The Abused Luna's Comeback

Chapter 209 - 209 Another Vision?

209 Another Vision?

[Edward’s P.O.V.]

By the time I had rushed into the guest room, I heard the moans and sobs from my mate. I immediately noticed that she was completely covered in cold sweat.

“Mona?” I shook her, trying to get her to open her eyes but she didn’t respond at all.

“Mom, call Dr. Baldwin!”

“He’s on his way.” My mother anxiously paced back and forth with Phil in her arms.

Within seconds, Dr. Baldwin pushed the door open and came in. He trotted to the bed to observe my mate, then he opened her eyes and touched her forehead with his hands. He even pried open her mouth.

“It looks like Ms. Mona is having a nightmare,” said he. We tried to wake her again but failed.

I didn’t fully agree with Dr. Baldwin because this was very strange and unlike her. My mate was not a heavy sleeper, especially after she had Felix.

In the end, I had no other choice. I dialed a number and spoke succinctly over the phone.

“Alonso, are you with Susanna? Mona is in trouble and I need your help.”

Soon, the two of them appeared in the room together.

“Alpha, what happened to our niece?” asked Alonso.

“Mona hasn’t been able to wake up. Dr. Baldwin thinks she’s in a nightmare.”

“It’s not a nightmare. She’s experiencing something that happened in real life,” said Alonso after a while.

“What?” We were all surprised.

“I think the higher power has sent another vision to Mona.”

“Then why hasn’t she woken up?” asked I.

“Because she’s still in the middle of it. I can see that she’s upset and scared. I think she’s seeing something that she’s never experienced before.”

At this moment, my mate took a deep breath and suddenly woke up.

“Thank God, Baby. Are you okay?” I quickly went over to hold her shoulders.

“Edward?” She was completely drenched in sweat.

“I’m here, Baby. You’re okay. I’m here.” I held her in my arms. I could feel her trembling.

“Dr. Baldwin, you can return to the infirmary for the time being. Mom, can you keep Phil in your room for now?” My mother and Dr. Baldwin agreed. I trusted them but I just didn’t want to cause any kind of panic for anyone in an uncertain situation.

“Baby, what did you just go through?”

I did not hesitate to ask the moment my mom and Dr. Balwin left.

“This is ridiculous,” said Mona to us as she turned away. She seemed to feel some discomfort and when her palm touched her neck, we found that she was bleeding.

“Shit! What happened?” I moved her hair away and saw that there were puncture marks on her neck. “What the hell is this thing?!”

“Oh my God, that’s a vampire bite!” Susanna exclaimed.

“Mona, tell us what you saw.” Alonso was anxious now.

“I was in a bar. It looked like a bar or a club, and I think I was a waiter. I remember that I was a man, at least physically, and I was serving customers behind the bar. A man walked up to me and hit on me. He complimented my name and ordered the most expensive drink.”

“You are a man, and another man came to talk to you? What does he look like?” asked Susanna.

“He is very tall, taller than everyone present, so I noticed him easily.”

“Is his hair silver or white?”

“The lights in the bar were too bright. But I could tell that his skin is pale and his muscles are well developed. His voice is a little rough and hoarse, and the clothes he is wearing look expensive.”

“Continue, Mona. What happened after that?” Alonso pressed on.

“He was at the bar all night. Every time I looked at him, he was looking at me. He also ordered some more drinks after that and gave me a lot of tips. I could feel that I was in a good mood and had a good impression of him. I could feel my body getting excited – yes, the body and mind of the man I was. He seemed to need money very much. After the bar closed, I found the tall man waiting for me at the door. Then I went to the hotel with him. Then we had sex.”

I immediately roared the moment I heard the last part. I couldn’t help myself. Champion was furious inside me, but I used my last ounce of sanity to stop myself from turning.

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