The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 102 I am willing

Chapter 102 I am willing


Lu Chengwen quickly coaxed her again: “Oh, alright, alright, I wasn't playing I was just trying to get a rise out of you.”

Xu Xuejiao suddenly burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. Lu Chengwen could only pat her chest and back to help her catch her breath:

"You, a renowned doctor, a young prodigy with a reputation throughout the North, why are you acting like this in private? It's unsightly to cry

like this!"

"Leng Qingqiu is pretty! You can go find her! Haven't you already played around with her?! Isn't she the one with long legs and a slender waist,

fun and flexible?! Why are you still bothering with me? I just want to cry! I want to cry! I'm going to cry to death in your office today..."

Lu Chengwen said: "I didn't! I was just saying that casually, why are you so petty? Can't you take a joke..."

"Yes! I'm petty, Leng Qingqiu is generous, she left you hanging for three years, strung you along for three years, and played you for three years,

you still like her, don't you?"

"No, I don't, we're just friends..."

Xu Xuejiao yelled: "Friends? You want her to be your first wife, and me to be your concubine, and you want me to serve her tea and water,

wash and fold her clothes, and you want me to...呜呜呜... You even want me to wash her feet..."

"No, no, I'll serve you tea and water, wash and fold your clothes, I'll wash your feet, is that okay?"

Xu Xuejiao immediately stopped crying: "You promise? Swear it!"

Lu Chengwen froze.

[This damn girl, I've been played!]

Lu Chengwen quickly changed his tune: "Alright, alright, stop messing around, you're talking as if it's real."

"I don't care, I'm talking about real things, will you marry me or not? Will you marry me? Am I not slender and petite?"

Lu Chengwen was stammering from her antics:

"This... Girls, it's good to have slender arms and legs! And you've pulled off the Lolita look so well, and your breasts are so big and soft..."

Xu Xuejiao burst into laughter: "Get out of here! You only know how to bully people!"

"Business! Sis, stop crying, let's talk business."

"What else is there to talk about? Qianfeng Group is coveted by many now, with our two families joining forces we can take it down, it'll leave

nothing for anyone else. What are you still hesitating for?"

Lu Chengwen sighed: "I just feel... Qingqiu she..."

Xu Xuejiao was half-dead with anger: "Alright, alright, alright, I give up! You indecisive guy, I agree,

you can marry her, but you can't make me her concubine! I won't serve her tea and water, wash and cook for her! Are you happy now? Two

beautiful women serving you alone! Honestly, you've built a billion-dollar business, but you're still fixated on one woman, I don't know if you

can achieve great things!"

Lu Chengwen was both amused and annoyed.

[This damn girl, she's convinced that I'm coveting Leng Qingqiu's beauty, that's why I can't bear to be ruthless.]

[Hehe, she even wants me to enjoy the blessings of two wives, I might as well try it in my dreams.]

Lu Chengwen said: "You misunderstood. I'm not interested in Leng Qingqiu."



"How real?"

Leng Qingqiu, who was eavesdropping, felt her hand on the door frame go limp and fall.

He doesn't like me.

He's not even interested after I delivered myself to his doorstep...

As expected, I'm the kind of woman anyone would want to abandon.

Hehe, how laughable.

For three years, I had ten thousand chances to be the young mistress of the Lu family.

Back then, as long as I nodded, the entire Lu family would have treated me like a star, pampering and doting on me.

Unfortunately, I don't know what was going through my mind, to treat Lu Chengwen like that.

Yes, at that time, all I had in my mind was Qianfeng, my dream, my ambition.

Lu Chengwen, in my eyes, wasn't even as good as dog shit.

But now, even if I agreed to be his concubine, he would find me troublesome.

Tears rolled down Leng Qingqiu's cheeks.
She slid down the door frame, covering her face, her tears gushing out from between her fingers, dripping down her chin onto her thighs...

Lu Chengwen said: "I've already joined forces with Leng Qingqiu."

Leng Qingqiu abruptly dropped her hands, raised her head, and turned her head in shock, looking through the crack in the door at Lu

Chengwen's profile.

Lu Chengwen was tall and handsome, dressed in a sharp suit, standing behind his desk like a perfect, radiant hero.

Lu Chengwen said: "I will fully support Qingqiu in taking over Qianfeng and regaining control."

Xu Xuejiao suspected that her ears were malfunctioning:

"What did you say?"

"You heard me."

"Wh... Why?"

Xu Xuejiao said excitedly: "She's almost out of the game herself, she has no value anymore! Are you cooperating with her? Wouldn't it be

better to cooperate with me? You're supporting her, when she becomes powerful, will she care about you?"

Xu Xuejiao's mind was consumed by jealousy, she was truly angry.

"Don't you remember how she treated you for the past three years? Do you think she'll be touched by what you're doing? That she'll obediently

be your wife?"

"It's not like that, I didn't think that, I just..."

"Are you mentally ill or something!? The fall of Qianfeng is an opportunity to reshape the business landscape of Xuecheng, swallowing

Qianfeng will allow our three families to divide all the business interests north of Xuecheng! Its future value is immeasurable, don't you

understand these principles?"

"I understand, but..."

"But what!?" Xu Xuejiao shouted: "Do you insist on maintaining the four great families? No matter who's in charge of the Leng family, their

industries will compete with us, each of the four families wants to swallow the other three, do I need to tell you this? Now that the Leng family

is down, we're not stabbing them in the back, it's normal business practice, so why not?! Why!?"

Lu Chengwen also got angry, slapping the table: "I said no means no! What are you shouting for?"

Xu Xuejiao looked at Lu Chengwen in shock, he had never gotten angry at her, even when she was constantly tricking him, he would just take

advantage of her with a laugh.

But today, for Leng Qingqiu,

he shouted at her!

Xu Xuejiao felt extremely humiliated, a humiliation of being defeated by a woman who had clearly lost everything, a woman who was no longer

on the same level as her.

Lu Chengwen said: "From now on! If you have business, tell your father to come talk to me himself, you don't need to come to my office and

yell at me! I'm protecting Leng Qingqiu, even the King of Hell can't take her away, I said it!"

Xu Xuejiao lowered her head: "Heh, King You of Zhou lighting the beacon fires for a laugh, King Zhou of Shang ruining his kingdom for Daji...

As expected, idiots are all dragged down by beautiful women."

"Stop mumbling useless things! I've tolerated you for long enough, let me tell you! Stop going to our house to put on a show, making my

parents think I've done something to you, I don't even dare to go home now, I'll get beaten up when I go back."

Xu Xuejiao raised her head, feeling incredibly wronged, her voice trembling: "Lu Chengwen, have some conscience! You don't dare to go home

because of me? It's because you left your brother in the police station without any care, it's because you had the opportunity to save him but

refused to do so, it's because you've been burning money on the slum renovation project, it's because..."

"No matter what! Leng Qingqiu is my goddess, I'm her lapdog, I'll lick her boots as long as she lives, that's who I am! Want to see her fall?

You'll have to go through me, Lu Chengwen! While I'm in Xuecheng, I'll make Leng Qingqiu the queen of this city! I'll put the crown on her

head, whoever dares to make her cry, I'll fucking crush them! How about that!"

Xu Xuejiao gritted her teeth and said, "Lu Chengwen, fine! You win!"

She grabbed the documents on the table and stormed out.

Hearing the argument, Jiang Shihan quickly pushed the door open to check on the situation. Just as she did so, Xu Xuejiao shoved her aside,

"Get out!"

Seeing that Lu Chengwen was also furious, Jiang Shihan wisely turned around to chase after Xu Xuejiao, saying with a smile, "Xu Zong, please

don't be angry, Lu Zong is just like that, he's usually very nice, but when he gets stubborn, he gets muddled and scolds everyone. No one in this

building been scolded by him, you..."

Xu Xuejiao suddenly stopped, looking at Jiang Shihan with a pitiful expression, "He doesn't love me anymore."

"No, no way, I can see that Lu Zong likes you the most."

Xu Xuejiao burst into tears, "He still loves Leng Qingqiu the most! What did I do wrong!? I even offered him a partnership to make money

together and he refused, insisting on protecting Leng Qingqiu, how much money is that going to costn'tcost? The Chen family is also planning

to take over Qianfeng, and several influential figures from outside are eager to try, what is he trying to do..."

At this moment, Li Meiqin walked over and heard Xu Xuejiao's crying, her expression turning serious.

Li Meiqin smiled slightly, "Xu Zong."

"Hmm?" Xu Xuejiao turned back with tearful eyes.

"I think I understand. You two are arguing about this, right?"


Li Meiqin laughed, "You're silly! Why are you arguing with him?"

"He's protecting Leng Qingqiu, I'm just angry!"

"Think about it, you haven't been in touch with Lu Zong for years, but Lu Zong and Leng Zong have been seeing each other every day these

past few years. People who see each other every day, can they not have feelings? Even if they argue and bicker every day, those emotions are

still slowly accumulating."

"Then I've lost for sure!?"

Li Meiqin shook her head, "If Leng Qingqiu could seize the opportunity, they would have children by now. Didn't she ignore our Lu Zong for

three whole years!?"

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it, Leng Zong hasn't been good to Lu Zong at all, yet even so, Lu Zong is willing to go all out for her at a crucial moment, giving

up a lot of money to protect her. Such a man, in this day and age, in the entire Chinese business world, is there another one like him?"

Xu Xuejiao muttered with her head down, "I know what you're saying, but I'm a woman too, he... he's always protecting that Leng Qingqiu."

"That's what makes him worthy, worthy of a woman's love, worthy of a woman's admiration, worthy of a woman's trust, and also worthy of a

woman's tears."

Jiang Shihan secretly gave her a thumbs up.

Amazing! I've learned something!

The dignified Vice President of Houde Group was coaxed into a little girl by our President's few words.


Lu Chengwen sat in his chair, filled with regret.

"I'm such an idiot! Why did I yell at her? Why was I so agitated?"

"She's a girl, what's wrong with arguing a little? A grown man should have some measure, not shout at people."

Lu Chengwen sighed and buried himself in self-reproach when suddenly a pair of slender arms wrapped around him.

Lu Chengwen was startled and turned his head sharply, seeing Leng Qingqiu's tear-stained face.

"Qingqiu?! When did you... Mmm..."

Before Lu Chengwen could finish his question, his mouth was blocked.

"No! I meant to say, you've been here all along... Mmm..."

He was blocked by Leng Qingqiu again.

"Hey, calm down, let's talk this through first... Mmm..."

Lu Chengwen pushed her away again, almost in tears, "Sis, let's talk first, we... Mmm... Mmm..."

After a long time, Leng Qingqiu gently pulled away, her voice soft and filled with charm, "You can talk now."

Looking into Leng Qingqiu's eyes, Lu Chengwen's blood was already boiling.

"Talk my ass! I'm going to take you right here, right now!"

With that, Lu Chengwen ripped off Leng Qingqiu's bath towel and flipped her over, pressing her onto the desk.

Outside, Xu Xuejiao had made up her mind!

"Alright! I'll go back and apologize to Chengwen Ge right now!"

She turned and walked back.

Jiang Shihan nodded with satisfaction, "Qin Jie, you're amazing."

Li Meiqin smiled and said, "It's nothing. By the way, didn't Leng Zong say she needed anything inside?"

Jiang Shihan's face suddenly turned pale, "Leng Zong is in the office!?"

"Yes, she's been in there for a while now, I thought you knew..."

Jiang Shihan immediately rushed inside, "Xu Zong, Xu Zong, please wait!"

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