The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Chapter Sixty-Seven: Conferment of the Guardian Lions (Illustrations!)

Chapter Sixty-Seven: Conferment of the Guardian Lions (Illustrations!)

Mom, Dad, and Irisa shed tears, their arms tightly around me. I was squashed between their embrace and love...  

And while I felt their care and affection... When faced with the truth of what my actions caused, I found it hard to feel what they probably wanted or expected me to. Filling my soul with anger within the depths of my Divine Skill made me realize something.  

If I continued as I had intended, I would not survive. I was far too lackluster in my desire for power that it was like I had nothing at all.  

Yeah, I killed Oswell’s group. And Noelia bit the dust after I killed her.   

But I should have done more. I should’ve been on the lookout for Bellerophon dipshits to assimilate or actively search for bandit camps to wipe out to gain their power and SP. Those chimera-hating bastard Bellerophon sons of bitches in Aetos Village should’ve died by my hands, even if it meant angering Aetos or Aello.  

Sekh bordered on death and endured needless hardships because I wasn’t stubborn enough to fulfill my potential. Injuries could be healed, though. In contrast, life couldn’t be returned.  

At least, I thought so. Tilde probably knew if resurrection magic was a thing. But she wasn’t here, and I didn’t know when she would return.  

While my family cried and hugged me, I looked at Tris. The five lions of the Dark Lord of Tyranny’s [Abyssal Iceflame: Iceflame Pride] sat nearby and waited for orders for the next ten minutes because that was when Mom and Dad wiped their teary eyes and let me go. Irisa didn’t want that, though. She monopolized me for another five minutes, only stopping when Primrose emerged from the hold with Erin, Niva, and Lei.  

“Mistress!!” Niva exclaimed. Irisa let me go after a small forehead kiss, and I went to hug my little sister and loving cyclops. Lei was scared when I first awoke, but it knew I wasn’t the manifestation of the Essence of Wrath and happily bounced around me. Erin cried into my chest. I patted her head and ears and told her we were safe.  

Then, it was time for a lengthy explanation. First, I told my family about Sekh. She was in a state of stasis, and she was 'dead.' But at the last moment, the pride's leader used its iceflames to baptize and freeze Sekh in a coffin of ice. That prevented her from finishing her ‘death.’ But the curse, albeit slowly, was filling her heart to try to accelerate her demise and return to the cycle of reincarnation. “I can’t store things with life in my [Void Storage], but Sekh doesn’t count. Time doesn’t flow, so I can halt the curse’s progress and keep her safe at the same time. Even the curse can’t overcome the power of the Transcendent Dark Lord.” And I told them of Tilde’s reincarnation. She wasn’t dead, but no one could predict her return. 

Primrose’s hasty efforts before this happened are something I’ll appreciate more than she’ll ever know. Tris told me she attempted to heal Sekh even while the ice damaged her. It did nothing, but the thought counts.   

Tris introduced herself as I turned my Wrath to 0.   

“You all knew my previous form, but I am the evolution of [Hermes Trismegistus]’s analytical engine [Biological AI]. My esteemed lord granted me the name Tris; thus, I became [Tris, Fragment of Wisdom]. It is a wonderful pleasure to make your acquaintance. Before we continue, let us take care of those awful wounds,” Tris said, her voice still lovely. She went to those injured in the battle and gave them each a high potion she stashed in our inventory after I killed those searching around the cargo hold. Mom and the others would feel the pain still, and Irisa would experience discomfort from her broken ribs.  

But it would be more manageable.  

The leader of the pride introduced itself.    

“We were birthed from the Dark Lord of Tyranny’s excessive mana when she evolved [Black Fire] to [Abyssal Iceflame]. During her previous reign, our lord had no use for us. But she desired our power in the fight against the Essence of Wrath, and we answered her call. Our primary goal is to ensure our Dark Lord’s survival. That is why I did what I did to cleanse, purify, and entrap her body in ice. We could not let her die. After reaching the boat, we ran out of time. And we needed Lady Tris’s assistance to complete our autonomous initialization.” For having such a deep voice, the tallest lion was well-versed in conversation. Its tone was calming and soothing. “Lady Primrose, thank you for your attempts to help our Dark Lord. Please forgive me for my prior hostility.”   

“You don’t have to worry about the Essence of Wrath re-emerging,” I started to say, explaining that Tris developed a cage to trap it after I beat the shit out of it to assimilate some of its power. I didn’t trust myself with the key, so I gave it to her for safekeeping. But something was odd… 

Oh, that’s right. They’re not reacting to Sekh’s title because Irisa told them about her after they got to the ship. They accepted her—just like that… They consider her family, just like me.    

“But there’s one more thing I must do.” I ordered the lions to line up in front of me. “With the power of [Conferment], I use my authority as the Transcendent Dark Lord to bestow upon you a name and title.” From the smallest to the biggest, I used the new ability my newfound growth unlocked for the rest of the world.   

“Legate, you will be the guardian beast of the Transcendent Dark Lord’s mother.” The ‘weakest’ lion stood and roared. Grey mana surrounded it and Mom. She received a black bracelet with a living black flame resting inside on her wrist. Legate dissolved into fire and was absorbed by it.   

“Sirive, you will be the guardian beast of the Transcendent Dark Lord’s father.” Dad carefully rubbed his new bracelet. I couldn’t read his expression. 

“Longtooth, you will be the guardian beast of the Transcendent Dark Lord’s younger sister.” Erin received a similar bracelet. 

“Kengu, you will be the guardian beast of the Transcendent Dark Lord’s elder sister.” Irisa braced herself as her bracelet clasped around her wrist. 

“Surtr, you will be the guardian beast of the Transcendent Dark Lord.” The tallest lion roared. 

“Serving you will be a great honor, Lord Springfield.” I watched Surtr turn into a bracelet, and I formed a strong fist before feeling unsteady. Mom reached out to keep me stable while I explained using [Conferment] imparted my life force. You only had a certain amount, but as a chimera, I could regain what I spent, and then some, by assimilating.    

“I’m so confused...” Irisa whined. She sat down and hugged her legs, looking at her bracelet. “These lions are Sekh’s, so what about her?”  

“Their wish is to serve the Dark Lord of Tyranny. And Sekh’s wish is to serve me. The lions are aware of her feelings, and if she had any reservations about this, the lions would’ve spoken. But they will protect you. You can think of those lions as the closest things to spirits that aren’t spirits. But they aren’t immortal. They don’t have a core to regenerate from if they take mortal damage, but you’ve seen their power. It comes from their wearer, so when you incarnate them, they won’t be the same size you’re familiar with. But about Sekh. I can use [Conferment] to cast out the curse currently inhabiting her soul and prevent it from coming in, but I’m too weak to do that. And I can use this power to remove the curse outright from her existence, but that’s a long way away. But one step at a time.”  


I nodded at Dad. “A Holy Lord, Dark Lord, Spirit Lord, Demon Lord, or the Transcendent Dark Lord can use their lifeforce to impart a title. You received one, right?" 

Mom and the others nodded.   

“That’s [Conferment] in work. It allows you to add a rule to the world and slightly alter reality by burning your life. It’s what I intend to use on Sekh. The curse's conquest will freeze as long as she's in [Void Storage]. I can’t do much yet, but I’ll eventually destroy it. Of course... It might not be that simple... There’s a lot I don’t know about this power... And the curse could be something entirely different.” 

Tris cared for Mom and the others while I jumped into the dying ship. They were dirty from the battle, so she helped by preparing fresh clothes.    

I called for Primrose to join me. Imagine my surprise when she didn’t breathe a word of protest and obliged. She was silent as I walked to the cannons. After identifying the least damaged ones, I stashed them in my [Void Storage] because I had further use of them.  

“You’ve changed,” she said when we descended into the hold. The half-eaten corpses and burnt remains littered the tight, trashy corridors. There was probably a slight leak near the bottom, but the ship needed a dozen hours before sinking.  

“Do you still hate me? I know what happened to Aetos. If it makes you feel better, I hope he’s okay. I had Tris check out the Eagle Yew with [Deduction] and [Skyview]. That attack did a number on him. I know I’m the one at fault for it.”   

“I should,” she replied, using her vines to lift a corpse to investigate the broken crate underneath it. It was full of bloody bread and crimson-soaked salted meat. Nothing we could use. “But I’ve had a lot to think about. My summoner… She spoke with me at great lengths about your and Sekh’s sacrifice to put away the Essence of Wrath. And then learning more about your past? I…” Primrose sighed and shook her head. “It goes against every feeling of my body to not hate you. Deep down, I suppose I don’t dislike you. Not anymore. But thank you for looking at him.”  

“I don’t want to be enemies, Primrose. I’m tired of the bickering and petty insults.”  

“Why are you speaking like that?”  

“Because I’ve changed. You heard the announcement. When I was within my Divine Skill, I experienced all my rage had to offer. The Essence of Wrath was at my feet, begging me to not hurt it after I assimilated its power. You should've seen it cowering... I can’t be harmed by most fire or ice. Its forms are mine to use. Even Bellerophon’s poison can’t do a damn thing to me anymore. Experiencing that just...made me realize my foolishness. And I think that acknowledgment helped unlock a limit placed on the world. If I continue to live as I believe a Transcendent Dark Lord should live, there could be other barriers I break, and the world will receive something else that was locked away. And I can’t do that by sticking to how I was before.” I walked to another few cannons and stashed them, then searched and displayed waypoints on usable cannonballs. 

Shit, they weigh 7,000 pounds. Can’t hold too many more cannons.    

“Should I be afraid or worried?” Primrose asked, searching through the corpses for anything valuable.   

“That is up to you. I will do what I must. You know? It’s strange. It does feel like I’ve completely changed—like the core that makes me myself was altered ing to terms with what happened. But I do remember gratitude. You have my thanks for what you did for Sekh. I can’t thank you enough for your kindness towards her, given her prior history and feud between Aetos.”   

“You can cry for her, you know. I know this is a difficult time—”  

"I've shed tears and vented my frustrations upon the one responsible. Sekh wouldn't want me to waste more time anguishing over what's happened. She's not dead. I need to find a highly skilled healer once Surtr shatters the ice. But first, I need power—more than you can imagine—to eliminate the source that caused her agony." 


I stopped and looked at the shivering spirit. She formed a pair of fists so tight her wooden skin was starting to crack.  

“Why didn’t you kill me?”  

“We already talked about this, Primrose. Remember? In the bath? When you damned me for having sex with Sekh when she was sleeping? I’m not going to repeat myself.”  

“Just answer me. I need to hear it… Again…”  

“Fine. Had I killed you, Niva’s trust in me would be irreparably broken because I took from her the one thing that answered her call after years of failed attempts. To her, I would’ve been just like the people who bought her for her spirit-summoning ability. I would never harm her as they did, but everything about our relationship would’ve been shattered if I didn’t listen to her cries and pleading.”  

“But you didn’t know that at the time. I learned of my summoner's past when you did." 

“When I told her to summon something better, I was reminded of Meruria. I was doing to her what she did to me... And you know my past now, so you know I’d rather die than even be an ounce like her in any way.”  

“Why didn’t you share it with me? It would’ve—”  

“Maybe I should have. Maybe I was too…’proud’ to vent my past to you. But you couldn’t be trusted. Blame yourself for my inability to let you in on something vital.”   

“Why didn’t you force me to remain in my crystal?”  

“That’s the same thing as chaining a slave to their bed. I’m Sekh’s Master, but it’s not by choice. If I was patient, I’d have met Tilde and used the Transcendent Dark Lord Loyalty System without ever having to bind her with [Tyranny Control].”  

“Why not have the Dark Lord of Tyranny subjugate me to indentured servitude? Why didn’t you use that loyalty system to make me swear fealty?”  

“Because that's not who I am. I won’t lie. When you attempted to betray us, I saw red. I wanted nothing more than to make you burn. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s a traitor. Just going off of that, I should’ve finished the job, but refer to what I said just a few seconds ago. Niva’s the only reason you’re alive. And even then, it’s because you were born from someone like Aetos.”  

“What? I don’t understand,” Primrose replied, her voice weak and shaky. She bit her lips. “Stop speaking in riddles!”  

“Niva’s weak. That’s a fact. But once she gets stronger, that strength will flow to you. Aetos fought alongside Susize Vredi, and I cannot deny or fault the eagle's combat abilities. I figure you might be worth the investment.”  

“Are you serious? But there’s no way of knowing if I would betray you again. Why take such a risky--”  

“Niva wouldn’t let you betray me. She’s growing, you know. I realized it when she finally asked you to be quiet. Remember when we traveled from the village to Ria? With Oswell’s group? It was after I got my ass kicked by that Dark Elf? Sekh was about to fight him. You were nervous and quickly uttered an apology, but I’ll never forget the gaze of scorn you cast my way.”  

“But that’s-- That doesn’t make any sense!”  

“I also have the AI. Well, she’s Tris now. If I ever suspected any foul play, I could monitor your ass all day, every day, until the end of time. Should I feel like it, you wouldn’t have any secrets. The moment you trailed off course? Well, I’d tell Niva. If she couldn’t handle you, I would. If not me, then Sekh. But don’t make any mistakes. [Tyranny Control] was a last-ditch option. I would shatter my vows and break my character if it meant I progressed further to my goals, but I'm not actively looking to become that which I hate.” 


“But no, you wouldn’t turn traitor. After seeing how much Niva cares for Mom and Dad? And Irisa? Deep down, I know you know telling Bellerophon about me would see them hanging from a tree. Chimera sympathizers have no place in this world. Hell, they were even going to kill me—a High Elf with the Vredi name—just to kill that chimera in Ria. What makes you think they would spare you and your summoner? Hmm? What’s that? Where are you going?” I heard footsteps, causing me to stop my search and turn around. Primrose was walking further into the ship, about to enter a room with a broken door.  

“I be alone... I’m sorry...” She was crying... Primrose tried to show it, but I saw the leaking sap draining from the corner of her eyes.   

Primrose remained quiet, and I had nothing more to say. For the next thirty minutes, I alone searched the ship from top to bottom, stashing cannonballs, chain shots, crates of iron ore, steel ingots, cubes of mythril, and a handful of arrow-filled quivers, while giving the spirit the time to think upon her former actions and my explanations to her queries. She eventually emerged, and yes, I had been spying on her via Tris, who fed me info while I scavenged.  

Primrose emerged from that room with flushed cheeks and dried tears sticking to her face. She sniffled and wiped her nose.   

“I assume you’re good. Need anything?”  

“No... I’m... Lord Springfield, I’m fine...”  

“Lord Springfield? Suppose I know where you stand now. Am I to assume that means what I think it does?”  

“It does... I...was shameful... My prior actions... I swear it on my life! I…”  

“Be better going forward.” I cut Primrose off and approached her, taking her hands into mine. She seemed startled, but she let me look at her palms.   

They were in rough shape. The wooden, fleshy surfaces were ragged, scarred, torn, and knotted from the icy burns from trying to force healing magic through the frigid coffin. But she hadn’t attempted it once.   

Or twice.   

Or even three times.   

As soon as she had enough HP and mana, she devoted her time and effort and tried her hardest…  

They said actions spoke louder than words. Tris told me Primrose never left Sekh's coffin for longer than necessary.   

And it really seemed to me that Primrose was desperately trying to make up for that horrible first impression.  

“I… I can do more. This won’t— Ah… What are— You’re…hugging me?”  

“Yes. I am.” My arms were wrapped around her back. She wore one of her usual outfits that showed more ‘skin’ than it covered. Suppose she was just a type of spirit confident in her looks.   

But her apparel didn’t matter.  

“I’m willing to give this relationship another try. We don’t have to be constantly arguing or making snide comments. It’ll make things harder for Niva.”  

“Lord…Springfield… I’m—I’m sorry… I’m so sorry!!!” Glossy liquid leaked from her eyes and flowed down her wooden-skinned cheeks, and she cried into my chest. Life for her wasn’t easy. She didn’t have the easiest time adjusting to her new reality. Meeting a chimera, nearly dying, trying to be friendly, realizing that chimera was from another world…  

“I’m going to be expecting great things from you, okay?” I whispered.   

Primrose didn’t respond. And that was fine.   

Truthfully? I didn’t hate her, per se. And…if my suspicions were connected, then there was a reason why she acted like such a heartless bitch.   

But that was conjecture with nothing but some slight input from Tris. And it was far too soon to test my theory to see if it was correct.   

After a handful of minutes, Prim wiped her eyes for the fourth time and tried to give me a smile. It also seemed she was embarrassed for letting me see her in a vulnerable state. We returned to the deck and leapt over to our ship.   

Mom and the others had cleaned and dressed themselves in new robes, socks, and shoes from the supplies in the hold. After wishing me good night and saying they loved me, they remarked how tired they were. “Dawn is six hours away, and you must recuperate your weary bodies,” Tris said. “Much has transpired tonight. Try to get some rest. We can talk all we wish in the morning.” Irisa and the others nodded, and they helped Niva down the stairs while Primrose remained with me for a little longer.   

I told her to open her core, and she obligated without protest after the clothes she wore returned to her body, becoming bare naked. Seeing her chest split down to her stomach and open vertically reminded me of the videos I saw of frog dissection—where you slit the torso and pinned the two flaps to the side.    

I removed the thread meant to prevent her from taking her own life. “This new web is much stronger,” I said, rewrapping it in red and blue webbing. “You’re probably weak to fire, right? I can imbue my webs with my immunities. Once I can make clothes, I’ll weave all of us a set.”  

“I...appreciate it...” Primrose whispered, closing her chest and crafting more clothes from her wooden body. “When we were separated, were you still watching?” I nodded. She took my admission more gently than I would’ve thought. “After what I did, there’s no way you would’ve trusted me. And if I’m being honest, I still don’t know why I draw breath. You’re an enigma, Lord Springfield.” She wished me good night and returned to Niva’s side. If I had more lifeforce to spend, I’d used [Conferment] on her and her summoner, but any further use would put me on my ass.   

I wonder what they would receive if I did that? I gotta do it to everyone else, too. But that means Meruria and Gloria have access to this new power. I need to master it.    

Sighing, I sat and fought against my urge to bring Sekh out.    

Tris kneeled, put her hands together, and said she was praying when I asked what she was doing. To her, I was almost akin to a goddess or something.   

I allowed her to continue. It wasn’t hurting anything, so why stop her? Tris didn’t need food, water, or rest. If I was alive, she was alive.   

When Sekh lost to Amos's Soul Warriors, she was trapped in a crystal before being sealed away. I...hoped those awful feelings and memories weren’t returning to her.   

“I love you, Sekh...” I said, looking up at the moon.  

There was time to waste, so what better way to use it than with some experimentation? Creating a clone of myself, it sat and formed a portable, rectangular forge out of slime. My clone cut her thumb and expelled blood until it circulated around the forge. Next came [Ichor Manipulation (Lv. 10)]. Even if the blood was outside my body, controlling the temperature was possible. And through induction heating-- with my slime being immune to the heat I could put out, I had a forge I could call upon everywhere. The biomass needed to produce this was severe, costing me over 10% for something this small. My mana was down to 40% because increasing the heat of my blood outside my body took more effort.  

“I have studied your memories, my lord. Creating a bullet is possible. We have firesalts for the primer and replacement for the gunpowder, but we don't have enough to properly experiment with. I would like to have more if possible. I recommend still creating the casing and projectile, however. Once we have what we are missing, we can put it together,” Tris explained, continuing to pray.  

“Then let’s do it,” I said, summoning my revolver and rifle. n double checking, the former used a .45 Colt. The other was barreled in .44 Winchester. I told Tris, but she said that would be no problem. Seconds later, the clone began to work, using her fingers to shape and mold the iron as it was heated since we didn’t need to worry about it hurting us. If the clone wore clothes, then yes, the flames would spread, but she materialized naked.  

And if she coated her hands in slime, the metal wouldn’t stick to her fingers.    

When you break it down, the two calibers of bullets are very similar. The former is 1.600 inches in length, and the other is 1.592. You can’t use them interchangeably, but can I alter the revolver’s barreling to use .44 Winchester? That’s a task for future me, though. I must go one step at a time. 

I watched her work, messing up since creating bullets was delicate. Each part had to be precise. [Deduction] could tell us the exact dimensions, but the skill couldn’t account for chimeric error. Getting upset was a fool’s idea because the clone was only as capable as I was, meaning I’d fucked up just like she did. [Ammo Creation] pulled its own fair share of weight and more, and the clone only did as well as it did because of it. Without it, Tris’s precise blueprints would have been a struggle to follow.  

With [Gunblade], I could morph a weapon into my Soul Weapon. By fusing Kronto to my Winchester Model 1873, the spear effectively obtained the properties of one, so if it broke, I could expend soul energy to repair it.   

But there was more.   

My Soul Weapon was a manifestation of my soul. Since it counted as part of me, I could transfigure it as an extension of my body. It took a little finagling to get it right, but I soon held my rifle with Kronto added on as a bayonet. And I could shrink the spear, too.   

I could even use the lightning enchantments.  

I did the same to my revolver, playing with transfiguring vines around the barrel. 

Okay, so I can transfigure goblin teeth to the end. If I assimilate a giant snake or something with large fangs, I could force my venom and poison to flow them. 

“Surtr, come out.” My bracelet flashed black, and the abyssal iceflame inside escaped to the boat’s deck, quickly forming an 8-foot-tall lion. 

“Do you require anything, Lord Springfield?” asked the lion, sitting.  

“Nothing. I want you out here. Is that a problem?”  

“Not at all. Let us enjoy this night together.” Surtr stretched and rested its large body, closing its eyes and twitching its tail.  

“Do you think I should’ve killed Prim?”  

“Hmm… It is difficult to say.”  

“Would you have killed her?”  

Surtr nodded. “Without a doubt. Her actions were those of an enemy. And the pride shall mercilessly exterminate all who threaten the Dark Lord of Tyranny and her allies. I will have no choice but to fulfill my role if the woodland spirit turns against us.”  

“I have no problem with that, Surtr. But is it naïve of me… Shit, what’s the word… When I think back to what I felt, it feels like if I want to become the woman I desire to be—to gain more power—I should’ve disregarded Niva’s feelings.”  

“Perhaps there is truth in your words. Assimilating the spirit would’ve granted you the essence of one. Your body and genetic makeup would be partially akin to that of one. But would it be worth the loss of trust in Lady Niva? You desire a draconic spirit, yet who is to say that a moment of desired brashness is worth more than a period of patience? For the overall goal, I can safely say you chose one that benefits you in the far future yet strikes you down in the present.”  

“You’re easy to talk to,” I told the lion.   

It laughed, throwing its grand head back. Flames burned from its nostrils. “I take that as a compliment!”  

After asking if I could lay against it, I walked to the lion and rested my back against its soft fur. Tris came with me, but she resumed praying. But we spent the rest of the night merely talking. Part of it was about the past.   

But it was primarily about a future I hoped to bring to reality for those I’d come to care for and love.    

“It is the dawn of a new day. Good morning, my lord,” Tris whispered, breaking her prayer form. She leaned closer and took my hand, kissing the back of my palm before standing up and dusting off her clothes. Throughout the entire night, she never once stopped worshipping. I remained awake, never blinking or breathing. The clone conked out after it had no more iron or steel to use. My inventory was filled with casings and projectiles of different qualities. Some could be used, and others couldn’t. The plan was to practice with firesalt on the worst ones before using the best ones, and Tris would replicate those.  

But with the enhanced blueprints, I had the clone remake some of my most used tools, including pots, pans, plates, bowls, knives, forks, spoons, and other items. The difference was night and day. The clone also seasoned what needed to be treated before registering them.  

I had to admit it was calming to reap the benefits, but the gifts I intended to make would come from my own hands. A clone would not be involved at all.    

I also learned more about Tris. If I was alive, she was immortal. Her ‘death’ would be temporary since she’d have a new body within the week. During that period, she’d return to my mind and love as she did during her prior form, but with all the advantages and upgrades. According to her, her service wouldn’t be interrupted.   

And the reason why? The Tris I saw represented 95% of her. The rest was inside my mind. If you thought of her as a computer program, that 5% was her core backup and files needed for her to run. If I was alive, she was alive.    

But I told her she couldn’t die. Even if she always returned, I didn’t want to see her corpse.    

According to my map, everyone was slowly stirring awake. Tris made her way to the hold to greet them, then grabbed the food she needed to create a breakfast of meat and bread. I’d made it before, so she could replicate it using [Artificer's Arsenal], but she wanted to do it the old-fashioned way. Surtr and the other lions required mana from their bracelet holders, so they didn’t need to eat or drink. Sleep was a luxury, but it wasn’t required.   

When Irisa and Erin joined us on the deck, they were surprised to see Surtr. Somehow, I was pretty sure they thought the events of last night to be a dream. But the bracelets around their wrists were proof.   

The others joined us, and Tris sounded like she was having fun cooking breakfast. The damaged boat cried a terrifying noise, signifying it was probably past the point of no return.  

Dad spent some time leaning against the railing, and he looked out at the endless sea before returning for breakfastFor a moment, I visualized him without the harsh blisters blanketing his face and upper body. His bracelet sank into his wrist—something I didn’t know they could do.  


“Mila, what are we going to do?” Irisa asked, her plate a quarter untouched. No doubt her ribs were probably still hurting. Even worse, the blisters on my family weren’t getting better from the potions. Still, they put on some more ointment.  

“The pirate captain was being hunted,” I replied. “I’ll send out a bird after I get some biomass back and search them out. The mast is too damaged for me to fix by freezing my blood. And I don't have enough mana to sustain the blood I need to use. We don’t have an extra sail, either. Suppose I could fly us to Parthina, but I wouldn’t trust my biomass to not run out before we get there." 

“According to my data, I estimate their arrival within four hours. If they anchored for the night, which is unlikely, then expect it to see them near dusk.”  

“Will they be friendly?” Erin pipped up.  

“Should be. If nothing else, I’m a High Elf. Wait, never mind. Bellerophon was willing to kill me to murder that chimera. Being a High Elf doesn’t mean anything anymore,” I replied, summarizing what happened after I left the shop.   

Just in case they didn’t know.   

“If nothing else, I’ll have a clone take the pirate’s form and barter with them for an escort to Parthina. Should we still head to Plymoise? That’s our destination, right?”  

“Maybe that’s for the best,” Mom added. Like my sister, she kept most of her plate untouched. “I... My family lives there.”  

“Grandma and grandpa? I haven’t seen them since...”  

“Yes, it’s been some time,” Dad added, jumping into the conversation. “The last thing I read from them wished for my death.”  


“No, I understand. It makes sense I was treated how I was, but it’s no excuse to cut you and Irisa from their lives. You're their daughter, and Irisa's their granddaughter.” Dad saw Erin’s face scrunch from sadness, and he dropped the subject then and there.   

If Erin tells them the truth, would that change their mind? It must, right? 

Mom told me more about her parents. She told me a little on the morning of that awful day in Ria, but her mother was a merchant. Mom learned from her, but her father was instrumental in her formative years. He trained her to fight, which she had to use for the first time when an expedition into a dungeon went wrong. They were looking for rare ore, but bandits were hidden behind a waterfall and launched a surprise attack. Mom held her own, but she suffered greatly after the fight.   

She spent the next hundred years without having to take another life, and even now, she remembered the feeling of her axe slicing into that Dogfolk’s shoulder. “I wanted to spare you from that fate, Irisa. Your father and I never wanted to put you in a position where you had to...”  

Irisa looked at her hands and spoke about her feelings. She said she felt numb and didn’t know what to feel, but she had nightmares last night. She questioned why she was crying, then suddenly jumped into her mom’s arms.   

Guess she needed time for the realization to soak in. 

Dad teared up, too, and hugged his daughter. In no time at all, Irisa was asleep. Mom carried her to the hold, and when she came back, she said Irisa’s lion was offering its warmth. If they felt like it, our guardian beasts could emerge as they pleased, leading credit to their status as autonomous self-defense skills.   

After that, I spoke with Dad more about my newfound abilities. I turned the Wrath Dial to use the fire skills gained from [Ira Ignis]. The more I allowed wrath to live within me, the more I was granted at the cost of losing control of myself. But the cage Tris made put a lock on it, so I couldn’t turn it more than 10. It was the same with [Furia Glacies].    

I’m going to need a ton of training to make effective use of them, but I don’t want that bitch to get the satisfaction of me using her strength.    

I suddenly realized I hadn’t told them about my Soul Weapon, so I summoned the revolver and gave it to Dad, who passed it around to Mom, Erin, Niva, and Primrose. They knew the basics of gun safety, but my family couldn’t use it because a pop-up appeared in my vision. It asked if I wanted to grant them access to use it, but I selected no. 

I could always change it later, but being able to grant permission was a welcomed choice. It meant no one could steal and use it without my authorization.   

That’s just another failsafe, I suppose. Seems like the creator of this world put a lot of thought into the various systems running this place. But there are still loopholes and workarounds they didn’t think about.   

Or maybe it’s because I get around most of those fail-safes that I’m an enigma to the world. Tilde once said there had never been a chimeric Soul Warrior before. Protections were engraved onto our souls to prevent us from becoming chimera, but my 0-Star Soul granted no such thing. Even if it did, that mysterious voice and entity directly altered me to become like this.   

If I had the ammo to spare, I would do target practice to pass the time…  

But I suppose spending it like this with my family was good. Besides, my mini-map zoomed in on Irisa and her lion, whom she used as a pillow and source of warmth.   

It was a cute scene, for sure.    

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