The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 73: Dark Deals Made In The Shadows 02

Chapter 73: Dark Deals Made In The Shadows 02

Several miles outside the Leaf village.

The space rippled in a vortex shape and the masked man suddenly appeared in the middle of the forest. He looked at the moonlight shining down on him and went to a nearby rock and sat down. The hidden leader of the Akatsuki organization and one that goes by the name Madara Uchiha. Real identity - Obito Uchiha.

Several seconds later another figure appeared out of the ground. This creature had two Venus flytrap-like extensions emerging from its sides that protected the upper body and the head like a shell.

The right half of the face had a completely black appearance with a single yellow eye that lacked a visible pupil and it had no other human characteristics. The left side was made up of a white creature with human-like facial features, green hair and a proper yellow eye. The creature was wearing a black cloak with red clouds on them. One of the members of the Akatsuki organization - Zetsu. The spy and the one tasked with collecting intelligence on enemies and other countries.

"Is it done?" The gruff voice from the black half of the face came.

"Yeah. The Uchiha clan is no more. And now Itachi will work for us." Obito answered.

"Ooohhh!! So did we make a new friend?" The question was asked from the white half of Zetsu in a slightly excited voice.

"Quite you chatterbox. And no. At best Itachi would be nothing more than a co worker!" Black Zetsu replied.

"Zetsu! Keep an eye on Itachi. He killed the clan to safeguard the village and his brother. He entered our organization most probably to spy on me." Obito knew a man like Itachi wouldn't leave things to chance.

"Hmm We'll be discreet." Black Zetsu responded.

"Did you get what you wanted?" The white Zetsu asked Obito.

"Yes. I've taken almost every Sharingan I believe is valuable from the corpses. This will make sure Danzo or anyone else won't get their hands on the Uchiha Kekkei Genkai. And now I have spares to use in case an emergency arises."

"Were there any complications?" Black Zetsu asked.

"No. I did pay Danzo a visit though."

"Did you kill him? Now that the Uchiha clan is gone, he is of no use."

"True. He is of no value right now. And I was tempted to kill him But I let him live." Obito said, looking up at the moon.

"Any particular reason? He could become a problem if left alone." Black Zetsu wanted to take every variable into consideration for his plans. Letting someone like Danzo live was not ideal for his and the Akatsuki's goals.

"Yes. Given time he might become a thorn. But I need him alive for now. The threat Danzo poses against Itachi's brother Sasuke Uchiha will keep most of Itachi's attention on him. If I had killed Danzo, then I have no doubt Itachi would become much more focused on us and far more of a problem for our goals in the future." Obito crossed his hands and looked at Zetsu again.

"If you know he's such a threat then why keep Itachi alive?" Zetsu questioned.

"Rarely few are born with talents like his. Just because he might become a threat doesn't mean he can't be of value. His strength and now his feared reputation can be put to good use for our organization."

"Understood." Black Zetsu agreed with that reasoning.

"Ohh!! So when can we meet him?" The white Zetsu asked with a child-like enthusiasm.

"Why don't you head over to his location right now. You can assess him for yourself."

Zetsu nodded and left Obito to find Itachi and seconds later Obito vanished as well.


Root Laboratory.

A tall man with a light complexion and shaggy black hair was looking through the microscope and taking down notes based on his observation.

He was in a large room filled with several experiment containers, equipment and rare samples. This was a research facility of the root and under the supervision of the man named Tanuki Shigaraki. The door to the room opened and the sound of footsteps and a walking cane could be heard. The man turned his head to look at the visitor and then immediately stood and bowed.

"Lord Danzo." The man greeted his superior.

"Shigaraki! How goes the research with Hashirama's cells?" Danzo Shimura asked the man.

"I've learned quite a bit. Thanks to Orochimaru's experiment documents and notes you provided me, I was able to further my research at a faster rate." The man was excited to share what he had learned studying the cells of the first Hokage.

"What about the main project?" Danzo inquired.

"Forgive me lord Danzo, but that will take a long time to complete. Even with my current understanding of Hashirama Senju's cells it will take years for me to complete that work." Shigaraki replied while lowering his head.

"No matter. I knew it would be a very difficult project when I assigned you to it. Right now I'm here for your progress on the cells. Tell me how much you've learned." Danzo went near the table and looked at the blood sample.

Tanuki Shigaraki went to a nearby desk and picked up several papers. "It's truly incredible. Based on these cells alone I've learned that our first Hokage was on an entirely different level than any other ninja that lived."

Danzo nodded his head agreeing with the man. When he was young and shortly before the first great war he saw Hashirama Senju in battle and the power of his wood style. Ever since that day he became obsessed with his strength. He convinced Hiruzen to conduct experiments with the first Hokage's blood but since there were only casualties the third Hokage shut down the research and declared it forbidden.

But Danzo didn't give up. He restarted the project in secret inside the root and helped Orochimaru abduct leaf villagers for experiments. Danzo's goal was to understand and obtain the power the first Hokage had.

Danzo spoke. "Tell me everything you've learned."

Tanuki nodded. "First of all, even a small portion of his blood contains a sufficient amount of power and vitality. Whoever gets accustomed to his DNA will no doubt have wood release ability. And that's not mentioning the increased chakra reserve, vitality and body strength."

Tanuki continued. "The person would also theoretically have a longer life span and a strong increase in their earth and water chakra natures. I'm assuming this is what gives the ability to create and use wood style Jutsu. I'm also certain that his chakra will increase the strength and effects of any jutsu used by several folds."

Danzo nodded as he listened to his researcher. He needed the strength of the first Hokage, now more than ever. 'I need the Sharingan to use that jutsu. And the first Hokage's cells play a vital role in my plans.'

It was then that Tanuki's face turned slightly grim.

"What is it?" Danzo enquired.

"While it would help us, there is also a major problem. The strength of Hashirama's blood is a double-edged sword. While it would no doubt tremendously help the person who gets acclimated to it, for everyone else it's fatal. It's too powerful!"

Taking a breath he continued. "The first Hokage's cells, instead of accepting or merging with the new cells, attack the host body and overpower the DNA of the person experimented on and mutate their cells to the point it kills them. Orochimaru's experiment with the 60 children is proof of that and it corroborates my results as well."

"Do you have a solution for it?" Danzo was calm and collected on the outside but he was slightly anxious in his heart. He desperately needed this power.

"The first is to find someone with a powerful physique and great chakra reserves and with compatible DNA to that of Hashirama Senju. But to find someone like that is extremely difficult And even then to successfully graft the cells onto this person and have him survive The chances are slim with my current data and understanding of the cells. The second solution is if we somehow create a host body that will accept his DNA and get acclimated to its changes and strength There are a few other methods as well but all of these will take time."

Tanuki Shigaraki was loyal to the root and its cause. And he was an excellent researcher as well. So Danzo didn't doubt the man. After thinking about it for a while Danzo had an idea.

"Give me a copy of everything you've learned on the cells. I'll take it from here." Danzo ordered.

"Yes lord Danzo!" Shigaraki bowed and got to work. He quickly made a copy of all his findings on Hashirama's blood and handed them over to Danzo.

With the files in hand, Danzo left the lab. He went outside to a secluded part of the base. He closed his eyes and stood still and waited for the arrival of someone. After several minutes a playful voice came from the darkness.

"I didn't expect you to contact me so soon Danzo."

Danzo merely grunted. "Some things have happened in the village. I'm sure you'll find out about it soon Orochimaru!"

A man with pale skin, golden eyes with slitted pupils and with purple markings around his eyes appeared. He was wearing plain gray garbs with black pants and had a thick purple rope belt tied into a large knot behind his back.

"Oohh! Now you got me curious. Still With Sarutobi sensei keeping an eye on things, you wouldn't have called me for something trivial. So what is it?"

"I remember you telling me about an experiment you have. One with the capability to adapt to new foreign DNA?! I want him!" Danzo said without beating around the bush.

"Ahh! You're asking about Shin. Unfortunately he died some time ago." Orochimaru said with a straight face. 'His body is one of my most valuable experiments. I won't give him up before I'm done with him.'

Danzo's eyes narrowed as he heard that weak excuse. Danzo only flicked a finger and the area was immediately surrounded by a dozen root operatives.

"Don't play games with me boy!" Danzo was in no mood to tolerate Orochimaru's antics. But he also knew he needed the Snake's help. And he knew that Orochimaru knew that too.

Orochimaru chucked at the show of force from the root leader. "I'm just a clone You didn't really think I'd come here in person just because you called, did you?"

Danzo was silent as he gazed at the grinning Sanin.

"Regardless, you've piqued my curiosity. What's this about?"

Danzo slightly waved his hand and the root ninja disappeared.

"I want the Sharingan. And he will be useful in acquiring it."

"I see Unfortunately I don't have a Sharingan with me. So I'm unable to help you Unless you have some" Orochimaru looked at Danzo questioningly.

"No!... But I have the next best thing." Danzo took a vial of blood from his pocket and held it up. He spoke.

"This is Itachi Uchiha's blood. I'm sure you can create a few Sharingan using this blood and Shin's body."

Danzo then took out the files on Hashirama Senju's blood work. "This is the research on the first Hokage's cells conducted by one of mine."

Danzo didn't say anything more and looked at the Sanin.

Orochimaru looked at the two objects in Danzo's hand. A wide grin appeared on his face. He chucked, understanding Danzo's intentions.

"How about we make a deal?" Orochimaru spoke.

"Let's hear the terms."

"You give me Itachi's blood and the files and I'll make sure to give you several pairs of sharingan and I'll see if I can safely add the strength of the first Hokage to your body." Orochimaru said with a grin.

Danzo looked at the man. "In exchange?"

"Funding, experimental equipment, and keeping Sarutobi sensei's Anbu off my tracks Do we have a deal?" Orochimaru folded his arms and looked at the one eyed man.

Danzo nodded and grunted. He tossed the vial and folder expertly to Orochimaru. The snake Sanin caught both objects.

"Don't make me wait"

"Of course." Orochimaru replied with a grin.

"And boy! Keep in mind what will happen if you double cross me." Danzo said in a serious warning tone.

Orochimaru's grin vanished and he released his killing intent. The next second root Anbu were all around him but several were affected by the snake sanin's murderous intent. They raised their weapons against him but they didn't dare make another move without the order of their leader.

Only Danzo and a couple others were completely unaffected by the killing intent. After several tense seconds, Orochimaru let go of the intent and disappeared.

"I'll see you soon Danzo!" Those words were the last Danzo heard from Orochimaru that night.

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