The Baby Raising A Devil

Chapter 356

Chapter 356

TL: Zimmings

I grumbled and crept up to the young gardener who pruned the vine wall.



The startled gardener stepped back. I hurriedly opened my arms and said,

“I’m not a bad pewson! I’m Bwaine!”

“Ah… hello, lady.”

The boy lowered the gardening scissors. I sneaked across the wall and approached the boy.

“Is it hard?”

“Oh, no!”

The boy floundered as if it was difficult to tell the employer’s child that the work was difficult.

“But you just gwumbled, you said ‘Hans, live a long and healthy life but be unhappy. Just give have small iwlnesses, or step on a corn* ”

*TL/N: Probably Korean equivalent of stepping on a lego.

As I said that to him, he turned pale and looked at Hans, a gardener who was far away from us. Then he begged me, rubbing both hands.

“Keep it a secret, okay?”

“Okay. Bwaine is a gwood kid. (Okay. Leblaine is a good kid.)”

“Oh my, you’re like Dubblede’s angel.”

The boy smiled and continued.

This kid really talked a lot.

“Work is fun. There’s just so much to do. The flower bed I’ve been working on all month will change next month. Lady, I went through all kinds of noble mansions, but I’ve never seen a place like this with a lot of work. Everyone have so much loyalty and affection for their master! If the duchess and lady pass by and say that the Lily is pretty, Hans will probably change the garden tomorrow. You can’t believe it? Believe me! This time again, I’m making a rose wall for the duchess who said she liked roses this summer. And you know. Whatever you and the young master says, they will do it. But aren’t they trimming the shape of the garden tree too much? Look. How much the tree has shrunk. It’s pitiful. It’s not that I don’t like working on it.…. There’s a lot to learn. I’ve never seen such talented gardeners. It’s not that there are few talented people, and how fortunate Dubblede is to be that generous to employees. Oh, that’s right. Thank you so much. I bought a good coat for my parents from the bonus salary last month. Oh bonus salary? Do you know how happy I felt when I received it? As expected, the gold vein of the empire, Dubblede.”

The words almost caused my eyes to twirl.

The boy’s words flowed into my left ear and left my right ear.

“So… Lady? Lady?”


“Anyways, Dubblede is a fun place to work. You can also see flowers or trees you’ve never seen before. The land is so big that it’s fun to decorate it.

I can’t stand it! So I clapped my hands.

“So you’we saying you like Dubblede? (So you’re saying you like Dubblede?)”


“Is that the case with other families?”

The boy whispered,

“Not at all. Every day was painful. When I was working at Count Roem, I suffered……. Three people gave all the work to one person. I don’t know how much money they give to the temple-”

“A temple? Thewe’s a temple?”

When I asked in amazement, the boy nodded.

“Yes. The only god in this world, who dreams of a world for children-”

There was an ominous vibe in the word ‘a world for children’. I said stiffly.

“No way Newiard……”

“-God Renosha.”



I’ve never heard of such a god.

How could it be Renosha, not Neliard, Serga, or even the name of any other pioneers?

‘There is no one named Renosha among the devils.’

It’s a name I’ve never heard of in ancient times.

‘I know the word ‘Renosha’ itself. It’s an ancient word that means ‘child of light.’ But there was no one who used to use it as a name.’

I grabbed the gardener and asked.

“Tell me mowe!”

“Yes, you might be wondering, because lady is also born with divine power.”

He talked about God Renosha in earnest. In incredibly long and detailed.

To summarize the content of 30 minutes, it was like this.

*God Renosha inherited the world from an ancient god.

*With the help of the God Renosha, Emperor Fred created the Wigentra Empire.

*God Renosha often gives directions to the world. The god come down several times a year, and with the help of God, the continent has overcome crises several times a year.

*Dubblede is a family especially loved by God Renosha, and even when Theodore Dubblede ousted his predecessor, they helped him by meeting the Lisette Grimoire.

“Lisette Grimoire…”

I murmured, and the boy said with a grin.

“You don’t know. The world almost turned upside down when master and her got married.”


“Even though the duchess is the illegitimate child of Grimoire, she had noble blood of the Duke of Grimoire with the woman of the Shayman tribe, right?”


“A combination of Dubblede and Grimoire. How can there be a perfect combination like this?”


“Everyone is jealous. Perfect background and with god’s blessing. Haha, it was like the world is made for them.”

As he was talking, I heard Hans the gardener shout.

“Hey, Pascal! You’re not working again huh, you’re just chatting!”

The startled boy quickly grabbed the scissors and said,

“Next time I see you, I’ll tell you a more interesting story!”

Then he left quickly.

I hardened.

This world is different from Neliard’s world, it tak away the pain and darkness of life, and inserted light into the remaining place.

Now I knew who God Renasha was.

I couldn’t help but know.

The person who can make this perfect world for me…… That’s only…….

‘Adrian, you idiot.’

How much time have you wandered so far and how many times have you been in pain to create this world?

Baal said even God can’t touch time.

That was the reason why even Neliard couldn’t do anything about m regressing.

If Adrian, who is not a god but a pioneer, has touched this much, then… … .

‘Will he be okay?’

You, who gave up everything for me, can I really save you and go back?

‘You told me not to cry, but I cry the most because of you.’

I’m sorry for you.

Because my love is so insignificant compared to your love.

My eyes turned red. I barely buried my face in my small hands and took a deep breath.

At that time.

“Who are you-!”

A thunderous shout came in.

Surprised, I looked up and saw an elderly man and a man with a very angry expression.

He’s the predecessor and the Duke Grimoire .

A black energy flowed around the two of them.

“Who dares to make my angel cry!”

“Which bastard make my fairy cry?”

Oh my god…


My maternal grandfather and uncle looked at me with a worried and foolish expression.

“Come on, come on. My angel cried because she wanted to see me. This old man.”

“No, she wants his uncle.”

If I don’t make an excuse, someone innocent is about to be fired, so I had no choice but to make an excuse, but I’m fiercely regretting it now.

“Grandpa, youw beard…”

I wondered who taught my mom to rub her cheeks on me that way, but was it Grimoire’s predecessor?

When my uncle clicked his tongue and tried to take me away, my maternal grandfather slapped his hand.

“Where’s this pig that did this to you huh?”

Well, my mother’s way of speaking was also from my maternal grandfather.

I was pulled around like a string between my maternal grandfather and uncle.

“Keep your dirty hands away from my fairy.”

“My angel.”

“My fairy.”

She’s not your angel.”

I was really tired.

So in this life, this two fearsome commander have been in my life since the very start?

‘How are the two of you like this?!’

As Chul-soo said, the Duke of Grimoire is someone who believed that blood is thicker than water.

‘B-but it’s a bit scary.”

As I was screaming to myself, unable to speak, someone hugged me from behind.

“She’s my daughter.”

It was my dad.

My dad was much more used to holding children than when I was four in the world where Neliard was.

I sighed and hugged him by the neck.

Unlike me, who was relieved, the Grimoire people stared at my dad as if they were going to kill him.

Grandpa exclaimed and crossed his legs.

“How can you have no manners when you see me. You’re not cute at all.”

“If you don’t bother my daughter, I’ll try to be more cuter.”

“No need. It’s disgusting.”

“That’s a relief.”

Dad then settled on the sofa across from them.

My seat was on my dad’s lap, but I was glued to him for fear of being dragged by the two of Grimoire.

Just in time, Reina brought tea and juice.

My dad handed me a straw of orange juice and asked.

“But why are you here without any notification?”

“…Isn’t it ‘the day of the beginning’ soon?”

The day of the beginning?

There was no such thing in Neliard’s world.

When I opened my eyes as if to ask what it was, my grandfather smiled and said to me.

“It means that it’s the day of happiness. Children who are four years old gather in the temple and wish them good luck in their future lives.”

When I heard the date, I grabbed the glass tightly.

That’s the day I met Adrian in Neliard’s world.

Just in time, my mother, aunt, and brothers entered the drawing room.

Mom greeted my maternal grandfather and uncle and asked.

“What were you talking about?”

My uncle answered.

“The fairy is curious about the day of the beginning. Leblaine, that day the child can hear the voice of God. Our knight Andy gave a new name for Zachary and sent him to Dubblede, and the genius Weil, a candidate for archmage, also received new parents from God on that day. It’s Trigon, the archmage.”

I was hungry and was slowly becoming a child, so I couldn’t understand my uncle’s words well.

I merely bite the straw, and my aunt added.

“Usually they got a life-long partner, like Lisette and her brother.”

Then the family flinched.

My grandfather said,

“Coming to think of it, I wonder if there is any reason for her to come.”

Dad agreed.

“That’s right.”

My brothers nodded their heads vigorously.

“Do we need to follow just because it’s what other people do?”

“No. Brother.”

“That’s right!”

My mother and the maids looked sad.

“But getting a partner is romantic. And a married couple is always happy. Like me and this person.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Isaac opened his eyes and grabbed me.

“No need, kid!”


Then the men’s faces brightened.


“You don’t have to go…!”

“Bwain likes someone.”

As I spoke casually, the atmosphere froze.

Only Reina and my mother said, “Oh my God!” and was excited

In the silence, my maternal grandfather asked.

“Wh- who, who, who is it!”

Then my father said before I could answer.

“You said you wanted to marry your dad…”

– In a very sad voice.

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