The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 123: The Nine Generals - Part 2: Soul Extraction And Possession

Chapter 123: The Nine Generals - Part 2: Soul Extraction And Possession

"Greetings to the Overlord!", was what all of them said with a raised voice which echoed in the Room.

"Huh...!?", Jay was surprised and confused at the same time when he heard that.

His eyes were so widely opened that it felt as if they could pop out at any instant.

"Wh-what did you say?", he asked out of abiguity.

"Greetings to the Overlord!", all of them repeated themselves.

'Wha-what the heck is going on!? What are they trying to do?', he was so awed that his little common sense was totally vanished for the time being.

It felt as if his head would snap at any moment if he were to hear that anymore.

"Ov-Overlord!?", he was surprised when he heard that word specifically. He didn't even know as how they came to know about that and why were they behaving in such a way.

Also the power which was being emitted from them was without a doubt above an S tanker which was quite intriguing.

"Are... are all of you alright?", he asked because he couldn't see the same normal emotions in their eyes.

It was as if their eyes were dead and the same eyes was covered with deep blue light that was emitting continuously.

"Yes my lord!", all of them said in unison.

'Weird... too weird... what's going on...', he literally being given the treatment of that of a king.

All of them were showing respect to him which could be felt that it was generated out of fear too.

He decided to ask them if something was wrong when all of a sudden he noticed something.

There were some purplish markings all over their hands.

"Huh...?", he kept on staring at them when suddenly he noticed that the marks were somewhat similar.

It seemed as if he had seen them somewhere but was failed to recognise them.

"Where... where have I seen them?", he wondered.

"My lord, is something troubling you?", one of them asked.

He seemed to be the Vice leader due to whom all of them had survived till the end. It seemed like he came forward to ask this.

"No there's...", Jay was about to answer when suddenly a black coloured sword with the same marks as that of the pillars which was shining with purple light appeared right in the hands of Mia.

She immediately placed the sword in front of the Vice leader and said, "Don't you dare go near the Overlord, Boras!"

'Huh? Boras?', that was indeed a weird name. Jay looked at them and somehow concluded that Mia was superior for some reason.

The moment she flashed the sword, the so called Boras immediately retreated a few steps back.

"That was fine right, my lord?", Mia immediately turned towards Jay and asked this with a smile.

"Uhh...", Jay didn't want to say anything that would upset her but he too didn't know as what was exactly going on but somehow he managed.

"Yes, you did a very good job!", he said with the same deep tone that he had used while talking with Makruin earlier.

"Hehe...", Mia just smiled.

All of them were staring at Jay who was sitting there and wondering something. Their stares were so intense that it felt as if they would literally pierce his body.

"My lord, is something wrong?", now Mia asked the same question which Boras had asked earlier.

Jay didn't know what to tell but he wanted to find out the reason due to which they ended up in this state.

For that he has to return back to the sky tower as there might be some clues left there that light indicate the reason for the happening.

But while thinking that, he remembered about Makruin.

Of Makruin was present there, then he could have probably told as to what had happened to them because it was probably him who did this to the hunters.

Regardless, there was only one option left and that was to return to the sky dungeon, at least that's what he thought but then he suddenly realised that he had the system too.

So he thought about asking the system once about this because there might be a chance that the system would know what was exactly happening to them.

'System, What is exactly happening to them?', Jay asked the system in his mind.




- Soul Possession.


'Huh!? Soul possession?', Jay was confused when he read that.

He could somehow guess whatvthat was hit in the end he couldn't fully understand it.

"What's... Soul possession?", he asked it loudly.



[ Soul Possession ]

- Unique skill of the Dark Overlord.

- The Soul Of any Beast/Human/monster/linvung being can be extracted and can be put inside any other thing.

- The new body would materialise as that of old slowly based on the compatibility.


"What the...?", he was shocked by seeing that.

He had already checked his skills list but there was nothing called as Soul Possession so he didn't know as why it was written that it was an unique skill.

'Maybe... it was further down... that's why 'click for further details' option was visible...', was what he thought.

Furthermore he was shocked as how it worked. He wanted to know about it but he could see all of them staring at him continuously.

He decided to stop asking the questions to the system for a while and talk with them.

"So tell me, why have you conquered the human's bodies?", Jay asked.

Mia looked towards them and then turned back towards Jay and said, "My lord, after so long 9 bodies were offered to us and due to that our soul had entered their body, but we could only possess them after you activated your powers..."

"Are you lying?"

Jay's eyes turned completely red and his glare was too frightening. Mia shuddered for a minute but then again she just shook her head and it seemed like she wasn't lying.

"Hmm... Alright, but for now I have no need of you all, go back to how you were and release the humans, I'll find a better body for you all.", was what Jay said.

All of them nodded their heads and were trying to detach themselves from the bodies but it seemed like they failed.

'Why are they unable to successfully detach?', he asked himself but the system responded to this.



[ Answer ]

- Active Skill Soul Extraction has to be used.

- In order to make them possess something else again, active skill Soul Possession has to be used.


- Souls extracted will vanish in respective time limited based on their ranks unless a body is provided.

- Souls can't be detached from the body with which they had fused over 60% compatibility.

- Chances Of extraction decreases with increase in bonding/compatibility.


"Ah?", he was surprised to see the system respond and that too Answer in so detailed manner.

Regardless, it actually helped him to understand the actual thing that was happening here.

All the matter was about Soul extraction and soul possession. He somehow had the gist of it and now understood that he could basically use it for any and many things at the same time.

"Hmm... stop, no need to detach for now, just lie dormant...", was what he said to all those souls that had actually conquered their bodies.

The immediately bowed their heads and then became dormant.

Immediately as that happened, all the purplish mars and the dead like blue shinny eyes vanished and their body state returned to that of a normal hunter as it was from before.

They all eventually collapsed and fell down probably because they didn't have any consciousness.

"Are you...", he looked at them for a while and understood that they had literally fainted.

He wanted to call for doctor but before that he wanted to observe them as what their reactions would be.

He was curious to know if they would suffer from some memory loss, or some other phenomena but fortunately nothing like that happened after they woke up in 2 minutes.

They were just confused as how they reached here and slowly walked out of the room.

It was the same for Mia too who seemed a little bit confused and probably that was why she also left the room in haste.

Now the room was empty and the onkybone who was there in the room was Jay.

'This is a serious problem... I need to find a suitable bodies for all those souls... the 9 generals of the Dark Overlord was it?', he asked himself.

He somehow knew that those were the nine generals of the Dark Overlord. It wasn't some knowledge that he had acquired but it seemed like it was his instincts that told him about it.

"It's fun nowadays...", was what he said while looking towards the sky after sliding opening the window.

"I wonder for how long these things will last..."

He was talking about his own prowess and success that was happening recently due to which he had become strong from the past.

"The next thing that I need to do is..."

"Sleep... recover..."

"And then go for rank Evaluation...", was what he said.

But then he contradicted himself and said, "No, immediately after recovering I need to find some bodies which can host the souls..."

And this was something he had to do since he wanted to protect the humans too as he didn't have any idea to what would happen to their souls once these souls literally replace them.

Also, he couldn't possible let the souls go to waste.

"Let's... lets just sleep..."



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