The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 36 The Night Before the Storm

Chapter 36 The Night Before the Storm

Disappointed in his disciple’s recklessness, Maynard turned to Jack and deeply bowed. "Forgive this man for his disciple’s lack of discipline. If I were more strict or hands-on with him, he wouldn’t have turned out like this."

"There’s no need for you to lower yourself," said Jack. "You are close friends with the captain, and I can tell that you’re a genuine person, so don’t worry yourself too much. This idiot’s actions were his own, in the end, he is the one who should apologize and make up."

Maynard knew what Jack said was true, sighing in disappointment. "Please don’t let this affect our teamwork during this upcoming mission."

"You worry too much," joked Jack. "Let’s all calm down with an early dinner. That way we can get plenty of rest to storm the mine tomorrow."

No one disagreed as Jack retrieved three unihorns, one for his original party, another for the three samurai, and the last for Bowser as per their promise. Within half an hour, the unihorns were cleaned and being roasted over the fire to everyone’s personal preference.

"So, what do ya got in mind?" asked Maynard, looking to Rydel.

"I think you’ll like what we have planned." Jack was the one who answered, stealing everyone’s attention.

"Master was talking with your captain, you should sit and listen while they lay it out for you," stated Brunar begrudgingly.

"Actually, Jack’s the one who thought up the plan." Rydel chimed in. "I’d come up with something similar, but I think his plan is more fitting."

"Like I was saying," said Jack, ignoring Brunar’s interruption, "the plan is simple. We will all form a party, letting us see any unexpected changes in anyone’s status. Phase one consists of you three as the main force with Slivia’s support as a cleric. You’ll storm the main city gate, drawing out the bulk of the goblin forces. It’ll be hectic, but I think you’ll all manage with Slivia there to restore HP and MP while it drags on. Any questions so far?"

Maynard showed a toothy grin when he heard his role. "Sounds perfect to me!"

Troni nodded in agreement with his master and Brunar didn’t do anything to disagree, knowing that this was their specialty. Brunar turned to Slivia, "Don’t hold us back. You’re not an official member so don’t expect too much help if you can’t keep up."

"I’ll take care of her," said Troni suddenly. "You and master take the lead to slaughter the main forces, I’ll remain in the back and keep them away from Slivia. I have to admit, with a cleric’s help, even if they’re low-leveled, our stamina will be much greater." He looked to Slivia, bowing his head graciously.

She didn’t know what to say, bowing back in response. Troni’s sincere words seemed to touch her inexperienced heart.

"Good, then we’ll leave phase two to the captain. While you’re distracting the goblins, he’ll sneak into the city and eliminate the goblin king," continued Jack.

"Goblin king? How do you know there’s a goblin king?" questioned Brunar, trying to find fault wherever he could with the plan. He wanted it to go smoothly, but he didn’t like a lv. 1 calling the shots.

"Because how else could the goblins have banded together so quickly? If you want to go and research it personally, be my guest. Either way, Captain will infiltrate the city and eliminate the goblin king as phase two." Jack didn’t waste too much breath on Brunar, making sure to return to the topic quickly.

Rydel nodded and gave his two cents. "Remember, I can’t guarantee that I can kill him. He’s probably around my level and if they have someone from the Royal Court supporting them, I may even have to flee."

"Understood, no matter what happens we’ll trust your judgment. Make sure to contact me the moment there’s a change of plans," said Jack as Rydel nodded in response.

"You said there were three phases," said Maynard. "Does that mean you’re in charge of phase three?"

"Correct." Jack smiled, admitting to it. "I’ll be in charge of kicking them while they’re down. We don’t want them to regroup after losing their king, right?"

Everyone nodded, not arguing with Jack’s logic, but Brunar couldn’t believe that Jack had a way to do this alone. "Why are you the one in charge of phase three? Actually, why are you the one making the plans? You’re a lv. 1 newbie that can only hide behind his captain’s protection, you’ll just die on your own."

No one disagreed with Brunar either, understanding and agreeing with his logic.

Slivia started to worry even more for Jack. Maynard and Troni stared unhesitatingly at Jack, knowing that he would surely respond.

Rydel didn’t bother to listen to Brunar, despite his logic making sense to most people. Rydel also understood that Jack wasn’t measurable by normal logic; not only was he a summoned hero, but he was once an ancient hero at the top of the powerful Leisure Guild. Until proven incapable, Rydel would believe in Jack and his plans fully.

"You’re not wrong, but you’re not right either." Jack’s response got everyone to tilt their heads in thought. "Don’t worry about me. Besides, if I die from my foolishness, then wouldn’t you be happy?"

Brunar was silent, not admitting anything. Jack continued, "All you need to know is that Bowser and I will also infiltrate the city soon after the captain begins phase two. Just keep grinding away at the main forces until you get my signal, that’s when you’ll go all out and use your strongest skills to begin slaughtering the remaining goblins. The goblins’ morale will be on the decline after losing their king and from phase 3, so they will become easy targets by then."

"Good, I approve." Maynard gave a thumbs up. "Then we’ll leave phase three to you and that fox."

Unlike his disciples, Maynard had chatted with Rydel after finding each other in the entrance of the mine.

Rydel made sure to inform Maynard about Jack and Bowser, knowing that everyone would see the truth about Jack’s mutual seal after his next-level analysis. Of course, Jack’s information would become classified to anyone below lv. 30 in the association due to the importance of Jack forming a mutual seal with a purebred ancient bloodline.

The moment he formed that seal, Jack’s importance to the association doubled. The world would go crazy if they knew the truth about Jack; a summoned hero who was once a legendary, ancient hero and now he had a mutual seal with a Hell-flame Fox.

"But Master, there’s no way we can depend on—"

"I’ve already given my approval; you can’t change my mind. Focus on your role and let others focus on theirs, that’s why we make different phased plans. If you worried about the entire plan, you’d never be able to accomplish your task." Maynard always spoke bluntly, even more so after his top disciple had acted out so rashly against arguably the most valuable member of the entire Adventurers Association.

Not daring to speak out again, Brunar shut his mouth and nodded. He accepted his role and hoped deep down that his words would come true, letting Jack embarrass himself in front of everyone.

"Good, now let’s eat!" yelled Jack, chomping down on a unihorn leg. Everyone followed suit, letting themselves enjoy the night before a dangerous mission.

"Getting cold feet?" Jack whispered to Slivia, noticing her nerves and apprehension.

"Well, I’m just nervous like everyone else," replied Slivia.

"Just let go, don’t worry too much." Jack chuckled at how stiff Slivia had become. "Like this, you’d be a burden on the mission and wouldn’t have much hope of joining the association. Just focus on your role and nothing else, if you can do that much then you’ll be immediately accepted into the association."

"Really?" Slivia perked up after thinking about it that way.

"Of course. If anything, this was a godsent opportunity to bypass the screening and join the association directly. Consider this a test of your abilities, do well and you’ll have two high leveled adventurers witness your qualifications to join." Jack tried his best to let her focus on the bright side.

"I guess you’re right." Slivia looked down instinctively, hesitant to meet Jack’s gaze while filled with excitement to join the association.

"What are you two blabbering about, hurry and join us for a drink!" Maynard handed them two mugs filled with wine. "To a complete victory!"

"To victory!" yelled everyone as they clanked mugs and tried their best to chug their wine. Maynard and Rydel were the first to finish but Jack was only a second behind, putting a smile on Maynard’s face.

"After all this goes down, I’d love to sit down and chat with ya, Jack." Maynard took the opportunity to get closer to this mysterious hero.

"No problem, I’m sure I’ll be meeting all the high leveled adventurers after this mission anyway so why not get a head start?" laughed Jack.

After everyone finished their meal the night came to an early end as Jack had mentioned, they all made sure to rest up before the long day to come.

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