The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 96: The Shadow Elves - Part 1

Chapter 96: The Shadow Elves - Part 1



[The Quest has started]

[A Variety of monsters will be spawned]

[A resting period where there will be no monster spawning will be given after every 100 monsters are killed]


Immediately after the 30 seconds were over, another notification popped up which marked the beginning of the quest.

"Fuck! What do I do!!?", he panicked because all his stats had become a single digit when he checked.

On top of that, he wasn't able to teleport nor was he able to use stealth. Even the regeneration skill and the dragon's consciousness including dragons aria didn't work form some reason.

"Why the heck aren't these skills working too?", just as he was grumbling about these skills a bull appeared out of nowhere.

It rushed towards him which all it's might.


"Huh?", Jay turned his head only to find that the distance between him and the bull was no more than 10 metres.

"Damn!", he imitially thought of dodging the bull hybeither going side ways or stepping back when suddenly my he got an idea of actually dodging and killing the bull at the same time.

Instead of moving back, he jumped forwards over the bull and was exactly on top of the bull when he immediately summoned the Blood Sword from the inventory and striked the bull.



[You have slain a horn bull]

[You have gained 30 EXP]


"Nice...", he looked at the bull which he had just skated and thought about removing its horn since its horn would fetch a large amount of money.

He slowly moved towards it when suddenly the bull vanished.

"The fuck!!?", he looked here and there and couldn't even feel its presence.

"So it's gonna be like this... whatever I kill here will end up vanishing...", that's what he concluded after a set of careful experimentation and observation.

He then looked ahead only to find many werewolf like beasts running towards him.

"Tsk, how bothersome.", he had nothing to fear since he has an S Rank weapon with him and just by swinging it he was able to kill them.

He thought that it would be the same with the werewolves however nothing like that happened.

His swinging was quite slow in front of them or rather they seemed quite fast to him.

The reason was simple, his speed stat was literally '1' due to which he couldn't be quick.

Other than that his other stats weren't compatible with the S rank weapon that he was holding due to which he wasn't able to utilise all of the sword's powers.

"Dammit!!!", he was being dealt with a large amount of wounds.

He was somehow able to avoid the vital points but still he had received a large amount of damage.

Not only were their claws dangerous but also their teeth seemed to be pointy and sturdy.

"Gaia's territory or whatever this maybe, I didn't give a shit about it!", he immediately picked up the blood sword which was actually a double handed sword in his single hand.

On the other hand he decided to equip another S rank weapon which he had got after slaying the 8 headed bat!

The werewolves dashed towards him as usual in order to kill him when suddenly he threw his sword with all his might using only one of his hands and then immediately pointed his left hand towards them.

"Special skill [REPLICATION]!", he shouted immediately after the sword was thrown.

The sword was aimed at one of the werewolves heads which perfectly slashed it but the others seemed to be fine and would have eventually reached Jay if he hadn't casted the replication spell due to which the single blood word was duplicated into many swords.

While it was in mid air, due to duplication, all the swords suddenly slashed the werewolves perfectly immediately after which the skill's effectiveness ended.

"Phew, that was close call!", he had gambled everything in the second S rank weapon which was actually a glove which had 8 hidden skills.

The system had indeed told that Jay couldn't use any skills that didn't have any primary duct iom of fighting but that rule was based only for the skills owned by him.

He now understood the reason why all the skill's ownership was given to him. It seemed as if everything was being planned or schemed by someone who was enjoying all of this while sitting in a comfy room.

The 'Glove Of Myron' as stated had 8 extra skills which didn't belong to Jay in the first place and that was why he was able to use the replication skill which was not an attack type skill in the first place.

"Hmm... it's good that this worked but there are more monsters on their way! I need to be careful."

He was completely right. A large number of bulls and werewolves including goblins attacked in huge numbers which showed up immediately after Jay had said that.

"Now time for second skill... [GRAVITY CONTROL]", suddenly the area that ranged around 30'metred from him had a force field which got developed having a large amount of pressure to it.

Any monster entering that region would feel the rise or decrease of pressure or gravity on itself based on the user's thoughts and that was why it was called an amazing skill.

But the demerit was that the skill could be activated for a limited number of times and that too for a certain amount of time.

Jay was completely aware of this since he read the details about that while analysing it that was why he hadn't used it earlier.

Now that he had used the gravity to build a lot of pressure, many monsters got crushed under it while some slowed down.

Jay saw this carefully and concluded that the strong monsters didn't get affected much by this since they could still walk towards him.

"Sigh... I guess I have no choice but to use the third skill...", he immediately decided to change from the second skill to the third skill.

"[Dimension Transfer]", immediately after he said that, all the monsters suddenly vanished to an unknown space and were completely separated from each other.

Everything around them was black due to which they were confused. On top of that they were alone which broke their moral and their spirit.

"Fourth Skill, [Dimension Splitter]", it was a strong skill which could be compared with Lightning strike.

He immediately lifted two of his fingers - the index and the middle finger - and just waved it. The fingers were shining like that of the blade of a sword and immediately after he waved them as if he was slashing something, a lot of blood started spilling from nowhere.

Immediately after he had slashed and repeated the same moment a couple of times, all the monsters that had come earlier to attack appeared again. But this time the scene was a bit different since all the monsters were dead.




[You have killed 100 monsters successfully]

[You gained 5,500 EXP]

[Resting period is provided for a whole 1 minute]

[The user can replenish his mana or HP during this time]


Jay immediately sat down and started panting as if he had done something too tiresome.

He had no idea of what was going on. He was just forced to do what the quest said since his life depended on it.

Moreover, he wasn't able to see the monsters rank and level. The only thing that he could see was the race of the monster such as 'Goblin', 'Hob goblin' etc and the number of monsters being spawned.

"I have to do the same thing for a whole 3 hours?", it sounded crazy to him because he could feel that the number of monsters that had been spawning and increaed sharply.

On top of that their strength was also increasing while he didn't feel any increase in his strength.



[Resting Period has ended]

[The next wave of monsters will be arriving in 10 seconds...]


"Damn! So fast!?", he didn't realise when the time flew because he wasn't able to rest sufficiently. It seemed as if he was able to just catch a few breaths immediately after which the time was over.

"Dang it! I don't have time now.", saying this he pulled out a bottle of potion and immediately drank it while trying to recover his HP.

All of his HP was completely recovered and he was now ready to go and fight them anytime.

"Huh? Where are the monsters? Why can't I see them?", unlike before, this time he wasn't able to see even a single monster coming.

For a second he thought that the timer might had been pushed back but the after the sudden thing that happened a moment later, he had to think otherwise.


"Huh? This...", he turned back only to find a shadow like creature holding a dagger like weapon in his hand and stabbing Jay.

"Keke keke kekekekek!", it seemed like a human shaped monster that was laughing in a weird way.

"Fuck, you bitch!", Jay immediately pulled out the Blood Sword and slashed the dark shadow but it seemed as if there was no effect and the sword just passed through him.

"Huh? This..."


Even before he could balance his stance and maintain a position or think anything else, he was stabbed again near his abdomin with the same weapon as before.

"You!!!", he immediately backed off a bit and held his stomach which was bleeding now heavily.

"J-just... what are they?"



[The Shadow Elves have arrived]

[Difficulty Level has been increased from B to A]



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