The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 240: Reunion with Lin Xianer!

Chapter 240: Reunion with Lin Xian'er!

"Huh? Ling Feng, is that you?"

There was a tone of utter surprise in her voice, even a hint of disbelief.

"Someone here recognizes me?" Ling Feng paused for a moment, and then turned to see a familiar figure standing a hundred paces away. She was dressed in a white veil gown and her beautiful eyes were filled with a kind of joyful surprise.

This woman... isn't she Lin Xian'er!?


Beside Lin Xian'er stood a girl in a goose-yellow gown, a few years older than Lin Xian'er. Though not stunningly beautiful, she possessed a standard charm.

"Ms. Lin?" Ling Feng greeted Lin Xian'er with a smile.

He only knew Lin Xian'er as a student of Tianwei Academy, and it seemed she also had a teacher who was the vice-director of the academy. He never expected her to be a sky-tier student as well.

In fact, Lin Xian'er's cultivation was far from meeting the standards of a sky-tier student, but her teacher seemed to have implanted a treasured item within her body. Once that treasured item was refined by Lin Xian'er, her cultivation would skyrocket, surpassing many ordinary sky-tier students.

"I almost thought I got the wrong person!" Lin Xian'er's face lit up with joy as she turned to the girl beside her, saying with a smile, "Senior Sister Yun, he's the Ling Feng I mentioned. You go find the teacher first and I'll join you in a moment."

The girl referred to as 'Senior Sister Yun' glanced at Lin Xian'er, and then at Ling Feng, a hint of ambiguity flashing across her face. "Alright, I won't disturb you two then."

Blushing, Lin Xian'er glared at Senior Sister Yun. "Stop teasing!"

Giggle... Senior Sister Yun chuckled softly, and then turned and left.

Lin Xian'er quickly walked up to Ling Feng with her hands behind her back while playfully sizing him up before nodding. "I didn't expect Tianwei Academy's uniform to look so good on you."

Ling Feng rubbed his nose. "I really didn't expect to meet you here."

"Neither did I, but thinking about it, it's not surprising. With your talent, you're definitely qualified to enter Tianwei Academy." Lin Xian'er narrowed her eyes. "By the way, aren't you a yellow-tier student? How come you're here in the sky-tier student area? If some people with ulterior motives see you, they might cause trouble for you."

"Don't worry about that. No one will cause trouble," Ling Feng replied with a faint smile. Suddenly, he remembered something and quickly took out a silk handkerchief from his storage ring, handing it to Lin Xian'er. "Ms. Lin, this is your handkerchief. It ended up in my possession last time."

"You still kept it!"

Lin Xian'er looked at the handkerchief, her cheeks slightly flushed. She pushed it back into Ling Feng's hand. "Since you've kept it for so long, you can have it."

"Huh?" Ling Feng was momentarily stunned, and then reluctantly took back the handkerchief, muttering to himself. It's not like it's of any use to me...

Seeing Ling Feng take back the handkerchief, Lin Xian'er asked, "By the way, Brother Ling, I noticed you looking around earlier. Are you lost?"

"Not exactly." Ling Feng shook his head. "I'm looking for the training grounds of the East Court's sword team. Do you know where it is?"

"The East Court's sword team?" Lin Xian'er's eyes widened. "No way. Y-You've only joined Tianwei Academy for a few days, right? Although your strength is not bad, the requirements to join the sword team are very high. I suggest you focus on cultivation within the academy for a year or two, and then consider these matters after becoming a sky-tier student."

"Uhh..." Ling Feng couldn't help but find Lin Xian'er's earnest advice amusing. After patiently waiting for her to finish, he took out a token and said calmly, "Ms. Lin, this is the team member's token of the East Court's sword team, given to me by the captain."

"What token? You're not being tricked, are you?" Lin Xian'er reached out to take the token and scanned it, freezing in place.

Indeed, it was the token representing the identity of a member of the sword team, and not just any member, but a member of the first team!

Lin Xian'er felt like her worldview was collapsing. She knew Ling Feng was talented, but to this extent?

Ling Feng has been at Tianwei Academy for less than a month, and he has already been recruited by the sword team?

Lin Xian'er's heart surged with tumultuous waves, but after a long while, she finally calmed down.

She handed the sword team member's token back to Ling Feng, took a deep breath, and felt a slight heat on her face.

Recalling how she had foolishly advised Ling Feng to cultivate quietly for a year or two, she wished she could find a hole to hide in.

"Haha, Ms. Lin, are you blushing?" Ling Feng couldn't help but smile at Lin Xian'er's adorable appearance.

"I-I'm not!"

Lin Xian'er glared at Ling Feng. "I've been to the training grounds of the East Court's sword team a few times before. I've watched them participate in some training matches with the sword teams from other courts. I'll take you there."

"Thank you very much, Ms. Lin," Ling Feng said with a slight smile.

"Hmph, it seems that you’ve forgotten that I told you to just call me Xian'er last time!" Lin Xian'er pouted, clearly implying she wouldn't lead the way unless he complied.

"Alright." Ling Feng nodded. "Thanks, Xian'er, for showing me the way."

"Hmph, that's more like it!" Lin Xian'er gave Ling Feng a disdainful look. "Follow me!"

Following Lin Xian'er, they weaved through rows of neatly arranged buildings until they reached a majestic structure.

Before them stood a massive sword fighting platform, five times larger than the one used for the team competition with the West Court.

Behind the platform was a three-story hall, with a horizontal plaque above it reading 'Limitless Sword Dao.'

This was evidently the training ground of the East Court sword team.

"Here we are. You can go in yourself. I heard the training of the sword team is very secretive, and non-members are not allowed to observe." Lin Xian'er said enviously while gritting her teeth. "I need to go find my teacher. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, and thank you for bringing me to the sword team," Ling Feng said gratefully, watching Lin Xian'er leave. Then, with a sense of anticipation and excitement, he strode towards the hall.

Starting from today, Ling Feng was going to become a member of the East Court's sword team!

With a mix of anticipation and excitement, Ling Feng strode towards the hall.

He had a feeling that when he pushed open that door, a whole new life would await him...

1. Author's note: Please note, Lin Xian'er currently has no knowledge of Wenxian Sect's affairs, nor does she know that Lin Canglang is no longer the sect leader. And Ling Feng has never known Lin Xian'er as Lin Canglang's daughter. ☜

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