The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 18 - Slay Me - Part【1】

"Why are we here? Why have we arrived at Deimos's pack?" I query Drakho with befuddlement whilst he convoys me towards the clannish castle. The thunderstorm has not yet yielded to the night still prevailing with its intenseness deflagrating up the darkened skies with its colossal birse. A frosty fog has accumulated embracing the lands with its ghostly haze.

I thought Phobos would abscond me back to his pack, I did not anticipate for him to proceed here instead. His warriors vamoosed bearing all my possessions they derived from my room a few minutes ago as I stood and observed puzzled by the betiding events. I am being notified of nothing.

"Alpha Deimos and Luna Lumina embarked for Italy a year ago whilst Krl watched over his pack. We are here to welcome them back." My eyes broaden to the verity he vocalises. I did know of this rather how could I for Deimos and I scarcely spoke after my last visit here.

"I was unaware of their departure. Was Phobos here for a whole year?"

"Yes, Luna." He responds firmly as I clench my fists nails descending deep into tender flesh with an immediate sickness that occupies me. He was so imminent to me for a year. Whilst I suffered deeming of the distance between us, he was here tending to his responsibilities as an Alpha rather than the ones he owned to me. His priorities are exposed with transparency for me to behold.

"I see. Will they be arriving now? And what after, will we advance on our journey?"

"Yes, Luna. That is what I was informed. We will dwell here for a few days until the weather enables us to travel." Drakho mutters whilst drawing open the door for me to enter steadily waiting until I cross him.

"But your warriors just left." I frown with confusion. How will they travel then?

"We are quite used to the trails plagued by storms, we can persevere but Krl was sure you wouldn't." It is a straightforward brutal strike indeed, of how vulnerable my moon blessed perceives me as. I had foreseen this, yet each time my essence is stomped upon by my male, the skin of my heart flays.

"I understand, thank you Drakho."

"It is an honour, Krlovna." He bows whilst I deliver to him the sheepskin blanket that he catches promptly from my hands. He is the first wolf from Phobos's pack who does not consider me with uneasy or awkward orbs. He does not arbitrate me and that brings me a little peace.

He directs us to the castle's front gates whilst my hunting eyes settle on my bare male unconfined of his hood bearing only woollen trousers. He does not bother about his drenched being worshipping the tears of nature as they caress his flesh.

Diverse tattoos occupy the fullness of his left arm and stalwart chest amplifying my inquisitiveness about him. What meanings do they behold? Why did he desire to possess them? They are quite captivating I must say, it adds to the allure of his beastly being.

If he never changed and stayed the same male as he was when I was a pup, I would be in his arms kissing the totality of his tattoos asking him all that I desiderate to have answers of.

But the reality is a grim insensitive place to tarry in. Hopes and dreams are meant to be slain or determined as fairytales for the young to enjoy.

Phobos does not engage with my biding orbs holding still awaiting his brother's presence. I find it quite ironic how insignificant he discerns our mate bond. Today is our first night together yet here we are attending to his duties boorish as to what I may deem of this.

The space between us, can he recognise it? Does it not ruin him as it does to me? How does he feel when my scent saturates his lungs, can he breathe well? My fingers itch to hold him, to indulge in the glow of his flesh. Yet how can I when I drown in dread of his potential reactions to me?

He touches me as he pleases uncaring to what I feel yet if I fondled him I know that he shall rebuke it as though he were offended by it. He has made me into a crazed female tiptoeing around her male over eggshells, I worry I must tread a torturous path with him and the tender past we hold makes it more challenging.

Phobos stiffens as the front gates open wide to swallow a sleek black car that seems to drive in with an exited speed. My moon blessed is blithe, perhaps others cannot notice it but I feel it. The diminutive light that erupts within to shimmer beneath his blues declares it to me.

Perhaps he is facing Deimos after several years of separation, it is a reconciliation of brothers. The Luna's females have encircled us with their awaiting eyes, they remind me of my wolves. Ismena, Zina, Aegeus and Orien. My heart twinges blisteringly at the thought of them, I miss their warmth already.

It is truly unjust how Deimos's female is able to reside with all these wolves she holds dear to her yet I must live with myself. Isolated and rejected. I am truly damned by the moon.

Whilst their car stations Deimos, Ragon and Elriam vacate the bounds of the shelter first briskly sealing the doors behind them. Deimos marches to the other side of their car aiding Lumina to exit its warmth.

My eyes widen as I espy her tumescent belly with astonishment, she carries an heir. An audible intake of breath is taken in by me to the beauteousness of the glorious expecting female. She is entrancing. Deimos is going to be a father, I am so delighted for him.

His past has roamed away for I recognise the true love he reserves in his eyes for her as he accompanies his female towards us, his spine erect chest swelled with pride of her and his pup she bears.

This was all I desiderated for him to hold. A family, a female who would persist by him in every trial and tribulation that came his way for the past he has endured is pitiless and unforgiving. If he is blissful then so am I.

Whilst they near us her females commence chanting a hymn of welcome, howls of thanksgiving sent onward to the moon for the future she has bestowed them with. They kneel in unison upon the bedraggled earth, heads dipped low with reverence. They had missed her.

Her females careen towards her tears abounding down their cheeks girdling her in their circle of affection. It is a lovely scene to descry as they wallow in her presence and sense the pup that rests in her stomach. The elders lay their palms upon her flesh endeavouring to feel their future Alpha.

I glimpse at my male whose eyes hinder Lumina, he is heeding her for the first time. I confine in my tremulous breath with disquietude that suffocates me. My perturbation has somehow come true for the female that his pack shall find worthy stands before him. Blues kindly caress her belly and I gaze away. I do not want to intuit even the most trivial of emotions that may strike him.

My soul cannot sustain it.

As a turbulent discharge of lightning strikes, Phobos embarks on his steadfast path towards the couple as I linger behind to witness the scene. I feel as though improbable silence surfaces to embrace the lands as the beast requisitions attention.

It is as though the skies shudder to his madness as it rumbles and thunders with every step he takes towards them. Her females make way for him as Deimos paces to stand by Lumina's left prefacing for the introduction he shall give. He seems jovial with Phobos's presence.

Lumina drives herself more rooted into her male's tepidness watching Phobos's emerging flesh with widened enthralled but worried greys. Phobos brings her nervosity for she has not seen such a male before. I understand it, my moon blessed is of a distinct breed he is unlike any other in this world.

"Brother," Deimos says, a mere whisper yet I can feel the cheer in his voice. Lumina's eyes broaden further as she surprisedly peers back and forth between my moon blessed and hers. I cannot perceive the emotions Phobos disports for his back faces me yet I feel the contentment he holds.

Phobos delivers a terse nod to Deimos in greeting as he takes a step closer towards their bodies. He lunges out his palm which Deimos is keen to grasp in his accompanied by a firm shake. "This is my female, Lumina." He belatedly acquaints his female to my male.

I know his inquisitive blues are now on her, studying her head to toe. My lips quiver with the atrociousness of the probable truth my mind conceives. He notices it now does he not, he sees her puissance which I lack. He sees her power that I do not own. He sees what he wished he had instead. This is arduous.

"Lumina, this is my brother. Phobos. He took care of the pack whilst we were away." Deimos utters a smile in his eyes as he regards my male. Over the years they had reconciled, I am aware of this. Cronus had informed me that their bond was rectified and now more solid than ever.

Phobos takes a step forward towards her and an inaudible whimper leaves my lips. No, do not gaze at her. Do not burn her features in your memory. My wolf propels me from within to go stand by his right, to confirm boastfully to every wolf present whom he belongs to yet despite my disapproval of her wishes, I cannot fight her.

Rapid and steady steps I exert trudging forward hugging my flesh rendering myself with the potence and abetment I despairingly seek. My body trembles to the crisp breeze that strokes my skin whilst I soak beneath the vehement downpour.

A fleet sneeze bounds me whilst my globes plunge to the soil, the incandescent power that saturates the air radiating strenuously from the three wolves present in front of me has my knees weaken.. I find it moiling to face them.

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