The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Wearing all black, Seol stood in stark contrast to the golden-haired Chi Woo.

The two looked out of the ordinary.

And unlike Seol, who concealed his energy, Chi Woo revealed a portion of his, causing a stir among the soldiers.

"Is that blond guy the Dragon's Stone?"

"The one who supposedly took Phantom down alone?"

"You fools… Do you guys believe that?"

The person in charge of Seong Jo's defense troops welcomed Seol Hong and her companions.

"Lord Chi Woo, so you've come with them. I’ve only heard about it, but to think I'd see you in person—it's truly moving."


"Even after giving up on the Dragon War, you personally stepped forward for the Empire's people…"

Chi Woo glanced around and replied.

"The fragrance of a Dragon's Flower is only for the people."

That single statement captivated the people in an instant. It was more energetic and solemn than expected.



- Don't be deceived!

- I just came along with Seol Hong.

- I just came, haha.

- Gotta make something up, lol.

The commander nodded, seemingly deeply moved.

"You're truly brave. With Lady Seol Hong and Lord Chi Woo here, I'm sure Seong Jo won't fall easily anymore. As for the upcoming schedule…"

Seol Hong interrupted the commander and mentioned their previously planned itinerary.

"On the first day, we plan to inspect the city, so there's no need for you to follow us."

"That can't happen… The Dragon Flowers dispatched to Seong Jo are currently the city's highest form of command. It would be troublesome for us if anything were to happen to you. In the worst-case scenario, we might be blamed and severely punished."

A soldier with a stern expression looked down at Seol Hong.

Although their energy was oppressing, it didn't seem to be malicious.

It was just the energy ingrained in a soldier's body.

"I appreciate your honesty. To think you would say you don't want to be troubled because of me…"

"Honesty is a strength of mine."

"How many personnel are planned to accompany the inspection?"

"It's going to be a small squad."

"Reduce it to three people."

"That's a bit…"

"There's no point in inspecting if a group tags along. That nuisance is a problem for later."

"That… We… Understood."

The strategist turned his head and shouted.

"Ban Yul, Ju Oh, Biran!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Step forward."

"Yes, Sir!"

The commander spoke to the soldiers, who were two men and one woman.

"This is Lady Seol Hong and Lord Chi Woo. They graciously came to this faraway place from Hong Yeon. Serve them well."

"Yes, sir!"

"Please inform them if you find anything inconvenient, and it will be resolved immediately."

"Yes, understood."

"Wait, may I ask one more thing?"


The commander hesitated and then spoke to Seol Hong, who was looking around the barracks.

"Is he, by any chance, the renowned Obsidian, Kang Seol?"

Seol Hong tilted her head.

"That is correct. But why…"

"I-I heard rumors that he's as skilled as Mr. Jang Du. Is that true? I-I heard he single-handedly subdued the resurrected Phantom."

- Huh? Jang Du?

- I did collect his gambling debt, hahaha.

- Jang Du, forever tormented…

- Has he become the standard for measuring combat strength now?

Seol pondered for a moment and chose an appropriate answer.

"To an extent?"

The soldiers furthest away kicked the ground lightly and muttered.


"Those guys from the Dragon Palace are all full of shit…"

"At least he seems confident. That's good to see."

"That baseless confidence has swept away cities. There will be no end to it if you pamper them."

With their sharp ears, Seol Hong's group immediately glared at the soldiers, but Seol didn't seem to care.

"That's a relief. Actually, Seong Jo has been dealing with a troublesome issue recently."

"A troublesome issue?"

"Yes. I wanted to ask for your help with that."

The commander softly said.

"Troop organization and combat training are scheduled for today, and we would like Mr. Kang Seol to attend."

* * *

After leaving the barracks, Seol Hong and her companions immediately set out to inspect the city. Seol Hong, Chi Woo, Seol, and the soldiers Ban Yul and Ju Oh were together.

However, there was one strange thing.

Throughout the journey, Seol didn't exchange a single word with them and simply followed quietly behind.

'It won't be as difficult as I thought.'

It was because the Seol who accompanied Seol Hong wasn’t truly Seol—it was the One body, Multiple Avatars.

A clone that could be created and moved by Seol's will, sharing his senses while taking on his appearance.

It was his avatar accompanying Seol Hong.



"What are you doing?"

"Nothing… And could you do something about blowing into my ears…?"

"I'm sorry about that. Please think of it as me breathing heavier than others."

The real Seol was accompanied by the female soldier, Biran.

Biran was a soldier who sometimes seemed cheerful and, at other times, bored.

The reason Seol and Biran were moving separately from Seol Hong's group was due to efficiency.

Even though Seong Jo wasn't a particularly large city, it was impossible to inspect it thoroughly on foot in just one day. That's why they divided the city into sections and conducted the inspection over multiple days.

And in case anything unexpected happened, Seol’s avatar was with Seol Hong.

Not long after Seol and Biran set out on their inspection, Seong Jo's true face revealed itself.

Elderly people were sleeping on the streets, and others sat idly, staring blankly into nothing.

"These are most likely people who suffered during the monster attack. They may have lost family, homes, or something of that sort."

"It looks like they've lost all hope."

"Hope? Hope doesn't sustain our lives. Most people aren't chosen by such ideals."

"You're quite cynical."

"It's better than being optimistic, at least during wartime. Don't you think?"

"Were you originally from Seong Jo?"

"Oh, no. I'm from the Central Army. I was dispatched here before the first attack. I was just lucky enough to have survived until now."

Seol liked this woman, Biran, quite a lot—maybe it was because of her frankness to reveal things that might have been kept hidden otherwise.

"The whole city seems to be on edge. Is it because of the attacks?"

"Well… There were frequent casualties during the defense not only from the monsters but also those who became looters while everyone defended against the attack."


"Rumors say they were transferees or perhaps thieves who secretly infiltrated the city… Anyway, the atmosphere is quite bad. You could say that distrust among the people has reached its peak."

Humans are always the most terrifying.

Biran led Seol down a secluded alley, passing several modest shops and entering a seemingly quiet store.

The shopkeeper seemed to know Biran.

"Did you come here to slack off again?"

"No. I'm just thirsty. And I brought the Dragon's Stone who was dispatched here."

"What? Th-the Dragon's Stone? The one with Lady Seol Hong? Why would you bring him here?!"

"Why? To help you with a sale."


Biran looked at Seol and bluntly said.

"Since it's a sunny day… How about you treat me for a drink?"

"So suddenly…? Were we acquainted before?"

"Wouldn't it hurt your pride if I treated you? Is that what you want? I was just being considerate…"

Seol found Biran's actions amusing.

Since he monitored the other soldiers through his avatar, her unusual behavior stood out even more.


Seol flipped a silver coin and handed it to Biran.

"What do you like?"

"Something simple."

"Great! It seems we're going to get along well. You aren't as uptight as you seem, are you? But there might be some change…"

"Keep it and enjoy a drink by yourself next time."

"Yes, sir! I will carry out my mission with utmost dedication!"

The shopkeeper poured a drink with ice into a disposable cup.

With half-closed eyes, Seol inspected it but sensed nothing suspicious.

It had become a habit of his to check everything meticulously.

Gulp Gulp


Biran gulped down the drink and wiped her mouth.

"You sounded just like a monster."

"Just take a sip, and you'll see. It's amazing."


Seol's brows twitched.

"It has some alcohol mixed in. Is it alright to drink this while on duty?"

"Since you’ve already joined me, I'll get a scolding from someone else. And I'll be sure to tell how the Dragon's Stone invited me, so please don't be too harsh."

"I won't make an issue out of it."

"Haha… But I can't help it. It’s the best-tasting one."

Seol sipped the sweet drink as he strolled along. As they talked about numerous topics, he remembered their conversation earlier in the barracks and brought it up.

"By the way, about that troublesome issue…"

"Ah! You mean what the commander mentioned?"


"It's about the transferees. Oof..."

"Hmm… So you don't trust the transferees, I see."

Biran blinked for a moment, then leaned in close and whispered.


"Pardon me… Are you a transferee?"

"Stop blowing into my ear. But why ask that all of a sudden?"

"Well, I was about to badmouth transferees. And that would be a problem for me if you were one."

"I'm a transferee."

"I'm glad I held back."

Biran took a sip of her drink and continued talking.

"It's obvious. Actually, other officials were dispatched besides the commander. But as you know, not many troops are worthy of being sent to Seong Jo. To be honest, those that were sent here aren't of the highest caliber either."

"Did the officer-in-charge sent at first die during the attack?"

"Correct, and in a rather gruesome way too. The problem was that someone of that level was considered a high-ranking officer from the Central Army. He was stronger and far more reliable than most transferees. Plus, he was dedicated to the nation."

Seong Jo was suffering from the great disaster that befell it, and the empty position a fallen officer used to fill.

Adding the transferees—whose nomadic lives were etched into their very being—to the mix created a volatile situation.

"What does the Central Army want?"

"They want to control the transferees in Seong Jo."


"That's just putting it mildly. The truth is that the transferees’ temperament could cause significant difficulties to future plans."

"For example?"

"The transferees could turn into looters at any moment. They refuse to cooperate with the Central Army as well. If it were up to me, I'd kick them all out of Seong Jo... although we’re currently doing that already."

"How did you end up doing it?"

"We're integrating the transferees into our ranks and enticing them with suitable rewards. We also declared that those who don't comply with the rules will be expelled from Seong Jo."

"If you aren't here to help, you might as well leave? What about resistance?"

"Of course, there's been resistance. Some transferees agreed to join our ranks because they see how serious things are, while others are stirring up trouble by inciting other transferees against the military."

"It seems the latter will cause trouble…"

"You hit the nail on the head—those are the ones—they go around saying Seong Jo is doomed, stirring up others, not even trying to help, and acting so recklessly they could turn into looters at any moment. Why do you think these thugs are behaving this way?"

Seol thought for a moment and then answered.

Ultimately, there was one fundamental cause.

"The Central Army lacks strength."

"Yes! The force needed to suppress them was effectively wiped out in the last attack. That's why they can act like this. I'd love to give them a good whack on the head, but…"


"Unfortunately, I only have one life… and some of those guys are downright brutal."


"If you're really worried, just give me a signal. They will probably try and cause trouble during the inspection too, but if you feel unsure, I'll step in and handle it without bruising your pride."

Seol smiled.

* * *

The first day of inspection came to an end.

Seol Hong and Chi Woo were discussing matters with the staff while Seol attended the combat training.

As expected, it was pure chaos.

"Tell Seol Hong, or however she's called, to show her face!"

"It's obvious. They're planning to throw the transferees into the fray while they stay out of sight, right?"

"Khan's sneaky tactics are always the same, huh."

The ruckus was enough to make even Seol, who'd come to observe, frown.

They were venting their frustration at Seol Hong, who had done nothing wrong.

In reality, the combat training was just an excuse for the Central Army to tame the transferees, but they weren't having any of it.

"Why are we sitting here doing these useless things?"

"Just follow the rules if you wish to stay in Seong Jo. It isn't hard. If there's a fight, you'll fight. And if you don’t, leave Song Jo."

This seemed to be the Central Army's policy toward the transferees, who could become an internal threat at any moment. The difference between the South and East was also interesting.

'It also shows how strong the Empire is… But if that was the case…'

Seol was also a transferee, so he understood their mentality well.

When these people feel oppressed, they rebel like wild dogs, ready to tear through anything in their path.

"Kotaro, did you hear what that bastard said?"

"I did. They're just looking for an excuse to tighten the leash…"


With a menacing appearance, a man named Kotaro grabbed a Central Army soldier by the collar.

"I don't like what you're saying."

"L-let me go… This could cause trouble for you later."

"Hey, transferee! Let him go!"

"Transferee this, transferee that… Is it a problem that we're staying in Seong Jo?"

Unable to bear it any longer, Biran stepped in.

"No one will welcome you if you act so recklessly. Even the city's residents would rather have you troublemakers leave! No one believes you guys will fight for the city if there's another attack. It would be a miracle if you guys didn't revert to your old ways and start looting! During the last attack…"

"Biran, don't provoke them."

"But those bastards just…"

"Suddenly, a group of transferees gathered around Kotaro.

"Oof… Do these punks really not get the situation?"

"Kotaro, what should we do?"

"Hold on."

Kotaro released the soldier’s collar and walked toward Biran.

"D-don't come any closer."

"You're mistaken if you think you can control the transferees with just a handful of soldiers."

"We're not trying to control you. We're trying to cooperate…"

"You don't seem to know who's on top here."

"If you aren't going to fight, then leave! You're all too scared of the monsters to leave the city. You didn't even show up during the attack, but you're here causing trouble…"

Kotaro finally snapped.

His hand moved to the sword at his waist.

Everyone knew that a serious confrontation would occur if he drew his sword, but the lack of concern among the transferees following them suggested that they had been anticipating this.


"What is this hand…?"

But in the end, Kotaro's sword didn't make it out of its sheath.

Seol's palm pressed down on the hilt, preventing it from being drawn.


Kotaro froze when his eyes met Seol, who then calmly whispered as if soothing a child.

"I'm at the top."


His voice became even softer than before.

"I am at the top."

Upon hearing that, Kotaro should have drawn his sword and aimed it at Seol, who was holding it down.


But for some reason, Kotaro stood there like a statue and couldn't move a muscle.

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