The Child Emperor

Chapter 110: Secrets of the Fate Seers

Chapter 110: Secrets of the Fate Seers

Han Ruzi stood within the fence, gazing into the distance. Some people were looking at him, while others kept their distance, focusing on their own activities, afraid of disturbing that mysterious “emperor’s aura.”

“What are you looking at?” a curious voice asked.

Han Ruzi turned around to see Qingting standing behind him. Following his gaze, she couldn’t figure out what he was looking at. Jin Chuiduo stood at the gate, keeping her distance.

“I’m waiting to witness a miracle,” Han Ruzi turned back and continued to gaze into the distance.

Qingting looked for a while and finally found the target. “Are you talking about that old Daoist man?”

Han Ruzi nodded.

Lin Kunshan wore a hat resembling a Daoist cap but dressed in the attire of a scholar. He strolled leisurely through the village, rarely out of Han Ruzi’s sight. Occasionally, someone would greet him, and they would engage in enthusiastic conversation before bidding farewell.

“Is he going to perform magic tricks?”

“No, he’s showing how to greet strangers.”

“Is that the ‘miracle’ you mentioned? The imperial must be truly dull. Maybe the people he’s looking for are those he already knows…”

A cough from behind urged them. Qingting said, “Oh, Miss asked me to tell you to tell them not to address her as ‘Empress’ anymore.”

“Sure, please tell your Miss to tell them not to call me ‘Your Majesty’ or ‘True Dragon Emperor’ as well.”

“Hmm, if Miss can make them obedient, why would she need you?”


Qingting scratched her head in confusion, finally realizing, “Oh, you mean you can’t make them obedient either… Can’t you just say things directly? Why beat around the bush and show off your education?”

“Sorry,” Han Ruzi smiled and said, keeping his eyes on Lin Kunshan.

“Well, I’ve delivered the message.” Qingting was about to leave but stopped, asking, “Did you really spot the spy at a glance?”

“It was just a coincidence.”

“Uh-huh, Miss said the same. It seems you’re not adept at magic.”

“Of course not.”

“What about martial arts? Are you skilled?”

“If I were skilled, I wouldn’t…” Han Ruzi stopped himself from beating around the bush and answered directly, “I’m not good, very average.”

“Then why aren’t you afraid?”

“You guys don’t seem afraid either.”

“It’s different. We are considered guests. Although we caused some trouble, we’re still guests. We can leave whenever we want, just that… we don’t know how to leave. But for you, you are trapped here. Whosever’s hands you’re in, you would be a prisoner.”

“Yeah, I’m a prisoner in anyone’s hands, so I got used to it a long time ago,” Han Ruzi smiled. He was a bit scared at first, but now he was just curious.

“Being an emperor is not easy, and being a deposed emperor is even harder,” Qingting expressed sympathy. A few coughs came from behind her, so she had to go back. She grumbled in a low voice, “Can’t we even chat a bit?”

Lin Kunshan returned. He was accompanied by another person, a man in his thirties with a sturdy build. Despite the worn-out clothes and dark skin, he stood upright, exuding a hint of martial vigor.

The man came to Han Ruzi, respectfully bowing, “This commoner Zhou Bi pays respects to Your Majesty.”

Han Ruzi returned the gesture.

Zhou Bi glanced at Lin Kunshan and continued, “My request is simple. I want to be a general, commanding around a thousand men. I’ll strive in battles from now on, so Your Majesty, please take notice.”

“Alright,” Han Ruzi said casually. Zhou Bi, however, was overjoyed as if he had received a great reward. After bowing again, he withdrew, showing even more respect than when he arrived.

Lin Kunshan smiled and invited the emperor back to the “palace.”

“I’ve never met Zhou Bi before. I knew nothing about him. He, on the other hand, had heard of my name,” Lin Kunshan stood with his back to the doorway. “Zhou Bi is a farmer who has learned a bit of martial arts. In less than the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, he considered me a kindred spirit and revealed his hidden desire. Before this, he had never told anyone about his wish to become a general because it would only invite ridicule.”

If Qingting were here to make a guess, she would surely think this was a collusion between Lin Kunshan and Zhou Bi. However, Han Ruzi believed it was genuine. The request was something he brought up on the spot, and from a distance, he observed clearly that Zhou Bi did not recognize Lin Kunshan at first. In the beginning of their conversation, Zhou Bi showed obvious confusion.

“Your Majesty can make another request, and I will fulfill it,” Lin Kunshan said.

Han Ruzi sat on the edge of the heated bed, “No need, I trust you.”

“Would Your Majesty like to know how I persuaded Zhou Bi to reveal his wish?”

“You didn’t seem to use any special methods.”

“Haha, Your Majesty is very perceptive. That’s why we are fate seers, not envoys. Envoys rely on their mouths; we use our eyes.”

Han Ruzi didn’t quite understand, “Can you read the minds of others?”

“I wish I could, but I cannot. Um… Your Majesty, have you ever experienced mistaking someone for another?”

Han Ruzi thought for a moment and shook his head. He didn’t know many people, especially since he had frequent interactions with outsiders only in the past six months.

Lin Kunshan said, “Did Your Majesty see how I greeted those people just now?”

“I did. Some people seemed to be actively greeting you.”

“No, I was always the one initiating the greeting; they just spoke first,” Lin Kunshan stepped forward, slightly widening his eyes, showing a hint of surprise. He pointed to his face, “This is my ‘greeting.'”

Han Ruzi was momentarily confused but then understood, “You make them feel like you know each other, so they initiate the conversation.”

“Exactly, but this trick is not foolproof. If someone rarely interacts with strangers, like Your Majesty, they won’t be misled, and the ‘greeting’ won’t elicit a response.”

“So the first step in being a fate seer is to choose the right target. You met many people in the village, but only Zhou Bi engaged in conversation with you because… he had traveled in the pugilist world and had encountered fate seers before. But he couldn’t remember clearly, so he was confused by you.”

“Your Majesty is wise, seeing through it at once.”

“Is being a fate seer really that simple?” Han Ruzi was greatly surprised.

Lin Kunshan smiled, “The truth may sound simple, but I spent a full ten years delving into its subtleties. Even now, I can only say I’m proficient, not necessarily skilled. There was a time when I roamed around, approaching strangers, and the experiences were too bitter to describe. I had my ribs broken at least three times, with a long scar on my back. There were many narrow escapes, but that’s how I gained a bit of skill today.”

Han Ruzi couldn’t help but laugh. It was hard to believe that someone would specialize in this, but upon closer thought, he found it quite profound. “So the fate seer’s greatest skill is to recognize who is worth persuading? Observation is the key. Speaking… is actually mainly done by the other party.”

“Your Majesty has glimpsed the mysteries of our sect. I mentioned approaching strangers, making a seemingly familiar expression as just the first step. I must constantly observe the other person’s reactions. If they also show a similar expression, the situation starts to take shape. After that, I might smile ambiguously. If the other person looks around, it’s a lost cause. If they also smile, there’s a good chance the situation is under control. My arms may seem to lift but not quite, and my mouth appears to open but not fully, as if about to bow and speak. However, I must wait for the other person to bow first or speak first. Only then can I be sure that the other person has taken me for someone they know. During the conversation, they will voluntarily provide information. All of this has to be completed in an instant, like a master duel, where a single round determines the winner, or like two armies in battle, where decisive action must be taken, and it can’t be a moment too soon or too late.”

“One can be a professional thief, and deception… divination is the same,” Han Ruzi chuckled. “Compared to Chunyu Xiao, who is more formidable?”

Lin Kunshan said solemnly, “My master’s skill is profound, reaching an elusive realm. How can I be compared to him? When I was practicing, I just chatted up strangers on the street, at most enduring a beating. My master, on the other hand, went straight into the homes of nobles. If they disagreed, he would lose his head. Over these years, he has emerged unscathed. How many people can possess such a skill?”

Fate seers appeared to be a group of swindlers in the pugilist world, yet they elevated deception to a form of art. Han Ruzi didn’t know whether to scorn or admire them. “Did Chao Yongsi also learn this from you?”

Lin Kunshan chuckled and shook his head, “He has only learned a little. He was too old when he took me as his master, so it was impossible for him to reach an advanced level.”

Han Ruzi pondered for a moment, “You read faces, and Chunyu Xiao reads the strategic situation. That’s why he was so confident even before meeting the nobles.”

Lin Kunshan deeply bowed, “Your Majesty has a keen understanding.”

“What strategic situation does he see in me?”

“The world is in decline, and great chaos is about to erupt. Only a great hero can rectify the situation.”

Han Ruzi shook his head, “Sometimes you wish for great chaos, and sometimes you say you want to rectify it. I don’t believe either.”

Lin Kunshan smiled, “Your Majesty is the one we fate seers fear the most—mistrustful and adept at hiding strength.”

Han Ruzi continued to shake his head, “This trick won’t work either. If you can’t convince me, let Chunyu Xiao try.”

“My master would love to meet Your Majesty, but unfortunately, he is not in the Capital. Please allow me some time to think…”

Devising a plan on the spot to deceive someone was a bit amusing to Han Ruzi. Nevertheless, Lin Kunshan had openly revealed his deceitful techniques upon their first meeting, making it challenging for him to come up with a new approach. Still, this transparency earned Lin Kunshan some trust from Han Ruzi.

“Let’s start with the Cui clan and Prince Donghai,” Han Ruzi suggested, realizing as he spoke that this was likely what Lin Kunshan wanted him to say.

“The Cui clan’s ambition is, of course, to have Prince Donghai become emperor. However, after the Empress Dowager chose to enthrone the surviving heir of the former crown prince, Prince Donghai’s status has plummeted. Therefore, the Cui clan first wants to help Your Majesty regain the throne, establishing the legitimacy of the Thoughtful Emperor.”

“Why go through all this trouble? If you have the ability to make me emperor, why not directly make Prince Donghai the new emperor?”

“Not so. Your Majesty’s reign as emperor is widely known. It’s much easier to reclaim the throne than to establish Prince Donghai as the emperor.”

“The Cui clan actually believes you fate seers?”

“Grand Tutor Cui commands the Southern Army but doesn’t have the people’s hearts.”

“How can a few fate seers claim to hold the people’s hearts?”

“The imperial court blamed the disasters befalling the empire on Your Majesty, but life hasn’t improved since your abdication. People are increasingly dissatisfied, suspecting that the real culprits are not Your Majesty but the Empress Dowager and disloyal ministers.” Lin Kunshan spread his arms, proudly saying, “Master Chunyu divines the energies of the world, and the world has responded. Your Majesty saw just now how I got people to feel familiar with me. It won’t be long before the whole world echoes Your Majesty’s sentiments.”

Lin Kunshan bowed, “Fate seers adapt to circumstances and go with the flow. Your Majesty may see us as two-faced deceivers, but with Your Majesty’s intelligence, can you not leverage us ‘deceivers’ to accomplish great things?”

Han Ruzi had to admit that he was somewhat swayed. The mysterious Chunyu Xiao, whom he had never met, seemed to have correctly guessed many of his thoughts.

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