The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 140 [Bonus ]Reclucant

Scarlett remained silent as their car headed to her office. She just stared at the street outside, thinking about her work.

In the next few days, she will be busy in her office. She has some work that can't be postponed anymore. Perhaps, she would spend days in her studio.

She is in a dilemma because, at the same time, her relationship with Xander is just beginning, and it feels weird for her to have a sleepover in her office, right!?

While Scarlet was deep in thought, Xander was also busy behind his laptop, but soon he stopped what he was doing and looked at the girl beside him.

After a while, he said apologetically, "Babe, I have bad news for you!"

Scarlett turned to look at Xander in confusion. Bad news? What bad news? Did he regret tearing up their premarital agreement?

For some reason, Scarlett felt like someone was squeezing her heart. 'How could this man change his mind so fast?'

"Xander, what's wrong?" She asked calmly, though, inside her mind, she was distraught. She was worried about what he might say.

"Sorry, Scarlett, two days from now, I must go on a business trip..." He said in a displeased tone. However, Scarlett felt relieved when she heard that — at least, it wasn't what she had imagined.

She pushed away her negative thoughts and heard Xander continue his sentence. "...the problem is, I'll be gone for quite a while this time."

Scarlett was surprised to hear that. She would not have cared if he had said this yesterday before their new relationship started. But now, somehow, something tickles her heart when she knows they will be separated for a long time.

"How long?" She asked curiously.

"I have work in Dubai for a few days, and from there, I will fly to Europe again. I will be staying there for a few weeks…." He explained calmly, but his expression seemed hard to change.

Before marrying Scarlett, extended business trips to several countries were ordinary for him. In fact, he rarely stays in this country. He spends most of his time in several countries managing his business empire.

But after marrying her, somehow, he was reluctant to leave. What else if it takes weeks!? If only this girl didn't have a job here, he would have asked her to accompany him. Because this time, most likely, he will be gone for more than a month.

How can he hold back his longing when their relationship is starting to become real?

He looked at her, puzzled, before saying, "I wish you could come with me, but that seems impossible, huh?"

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom Scarlett remains smiling, even though she feels a little sad in her mind. It was apparent that Scarlett wanted to follow him and spend more time with him, but she couldn't.

"I wish I could keep you company, but, you know, I'm swamped right now..."

"I know!"

"Just a few weeks..." Scarlett smiled before continuing, "I'll be waiting for you here, Xander. You can take care of your business, don't worry about me. After all, we can still communicate via video calls, right!?"

Xander sighed deeply, feeling reluctant, but he couldn't avoid this trip. This trip had been planned for several months, long before he met her.

"Fine! But, before I go, I want to do something for you."

Scarlett was curious to see his mysterious smile.  But she remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

"...Scarlett, would you like to go on a date with me?" Xander smiled, blooming, feeling happy seeing her joy.

Scarlett was happy to hear that. Of course, she would! It's every girl's dream, right!? Go on a date with her partner and spend some time alone.

"Hmm... Let's go! However, I don't know any good places in this town." Scarlett said enthusiastically.

"Don't worry about it. You only need to prepare 1 day for me, let me take care of the rest. Can you clear your schedule for tomorrow?"

"Sure I will!" She was so excited. Xander is about to ask her out. Something she had long dreamed of.

While Scarlett and Xander chatted in the back seat, Ben and Jones, the driver, glanced at each other.

They were both surprised to see their master showing affection towards the young madam; they looked so natural and intimate. They even kissed. That was the first time they saw them do that in the car.

Did something happen at the hotel last night? Why do they look different!?

As Ben and Jones' curiosity deepened, it wasn't long before their car arrived at the Red Animations Studio Building.

Scarlett didn't linger any longer. She immediately said goodbye to Xander.

"Okay, I'll be going now. You don't need to pick me up at noon because I'll be working late..." She said and opened the door, but before she could get down, Xander held her hand.

She turned to look at him before saying, " What's wrong, Xander?"

"Did you forget something?" He asked with a mischievous smile appearing at the corner of his lips.

"Forget what?" She frowned, confused, but only for a moment because later, she saw Xander gesture to her to kiss him on the lips.

Instantly her fair cheeks blushed. Gosh!

'Why is this guy getting bolder about showing their intimacy in front of other people!?' She sighed inwardly, embarrassed — she was still not used to this.

Not wanting to linger in the car, she immediately brought her head closer to him and gave him a  light kiss.

"Bye! See you tonight..." She said,

Scarlett thought Xander would let her go, but she was wrong.

Xander suddenly pulled Scarlett into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed her rosy cherry lips without allowing her to speak. The lingering kiss seemed to have vented his inner feelings.

Scarlett's breathing quickened, but she had no intention of resisting.

After a while...

He slowly released the kiss and smiled, seeing the girl's blushing face. "I will come to pick you up!"

His whisper made Scarlett's knees feel weak as she dragged her leg to her office without looking back.

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