The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 272

Chapter 272


A hard-to-decipher message appeared before Seol.

- That guy's head will serve as the catalyst, which I haven't gotten yet.

[Pitch Black Primal Power has been activated.]


At that moment, the energy flowing from Jamad's hand engulfed Karuna's body.

[Primal Power is affected by Shadow Play.]

[All stats of both the caster and the target of Shadow Play increase by 20%.]

[The target of Shadow Play shares its senses with the caster.]

[Not much information is known about Shadow Play.]

"What the..."

- Okay, let's test this out.




Karuna and Jamad split up and charged at Shade from both sides as Shade belatedly swung at the spot where they had been standing.

'What the...'

For some strange reason, Karuna's senses seeped into Seol. His feeling Jamad’s senses made sense because of Night Crow, but to think he'd be able to feel Karuna's senses despite the distance.

'I've found out about the Immortal you spoke of in an ancient scripture. I found it in that guy's library.'


'In other words, I stole it from there. It's my first time using this power. Why? You don't like that it’s stolen?'


Night Crow stroked its temple.

Seol sneered.

'No, I'm used to it.'

Jamad laughed.

"That's good to hear."



"I'm going to kill you... I'm going to kill you!"

Unlike the grand name of Thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara, Shade behaved like a tough-skinned beast.

Did it gain a strong body in exchange for its reason?



He wasn't sure whether that judgment was right or wrong yet.

Jamad and Karuna's attacks weren't working. No—Jamad, in Night Crow, was somewhat managing to land attacks, but Karuna's had been deflected numerous times.

'Breaking through won’t be easy...'


Because they shared senses, they could create better opportunities. When one made a gap, the other would strike.




Even so, it wasn't an easy fight.

'Hey, Seol.'


'I'm handing the lead over to you now.'

'What? Why?'

Until now, it was Jamad who had been fighting against Shade at the front. Why was he trying to relinquish the lead now at the height of the battle?

'Because it has to be that way.'

'What the…'

When Jamad returned, he said:

‘Assimilate, Seol. The most important thing right now is for you to understand me.’

At the time, the situation was urgent, so he brushed it aside. However, he said a word there more important than ‘assimilation’.


He assumed it was an understanding of a shamanic spell, but that didn't seem to be the case.

Jamad suddenly handed over the control of Night Crow to Seol.

'I will help you. Go ahead, run wild.'

'Why so suddenly… Huh?'

As he regained control of his body, he surged with power.


'Yes. It seems you felt it too.'

Seol felt as if time were flowing slowly.


His eyes met Karuna, whose senses he was sharing.


He felt a sensation similar to an electric shock.

It was a strange power that made his every hair stand on end.

'Yes... This is...'


Even as he ducked to avoid Shade's hand, he felt everything about Karuna.

The flow of air generated by Karuna's movements, the movements of his muscles, the direction in which the Black Wave was heading, and even his next target.

He could feel it all.

At that moment.

[You have entered the time of Selflessness.]

[The chance of momentarily achieving enlightenment greatly increases.]

In a situation where he could feel even a single drop of sweat.

It still wasn't enough.

His thirst wasn't quenched yet.

It wasn't the desperation of searching for an opening for a movement or an attack.

It was a rugged path to a better, greater way.

His senses awakened, entering a state of enlightenment.

And as all these senses once again connected with Karuna's gaze, they were liberated.


[The Eyes of Foresight are resonating.]

[Enlightenment! You have awakened a new ability.]

[You have learned Night Crow: Migratory Bird.]

At that moment, Seol's body and mind soared somewhere.

[You have used Night Crow: Migratory Bird.]

['Jamad, the Totality of Nature' has released the Night Crow form.]

['Jamad, the Totality of Nature' is in standby mode.]

[You take the Night Crow form with 'Karuna, the Moonlight Knight'.]

[Night Crow: Migratory Bird can be used up to 5 times.]

[Each time you use Night Crow: Migratory Bird, all stats increase by 10%.]

Seol seamlessly fused with Karuna without any preparatory movements or discord.

Karuna's energy suddenly changed.

[Huh? Why am I…?]

Perhaps due to Agony being connected to Seol, it had also changed its form and had merged with Karuna's sword.

The surging energy was channeled into Agony.


Seol swung Agony and severed Shade's hand.

The breakthrough had begun.




Hands were flying in from all directions. At this rate, the flow of his attack would be interrupted.

Once again, a shock came from the Eyes of Foresight.


[You have used Night Crow: Migratory Bird.]

['Karuna, the Moonlight Knight' has released the Night Crow form.]

['Karuna, the Moonlight Knight' is now in standby mode.]

[You take the Night Crow form with 'Jamad, the Totality of Nature'.]

Then, Seol’s perspective shifted immediately.

No, as they were sharing senses, it was merely a choice.

[Ah! Again?!]

Agony screamed as it merged with Jamad’s gauntlets.



Seol literally smashed through Shade, who had exposed a gap while targeting Karuna.

His movements became much lighter than before, and his punches carried even more power.


Perhaps due to sensing the danger, Shade screamed.

His solid body crumbled like sand before Seol.


This time, hands flew toward Jamad.


[You have used Night Crow: Migratory Bird.]

As Karuna's energy surged once more, Shade's movements followed Karuna, as if he were expecting it. It seemed that due to the repeated situations, he felt that something was off.

However, Seol also introduced a variation.

[You have used Night Crow: Migratory Bird.]

Once again, Jamad leaped through the vulnerable gap.

[Bleeh! I'm dizzy!]

Agony complained about the frequent shifts.

Shade's chest was right in front of him.

However, there was still a hand blocking his way.


The incoming hand of Shade.

Shade hadn't realized it yet.

However, because he perceived Karuna and Jamad as two separate entities, he was unaware of the flow created by their movements.


Shade's hand was severed by Karuna's sword.

Sharing their senses allowed them to create a more organic and coordinated movement.


Shade urgently tried to pull in another hand, but by then, it was already too late.

Jamad's hand had swollen massively.

[Switching to Prophet Stance.]

[Flames spread to all attacks.]

[Explosions will occur at the point of impact.]

[Lightning spreads at the point of impact.]

[Tremors happen at the point of impact.]

[Passive: Transfering Flames is applied.]

[Passive: Heat and Warmth is applied.]

[Passive: A Tingling Sensation is applied.]


The giant hand aimed at Shade's chest.

[You have used Night Crow: Iron Fist Rule.]

[Shadow Hand is affected by Passive: Transferring Flames.]

[Shadow Hand is affected by Passive: Heat and Warmth.]

[Shadow Hand is affected by Passive: A Tingling Sensation.]


A gaping hole appeared in Shade's chest, causing cracks to spread all across his body.



Shade couldn't continue speaking.

Jamad looked at him and bid farewell.

- Welcome to the unknown, ghost.


Jamad had returned from the Void.

And soon, Shade began crumbling.

[You have defeated Shade.]

[You have earned the special achievement 'Bang-Crack-Swish'.]

[You have earned the special title ‘One Who Severed the Right Arm’.]

[The long journey's Rest is taking place.]

[You have acquired Evil Spirit's Relic.]


* * *

"Huff... Huff... Hye Myeong! Wait for me!"

"We mustn't be late! I'll go ahead, Chi Woo! Take care of Mi Ah!"

"Damn it, okay!"

The golden statue that had been noisily chattering had been silent for a while now. That silence only made Hye Myeong more anxious.

'Seol... Please, be safe!'

He hoped that his intense wish would reach him.

Thanks to the precious time Seol had bought, Hye Myeong finally reached the Luminous Bell.

This brilliantly shining bell emitted an energy opposite of ghost energy. No, It was the opposite of all evil.

This wasn't the only thing Hye Myeong had obtained.


Hye Myeong's body was engulfed in flames, as if a bonfire had been lit. The only difference was that these flames shone with a golden hue.

The moment he came into contact with the Luminous Bell, he realized it.

The hidden power of the golden statue.

Watala’s true power.

And with this power, for sure...

'I can face the pursuer. I can save Seol!'

If he could face the pursuer with Seol, the situation would be more hopeful. But honestly, he wasn't expecting that much.

'Just stay alive somehow, Seol.'

He wanted to repay him for the grace and miracle he had received from him.

Although emotional upheavals often lead one away from enlightenment, this time, it was different.

The storm of emotions created by desperation and earnestness made Hye Myeong bring out a power that was on another dimension.



With every step he took, it sounded as if lightning struck.

That was how he was able to reach the place where he had parted ways with Seol so quickly.

'There... If I just get past that door!'


Hye Myeong blasted down the door.

He had nothing else to go through.

He was filled with the urge to ring the Luminous Bell even now.

It was a pity, but if ringing the bell could save Seol's life, he was willing to do it.

"Seol! Where are you?!"

Perhaps due to the aftermath of the battle, the surrounding terrain was a mess.

The path was so devastated that it was hard to remember its original form, showing just how fierce the battle had been.

"Oh my god… No!"

He could feel the remnants of the pursuer's power.

And there was another unknown power with it.

Was he torn apart by it?

"Seol! Answer! Where are you?!"



The debris levitated thanks to the power of Watala.

And Hye Myeong leaped across them as if he were flying.

"Hye Myeong..."

He heard Seol's voice coming out of an endless darkness.

At that moment, Hye Myeong felt as if his heart had dropped.

"I found the Luminous Bell. Where is that guy...?"

Hye Myeong tried to see through the darkness beyond.


Although he said that, deep down, he already knew the answer.

After all, he saw it with his own eyes, the corpse of a massive being floating in the dark space.

Sitting on the floating debris, Seol turned his head halfway and replied to Hye Myeong.

"It's over now."

Floating there was the shattered, gruesome corpse of Shade.

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