The Absolute Favorite in the Apocalyptic Rebirth

Chapter 9: The Last Days Coming V

Chapter 9: The Last Days Coming V

It took a few days to finish collecting materials in this commercial wholesale street, but the zombies have not been killed yet.

When they escaped from the commercial street, the rancid smell in the air finally dissipated a lot.

Lou Ling took a deep breath of the clean air and felt that she was finally alive. From the corner of her eyes, she saw a zombie rushing forward, and without hesitation, she waved the tang knife in her hand, chopped it off, and the head of the zombie was thrown high.

Being scratched by a zombie is about to become a zombie. These days, her training is to kill the zombie without being scratched, so she can exercise her speed and skills very much.

Returning to the place where the car was originally put, the two got into it, and as soon as the car drove, the zombies chasing over were left behind.

Lou Ling sat lazily on the seat, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, drink it, then tightened the lid and put it away.

Lou Dian glanced at her. He never said anything but saw that she had not wasted water, his eyes darkened. It seems that she is always aware of her situation. She will consciously make correct judgments. This is also why they can live safely for seven years at the end of the world in their previous life. If it weren't...

"Hey, people are calling for help!" Lou Ling said suddenly.

Looking at the side, it was a window of a room on the third floor of a private house beside the street. Someone leaned out and waved with a red cloth. Listening to the sound shouting "Help!", Lou Dian drove pass without looking at it.

The current zombies are only at their weakest level, even ordinary people can deal with it, as long as they can run fast, they will never be chased by the zombies. It's just that these people who are waiting for others to save them will expect a second time after they are saved.

Lou Ling said nothing about Lou Dian's indifference.

Although the zombies on the street come and go, as long as you dare to kill the zombies, you will never be trapped. And they just drove by, people wanted them to stop to help them kill the zombies.

Could it be that they will pick up everyone who called for help? How can there be such a beautiful thing?

On the way home, there are many cases of this. People who are hiding at home heard the sound of cars and went to the window to investigate. When they saw the cars passing by, some would call for help, some just watched.

Seeing them drove, other people also drove out to collect supplies like this. Then Lou Ling found that most of the people who dared to come out were those with abilities. The people on the roadside will ask for help from these people with abilities. The result-- needless to say, one of them suddenly drove out at a fork in the road and blocked in front of their car. A big man leaned his body out of the car window and threw a fireball at the zombies on the street, but the accuracy was very poor.

Lou Ling was originally interested in seeing them throwing powers. Although she has no powers, she has seen Lou Dian. But when these people arrogantly throw fireballs and it backfired at their cars, it's no fun.

Seeing that the fireball was about to burn their wheels, he suddenly lost his aim and didn't know how to turn it. As if a gust of wind had blown over, the fireball turned back, and it caught fire on the chassis of the car with a bang. The car suddenly failed and slid forward, making a harsh brake sound.

Lou Dian's driving skills are very good, he slid the car forward without changing his face and passed by the car. Lou Ling can also see that several sturdy men in the car were knocked out. The eyes looking at them were full of sorrow. Lou Ling was shocked, but the car passed by in an instant, thinking she didn't know if they would see each other again, so she ignored it.

Soon they returned to home after a few days away.

When the car drove into the community, the survivors in the community heard the sound and looked around. Seeing the car drove to Lou's house, they knew it was the silly Lou Ling who came out to kill the zombies every day, so they quickly withdrew their sight.

After returning home, Lou Ling looked at the familiar place, feeling a long-lost touch. It's the end of the world, and having a safe and defensive place is even more touching and reassuring than before the end of the world.

Lou Dian locked the door at the end and looked at the people who jumped onto the sofa and went on their stomachs, and there was peace in his eyes.s.

Lou Ling knew that Lou Dian's purpose was not to collect materials but to train her, so he often went to places with many zombies.

After going out for another few days, Lou Dian saw that she will not change her face when facing the zombies, so he didn't force her to go out and kill the zombies.

What makes Lou Ling realize is that she is a little unaccustomed- -is she a masochist?

It may be because Lou Ling have cleaned up the zombies and the community became very safe. These days, people from the city have fled to the community. There are many empty houses in the community, most of which are owned by the owner who did business in other places or did not come back. Those people broke the security door with brute force and then lived in those empty houses. No one said anything about them. At this kind of extraordinary time, the order is already in chaos, and people won't talk about breaking into houses illegally.

It's good to be alive.

There was another brake sound from outside, Lou Ling ran to the window and looked out, and found that survivors had broken in again. They are being chased by more than a dozen zombies. The survivors opened the blood-stained iron gate of the community and entered. The zombies outside were prevented from entering, and then they lay softy on the ground. Other people with strength looked at the community vigilantly to prevent the zombies from coming in.

Every time I saw survivors escape in, Lou Ling was a little happy, proving that there were more similar survivors.

Compared to Lou Ling's happiness, Lou Dian was indifferent. He just did his own thing, read a book, looked at her, was in a daze, and went into the kitchen to make food for her.

At this time, Lou Ling can only touch her nose, and it is hard to say anything. Although she has some ardent enthusiasm, she can't force others to be as ardent as her, right? Everyone is an independent individual, some are born with selfishness, everyone has their thoughts and lifestyles, and she is not good to blame.

Water and electricity have been shut down, but there is a gas stove at home, and there are a few cans of gas. When there was nothing wrong, Lou Dian used the food stored in the house to make as much cooked food as possible and kept it fresh in the space. Only then did Lou Ling knew about the cooked food they eat outside but did not know when the Lou Dian prepared it and put it in the space.

There is a sound from the kitchen, Lou Ling left the window, ran to the kitchen, and saw that Lou Dian was making buns, the noodles in the basin, and the seasoned fillings on the glazed table, all filled with shiitake mushrooms. Lou Ling's eyebrows were open and smiling, and she hurried over to help.

At the end of the world, Lou Dian originally bought and prepared a bunch of food, plus the materials collected these days, they don't lack foods and drinks. It's just that the water for living is more difficult. If Lou Ling does not go out to kill zombies, generally she can only wash at night-- wiping the body and dare not waste water randomly. But if killing a zombie makes her body dirty, no matter how tight the water is, Lou Dian will directly throw her into the bathroom.

After Lou Ling made an ugly bun, she was kicked out of the kitchen by Lou Dian. No way, she can only stare at the door of the kitchen and start to wrestle with Lou Dian. She is a girl who likes to be lively, and now she can't watch TV, can't surf the Internet, can't find someone to chat with, so she has to find Lou Dian, who is a family member she has lived with for more than ten years.

"Hey, do we have enough food?"

Although she doesn't know how big the space in Lou Dian is and how much food can be filled, she is always a little worried when she thinks that the end of the world will begin and when it will end.

The Lou Dian only had one sentence: "Don't worry."

Seeing what she wanted to say, Lou Dian took out a red apple from the space and stuffed it to her. Lou Ling swallowed her saliva, went to find a fruit knife to cut the apple into small pieces, and ate half of it by herself and fed him half. She is now under the care of Lou Dian, so it's not easy for her to be busy eating and not sharing with him.

However, when he bit her finger and sucked it twice, Lou Ling's face turned dark, and she decided not to do it again so as not to be awkward.

The buns made by Lou Dian are very beautiful, and the fold pattern on the top of the head is like a work of art, making Lou Ling stunned. When the steamed buns were put in the steamer and steamed, their home was knocked.

"Ling Ling, Your Highness, are you there? Open the door, we will save you!"

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