The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 115: Senior brother is angry to death, junior brother is laughing to death

Chapter 115: Senior brother is angry to death, junior brother is laughing to death

Xu Xuejiao's actions were a safety net for Leng Qingqiu.

Even if she couldn't keep the shares in her hands today, she had an outside game waiting for her, where she could finally make a fortune by using the shares of Qianfeng Group.

But this was not good news for Huo Wendong.

Last night, she had a conversation with Leng Qingqiu.

If Leng Tianhao insisted on selling his shares, then Leng Qingqiu's shares would be meaningless if they remained in her hands.

She had no say in Qianfeng Group, only being a shareholder.

Moreover, she didn't know what would happen to the Qianfeng Group in the future, it was uncertain, she couldn't intervene, and she couldn't control it.

Transferring all the shares to Huo Wendong was a last resort.

She could get a large sum of cash and start her own business.

Huo Wendong thought he had a hold on Leng Qingqiu and could take advantage of her to take away her and Leng Tianhao's shares at a low price, but now the problem was getting complicated.

Someone came in and snatched the opportunity.

Huo Wendong didn't want the Xu family to get involved, and it was obvious what that meant.

The Xu family wasn't the Leng family.

They were wealthy and powerful, and if they set their minds on competing with him, things would get very troublesome.

For Huo Wendong, the priority was to get Leng Qingqiu's shares at a low price.

The second priority was to prevent the Xu family from getting so many shares in the Qianfeng Group.

Xu Xuejiao entered the VIP lounge, which was completely closed off, and only accessible to service staff.

One of Huo Wendong's secretaries stood near the lounge, keeping an eye on her.

The negotiation process was unusually long.

Leng Qingqiu began to waver, and Lu Chengwen officially transferred all his shares to Leng Qingqiu, signed the contract, and obtained a notarization.

Now, the four-way battle had become a three-way stand-off.

But Leng Tianhao seemed determined to sell all his shares to Huo Wendong.

Leng Qingqiu and her father were essentially conducting business, without any father-daughter exchanges or courtesies.

Lu Chengwen leaned closer to Leng Qingqiu: "Look at your dad, is something wrong with him?"

"I've noticed, that he seems to be a bit mentally unstable."

Lu Chengwen nodded: "Spoil their plans."

Leng Qingqiu stood up: "I propose that the board should give the shareholders time and space to discuss privately, allowing share transfers to take place privately, and then return to the conference room for notarization after the transaction is completed."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, quickly calculating their interests.

Huo Wendong narrowed his eyes, knowing that Leng Qingqiu wanted to meet with Xu Xuejiao.

He immediately objected: "I object! All contracts must be signed here, signed on the spot, finalized on the spot."

Leng Qingqiu said: "Then I announce my withdrawal, just inform me of the outcome."

Huo Wendong suddenly stood up: "Leng Qingqiu! What are you up to? You're so arrogant just because the Xu family is backing you up?"

Leng Qingqiu looked at him, her expression calm: "Yes."

Huo Wendong was stunned, thinking she would say something misleading, but it was just one word, an acknowledgment.

The secretary quickly reminded him: "Don't let her leave, if she leaves here, she will reach an agreement with the Xu family."

Huo Wendong thought for a moment: "Alright, I agree with Ms. Leng's proposal. Moreover, I'm also willing to have a private chat with Ms. Leng."

The meeting immediately set up several breakout rooms, and the different factions went to their respective negotiation areas.

Huo Wendong loosened his tie: "Damn Xu Xuejiao, I gave her an inch, and she took a mile! I've taken care of the Leng family, the next target is the Xu family!"

The secretary said sternly: "Leng Tianhao seems to completely agree to the share transfer, Mr. Huo should prioritize getting Leng Qingqiu. Things will be very troublesome once the Xu family gets involved."

"I know!" Huo Wendong said impatiently, walking towards the door of Leng Qingqiu's negotiation room, and the secretary knocked on the door.

Several people entered the room.

"Ms. Leng, hahaha, don't joke like that, we agreed on the phone yesterday!"

"As long as the contract isn't signed, I always have options."

"Good!" Huo Wendong said: "I wonder what kind of good conditions the Xu family offered that made Ms. Leng so tempted?"

Leng Qingqiu and Huo Wendong began negotiations, Huo Wendong had to suppress Xu Xuejiao's offer and get Leng Qingqiu, and the two of them started stalling.

On the other side, Long Aotianyu, Hua Xueying, and Luo Shiyin were with Leng Tianhao.

Leng Tianhao stroked Luo Shiyin's hand: "Shiyin, you're so beautiful."

Luo Shiyin just smiled slightly: "Really?"

"Yes, after I sell Qianfeng and get the money, we'll travel the world! I have enough money for us to spend a lifetime, we'll go to Iraq, to Afghanistan, to Libya, to Ukraine… wherever we want to go."

Long Aotianyu was weak: "Shiyin."

Luo Shiyin squeezed Leng Tianhao's neck, and Leng Tianhao slowly fell asleep.

Long Aotianyu said: "Go, watch Huo Wendong, don't let anything go wrong in this matter."

"Yes, I understand."

Luo Shiyin turned and left.

Hua Xueying said: "Master, are you worried that Leng Qingqiu will cause trouble?"

"It's still uncertain whether it's Leng Qingqiu or Xu Xuejiao. These two women are too cunning."

At this time, with the office door half open, a figure flashed out, standing at the door whispering to Lu Chengwen.

Long Aotianyu's eyes widened: "Tongtuo Wang!"

Hua Xueying immediately became furious, Tongtuo Wang was the one who seriously injured Long Aotianyu!

Hua Xueying remembered how Long Aotianyu was beaten up by Tongtuo Wang, and she was so angry that her teeth were gritted.

She strode to the door and pulled it open, Tongtuo Wang instinctively turned around, and the two of them met eyes.

Hua Xueying was furious: "Tongtuo Wang, I finally found you!"

Tongtuo Wang turned and ran, like a rabbit, Hua Xueying immediately chased after him.

Long Aotianyu sensed something was wrong: "Xueying! Don't chase!"

Long Aotianyu felt uneasy.

Hua Xueying was reckless, now he had no one to protect him!

He quickly made a call: "Yintuowang! Come up quickly, protect me!"

At this time, Lu Chengwen walked in with a smile, closing the door as he went: "Senior brother, long time no see. Your performance in the conference room just now was truly admirable, junior brother!"

Long Aotianyu frowned: "What are you up to again?"

"What can I be up to?" Lu Chengwen laughed: "We haven't had a drink together since we swore brotherhood, how about it? Now that everything is settled, the gate senior brother must have made a fortune, let's have a drink together?"

Long Aotianyu sneered: "Alright, let's also talk about the future cooperation between Qianfeng Group and Dasheng Group."

"Hahaha!" Lu Chengwen laughed loudly, Jiang Shihan walked in from outside, carrying a bottle of wine.

She smiled slightly at Long Aotianyu: "Aotianyu gate."

Long Aotianyu narrowed his eyes and looked at her: "You… you and Lu Chengwen are together?"

Jiang Shihan blushed and nodded: "Aotianyu gate, I heard that you and Lu gate are sworn brothers and have a close bond. Shihan is so happy, I hope you two brothers will be like brothers and prosper together. "

Jiang Shihan obediently opened the bottle of wine and poured two glasses for them.

Long Aotianyu's eyes were about to burst into flames!

Jiang Shihan, the goddess-like secretary he had been longing for!

A very important figure in his harem list!

As a result, she was snatched away by Lu Chengwen, this scoundrel!

Just as Jiang Shihan was about to leave, Lu Chengwen pulled her over and embraced her: "What are you in a hurry for, my senior brother is not an outsider."

"Mr. Lu, you're so annoying! Aotianyu gate will see, it's so embarrassing."

"Hmm, you're not good, you were so flirtatious yesterday, why are you pretending to be pure today?"

Long Aotianyu suddenly stood up: "Lu Chengwen!"

Lu Chengwen said: "Oh, Senior brother, did Master look for you last night?"

Long Aotianyu thought about his injury and then thought about Lu Chengwen, who was no longer the little white rat he used to be, he was already a martial artist, and his injury couldn't be aggravated. Otherwise, the consequences and aftereffects of secondary damage would be endless.

Thinking of this, Long Aotianyu could only suppress his anger.

"Didn't Master look for you?"

"Master looked for me first!" Lu Chengwen said: "I was scared to death! He said he wanted to teach me martial arts, but he had to rebuild my bones first. My god, he wanted to break all my bones and shatter all my tendons! How could I let him do that? Senior brother, you seem to be a bit uncomfortable?"

Long Aotianyu was furious: "I'm fine."

"Oh, that's good." Lu Chengwen held a wine glass in one hand and ran his other hand up and down Jiang Shihan's body, making Jiang Shihan's whole body heat up, her face turning red to her neck, she dared not look at Long Aotianyu's eyes.

"You don't know, Master is too stubborn! He wanted to force me, I said Master, I don't intend to be a martial arts expert, just let me go! Master scolded me for being incompetent, a piece of clay that can't be molded. Oh well, clay is clay, I just want to make money and live a lavish life."

Lu Chengwen looked at Long Aotianyu: "Senior brother, Master has been praising you, saying you are a martial arts prodigy, not only talented but also extremely intelligent. Senior brother, I envy you. I told Master, why are you looking for me? You should go find my senior brother! Senior brother is the one who should rebuild his bones and become a dragon! Your Great Sun Rejuvenation Pill is a waste on me, senior brother should be the one to enjoy Master's attention!"

"It was you!" Long Aotianyu gritted his teeth: "Damn it! You tricked me!"

"Senior brother!" Lu Chengwen said: "How can you call it tricking you? I do know a little about your martial arts, rebuilding bones to help you reach a higher level. Senior brother, you are currently at the Middle Four Gates, right? To reach the level of Upper Four Gates, you have to rebuild your bones!"

"Damn it, I was originally at the Upper Four Gates! I was injured in a fierce battle on the border, lost my essence, and was downgraded to the Middle Four Gates! I just… cough!"

Long Aotianyu was so angry that he coughed.

But he couldn't get angry now!

But he couldn't help it!

So angry! The more he thought about it, the angrier he got!

Lu Chengwen and that old man were in cahoots to trick him!

Lu Chengwen pushed Jiang Shihan away, walked to Long Aotianyu, looked at him, and snatched his wine glass: "You shouldn't be drinking now, you should change into a new set of clothes, have a hearty lunch, and listen to some cheerful music. Senior brother, the Great Sun Rejuvenation Pill is a rare elixir, it's very precious, and you must digest the medicinal power properly. I believe that with your talent, senior brother, you will break free from your cocoon and become a dragon."

Long Aotianyu covered his chest, his eyeballs almost popping out:

"He doesn't have the Great Sun Rejuvenation Pill! He broke all my bones and ran away!"

Lu Chengwen widened his eyes, completely dumbfounded.

He couldn't help but burst out laughing.

One couldn't help but get angry, the other couldn't help but laugh.

Both of them were having a hard time.

And this play had a mutual effect.

The more Lu Chengwen held back his laughter, the more Long Aotianyu couldn't help but get angry!

And the more Lu Chengwen saw Long Aotianyu's furious face, the more he couldn't help but laugh, and Long Aotianyu got even angrier…

Finally, Lu Chengwen couldn't hold it in anymore, he burst into laughter, tears streaming down his face: "Master is so funny! He doesn't have the Rejuvenation Pill, and he still broke all your bones, and then ran… ran away… hahahahahaha…"

Long Aotianyu watched Lu Chengwen laugh wildly and uncontrollably, and finally couldn't hold back, a mouthful of blood sprayed out.


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