The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 104 Something is going wrong

Chapter 104 Something is going wrong


The cold autumn tears shimmered, but this time, they were tears of happiness.

"Chengwen, do I look good?"

Lu Chengwen, however, felt no lust at this moment, only a wave of heartache.

[This girl, does she need to do this? To give so much for a man, is it worth it? What am I, I'm nothing, not worth it at all!]

Cold Qingqiu smiled: "Chengwen, I am yours now. From now on, your dreams are my dreams; your ambitions are my goals. You want my body, I'll give you my body. You want my abilities, I'll help you do any job. In short, as long as you don't abandon me, I will always be by your side, assisting you, taking care of you, and never going back on my word."

Lu Chengwen looked sad.

He sighed and picked up a bath towel to put on her.

"You're the queen of this city, you just need to be yourself."

"I'm someone else's queen, but in front of you, I'm just a woman, a woman who yearns to be loved, cared for, and protected by you."

Lu Chengwen was speechless.

Xuecheng was determined to have her, and he wouldn't let her go to Long Aotien.

Long Aotien, you're very powerful, but Xuecheng is absolutely not for you! If you want to start a revolution, find another place and start over.

Lu Chengwen said: "I won't take Qianfeng, Qianfeng is yours, forever."

"But I'm yours."

Lu Chengwen sighed.

[This girl is now impervious to reason, she's determined to be bound to me.]

[Arguing about this now is pointless, anyway, let's deal with Qianfeng first.]

"Then listen to me," Lu Chengwen said. "I will give you all the shares, and then help you reclaim the Qianfeng Group."

"This is not the best strategy. You and I both know, and everyone else knows. If you want to do great things, you can't be sentimental, and even I support you in doing this. What else do you have to hesitate about?"

Lu Chengwen was annoyed: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? I told you to continue managing Qianfeng, you must do your best to get it back! Didn't you say you would listen to me? Since even you are mine, what's the difference between Qianfeng being in your hands and in mine?"

Cold Qingqiu was taken aback: "Right! Wow, Chengwen, your perspective is definitely higher than mine! How come I didn't think of that? Yes, yes, yes, I'm just... I'm still stuck on legal and ethical boundaries and judgments, while you're thinking about people! I understand what you mean."

"Just understand it however you want, but you have to go all out to get Qianfeng back!"

"Yes! I'll do whatever you say! Then, on the surface, I'll be managing Qianfeng, but actually, it's all yours, even me! All decisions about Qianfeng will be at your command."

Lu Chengwen was tired of arguing with her: "Get dressed, where are your clothes?"

"Do you really... not want me? Now?" Cold Qingqiu asked timidly.

"Let's take care of business first."



"Lu Chengwen!"

As soon as Huo Wendong entered, he burst into laughter and walked over quickly.

Lu Chengwen only wanted to shake hands politely, but Huo Wendong gave him a hug instead, and kept patting Lu Chengwen on the back.

The two separated and sat down to chat.

"Chengwen, this office is so impressive!"

Lu Chengwen smiled: "It can't compare to yours, Huo Shao."

"Hey! Don't be so polite! I'm serious. Honestly, among our classmates from that year, there are many rich people, but I admire you the most! Do you know why?"

"Haha, I really don't know."

"You have guts! Unlike them, although they come from wealthy families, their calculations are all childish, they're not bold at all."

Lu Chengwen glanced at the person Huo Wendong brought with him, Luo Shiyin.

Huo Wendong saw this and immediately smiled: "Don't you remember? The one from a few days ago! Hee hee, I took her in as my secretary! I'll tell you... she's got the skills!"

Huo Wendong laughed with a mischievous smile, his eyebrows dancing, completely ignoring Jiang Shihan and Luo Shiyin who were standing by.

Luo Shiyin said coquettishly: "Huo Shao, what are you saying! You're so annoying!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Huo Wendong looked at Jiang Shihan, rubbing his chin: "Chengwen, I said you're not very attentive to beautiful women, they all say you've been a lickspittle these past few years, I was wondering how you, Lu Chengwen, could be so quiet! Turns out it's... hahaha! What's this little secretary's name?"

"Mr. Huo, my name is Jiang Shihan."

"Ah, Shihan, good name! It sounds good, the name is good, the person is good too!"

Huo Wendong's pair of sly eyes didn't hold back at all, scanning her up and down.

This kind of rich young master wouldn't hide his thoughts about beautiful women, there was no need to.

For him to want a woman, it was too easy.

Women who were looked at like this by him, basically none of them felt disgusted, on the contrary, they felt an opportunity had come and tried desperately to perform.

But Jiang Shihan was different, she had Lu Chengwen by her side, there was no reason to curry favor with Huo Wendong, who she didn't know at all, and who only saw women as playthings.

So she just smiled politely, with a hint of embarrassment and disgust in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, this reaction made Huo Wendong even more interested, he thought this little girl was interesting.

Sexy with a hint of tenderness, she looked like she was easy to bully!

Huo Wendong leaned closer to Lu Chengwen: "Lucky you, this little secretary, her touch is good, right?"

Lu Chengwen knew that this guy came up and hugged him, then started talking about college, then about women...

It wasn't anything else, he just wanted to get close to him, to make it seem like they were really good friends back then, to make up for the little conflict from a few days ago over a woman.

Lu Chengwen didn't want to offend Huo Wendong at this time either, so he smiled: "I'm not like you, I don't eat grass from under my nose."

"You stop it!" Huo Wendong said: "How about it? Shall we swap secretaries for a few days?"

Lu Chengwen was startled: "What are you talking about?"

"What are you pretending to be stupid about? I've swapped with a lot of classmates, it's quite exciting! There's a different kind of joy."

Then he winked again.

Lu Chengwen rubbed his temples: "I don't have that habit."

"Oh!" Huo Wendong pointed at Lu Chengwen: "That's right, once you've swapped, it basically becomes pointless. Let's not talk about pointless things, Chengwen, I came to find you, you probably guessed my purpose?"

"I don't know." Lu Chengwen poured tea for Huo Wendong.

"I know you have some shares in Qianfeng Group, twenty percent. Sell it to me, how about it? You name the price, I won't bargain."

Lu Chengwen laughed: "Want Qianfeng?"

"Of course." Huo Wendong said: "Qianfeng Group, it hasn't been doing very well these past few years, but the foundation is still good. I'm thinking, if I take it over and tinker with it, maybe there's still potential. It's a test of the waters! If it keeps splitting like this, it'll eventually fall to the price of cabbage. You sell now, I can get management rights, you can get a lot of cash, it's a win-win."

Lu Chengwen said: "Old brother, let's stop beating around the bush, shall we? If Qianfeng didn't have any money, would you spend so much money to buy

"Hahaha! Chengwen, you're still the same as before, always so shrewd. Okay, I won't lie to you, the real you."

"Actually, I want a foothold here," said Huo Wendong.

"Starting from scratch is expensive, and you know, the market share needs to compete with you.

 Taking over Qianfeng directly means I get ready-made talent, infrastructure, and customer base... that's how I can get started here!"

 He quickly added,

 "Don't worry! Once I take over Qianfeng, I'll immediately cooperate deeply with your Da Sheng, we'll minimize competition and strive for a win-win situation.

Then, we two brothers can join forces to eat up the Xu and Chen families, and Snow City will be under our control!"

 Lu Chengwen nodded,

 "That makes sense, but I refuse." "Why? Name your price!" "I know you're rich,"

 Lu Chengwen poured him tea.

"But I like Leng Qingqiu. Everyone knows that. If I take action against Qianfeng now, will I still be a human?"

 "Come on! What's the big deal? I'll acquire Qianfeng and force Leng Qingqiu out. She'll be stranded, and you can swoop in and get the beauty, what are you afraid of?"



 "Why don't you sell your shares to me?"

Huo Wendong laughed, pointing at Lu Chengwen,

"You little rascal! You've said all this, and you actually want to take over Qianfeng yourself, haven't you? Hahaha! Once you get Qianfeng, your Da Sheng Group can almost take on the Chen and Xu families alone, and Leng Qingqiu will probably end up with you. You're quite cunning!"

 "Since you know, we're friends, you need to help out a brother, right?"

 "Chengwen, it's not that I'm not being loyal," said Huo Wendong.

 "You really can't manage Qianfeng, it's already a mess.

Many senior executives are thinking about jumping ship. It'll be difficult for you to take it over, it's better..."

 "But I've already decided."

 Lu Chengwen said, "I'm going to take over Qianfeng Group."

 Huo Wendong's expression froze, his face showing undisguised disappointment.

 "No negotiation?" "None."

 "Lu Chengwen, you're still the same, you want to compete with me in everything!"


 Lu Chengwen said, "I've never competed with you. You can name your price for your shares."

Huo Wendong looked at Lu Chengwen, "One hundred billion."

 Lu Chengwen's eyes widened, "You got it for over three hundred billion, and you want to sell it to me for one hundred billion?"

 "Yes. If you agree, we'll sign the contract immediately." Lu Chengwen laughed,

"You can't handle Qianfeng. I won't sell you my shares, Leng Qingqiu won't, and Leng Tianhao definitely won't.

Qianfeng Group, either I eat it, or we'll hold onto our shares and watch it go bankrupt, the stocks will become worthless, and we'll be left with nothing."

 Huo Wendong abruptly stood up and paced around, agitatedly saying, "What are you trying to achieve? You don't even cherish this money-making opportunity! I know you've been playing some shantytown project on the stock market, is that going to work? What you earn today, you might lose tomorrow! You've spent less than three hundred billion on your shares, I'm adding fifty billion to the price, you can turn over and earn tens of billions within a few days, isn't that great?"

 Lu Chengwen shook his head, "Leng Qingqiu is just too damn sexy! I'm going to take over Qianfeng, and I'm going to take her too!"

 "You, you! You're hopeless, you're just a simp!"

 Lu Chengwen smiled and put down his teacup, "I'm a simp, a simp who spends hundreds of billions to simp."

"Hey, I said you..." At that moment, Luo Shiyin suddenly said, "Mr. Huo, don't rush.

How about... I have a private chat with Mr. Lu?" Huo Wendong felt dizzy, "Okay, you two chat.

Just so happens, I want to take a look around here. Shihan, show me around."

 Lu Chengwen suddenly felt nervous, looking at Luo Shiyin, feeling that something was amiss.


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