The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 100: The Kings And A Successful Trade

Chapter 100: The Kings And A Successful Trade

The parts were falling one by one and it seemed as if it was raining.

"Wow... what just happened?", it was an obvious question since he wasn't aware of what had happened right now.

He himself had spaced out which launching the arrow which pierced through them.



[You have killed 99 wyverns]

-> You have gained 5,000,000 exp.

-> You have gained the title 'Wyvern Hunter'.


"This is... crazy...", he was doing it subconsciously and was not entirely unconscious so he did have some memory of his act.

He looked at the bow which he had with an awed expression cause this was literally incomparable to anything that he had seen till now.

Even the blood sword that he had couldn't possibly do this.

He had slain almost 100 wyverns in an instant who were considered as a great threat. If all 100 wyverns were to be released then the difficulty level could easily surpass S rank!

Despite the odds, he successfully managed to be alive after killing them and it was all thanks to the bow.

"Amazing...", he literally wanted to lick the bow but that would be disgusting for himself too so he somehow refrained himself.

"I got an unimaginable treasure."

The bow was no less than a treasure which would now save him and help him even in future.

Getting a powerful skill was good enough for the quest to be worth it but now when he got the weapon too, he felt that the quest was like a treasure hall waiting for an owner to enter and grab all the treasures.

But he didn't understand one thing amidst this, "What is a Shadow Merchant and his ring?"

It was a bit confusing to him. He glanced his left arm only to find one ring which he had been wearing since earlier.

It was a the last item of his father which was found. So he cherished it a lot and wore it everyday.

"No... it cant be. I'm thinking too much.", saying this he lifted his gazes from the ring and started staring at the field only to find that all the wyverns body had already disappeared.

"Did all of them get absorbed by the so called ring?", he wondered.

But there was something else that was bugging him even more. No matter how hard he thought, he couldn't figure it out.

"Hmm... why did the system say 99 wyverns? And why does other monsters that I have slain had one number less when they got traded?"

It was indeed weird because the system announced the influx of 100 wyverns, 300 goblins, 400 ogres and 500 wolves but it seemed like he had hunted only 99 wyverns, 299 goblins, 399 ogres and 499 wolves.

"Does that mean there is till one of each of them surviving here and hiding to attack?", he looked here and there but couldn't find anything.

Also his senses didn't make him wary of the surrounding.

But he didn't want to break his head by thinking about it and just went with the flow.

He looked at the timer of the quest and found out that only 8 minutes were left so he was kind of happy but little did he know that this happiness of his was a matter of 1-2 seconds.



[The Goblin King, King Of Wolves, Ogre King and the king of wyverns have appeared]

-> The quest's difficulty has been upgraded to SS Level from S Level.

-> The barrier will start to decrease in size with the passage of each second and close entire space within 00:00:05:00 [5minutes].

-> Barrier will cease to shrink when all the Boss monsters die.

-> Appropriate Rewards will be given based on what the user chooses - Run and Survive Or Kill And Survive.


"Eh?", he stared at the system when he got the huge texts.

"Now I get it... the last number that was missing were actually their leader who were supposed to come later?", he realised the situation and understood what was going on.

"Well, that's easy! I just have to run and survive.", he would, without a doubt, get amazing rewards by killing them and surviving but he couldn't afford to take risk since he had already exhausted almost all of his MP.

Even though his HP had been increaed initially, it was now low and he couldn't survive if he were face any of them head on.

Even a single direct hit would completely finish his HP.

But he looked towards the bow which he had and thought about using it since that could kill them easily but when he tried to pull the string, it was like a straight iron due to which his efforts were for naught!

"I can't use this either?", he asked himself while being nervous because other than a few attack skills, all other things were useless to him right now.

He wasn't complaining because he couldn't use the bow again, there might have been a cool down timer which he understood and accepted it as a fact.

"Yes... I have to r-", just as he was going to run, a huge boulder game flying towards him.

"Lightning strike!", the boulder cracked and shattered into pieces.

"What the...", he looked at the Ogre which was marching towards him. It was quite gigantic, almost twice the size of a normal ogre which itself would have been twice the size of an avatar man.

"This...", he immediately started moving when suddenly a black wolf with a horn on its head which was almost the same size of the Ogre appeared in front of him.

"Ha...?", he then immediately turned back only to find a goblin walking towards him while wearing a crown.

And when he finally turned to the last side which was left, he found a huge wyvern whucy was purely white in colour flying and staring at Jay.

"I'm so fucked up!", he said that since his initial plan was to run.

But he himself realised that it wouldn't have been possible to survive that way since there were nearly 7 minutes left and it was told that the barrier will shrink completely within 5 minutes which meant that he too would have gotten crushed by it.

"I can't use inventory... the only two things in my hand right now is a bow which is no longer usable for now and a glove...", the glove wasn't exactly powerful.

It was Jay's precision and decision making capacity that was making the glove very useful to him.

The spells were that strong and only had a bit of mana that wa scalable of destroying a D-E Rank monster on its own so Jay had to provide some of his mana in order to increase its power.

So indirectly, everything was due to Jay's current power.

Jay was moving his eyes here and there while keeping a watch on all of them. He wanted to move and escape the moment they attacked.

"I can run for now... but ultimately I have to kill them.", was what he was thinking.

"Maybe... just maybe that might work.", he suddenly got an idea which could be useful in this dire situation.

"Shadow Merchant... I am willing to trade 99 wyverns... what will I get in return?", he asked slowly.

But unfortunately there was no response. It seemed as if the voice didn't reach him so he wanted to ask again when suddenly another message popped up.



[The Shadow Merchant has taken an interest in you.]

[He wants to verify the materials before the trade]

[Do you want the verification to proceed?]

-> Yes

-> No


Jay was about to dance in joy and was about to click on Yes when suddenly all the four of them rushed towards him.

"Huh...!", he ran towards the Ogre King who was like a giant.

"Koriantan Comabts, removal of 3rd blockage!", he immediately said that after which his legs suddenly felt light.

The natural energy started flowing inside him and his speed inclrssed due to which he dashed two times faster than before.

The Ogre king got itself ready to smash him by using both of its hand but even before it could do something like that, Jay skid and passed through him right between his legs which were wide open.

"Yes!!!", not onlundis he shout yes because he was able to get out from the predicament for the time being but also clicked on the 'Yes' option which marked the beginning of verification process.

"I need to wait a bit more... Shadow Merchant, no matter who you are just trade with me and give me an amazing weapon!", he was confident enough that he would get another weapon because the wyverns were usually ten times more valued than normal monsters.

"Lightning Strike!", he kept on using this skill which turning back in order to stop or slow down the monsters that were following.

"Huff huff... please... just verify it already! Please..."



[The Shadow Merchant's trust in you has increased]

[He has accepted the trade offer and wishes to give a bonus]

-> He is willing to trade the 'Cursed Daggers' and an 'Ancient Tablet'.

-> Do you accept and wish to complete the trade?

- - -> Yes

- - -> No



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