The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 133 Mission Impossible

Chapter 133 Mission Impossible

Lu Chengwen, accompanied by Zhao Gang and Jiang Shihan, also arrived in the vicinity.

Suddenly, Hun Tiangang jumped out: "Haha! Good disciple! You've come to visit your master!"

Lu Chengwen was startled, but when he saw it was Hun Tiangang, his heart settled.

Then he thought, "Damn, I know why the Military Strategist and Jin Tuo Wang are here!"

"These two idiots came to find my master?"

"Didn't they go back to ask Long Aotian about the situation?"

Lu Chengwen said, "Master, how have you been?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Oh, these two are..."

"Oh, this is my secretary, Jiang Shihan, and this is Zhao Gang, my assistant and driver."

Hun Tiangang nodded: "Another girlfriend? Be careful, the most important thing in cultivation is to preserve your essence, don't be too indulgent."

Jiang Shihan was embarrassed, and Lu Chengwen was also awkward: "Master, has anyone come to cause trouble for you?"





"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing." Lu Chengwen was puzzled. He could find his master by chance, why hadn't those two shown up?

"It must be that Jin Tuo Wang's injuries are too serious, they're healing, hmm hmm."

Hun Tiangang smiled and said, "Come on, let's go sit in my cave."

At the mention of the cave, Lu Chengwen felt apprehensive. Caves usually didn't have good things, and the cave left him with too much psychological trauma.

They reached the cave, and there was a circular earthen stove built with stones around the edge, with wooden frames on both sides. All the fires in the middle had been extinguished, leaving a pile of charcoal burning slowly, releasing a small amount of heat.

A roe deer leg was skewered on the frame. The leg was very plump and delicious, the aroma was very tempting.

Lu Chengwen and the others were hungry.

Hun Tiangang smiled and said, "You must be hungry?"

Lu Chengwen rubbed his hands awkwardly: "Master, to be honest, we've been walking all day, for over seven hours."

"Hahaha, eat, eat, eat, you eat. I'll watch you eat."


The three of them tore off the roe deer's leg and started to devour it with gusto.

Over there, Hun Tiangang went out with a dagger in hand and soon returned with another roe deer leg, processed it, and put it on the frame to roast.

This thing was magical.

There were no seasonings at all, but the three of them ate with great relish.

Even Jiang Shihan, who always paid attention to her appearance, was eating with her mouth full of oil, her expression ferocious.

As Lu Chengwen was eating, he felt something was wrong, the ceiling seemed to be dripping.

He looked up and was startled, taking a few steps back: "What's going on? What's going on!?"

Above the ceiling, Jin Tuo Wang and the Military Strategist were stripped naked, only wearing shorts, and hanging from the ceiling.

The two were starving, watching the three below eating with gusto, smelling the aroma of the roast meat, and listening to the five-star reviews of "delicious, delicious, really delicious," how could they not drool?

Hun Tiangang acted as if nothing had happened: "Oh, nothing, nothing, you eat yours."

Lu Chengwen had no appetite anymore. With two live people hanging above, how could he eat?

"Master, I just asked you, didn't you say no one was causing you trouble?"

"Yes, no one is causing me trouble!"

"Then those two..."

Hun Tiangang opened his eyes wide: "Are those two considered trouble? They're not trouble at all. This one!"

He pointed at Jin Tuo Wang: "He fell before I even made a move! This one!"

He pointed at the Military Strategist: "He vomited blood just as I was about to make a move."

Lu Chengwen thought to himself, "How powerful are you!?"

"These two are the peak of combat power I've ever seen!"

"Uh... Master, why are you hanging them up there?"


"For... why?"

"This one!" He pointed at the Military Strategist: "He lied to me, he said that you asked him to kill me and that you wanted to use my hand to kill them. Don't be ridiculous, my disciple could be so bad. Could I be so stupid? You know how smart my master is, giga-smart! They can't fool me!"

Lu Chengwen nodded: "Then what about this one?"

"Wow, this one is even more outrageous. After he woke up, he even asked me if I asked you for a lot of money. You tell me, did I ask you for money?"

"No." Lu Chengwen answered very readily: "Master treats his disciple as his own, he never asked for money."

Lu Chengwen looked at the two pitifully.

They were indeed very arrogant before, making Lu Chengwen feel like he could die at their hands at any moment.

But now, looking at their pitiful state, Lu Chengwen couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

He was too mean.

Hun Tiangang was too perverted!

Even Lu Chengwen couldn't stand Hun Tiangang's methods.

Lu Chengwen scratched his head awkwardly: "Master, what are you going to do with them?"

Hun Tiangang roasted the roe deer leg, hehe: "I'm going to make them my house guardian stone lions."

Lu Chengwen narrowed his eyes: "That's creative, worthy of you, Master. But humans are made of flesh, how can they be made into stone lions?"

"That's not a problem! I'll use the Petrifying Palm to petrify their limbs, won't that make them stone lions?"

The two heard this, and their souls were terrified.

Petrifying Palm!? Is there such a terrifying skill?

Lu Chengwen said: "But that's not right, what if they run away?"

"That's not a problem!" Hun Tiangang beamed: "I can break their legs, then put them back together, then break them again when they're about to heal, and put them back together again, and repeat this process... that way, they can't escape."

The two above felt that this old man was a devil.

The more they heard, the more afraid they became!

Lu Chengwen still had questions: "But that's not right! Guardian stone lions are a male and a female! Both of these are male!"

"Oh, that's true! But that's not a problem!" Hun Tiangang pulled out his dagger: "I'll just 'transform' one of them into a female lion. Good disciple, which one should I transform first?"

Lu Chengwen said: "Master, if you say 'transform first', then both of them will have to be cut."

"Hahaha, that's right, two female lions? Is that how they are placed?"

The two above thought they were doomed.

Lu Chengwen was here to deliver a critical blow!

He kept asking questions, probably the old man couldn't think of so many ideas.

Good heavens, he kept saying, "That's not right," and the old man kept saying, "That's not a problem!"

The two of them were completely in sync, discussing how to torment the other two.

And these tactics can't be described as mean anymore, they're two perverts!

And they're very creative! Is that not scary?

"No, Master, that's still not right." As soon as Lu Chengwen said that, the two above burst into tears.

Lu Chengwen said: "Female lions should have a little lion under their feet!"

The two above widened their eyes in disbelief, looking at Lu Chengwen.

"Is that so?" Hun Tiangang asked innocently.

"Yes." Lu Chengwen replied affirmatively.

"That's not a problem!" Hun Tiangang waved his hand: "I'll transform this skinny one into a female lion, and let them make me a little lion, wouldn't that be fine?"

Zhao Gang and Jiang Shihan's expressions froze.

This old man seems to be getting crazier!

Lu Chengwen looked at his master: "Master, this... they can't do it."

Hun Tiangang got angry: "If they can't do it, I'll beat them! I'll beat them until they're willing to give me a little lion!"

"No, no, Master, they're not unwilling to give you... a little lion, it's that they can't give you one!"

"What can't they give me, I don't believe it!" Hun Tiangang said: "I'll personally supervise them to make me a little lion! If it doesn't work once, twice, if it doesn't work twice, a hundred times! A thousand times! Ten thousand times! There will be one time that it will succeed! I believe that as long as we persevere, persist, never give up, and never yield, we will surely succeed!"

Lu Chengwen scratched his head: "Master, this... this kind of thing can't be solved by effort, they..."

"Do they dare disobey me? I'm a man who walks the world with 'violent output'! They won't give me a little lion for a day, I won't let them off for a day! I have nine methods to make them live worse than death!"

Hun Tiangang gestured fiercely: "Nine!"

Lu Chengwen said: "Master, didn't you say last time that you walk the world with 'winning people over with virtue'? Why have you changed to 'violent output' this time?"

"Did I say that? I don't remember."

"I remember you... you seem to have said that."

"Oh! It's not important, it's not important! My master's way of walking the world is 'adapting to the situation', it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Lu Chengwen shook his head: "But that's still not right, Master..."

The two above couldn't take it anymore, they swung their bodies frantically, making a "woo woo" sound, their eyes looked at Lu Chengwen with a pleading expression.

Brother, stop saying "that's not right" all the time. Now you're forcing us to make a little lion for him, if you keep saying "That's not right", he might come up with some crazy plan.

Currently, this "making a little lion" project is already a challenge for us!

We really can't take on other projects!

Hun Tiangang said: "You wait here, I'll go get some firewood."

After Hun Tiangang finished speaking, he disappeared, very efficiently.

Jiang Shihan looked at the two guys hanging up: "Mr. Lu, what should we do?"

Lu Chengwen stroked his chin, looking at the two: "Damn, I don't know."

"Can we save them? They look so pitiful."

Lu Chengwen knew that Jiang Shihan was acting, helping him to play the good guy.

Lu Chengwen said: "I want to save them! But you saw this old man is crazy! When I talk to him, even my heels are tense, afraid that I'll say the wrong thing and he'll make me give birth to a great-grandson for him!"

Jiang Shihan giggled, her face turning red.

Zhao Gang said: "Should we untie those two and escape together?"

The two above nodded frantically, making "woo" sounds.

"Be quiet!" Lu Chengwen turned back and rebuked them, falling into a dilemma: "We are all like white mice in my master's eyes! Escape? It won't take him five minutes to catch us and hang us up again. Are you interested in being a female lion?"

Zhao Gang waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, I'm not interested in being a male one either!"

Lu Chengwen was heartbroken: "He robbed me of so much money, but he hid here playing outdoor barbecue. He even asked me if I did it, he's just too much!"

Of course, this sentence was also for the two above to hear.

"Mr. Lu, this is all your fault, why did you let them provoke your master? Your master... is too unpredictable!"

"Can I blame myself?" Lu Chengwen was almost going crazy: "They were picking on me at the time, if I didn't get rid of them, they would have killed me at any moment!"

"And how could I have known that the two of them were so 'smart'? They found my master! My master is elusive, even though I can only see him by chance, they found him! They're talented!"

Lu Chengwen turned back and gave them a thumbs up: "You guys are awesome!"

Zhao Gang came up with an idea: "Mr. Lu, how about this? We'll say that we have something to do at the company later, leave here, and just leave them here, what do you think?"

"This plan is brilliant!" Lu Chengwen said: "Zhao Gang's suggestion is exactly what I want!"

The two above begged again frantically, making "woo" sounds.

Jiang Shihan said: "Mr. Lu, it's fine for us to leave, but if I think about them... creating a little lion day after day... for the rest of my life, I will have nightmares."

Lu Chengwen said: "This is what we'll do! I'll go plead with my master, you two untie them and take them away first! Whether I succeed or not, I can buy some time."


Lu Chengwen jumped up over two meters high, startling Jiang Shihan to let out a light cry.

Lu Chengwen untied the rope, and the two fell from above.

As soon as they landed, the animal skin in their mouths was pulled out, and they spoke:

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for saving our lives!"

The Military Strategist also said: "Mr. Lu, we brothers owe you a big favor!"

Lu Chengwen said: "Don't be polite, go, escape this idiot's mountain, let's talk in the city."


The two of them were badly injured, and they followed Jiang Shihan and Zhao Gang to find the car.

At this time, the two of them saw the four figures.

Luo Shiyin was very surprised!

Jin Tuo Wang!? The Military Strategist!?

The two of them... how come they were walking with Lu Chengwen's people!?

Could it be...?

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