The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 129 Isn’t this a coincidence?

Chapter 129 Isn’t this a coincidence?


Idiot Mountain.

Beside a modified Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon, Lu Chengwen was dressed in Martin boots, work pants, a wide, stylish belt, a brown hunting jacket with the collar flipped up, and designer sunglasses.

He looked like a male model from a fashion magazine.

He had shed his suit and tie, and this outfit was refreshing.

Jiang Shihan was infatuated with Lu Chengwen.

Mr. Lu is so handsome! How can he be so handsome? Is this man even human? Those long legs in Martin boots are simply mesmerizing!

Lu Chengwen looked at a double-barreled shotgun, smiling proudly, and turned to urge, "Zhao Gang, what are you doing? Hurry up."

"Yes! Mr. Lu!"

Zhao Gang also carried a shotgun, wearing jeans and suede boots, smiling, "Mr. Lu is always busy with work, it's rare to have a chance to go hunting and relax. I specially brought a bag, we can put the hunted animals in it, take them back to show our company people, and let them know that our Mr. Lu is both a scholar and a warrior! He is the strongest in Snow City in business, hey, he is also the best hunter in Snow City!"

These words of flattery made Lu Chengwen feel very comfortable.

Lu Chengwen now finally knew why emperors always had flatterers around them.

You are awesome, rich, talented, and successful...

When you reach that level, you need confidence.

But those who can do great things, their intelligence, ability, and thinking are beyond the average person, and you know very well that it is difficult for someone to think the same way as you.

Your wisdom and ability are not something that everyone can understand and recognize.

Of course, there will be many who flatter you and many who speak sweet words.

But! They only say that because you have money, they don't know your wisdom at all.

Therefore, you need professional flattery practitioners to give you this sense of satisfaction by your side.

Zhao Gang's flattery skills were very good.

This guy had a talent for it, and he was willing to work hard. He had thoroughly studied the art of flattery and had his style, and he was passionate about this career.

His style of flattery sounded like blunt flattery to the average person.

Lu Chengwen hated blunt flattery the most.

Blunt flattery is like telling the other person that what you are saying is all fake, just for the sake of flattering them.

That effect is much worse.

But Zhao Gang's blunt flattery wasn't that simple, it was blunt with a touch of softness.

On the surface, he was just blustering, but there was a lot of thought behind it.

In short, it made Lu Chengwen feel that you were flattering him, and even if you had nothing to flatter him with, you would still force yourself to do it!

But you understand me! Your bluntness shows that you admire me!

My God! This is so great!

So, it was less that Lu Chengwen admired Zhao Gang, but rather that Zhao Gang always managed to discover Lu Chengwen's strengths, and could accurately stroke Lu Chengwen's ego.

They were a perfect match.

Lu Chengwen had taken out fifty billion, and less than twenty-four hours later, he had earned it back. This made him extremely proud.

He didn't think it was luck, he thought it was his ability!

It was entirely because he could adapt to the situation, it was entirely because his intelligence was beyond the strategist's comprehension, it was entirely because he had broken through industry barriers, and had a huge deterrent effect on the strategist and King Jin Tuo.

Lu Chengwen was already floating on air.

So, firstly to avoid trouble and secondly to relax, he came out hunting.

In this world, hunting is also allowed.

Carrying a gun requires a license, and you can only hunt in areas where it is legally allowed, and the number of bullets you can carry at a time is limited.

Jiang Shihan was wearing hiking shoes and jeans, she was absolutely stunning.

Lu Chengwen looked at his sexy secretary, his heart was filled with joy.

What more could a man ask for?

He owned a multi-billion dollar group, could play with his beautiful secretary anytime, anywhere, and had a loyal dog-leg by his side who constantly flattered him in different ways, it was just too good to be true.

Especially when Jiang Shihan changed clothes today, Lu Chengwen's interest immediately rose.

On the surface, he was looking for places to hunt, but in his mind, he was thinking about finding a place to have a romp with Jiang Shihan in the wild.

[Jiang Shihan is too damn beautiful! That face, those long legs, that small frame. How can her legs be so thin? And her butt is big and round, it's so curvy and charming.]

[Later, I'll find a big tree and pin her against it! Hehe! If she dares to resist, I'll scare her! Anyway, she's timid, I'll scare her and she'll be afraid, and listen obediently.]

Jiang Shihan followed Lu Chengwen, her heart pounding.

Mr. Lu is such a bad guy! He actually wants the mountains...

It's so embarrassing!

But, the boss likes this kind of thing, I should satisfy him as a secretary.

I'll just resist symbolically, to make him happy.

Jiang Shihan tripped slightly and almost fell, Lu Chengwen quickly caught her. "Be careful."

"It's okay, thank you, Mr. Lu."

Lu Chengwen thought to himself:

[I wonder why those big bosses marry so many women.]

[It's so troublesome having so many women. Three women make a play? I think two is enough to handle. I work hard every day, and then after work, I have to carefully handle the relationships between the women at home, it's too damn tiring.]

[One wife is enough! If I want a change, I can just go find Chen Morun! One wife is enough, more would be a hassle.]

[I wonder if my parents will let me marry Jiang Shihan. Hmm, I have to talk to them.]

Jiang Shihan was surprised.

She was not surprised that a big boss like Lu Chengwen actually had thoughts of marital fidelity.

But it was that Lu Chengwen wanted to marry me, Jiang Shihan!?

Jiang Shihan's self-positioning was that she was Lu Chengwen's secretary, Lu Chengwen's mistress.

That's all.

She knew that a wealthy family would never marry a secretary into the family.

There's no such precedent!

No wealthy chairman would marry his secretary.

Because there's no need!

Secretaries are women who are always available...If you want what you get from a secretary to be always available, then there's no need to marry her!

Rich people are very good at keeping accounts.

As for what to do about the secretaries you can't get?

First of all, that's rare.

The temptation is too great! The president of a multi-billion dollar group is interested in you, most women can't resist.

Even if you don't agree, it's easy, just find one who will agree.

You're so rich, you can choose any beautiful secretary you want.
But Mr. Lu, you actually want to marry me?

Jiang Shihan was moved to tears, walking with her head down.

Lu Chengwen thought she was uncomfortable. "Shihan, what's wrong?"

"Oh, Mr. Lu, I'm fine."

"Are you crying?" Lu Chengwen quickly stopped and walked to her, nervously saying, "Are you tired? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were so weak. Okay, let's not go in...

"No, it's not..." Jiang Shihan said through her tears, "Mr. Lu, you're too good to me."

Lu Chengwen was stunned. "Ah,'s okay. Are you really okay?"

"I'm fine." Jiang Shihan bit her lip and suddenly smiled, "Mr. Lu, let's find a place to have a wild romp later!"

Lu Chengwen was startled.

[What the heck!? Once a girl gets her way, she's more open than a guy!]

[But she did think the same as me.]

[But she's so tired, how can I bear to bother her?]

Lu Chengwen smiled and wiped her tears. "Forget it, forget it, let's just enjoy the scenery."

"No, I want to."


"I...I want to make you happy."

"I'm already very happy. The air here is so good, and the scenery is also great."

Lu Chengwen coaxed Jiang Shihan, "Okay, I'll take you shopping when we get back, you don't have to save money for me, just pick whatever you want. I'll buy you a hundred designer bags, a hundred pieces of clothing, a hundred watches, a hundred..."

Jiang Shihan laughed, "I'm afraid I'll spend all of Mr. Lu's money."

Lu Chengwen laughed, "I'll take out a million and let you spend it."

Jiang Shihan said, "I don't want to spend your money."

"Why? I have money!"

Jiang Shihan shook her head, "Mr. Lu, I love you."

Lu Chengwen froze, then smiled softly. "To be honest, I like you too."

Jiang Shihan said, "So, I only earn my salary and spend my own money, I won't spend a penny of yours. Otherwise, I'll feel like my love for you is not pure enough."

Lu Chengwen put his arm around her, "You're silly! Love is just a fleeting thing, right now I'm handsome and you're beautiful, we're both infatuated with each other. What if I don't love you anymore when you get old? You have to take advantage of the situation, and save up more money."

Jiang Shihan shook her head, "I work hard and I can save up a lot of money, my money is enough. But I just want you to know that my love for you is not mixed with any interests."

Lu Chengwen laughed, stroking Jiang Shihan's head. "You are so silly! I'm a rich man, if you love me, you should love all of me, including my money! If you only love me as a person, not my money, I'll be very troubled."

Jiang Shihan blushed, "Who said I only love you as a person? I also love your..."

Jiang Shihan leaned close to Lu Chengwen's ear and said something in a whisper.

Lu Chengwen burst out laughing, pinching Jiang Shihan's face. "Really? Little slut! Okay! Let's find a place to have a good time!"

Lu Chengwen turned and shouted, "Zhao Gang!"

How smart Zhao Gang was!

He had already run far away, not wanting to listen to their business, and now he was intentionally shouting from a distance, "What is it, Mr. Lu?"

Meaning, I'm far away from you, I have to shout to talk to you, so I can't hear what you are talking about.

Lu Chengwen shouted loudly in the mountains, "Mr. Lu is going to have a wild romp with Jiang Shihan over here, you little rascal, get far away, don't come over unless I call you! Did you hear that?"

"Yes! Zhao Gang wishes Mr. Lu a successful encounter!"

Lu Chengwen chuckled, "You little rascal."

Jiang Shihan was already blushing.

Lu Chengwen and Jiang Shihan immediately got into an indescribable situation. Afterward, when Lu Chengwen loosened his grip on Jiang Shihan, he accidentally fired his gun.

Lu Chengwen was startled because he heard someone groan and fall in the woods.

"Damn it! Zhao Gang!"

Lu Chengwen quickly pulled up his pants, grabbed his gun, and rushed over, shouting as he ran, "Zhao Gang!? Are you okay?"

But Zhao Gang also ran from another direction, "Mr. Lu! Are you okay?"

Lu Chengwen stopped, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

Lu Chengwen was even more panicked, "Damn it! My gun misfired, I think I hit someone!"

"No way?"


In the woods in the distance.

King Jin Tuo was clutching his wound, unable to get up for a long time, his teeth gritted. "Damn it! How could this happen?!"


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