The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 102

My Villains Episode 102

26. Fever (3)

Even the next day, Ellen showed no signs of getting better.

no it got worse My whole body was boiling, and I couldn’t even drink water.

“It looks like we won’t be able to go. sorry.”

Haengsu wiped his face with an embarrassed expression.

“But Lord Phoenix. It is a contract.”

“I’ll give you a penalty. Would thirty gold coins be enough?”

At my question, Haengsu sighed in succession.

“I will wait for a day or two. Wouldn’t Ellen-nim’s condition improve by then?”

I can clearly guess what the line is like.

We haven’t even gotten out of Seyvern yet, but a decrease in mercenaries would be too big of a risk, so they’d want to take us somehow.

“…is that okay?”

“yes. What can’t you do?”

You say that, but inside you will be very bubbling.

I signed a contract saying that I was a mercenary, but since I am a knight, I have to treat you like a master, and at the same time, I am trying to hide my identity vaguely, and I am told that I will not be able to go four days after leaving the road, and I am told that I will not be able to go


“Thank you for your consideration. Instead, I have caused trouble, so I will not accept the balance.”

“No, no. You don’t have to.”

After arguing for a while, it was decided to take only half of the balance.

Well, it seems like it ended nicely. Should I say I’m lucky

As the gang left, U Tequai, who was sitting on a pyre and eating an apple, stood up.

“I’m going to the field.”

“Field? why?”

“Find a pool to cool off.”

“Can’t you see herbs?”

Utequai sighed and snorted instead of answering. Well, he must have known that much, having lived in a tribe all his life.

“Would you like to go with me?”

“I have to protect Ellen. go.”

I glanced at Utequai’s back and entered the room.

The place we stayed was the village headman’s house. To be precise, it is said that it is the house of Marm dispatched by the lord.

Anyway, the house was pretty nice. It was the only roof tile in the village, the yard was wide, and the fence was the highest.

There was a separate small barn, so there was no sign of livestock being brought into the room, and there was a fireplace, so it was easy to heat the room.


Ellen, who was asleep, groaned incessantly. While wiping his face with a damp cloth, he suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck.


You can feel the pulsation through your palms. I raised my blood and stretched my control over Ellen’s body.

At level 18, 1 free point was given to magic. Perhaps because of that, his blood seems to have become a little more powerful and flexible.

As if tentacles or antennae were stretched out, Ellen’s senses expanded through her blood vessels. It didn’t take long for the small body to become an image and emerge in my mind.

I concentrated on looking inside Ellen’s body, but… I don’t know. What do you do when you take an X-ray or

an MRI? No one who sees it has any knowledge.

Compared to my own body—except that it was much smaller, thinner, and softer—it didn’t seem that different.


He went over to the fireplace and put the firewood in. It was already hot in the room, but if I didn’t do anything, I wouldn’t feel relieved.

Then, a dog was heard from somewhere.

kong! I’m sorry!

What dogs bark? I listened intently, and in addition to the crying, I heard a strange noise.

That pole, that pole, that pole.

A very faint sound that could not have been picked up if not for keen hearing. It felt like something was splashing around and scratching a tree.

I tried to ignore it because the dogs were hunting, but the sound that started to irritate my nerves tickled my ears endlessly.


Eventually, I took the Hrunting and left the room.

The sound came from the backyard. The village chief’s house was located at the corner of the village, so the backyard was surrounded by a wooden fence instead of a fence.

Suddenly, the sound of dogs barking outside the fence subsides. As I kicked the wooden fence, I heard a giggling sound and signs of running away in a hurry.

The play, the jump, the play.

Meanwhile, the sound continued. It was at the base of the wooden fence.

Curious, he squatted down, then burst out laughing.

“…. .what is this?”

There, some small beast was struggling.

The dug dirt floor, muddy water, rotten fallen pieces of wood and small holes… It seems that a beast chased by dogs escaped to the base of a wooden fence and got stuck.

“What are you doing here?”

Squatting down and examining it closely, the identity of the creature was none other than a pig. A wild boar the size of my palm with brown fur and cute patterns.

When I reached out and groped my leg, he screamed.

Wake up, wake up!

“Oh, what a surprise.”

The guy who had been struggling without making a single sound until now went crazy as if he was startled when his hand touched it.

Unlike the screams that gnaw at my hand, there is no strength in the mouth.

“Stay still, dude.”

With force in my hand, I broke off the piece of wood holding the boy’s leg. And I quickly withdrew my hand.

Wake up.

The pig, which had been crying and struggling, staggered for a moment as if I was bewildered when my hand disappeared.

“What are you bruising on? go.

I said, pushing the boy’s butt.

“People are more dangerous than dogs. You will die if you stay in here.”

The pig, which stood still for a moment, shook its body with a para-rock.

Then he looked up at me and staggered toward the hole. After that, the pick was about to collapse.


I tapped him with my finger, but there was no movement. I don’t think he’s dead…

w O uh” — 丁That .

Her fur is obviously wet, but her body is hot like a fire.

…damn. I was going to leave it, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Ellen.


I took the baby boar in my arms and headed into the house.

Ellen’s fever rose to a peak that evening.

Utequai picked some herbs and made something like thick porridge, but Ellen couldn’t even eat it.

I called for help from the village elders, but they only shook their heads.

All I could do was pray that Ellen would overcome her illness.

The blond girl tried to erase her expression to hide her uncomfortable judgment.

‘I’m going to follow you all night. It’s like a rude farmhand.’ Ellen did not bother to vent the displeasure that welled up in her heart.

The girl did not want to show her emotional side to the woman in front of her. Because I didn’t think it was that great of an opponent.

“The night breeze is cool.”

Ellen looked the woman up and down without saying anything.

Red hair that was loosely tied to one side, eyes reminiscent of a fox, lips tinged with lasciviousness, unnecessarily large breasts and an exaggeratedly tightened waist, swollen buttocks and vulgar skirts that left the calves exposed.

The girl didn’t like everything about her husband.

Ellen opened her mouth abruptly while swimming slowly on the ground.

“Where are you going?”

“Go to the pier. Neither Ellen-sama nor I will be able to see the sea for a while.”

“….♦.you too?”

As the blue eyes raised doubts, the red-haired beauty smiled shyly.

“Hmm, the weather doesn’t feel like summer. At this time last year, it was so hot that we had to keep the windows open even at night.” At Daria’s words, Ellen quietly frowned, but did not respond.

Occasionally, patrols circling the night view would appear, but when they saw Ellen, they passed by without saying a word. This is because she thought that there would be no benefit to her if she bumped into the ‘Fire Witch’, who was famous for her ferocious temper.

After passing through the busy streets organizing the stalls and reaching the pier, the son-in-law began to quiet down. The calm waves and the cool breeze and the occasional sound of seabirds were so peaceful.

Perhaps because of the atmosphere, the two guards guarding the pier were soundly asleep.

Seeing that they were not standing still and snoring, they didn’t seem to be very sincere soldiers even if they didn’t blame the weather.

The girl and woman walked on the pier past the sleeping soldiers.

A large fire was burning in a makeshift lighthouse in the distance.

Bordered by that light, the torches of the patrollers flickered below, and the Milky Way flowed around the waning old moon above.

It was neither too bright nor too dark, so it was just the right lighting for enjoying the night sea.

“It’s been a while.”

“I don’t usually come this far. I was a little afraid to come alone.”

Ellen quietly crossed her arms. Daria smiled brightly when she saw that.

“About two weeks ago? There was a time when I coaxed Poi out at night. The moon was bright at that time, so I could see the horizon.”

“…Did you call to say that?”

Ellen continued with an ice-cold face.

“Is that all you want to say after talking about things related to Poi and saying that you will regret it if you don’t follow along? Did you want to boast that you seduced Poi with that vulgar body?”

“…not like that.”

Daria, whose mouth was hardened, chose her words quietly.

“I just wanted to tell you in advance.”

” what?”

“I will follow that Poi.”

“…What the hell is following you?”

“Are you lying about riding a boat?”


“Poy has no idea what the West is like. I’m not interested. I said out of habit that I should go to Raven’s Cliff with Ellen-sama.”

Daria, who accepted Ellen’s silence positively, spoke with determination.

“I am going to my uncle in Longville.

With Poi.”

The girl’s body trembled a little. Daria continued with her hands clasped together.

“I know very well that I will be a burden that Poi and Ellen and Mr. Hatanka are not ordinary people.”

A ring of cherry blossoms stood out in the hand held together.

“That’s it.”

“but. I want to stay by Poi’s side a little longer. If I leave without doing anything like this, I think I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

Ellen couldn’t say anything because her stomach was feeling nauseous.

“I want to wait and believe that he will come back someday, but I am not that patient.”

Swallowing the rising nausea, Ellen struggled to open her mouth.

“…Longville is far from Longville. very.”

“Yes. I know.”

“By the way, *hoo* you want to go with me? Anyone who wants?”

“I intend to tell Poi tonight.”

“What *hah* what?”

“I thought about it for a long time, but I want to confess honestly. I want to tell you that I want to follow you.”


“I know very well what Ellen thinks of Poi. That’s why I’m telling you first. I think that’s polite.”

Pale pink lips quivered.

“Don’t talk like you know everything and pretend to be considerate. you don’t know anything Poi is”

“Poi loves me.”

“dog sound.”

“You know, Ellen. Poi said Ellen”

“Bussiness! A dirty whore dares not even know the subject.”

Unlike the mouth that spat out harsh words, the big eyes were pouring tears.

Ellen felt ashamed and resentful that she was crying.

The sympathy in Daria’s eyes looked like that of a victor, and she felt as if she would vomit her stomach at any moment.

“sorry. I didn’t mean to do this. I just move forward together…

Ellen gasped and closed her eyes. Daria’s voice fades away, and the night wind fades.


It’s a training that the girl has been doing for over 10 years, and it’s an old habit.

In an instant, he sank towards the inside. At the bottom, he quietly questioned himself.

‘Calm down and catch your breath. Why are you so angry?’

‘You don’t have to do this. you are a wizard Be rational. Think carefully about what you want.’

‘Why do you hate that woman so much? He’s not worth it.’

The turbidity is lifted. mind wakes up find answers to questions

‘I’m angry that Poy really loves that woman and not me.’

‘I just want that woman to fall out with Po. I don’t think I can stand the two of you together any longer.’

‘Because it bothers me. Every once in a while, you tease me. But yes. She’s not worthy of this.’

The process of asking and answering oneself is repeated dozens of times in an instant.

“…Ellen-sama? Miss Ellen!”


Taking a deep breath, the girl opened her eyes.

No more tears, no more panting, no more nausea.

Strangely calm, Ellen slowly raised her head.

“that’s right. I hate you.”

“…. .yes?”

The girl raised her head and looked up at the woman. Her sapphire-like eyes were stained with the darkness of the night.

“I hate the fact that you laugh next to Poi, that Poi laughs at you, that the two of you secretly meet each other every night and mingle.”

“That’s Ellen-sama”

“I know. I’m not qualified to meddle in things between the two of you. Still, it is true that it is painful.”

Daria involuntarily took a step backwards at the swift words without hesitation. Then he suddenly saw the girl and opened his mouth.

“Ellen-sama, right now…

the girl who was swimming in the sky was standing tall on the pier before she knew it. Then, slowly, very carefully, he took one step.

“I waited for the day I left the city and endured it.”

In the second step, I stumbled a little. However, the girl, who soon regained her balance,

took another step and spread her right hand.

“But you’re going to follow me?”

“Wait a minute, Ellen.”

At the third step, the girl whispered something in a low, quick voice. A cold wind blew and I held something shiny in my white hand.

Ellen said with an expressionless face.

“That won’t work. I am going to die.”

“Wait a minute Ellen-sama”


The ice pick shot out like a bullet.

with a plop.

“…yeah. What do you mean?”

The guard who woke up rubbing his eyes at the loud sound of water yawned. Then, he woke up the young soldier by gently touching him with a spear.


“Hey, go to sleep and go round around.”

“…What’s wrong?”

“I just heard something. hurry.”

The young soldier, pushed by the senior staff, dragged his feet with a torch and searched the pier.

Half-closed eyes peered into the darkness, but found no trace.

“There was nothing.”

“Really? Did you get it wrong?”

Once again, the wind blew over the pier, where silence came.

It was a peaceful night.

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