The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 113 Tomorrow will be better

Chapter 113 Tomorrow will be better


Xu Xuejiao poked her head cautiously: "Chengwen, is that your Master?"

Lu Chengwen was soaked in sweat, lying on the sofa, weak and exhausted, he nodded: "Yes."

Xu Xuejiao jumped onto the sofa and snuggled into Lu Chengwen's arms.

Lu Chengwen was filled with fear, tired, and naturally hugged Xu Xuejiao, playing with her hair:

"Close Cal almost got beaten into a cripple by him."

Xu Xuejiao giggled: "You're lucky. But I really feel like you've gotten a lot stronger."

"Hmm, I played basketball in school, you know that."

"Hmm." Xu Xuejiao leaned against Lu Chengwen: "Should we go back and continue?"

Lu Chengwen shook his head: "No, I don't have any mood after all this."

"Then...your hands are still restless."

"You sent yourself to my door, I can't let this opportunity go to waste."

"Then since I sent myself to your door, how about you go all out?"

Lu Chengwen looked at Xu Xuejiao, sat up, and said: "I was a little impulsive just now, you were wearing that outfit, short, you can't do this again. If you do, I'll make a mistake."

"Cut it out, you're pretending to be a good guy now."

"I'm not pretending, I'm...I don't plan to touch you at all."


"Anyway...I'll think of a way."

"What way? About what?"

Lu Chengwen felt that things were too precarious.

If Luo Shiyin hadn't drugged him, if he hadn't taken down Jiang Shihan after taking the drug, he wouldn't have received the side quest reward, he wouldn't have reforged his bones, and today he would have been dead.

This old man is crazy!

He might not even know what he's saying or doing.

Whether he can repair himself after being crippled is a big question.

Whether he can be cured depends entirely on how crazy he is!

No, I have to be careful when I see him again, otherwise I won't even know how I died.

"Anyway, I have important things to do tomorrow, let me rest for now, and recharge my batteries, we'll talk about our things later."

"Oh, then I won't bother you."

Xu Xuejiao obediently nestled in Lu Chengwen's arms, her head resting on Lu Chengwen's chest, a finger drawing circles on Lu Chengwen's stomach.

"Chengwen, I like you a lot. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel like you're so good lately. I like you more and more..."


Lu Chengwen agreed in his mouth, but his mind had already drifted, thinking about his things.

"I know you like Leng Qingqiu, but I'm not afraid. I don't think I'm any worse than her. She's just taller than me, her temperament is better, and she's also smarter than me, but that's not the most important thing in love. Besides, silly girls are easy to fool, you can fool me all the time, let me revolve around you, how good is that! Leng Qingqiu is too cunning, you can't control her."


Lu Chengwen was still thinking about his things.

"I fought with my father today. I said I would help you collect Qianfeng, and Dad disagreed. He said I was betraying my family, and said things like daughters are a loss. I just argued with him. He was just saying things out of anger. He doesn't know you. When he gets to know you, we'll cook the rice and then it's too late. He'll be good to you."


Lu Chengwen suddenly snapped back: "Is that why you came here today and insisted on hooking up with me?"

Xu Xuejiao blushed: "Hmm, what's wrong? I, Xu Xuejiao, am I not worthy of you?"

"You're worthy, you're worthy, I'm not worthy of you."

"Hmph, you know it. Chengwen..."


"How can you be so heartless? That old man will break Long Aotian's bones, right?"

Lu Chengwen laughed: "Oh, what a pity, I can't be there to watch."

Xu Xuejiao also laughed: "You're so nasty!"


In the room, Long Aotian's screams pierced the sky.

"Master! Master, I can't! Ah—"

"Master! Master, it doesn't work! Ah—"

"Master, Master, it doesn't work there, don't do that there—ah—"

"Old scoundrel, I'll fight you! Ah—"

Outside, Hua Xueqing and Luo Shiyin looked at each other.

Hua Xueqing looked serious: "Is the young master okay? I'll go take a look!"

Luo Shiyin pulled her back: "This old man is incredibly powerful. It's not just you and me, even if all four of us were here, we wouldn't be his opponent."

Hua Xueqing gripped her sword hilt: "Could he be the enemy?"

Luo Shiyin shook her head: "No."

"How can you be sure?"

"The bone-reforging technique he mentioned is the right way. The young master's previous bone-reforging technique is a step-by-step method, requiring gradual upgrades. If you can reforge it all at's suffering first, and then reaping the benefits. In the long run, suffering this once will have a great benefit to future cultivation."

"Master! I'm wrong! Please forgive me!"

Hun Tian Gang said: "You can't even bear a little pain, how can you achieve great things? Learn from your younger brother, when I reforged him, he was so grateful! You're the senior brother, you have to set a good example!"

"Master, your disciple is useless, please expel me from the sect!"

"Oh, that punishment is too harsh. Master won't do that, you can rest assured. You're still Master's good disciple, get ready, prepare for Master's full-strength attack!"

"Master, Master, Master, don't, don't, don't, let's talk this over—! You old bastard!"

Hua Xueqing couldn't hold back anymore, she raised her sword and was about to charge in: "I'll fight him!"

Luo Shiyin stopped her: "Nonsense! This is the crucial moment, as long as the young master survives this, he will gain immeasurable benefits in the future! Besides, what use are you in there?"

"But, I feel sorry for the young master."

"Who doesn't feel sorry?" Luo Shiyin tried to calm herself: "We have to hold on. This old senior has the Great Reversal Pill, plus his Bone Marrow Cleansing Sutra, he will recover quickly, it's not as painful as you think. Hold on. For the young master!"

Hua Xueqing wiped away the tears from her eyes: "I know, but hearing the young master scream like a pig being slaughtered, I..."

Luo Shiyin gritted her teeth: "The young master will undergo the most important transformation in his ancient martial arts career after this, just wait and see."

"No more sound?"

The two were confused, then Hun Tian Gang came out: "Do you have any cold water, fetch a bucket! This useless disciple of mine passed out."

"Do...we have to...splash him awake?"

"Senior, passing out is not a bad thing, it can avoid feeling pain, please be decisive, so that the young master will suffer less."

"I have to watch him, talk to him so that I can enhance the relationship between teacher and student while reforging his bones!"

Luo Shiyin thought to herself, what kind of person is this?

"Senior, I think… there's no need for this, right?"

"It's fine, I'll use another method!"

Hun Tian Gang turned around and went back in like a gust of wind, closing the door behind him.

The dragon inside, Long Ao Tian, screamed and woke up.

Hun Tian Gang said with concern: "Disciple, you're awake? Let's continue!"

Long Ao Tian said weakly: "Master, please kill me."

After a long time, Long Ao Tian screamed hundreds of times, and then there was no sound from inside again.

Luo Shi Yin breathed a sigh of relief, and her clenched fist loosened: "It should be finished."

The two girls both sighed with relief.

"Finally, it's finished."

At this time, the door opened, and Hun Tian Gang darted out: "It's over, it's over, it's over, I forgot, I don't have the Great Reversal Pill!"

Luo Shi Yin and Hua Xue Ning, their two pretty heads tilted… tilted…

There was… no language or expression that could reasonably and appropriately express their inner feelings at this moment.


You old man, are you doing this on purpose?

You smashed all the bones in his body and shattered his meridians, and then you tell me you don't have the Great Reversal Pill?

Isn't this a scam?

Can you be even more ridiculous?

Are you the Young Master's master?

Didn't the Young Master's enemies send you here to intentionally play with him?

"Just wait for me, I'll go to the Southern Country, a friend of mine has the Great Reversal Pill, I'll borrow one from him and come back to continue."

He finished speaking and disappeared before the two girls could reply.

The two girls rushed into the room, and seeing Long Ao Tian, who was in a terrible state, they both cried.

Long Ao Tian's whole body had collapsed, his face was yellow and pale, his lips were bloodless, his eyes were vacant, and his breath was weak.

"Young Master!" Hua Xue Ning cried.

Luo Shi Yin also cried: "This old man is so unreliable! We'll take revenge sooner or later!"

Long Ao Tian gasped: "Take… take the remaining… Bone Restoration and Vitality Pill… crush it… and feed it to me… I need to use the Joyful Sound Technique."

"Young Master, the Joyful Sound Technique will cause you to lose true essence and shorten your lifespan."

Long Ao Tian said weakly: "I… don't have many… days left… I'm not afraid…"

Hua Xue Ning was crying uncontrollably: "Young Master, rest in peace, we'll avenge you!"

Long Ao Tian looked at her: "I'm… still alive…"

Hua Xue Ning cried: "It's only a matter of time before we'll be prepared."

Luo Shi Yin couldn't listen anymore: "Alright Xue Ning, stop crying, go get the Bone Restoration and Vitality Pill."

She then said to Long Ao Tian: "Xue Ning's consciousness has been sealed in part, please forgive her for speaking rudely."

"Help me, tomorrow, I must…"

"I understand, Young Master, please rest assured."

Luo Shi Yin checked him briefly: "Young Master, did that old scoundrel hit your skull?"

Long Ao Tian's tears flowed down his cheeks: "What? Are you not satisfied?"

Yin Tuo Wang stood by the floor-to-ceiling window of the hotel, holding a glass of wine, with a smile on his face.

"Brother, the Young Master seems to be quite satisfied with us."

"Of course. With Tong Tuo and Tie Tuo, those two fools, as our comparison, things are developing quite smoothly."

"I still don't understand, why did they mistake the Young Master. This mistake shouldn't have happened!"

Yin Tuo Wang laughed: "I'm also baffled, but it doesn't matter. Yuan Fang, you just need to know one thing."


"You saw the fate of Tong Tuo Wang and Tie Tuo Wang, they have become wandering ghosts, only able to hang around with a rich second-generation ghost, they will be eliminated by us shortly, it's a destiny they can't resist."

"Then we…"

Yin Tuo Wang raised his glass: "We, will step over their corpses and become the Young Master's left and right arms in Xue City. We will make money and get rich, that's it."

"Brother, I'm excited."

Yin Tuo Wang looked at the urban night view outside the window with a smile:

"The Young Master must be planning his strategy now, we also have to submit a perfect report card tomorrow. Hehe, tomorrow, everything will settle down."


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