold it correctly.

Shifting his stance, Ben held the dagger with a precise grip. “First, focus on your grip,” he began, his voice steady and instructive. “Hold the dagger like this, with your thumb and index finger forming a ‘V’ around the base of the handle. Your grip should be firm but not too tight; you want to maintain control without compromising the flexibility of your wrist.”

He demonstrated, positioning the dagger so that it aligned with his forearm, ensuring a natural extension of his arm. “Alignment is key,” Ben continued. “The dagger should be an extension of your arm. Imagine a straight line running from your shoulder, through your arm, and to the tip of the dagger. This alignment will help you throw with precision.”

Next, Ben focused on the throwing technique. “When you’re ready to throw, lean slightly forward. Shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you bring the dagger back beside your head.” He mimicked the motion, showing a fluid movement that seemed almost effortless. “Then, as you throw, release the dagger when your hand is pointing directly at your target. The release point is crucial; too early or too late, and you’ll miss your mark.”

“Remember, it’s not about the force,” he advised, his eyes locking onto Leo’s to ensure he understood. “It’s about technique and finesse. Let the dagger do the work. Aim for consistency in your grip, alignment, and release. Practice this, and you’ll find your mark more often than not.”

Saying so, Ben threw a volley of daggers towards a tree and although he threw almost 10 of them one after another, they all formed an extremely concentrated circle on the tree bark, no bigger than a palm.

His throwing technique was such that the dagger did not spin at all. It went straight towards the target. With the rotational motion occurring with his wrist instead.

He flicked his wrist before releasing the dagger and it seemed to sail effortlessly towards its mark as from start to finish Ben made it look like it was effortless and easy, which made Leo excited as he hoped to reach the same level of expertise someday.

With a final nod, Ben stepped back, giving Leo space to try. “Now, it’s your turn. Remember what I’ve shown you. Take your time, focus on the technique, and let the dagger fly.”

Leo took a deep breath, trying to mimic Ben’s confident stance as he picked up the dagger. He carefully formed the ‘V’ grip around the handle, his thumb and index finger pressing against the cold metal. He aligned the dagger with his arm, just as Ben had shown, and focused on a target ahead.

With a flicker of determination in his eyes, Leo leaned forward, shifting his weight and pulling the dagger back beside his head. He tried to remember Ben’s fluid motion, but as he launched the dagger, it spun awkwardly in the air, veering off course and clattering against the ground far from his intended target.

“Oops” Leo said embarrassedly as the end result was nothing close to what he hoped for, but he didn’t let it deter him.

Picking up another dagger, he set up for his second attempt, this time paying closer attention to the alignment and the release point Ben had emphasized. Again, the dagger flew, slightly closer to the target this time, but still far from hitting it.

The realization dawned on him; the precision and finesse Ben talked about were not gained in a few attempts but required persistent practice.

With each throw, Leo began to notice the subtle nuances of his technique that needed adjustment. The grip that was slightly too tight, the alignment that was off by just a fraction, and the release that was either too early or too late. He started to understand the importance of the balance between power and technique, how each element of the throw affected the dagger’s flight.

With unilateral focus and determination, Leo continued to practice, throw after throw.

Although he did not succeed in hitting the target, he gained valuable insights into the mechanics of dagger throwing. Each attempt brought a slight improvement, a minor adjustment that made his next throw a bit better. It was a slow and painstaking process, but with each throw, Leo felt a growing sense of understanding and control, a foundation upon which he could build his skill.

‘What a monster-‘ Ben thought as he observed Leo’s unbelievable growth rate, as over the course of just an hour, Leo’s throws seemed much better than when he started as he made about a weeks progress in an hour.

Ben always had an inkling that Leo was a genius, however, he had no idea that he was this good!

‘My disciple is a prodigy, no doubt about it!’ Ben thought, as he watched Leo train with a satisfied smile and planned to make his future training sessions even harder.

With this rate of improvement, Ben felt like after 6-8 months, Leo would become capable enough to learn his core moves and just thinking about it made Ben extremely excited.

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