The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 110 I finally got it right

Chapter 110 I finally got it right

Qingqiu Leng pushed open the door, "Brother Chengwen, are you inside?"

Lu Chengwen, naked, jumped out of the pool and grabbed a bath towel to wrap around himself.

Qingqiu Leng stared intently, instantly smitten.

Lu Chengwen's strengthened physique completely exceeded Qingqiu Leng's expectations.

Lu Chengwen's muscles were firm, but not exaggerated.

His long frame, powerful shoulders, sturdy arms, and long calves were all on display.

His abdominal muscles were like a stack of bricks, his narrow waist wrapped in a bath towel, highlighting the beauty of his figure.

Qingqiu Leng's face flushed instantly.

Unexpectedly, beneath that gentle, fair exterior, Brother Chengwen's body resembled a fierce beast!

Being conquered by such a strong beast…

Qingqiu Leng's mind was in turmoil.

Lu Chengwen, feeling guilty, walked up to her, "Why did you come here?"

Behind them, Shihan Jiang hid behind the frosted glass, not daring to surface, even her breathing was cautious.

"Ah... I... I..."

"Let's talk outside."


Qingqiu Leng recounted the events.

Tianhao Leng, hopeless in his quest for his shares, went to speak with Wendong Huo, but to his surprise, Wendong Huo not only refused to sell but also wanted to buy.

For some unknown reason, her father suddenly agreed to the share transaction, and a shareholders' meeting would be held tomorrow. Once the transaction was complete, Wendong Huo would immediately announce himself as the new chairman of Qianfeng Group.

Lu Chengwen felt something was amiss.

Tianhao Leng cared for Qianfeng more than his daughter, how could he agree to sell the company's shares?

Wouldn't that mean he was essentially out of the game?

But when he thought about Wendong Huo, Lu Chengwen instantly understood.

Wendong Huo wasn't the one to be feared, it was his companion, Shiyin Luo, who was truly dangerous.

Thinking of the over-fifty-year-old Tianhao Leng, bewildered in the presence of Shiyin Luo, being tricked into selling even his family's assets, Lu Chengwen couldn't help but laugh.

"You're still laughing!" Qingqiu Leng was frantic, "What do we do? My dad owns 31% of the shares. If he sells them to Wendong Huo, then Wendong Huo will be the chairman of Qianfeng. We'll be out of the game."

Lu Chengwen laughed, "Your dad is probably trying to find you a stepmother."

"What are you talking about!" Qingqiu Leng reprimanded, "We're in a crisis, and you're still joking."

"I'm not joking," Lu Chengwen said, "Your dad probably saw a beautiful woman and lost his mind. He's agreeing to whatever she says, hahaha."

"If you say that again, I'll be angry!" Qingqiu Leng pouted, then continued, "My father has always had women on the side, it's not a secret."

Lu Chengwen nodded.

Not just Tianhao Leng, even Zhiyun Xu and Qingbin Chen, those old men, all had a few young girls at their beck and call.

Wealthy men, it's too easy for them to find women.

Of course, those women won't talk about feelings with them, they each get what they want.

I need your financial support, you need my youth to accompany you.

Love is the most useless thing.

Lu Chengwen sighed, "This woman, she's different."

Lu Chengwen scratched his chin and thought, "Aotien Long should also be involved."


Lu Chengwen said, "Your dad is surrounded. His business partner Wendong Huo wants to swallow Qianfeng, and Aotien Long, the president he appointed, wants to swallow even Wendong Huo. The woman he likes is the most powerful female mage under Aotien Long's command. Haha, only his daughter, who shares his thinking, is the one he trusts the least."

Lu Chengwen said, "Why don't you just sell your shares too? We can raise a few hundred billion and start anew."

"What are you saying!?" Qingqiu Leng exclaimed, "I've been working hard at Qianfeng for years, many managers were promoted by me, and many are placed in special positions for training. The client network and relationship groups, I've been building for years, laying the groundwork for years, and now we're about to take action. To give up now, wouldn't all my efforts be in vain?"

"Besides, starting from scratch, wouldn't I be competing with Qianfeng? A new company, competing with a deep-rooted enterprise controlled by the Dongfang Group, it's almost impossible to gain an advantage."

Lu Chengwen nodded, "Then you have to make a decision."

"What decision?"

"Take Qianfeng back from your dad."

"Wendong Huo is out of the picture?"

Lu Chengwen shook his head, "He's out. He doesn't want money, or even Qianfeng, he wants a foothold in the North. This deal for him isn't about money, it's about entering Xuecheng and becoming a local lord, and he needs to swallow a company first. Qianfeng is a perfect target for him, and since it's already started, he can't change his mind."


"Think it through," Lu Chengwen said, "If you can't bring yourself to be ruthless, your dad's shares will be sold to Wendong Huo tomorrow. Do you want Wendong Huo to succeed, or do you want to succeed? Decide and tell me. I'll go change."

Lu Chengwen changed clothes and walked out. Qingqiu Leng said, "Brother Chengwen, I've decided, to help me."

Lu Chengwen pulled Qingqiu Leng close and whispered in her ear, "We do this, this, this..."

Qingqiu Leng widened her eyes, "Will... will that work?"

Lu Chengwen smiled slightly, "I don't know, let's try."


Wendong Huo and Aotien Long sat on two luxurious sofas, drinking.

Wendong Huo's eyes were cold, "Aotien Long, you have indeed helped me get Tianhao Leng's shares, you've done it."

Aotien Long raised his glass slightly, "Don't forget my commission when the time comes."

"Rest assured, you'll get yours. My greatest advantage is my wealth."

"Then that's all I need."

Just then, Wendong Huo's secretary walked in and whispered something in his ear.

Wendong Huo's expression changed, but he quickly recovered, calmly saying, "Excuse me, Mr. Long, I need to make a phone call."

"Please do."

Aotien Long smiled.

He had heard everything the secretary said.

Qingqiu Leng had acquired 20% of Lu Chengwen's shares!

And now she was going to package them with her original 20% and sell them to Wendong Huo!

The news was explosive.

It shouldn't be possible!

Lu Chengwen was a man who wouldn't let go of a good deal, he would do anything to make money!

And he liked Qingqiu Leng, he should be trying to swallow Qianfeng with those shares! How could he have sold them so quickly to Qingqiu Leng?

Could it be!?

He made a deal with Qingqiu Leng using this!?

My goddess... for money, she slept with Lu Chengwen!?

Thinking about this, Long Aotien was filled with jealousy, his heart churning with anger. He wanted to call Leng Qingqiu immediately and get to the bottom of it.

Just then, Luo Shiyin walked in: "Young Master, King Yintuo has arrived."

Long Aotien nodded, just about to stand up, he quickly asked another question: "Did he... come to beat me up, or to pay his respects?"

Luo Shiyin twitched her lips: "He's waiting outside for your audience."

Long Aotien breathed a sigh of relief: "Damn, finally a normal person."

He went out, and King Yintuo and his assistant Yuanfang immediately knelt on one knee: "Your subordinate pays his respects to the Young Master!"

Long Aotien kept a straight face: "Hmm, you are King Yintuo?"

"Your subordinate is indeed King Yintuo."

"Make sure you're looking at the right person, don't get the wrong guy, damn it."

King Yintuo looked up, a smile on his face: "Young Master is joking, your subordinate is not a fool like King Tongtuo or King Tietuo."

"Hmm, finally a clever one."

Long Aotien said: "Did you bring the money?"

"Yes, I did."

Long Aotien said: "Transfer it, transfer it immediately."


"What's wrong?"

King Yintuo said: "To ensure safety this time, I only have the account, not the password. For the official transfer, the finance department at the branch needs to remotely supervise and control the numbers."

"Oh, then contact him."

"Your subordinate arrived a bit late today, the finance department has already clocked out."

Long Aotien glared: "Then make him get up and work overtime for me!"

King Yintuo said awkwardly: "Our finance department has a peculiar temper, they shut down their phones after work and never work overtime. However, he will be back to work tomorrow morning, your subordinate can complete the transfer anytime tomorrow morning."

Long Aotien thought for a moment, tonight and tomorrow morning, it's only a few hours, it doesn't make much difference.

It's better than King Tongtuo and King Tietuo, directly transferring the money to someone else's account.



Lu Chengwen lay in bed, holding Jiang Shihan.

Men, especially young men who have been single for a long time, will have an exciting period once they have a girlfriend.

It's truly no exaggeration to say that they'd be up all night, thinking about that stuff all the time.

He had crossed that line with Jiang Shihan, and she didn't want any titles or anything, where could you find such a good thing?

A beautiful and sexy secretary, having sex with him, it's practically every man's dream.

Lu Chengwen's dream came true, he felt that he didn't want to leave Jiang Shihan for even a moment.

Jiang Shihan had just endured the boss's crazy output, her hair was all wet and sticking to her face and chest, lying in Lu Chengwen's arms, still savoring the moment.

"Mr. Lu... you were amazing just now."

Lu Chengwen giggled mischievously: "Take a break, I'm still a good man!"

Jiang Shihan cried: "No, I really can't, I really can't."

"No! You stirred my fire, it's too late to say no now!"

Jiang Shihan quickly begged: "Go find someone else, I have no energy now, another round and I won't be able to walk tomorrow..."

Lu Chengwen was about to speak when the doorbell rang.

He picked up his phone and saw Xu Xuejiao standing at the door, holding a bag, looking a little restrained.

"Why is she here again?"

Lu Chengwen felt that it was so disappointing.

His good time was interrupted every time, it was supposed to be his crazy night, but now, this young mistress had come to his door again.

Lu Chengwen adjusted his breath, picked up his phone, and talked: "Xuejiao, what's up?"

Xu Xuejiao immediately became unhappy: "Open the door!"

"Hey, it's late now!"

"I don't care, open the door!"

"Can't we talk about it tomorrow?"

"Lu Chengwen! Are you going to open the door or not? I'm calling the police!"

Lu Chengwen thought, are you human?

You're going to force your way into my house and call the police?

Lu Chengwen had no choice, he could only pat Jiang Shihan's butt: "Take a good rest, I'll send her away."

Jiang Shihan giggled: "Hey if she finds out you're hiding a woman, will she explode?"

Lu Chengwen put on a T-shirt: "What right does she have to explode? Who does she think she is?"

Jiang Shihan said: "Tomorrow is the day she's going to have surgery for my mother, we should still..."

Lu Chengwen slapped his forehead: "Right! There's that too!"

At that moment, the doorbell rang again, and on the screen, Xu Xuejiao was furious:

"Lu Chengwen! Are you hiding a woman in your house behind my back?"

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