The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 298: Ambush 02

Chapter 298: Ambush 02

Land of Sound.

Kimimaro sat on the roof of the main base in the Land of Sound and looked at the clouds. His mind went to what Orochimaru had told him.


Kimimaro looked at his master and spoke. "My Lord, do you think Daichi will leave the village trying to find Tsunade?"

"Yes. Once news reaches the village that I attacked Tsunade, I'm sure young Daichi will be anxious. He won't be able to stay still in the village and will try to search for her himself. I'm sure he'll leave the village." Orochimaru replied with a sinister smile.

"You sound so sure my Lord. What if the Hokage refuses to let him go?" Kimimaro asked his master.

"Kukuku… I'm sure young Daichi will find a way to convince that old man."

Seeing Kimimaro's puzzled gaze Orochimaru continued. "You have much to learn about human nature, Kimimaro. The more time someone spends with a person the closer they become. And this bond will be even stronger between a master and a student. And those two… Tsunade and Daichi's bonds run quite deep. I have no doubt that he'll leave the village to find her. That's when Guren will strike."

The member of the Kaguya clan nodded but then frowned. There was something on his mind but he decided to keep quiet. But Orochimaru noticed Kimimaro's hesitation. "What is it Kimimaro? What do you want to ask me?"

"My Lord, wouldn't it be better to wait before going after the boy? The Leaf village will definitely have their guard up after they hear about your attack. So wouldn't it be better to wait till they relax their vigilance? Right now if Guren is caught it will expose critical information on us. Once the experiment with Tsunade is successful you'll be able to create an army that can use powerful wood style ninjutsu. If you wait, you'll be able to take revenge on the Leaf village and capture Daichi in one fell swoop."

Orochimaru chuckled after he heard that question. "Under normal circumstances that would be a better plan. But not in this case. I've gathered a great deal of intelligence on Daichi Hekima and I've noticed an important detail. His growth rate is unprecedented. Right now I'm certain he's reached at least a low Jonin level in skill and power. If I wait any longer, capturing him would be even more difficult. Once news of Tsunade's death reaches the boy he'll want revenge. He'll train even harder and become much stronger. With each passing day capturing him will become more difficult. So right now is the perfect time. While he tries to find his teacher Guren will strike."

"So that's why you asked me to assemble such a large team." The young bone user nodded in understanding.

"Yes. Even Kakashi won't be able to protect the boy with such a team. And Guren will capture the boy and bring him to that location." Orochimaru replied with a grin. His dreams are so close. He could feel it.

"Once I have Daichi, we'll go after Sasuke. He'll be the last piece. Tsunade, Daichi and Sasuke. My ambition can be realized with the capture of those three."

"We won't fail you my Lord." Kimimaro spoke as he bowed to Orochimaru.

Flashback End.

Kimimaro felt the wind blowing in his face and turned to the direction of the Fire country. 'Guren. This is the most important mission you'll complete for Lord Orochimaru in your entire life. If you fail, I'll kill you myself.'


Land of Fire.

In a forest a few kilometers outside the capital several people were waiting for Daichi and his team.

Guren thought about the strategy put in place. She looked at the 5 ninjas near her and her eyes narrowed.

'That Anbu that was spying on Kabuto managed to cripple one of these idiots. Still we have nine people on our side. We definitely have them outnumbered. I've already sent 3 to the other side. They'll intercept them from the front. And then mid battle I'll have another team of 3 attacking from the rear. Once they're weakened I'll go in for the capture with Rinji and Gozu.'

"Guren. They've entered the forest." Rinji turned to the team leader and reported at that moment.

"Hahaha… Good. About time. Let's proceed."

"The first team has been notified. They're going to intercept the ninjas from the Leaf." Rinji spoke as he listened to the bat.

"Good. The first ambush team will strike soon." Guren then looked at the 3 Sound ninjas and gave the order. "Go. Attack them from the back. Wear them down."

The three sound ninjas nodded and disappeared from their spot. Guren turned her attention back to Rinji. "Is Kakashi with the brat?"

Rinji shook his head. "No. Based on their appearance and comparing it with the intel we got from Kabuto, it's not Kakashi but Genma and Anko. Two special Jonins."

"Hahaha… Then this mission will be completed faster than I thought. Come on."

"Shouldn't we keep our distance till the last moment?" Rinji asked the blue haired woman.

"We'll stay out of their range. But I'm curious to see that brat in action. He's talented but I want to see why Lord Orochimaru values him so much." Guren's smile dimmed as she spoke the last part. She didn't say anything more and disappeared from her position with Rinji and Gozu following her.


With Anko, Genma and Daichi.

The three left the Fire capital and were making their way back to the village. Daichi had a lot on his mind as he moved through the forest.

'Damn it. We didn't find any useful leads. Even if I analyze Nam's whereabouts and find something, for all I know Orochimaru killed that Nam guy to cover his tracks. We might be chasing a ghost here… Is this why I didn't get a quest for this mission? Is there another purpose for me coming here?'

The Genin sighed as he looked ahead. 'But then what's the real reason the system led me here? What was the point?... It seems all I can do now is trust my two clones. Orochimaru's main base must have something. Based on what I understand, if I can find one of his bodyguards, I'll have an idea as to where Tsunade is… They are his most trusted people. They would definitely know.'

Genma who was near the Genin saw the boy's silence and wanted to cheer him up. "Daichi, I know you're worried. But we're going to find Lady Tsunade. We won't give up."

"He's right. And besides Lady Tsunade is one of the Legendary Sannin and one of the smartest people in the world. If anyone can survive, it's here." Anko also tried to reassure the boy.

Daichi nodded and gave them a small smile. "I haven't given up hope. I still-"

Just then he sensed three chakras coming from the front. 'Based on their path they're coming straight for us.'

"We have company." Daichi spoke. His senses were much sharper than the two Jonins.

Daichi's words put Genma and Anko on alert and only after several seconds did they sense the enemy. The two Jonins were astonished at the young Genin's sensory skills.

Genma glanced at the boy from the corner of his eyes. 'Even with his warning, it still took a while for me to pick those chakra signatures. That means… His sensory range is far greater than mine.'

The three were on alert and were ready for battle. Moments later multiple small air pressure attacks came and targeted the three Leaf ninjas. All of them evaded and landed on the ground safely.

In seconds three ninjas with no identifiable markings appeared before them.

At that moment before Daichi could use his observe skill his next quest appeared.

[Quest created - Defeat and Capture.]

[A large team of strong ninjas have come after you. Their goal is to capture you. Defeat them and capture the enemy.]

Daichi narrowed his eyes as he read the first part of the quest. 'A large group? Three isn't exactly a large group… Then that means there's more on the way…'

He quickly read through the rest of the quest details.


Defeat all the enemies.

Do not let Anko or Genma die.

Capture at least 5 enemies alive.



[30000 Exp.]

[Increased chances of rescuing Tsunade Senju and Shizune Kato.]

[Reputation increases with ninja of the Leaf village.]

[Reputation becomes hostile with certain people.]



[Reputation decreases with the Hokage, Kakashi Hatake.]

[Death of Tsunade Senju.]

[Possible unknown consequences.]


[Accept Y/N]

Daichi immediately accepted the quest. His mind quickly sorted through the information and he came to a conclusion.

'So there are more than 5 enemies huh. The fact that capturing them is an increased chance in saving sense means… These guys all work for Orochimaru. Looks like he's finally decided to come after me huh. He must have gathered intel on me. So he must know at least a good deal about my skills. And the fact that he still sent people at this time means the ones he's sent are powerful… Is it possible… If the Sound four or Kabuto are the ones coming after me and these guys are just decoys then I'll definitely be able to get to Orochimaru if I capture them.'

Daichi looked at the three and took notice that their eyes were mainly on him. Anko and Genma also picked up on this detail and moved closer to Daichi.

Then Genin narrowed his eyes. 'Observe.'

[LV. 51] [Yuma]

Age: 30

HP: 6132 CP: 5467

Affiliation: Orochimaru

[Yuma is one of Orochimaru's prisoners. He was captured 3 years ago and underwent multiple experiments. His body underwent multiple surgeries and his hands have been physically altered with unnatural enhancements. His fingers have been fitted with hollow air tubes that extend through his arms that allow him to use air pressure attacks. He is given a curse seal which can be activated remotely. He is currently a ninja of the Sound village under the Sannin Orochimaru.

STR - 185

AGI - 190

INT - 49

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied.]

'This guy seems like another version of Zaku. Maybe an earlier prototype? He can use air pressure attacks, but unlike Zaku he has tubes connected from his fingertips.'

Daichi's eyes quickly moved to the second enemy.

[LV. 49] [Ryotoba]

Age: 23

HP: 5109 CP: 5400

Affiliation: Orochimaru

[Ryotoba is one of Orochimaru's prisoners. He is given a curse seal that transforms him into a hybrid of human and piranha. Due to the nature of the curse seal he is aggressive and violent but is submissive to someone stronger. He has a strong sense of smell and thirst for blood. In his transformed state he has sharp claws and high agility. His curse seal can be activated remotely. He is currently a ninja of the Sound village under the Sannin Orochimaru.

STR - 200

AGI - 235

INT - 42

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied.]

'So another science experiment huh. He looks like a fish hybrid similar to the ones I found on the Land of Sea. Just from looking at his grin… I can tell that this guy has killed plenty.'

Daichi then quickly gathered information on the last one.

[LV. 55] [Tanjero]

Age: 27

HP: 8120 CP: 8820

Affiliation: Orochimaru

[Tanjero is one of Orochimaru's prisoners. He underwent extensive experiments under Orochimaru and gained two additional arms. He was also given a curse seal which gives him a strong boost in speed and strength. He lacks the ability to use ninjutsu but can compensate with high level Taijutsu. His curse seal can be activated remotely. He is currently a ninja of the Sound village under the Sannin Orochimaru.

STR - 271

AGI - 280

INT - 46

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied.]

'So a knock off version of Lee and Guy huh. His strength and speed are far greater than the other two… I need to warn them.'

"Do you work for Orochimaru?" It wasn't Daichi who asked this question but Anko.

She read the report on Daichi and Kakashi's mission in the Land of Sea and knew what they found in the Laboratory there. Anko noticed that one of the enemies had characteristics of a fish and she also noticed the man with four arms.

'That bastard always gave his followers creepy powers. The fact that one of them is similar to the experiment on the Demon Island laboratory and another has 4 arms. They must be Orochimaru's people.'

This was the conclusion Anko came to.

"Not bad. You're smarter than you look, woman." Yuma grinned as he looked at Anko.

"Now that you know who we work for, are you gonna beg for mercy?" Ryotobas asked. The bloodlust coming from him could be felt by everyone.

Genma twirled the senbon between his lips and smirked as he gazed at the trio. "You really have a low opinion of us Leaf ninjas don't you? Hmph. Begging for mercy. Shouldn't that be our line?!"

The three got angry as they looked at Genma's calm face. Daichi immediately used Observe on Genma and Anko and quickly let out a small breath of relief. 'Their stats and level are higher than these clowns. They'll be fine… But will that be the case if their curse seal activates or if more show up?'

"Sensei. I think there might be more people waiting to ambush us. I think these guys are just a distraction." Daichi quickly warned the two.

"Yeah. I kinda had a feeling." The jovial smile on Genma's face vanished and was replaced with a serious demeanor.

"We need to capture them all alive. They might have information we need." Anko spoke and the two nodded.

The three ninjas under Orochimaru were furious hearing the Leaf ninjas casually talking about capturing them.

"Attack. Don't show any mercy." Ryotoba roared and the three moved.

The battle between the Leaf ninjas and Orochimaru's minions have begun.

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