The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 35 - His Affection - Part【3】

"You must stop bothering me!" I urge pushing at his chest trying to cover my vivid red cheeks from his searching eyes. He shakes his head in disapproval of my words as though he shall never cease doing so, as though it is an exciting hobby of his.

My male's eyes then move forward to study all the plentiful food on our table and he shifts to regard me once more. "We can keep it for tonight if you'd like or do you wish to share some of it?" He nods at me in confirmation of my words loosening his grip around my hips as I give him a curt nod detaching myself from his being trudging towards the kitchen.

He might deliver some to Drakho or his warriors. My male does possess close bonds with them after all and I am happy he wishes to share the food I fixed, it makes me feel proud of my talent.

I stand on my tiptoes struggling to pick up the vacant containers I have located prowling deep within the cupboards simultaneously leaping on the heels of my feet so that I can seize them. Being short truly does inconvenience me a lot. "Phob-" I begin to call my male for aid but he is already behind me the firmness of his bulging muscles luring the totality of my back whilst he hoists his arms caging my body to extract the vessels.

Why is it that every time our bodies collide this way I am left with a deep compulsion to taste him that leaves me breathless? Why is it that I get so recklessly feverish and bothered?

He sets them on the wooden counter in front of us waiting for me to fill them up. "Thank you," I whisper whilst lifting the lid of the cauldron and pouring some of the stew inside the holders.

My male does not leave me no, his hands planted on either of my sides upon the counter confining me to his flesh. He watches from above the way I pack our food for his wolves, he seems to like our position it pleases him but I do not feel the same way. That persistent awareness of his being behind me has me hypnotized, my mind consumed by a stormy haze.

Cutting more slices of the loaf I settle them organised inside a washed cloth tying it up with a secure knot so it does not harden easily. Using the honey dipper I drizzle the rich honey over thinly cut slabs of the brie cheese decorating it with berries and lime. I hope his wolves shall enjoy my cooking, it must be the first they shall eat an ambrosial meal I suppose.

"Here." I relinquish the boxes to him that he takes quickly from my hands a dip of gratefulness he gives me as I smile up at him. Phobos captures my wrist tenderly in his palm and he guides me outside our cabin whilst I noiselessly follow him without any reluctance perhaps he wishes for me to be there with him when he presents the meal to them.

When we take a step outside towards the light exiting our dimly lit and shaded cabin I gulp when I take heed of the leader of females modestly standing outside near our cottage steps her hands clutched behind her back.

"Krl. Krlovna." She greets with a mid bow of honour as Phobos offers her a brusque nod of greeting. "I am here for you had beckoned me."

I frown peering up at my male with confusion, why did he call for her? Is the food perhaps for her? "Teach my female our ways, Vdce." His voice holds an eerie composure to it yet his tone is assertive and domineering. He is not requesting her he is commanding her as the Alpha.


No, I do not wish to be guided by her. She does not give me a valid vibe, she brings me discomfort. The female swiftly turns her attention to me, her white pupil clouded by a cataract disturbs me. I never did like looking at her, I assay to retreat behind my male's broad back but he does not permit this gently pushing me towards her.

Why would he not discuss such things with me? Why cannot he teach me the ways of his pack rather than willingly giving me to another whom I do not like?

"If that is what you wish, Alpha Phobos." She utters as I look away from her influential ruthless gaze, it feels as though she is peeling me bare to test my worthiness, the value of my true nature. I had done my greatest to keep away from her yet my male simply launches me back to her. I do not want this. "Follow me, Luna." She declares turning her back to us marching to the opposite side towards the group of females who attend to and follow her like her guardians.

I meekly peek up at Phobos who signals to me with encouragement, he shows me his confidence in me as a weary sigh passes my lips, I cannot say no to him when he looks at me this way.

I abide by that female's words and wander towards where she waits for me. I had been dreading this since the day I had stepped foot on their lands rather I thought I could avoid it if I clung close to my male but it has inevitably occurred to mock me.

The females present are not welcoming, they analyze me as vultures would to their prey just waiting for that kill. These are the leader's chosen females. The best among the rest, I can see this explicitly with their intimidating orbs and their toned flesh painted with diverse scars and tattoos. The females are scarcely covered but they find no shame in this showing off their moulded body with pride for all to see. I could never be like them.

"We will teach her our ways, she will begin training with you all." The leader of females speaks aloud her eyes set on me.

I find my male seated upon a chopped tree bark his eyes glued to my flesh watching on with attention as he holds onto the bags I packed tightly. He seems to be expecting but for whom or what I am uninformed of.

"Can you harvest produce?" The elder female questions me with intentness, there is no respect that emanates from her as she discourses to me. She regards me as an ordinary female, not a Luna.

"No," I utter with a shake of my head.

"Can you hunt?"


"Can you tend to cattle?"

"I-I adore them but I do not know how to raise them," I speak my truth but why do I feel ashamed with every answer I spew out.

One of the females' murmurs to another snorting, "She said she adores cattle." And her friends begin to unobtrusively cackle to her words. They find me humorous.

"Have you trained before?" The leader continues with her interrogations undisturbed by the taunting of her females.

"Trained for what?"

"For war, for self-protection. To fight or kill another." Can I tell her that I cannot handle blood? That I cannot testify violence? Or would that supplement their list of jokes? I doubt myself, once more directing my eyes exploring for my male for his support that I desperately need this very moment but I am not greeted by those warm supportive blues of his.

My eyes widen as I discern the event that unfolds in front of me for my male squats down upon the soil opening his arms wide as Argus sprints forward in full speed towards Phobos shrill titters appearing out his throat.. Phobos quickly grasps him picking him up swinging him around as the pup howls with hysterical laughter, he seems to adore my male.

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