The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Intermission – Elly – Diary – Part One (Illustrations!)

Intermission – Elly – Diary – Part One (Illustrations!)

Entry 1 – 23 Days After Being Summoned:

Hey there, Diary,   

Today, I found myself dancing my heart out for a bunch of snobby nobles and people who couldn't care less about my music. You know what's messed up? They're more interested in bragging that they had a "personal concert" than appreciating the art I'm pouring my soul into.   

I stepped on that stage, Diary, and was instantly blinded by those flashy magical lights. The three audience members cheered and clapped like there was no tomorrow. But deep down, I knew their excitement wasn't for the music—it was all about showing off. Talk about buzzkill.   

With every dance move and every note I belted out, I couldn't shake off this feeling of disconnection. The smiles, their applause, it all felt fake and forced. It's like they just wanted to tick off "I had Elly, the Soul Warrior, perform for me" on their fancy social calendars without giving a damn about the joy and meaning music brings.   

I mean, I knew this would happen. Meruria told me herself yesterday morning when she showed up. I just didn’t think it would be the very next day.   

“Don’t think every day will be like this...fufufu... You’re my good little Soul Warriors… You’re selfless heroic otherworlders who yearn to put Cridia above their own wants and desires, aren’t you?”   

Ugh, her voice was like scratching a chalkboard with a nail. I didn’t like how she hid her creepy smile behind her hands like a pretty woman!   

She was attractive, but her personality was rotten, like trash...   

We hadn’t seen her in seven days, and then she just broke our good mood by showing up like a bad itch! She said she would put us to work—that I would sing for people who wanted entertainment. Keeth and Greggie would be rented to people who needed a world-class, super awesome chef or a fantastic craftsman who could make or fix anything.   

And Qutie, Melly, Mary, and Ami would handle all the combat since they’re better fighters. Sometimes, she said we’d go together and complete whatever mission she needed us to do since we were still expected to fight and kill for her and Cridia.   

I knew she gave us a week of rest, but it flew by like nothing...   

I guess it does when you’re having fun. When I told Greggie I’d show him how to work out like an idol because he wanted to lose weight, I didn’t expect everyone to join in. Qutie might be a bookworm, but the girl has some moves!   

And Mary. Her time at Club Domme helped her. Her past is sad, though. I mean, being born in a test tube for the only purpose of training the future leaders of the world? I’m glad there was someone kind who helped her escape. But Mary... She deserves a lot of happiness. Even if...her family there...   

They’re probably already dead, though. They were being held hostage, so...   


It’s...ultra depressing...   

I knew our world was messed up. It’s filled with corruption. Only the worthy can rise to the top, but it’s hard when there’s corruption around every corner.   

“You gotta be the best!”   

“You can’t settle for second place!”   

“You have to be prettier than the other girls!”   

“You have to be cuter than the rest!”   

“You have to do what they wouldn’t!”   

I...knew that more than anyone, but that’s a story for another time, haha... I...don’t wanna dredge up those memories... Not when I’m already pissed off.   

Melly, though... She’s super pretty. And nice. But it’s been a struggle for her to adjust. We help however we can, though,    

This world and my world? They’re both total crap.   

I don’t really miss my world, but I miss the genuine link I had with my audience. Back home, music was a language that spoke straight to the heart. But here, it's all about superficial admiration and empty compliments. It's lonely, you know? Like my art is being reduced to a fancy commodity for people who can afford Meruria’s crazy prices.   

I’m just a performer fulfilling their shallow desires.   

But you know what? I won't let it break me. Somewhere deep within, I hold onto the hope that I'll find a place here where I can sing and dance with purpose. I wanna spread joy and happiness to those who appreciate this. Not this artificial, fake crap that I'm forced to bring here.   

For now, I'll keep singing and dancing, Diary, even if it's for an audience that doesn't truly get me. Behind this forced smile and glittering facade, I'll nurture the fire of my artistry, dreaming of the day I can bring genuine joy through my music again.   

But maybe that day's already here? I mean, I like singing for Qutie and the others. Melly says I have a beautiful voice.   

And for right now? That's enough.    

Well, that's it for today. Just needed to vent a bit, you know? Thanks for listening, Diary. I know I can tell Qutie and the others if I wanna bring up Rule 1, but it’s different when it’s just you and me.   

Seriously, if Qutie hadn’t brought up the idea of keeping a diary, I don’t know what I would do. Yeah, I know I just wrote I can bring up Rule 1 and have a therapy session with my friends, but I don’t wanna do that too often. But Rule 2... That can help. I love dancing and singing more than anything else in the world, and it makes my heart thump like super crazy hard. Whenever I’m around my friends, I just find myself talking about it.    

I have more than one confidant in this world, Diary, but you’re still someone I need.   

Catch you later, Elly. 

Entry 12 – 35 Days After Being Summoned:

Hey there, Diary? What’s up?  

Me? Oh, just getting home from having an awesome day!  

Meruria gave us the day off! After 11 mind-numbingly boring and painful concerts of singing for those who just don’t care about what I do, we got a break. I know Greggie was happy. And Keeth, too. They were exhausted. Like, the big man wakes up super early to dance with me. Four days ago, I told him he didn’t have to do that when he had to work for Meruria, but he was really determined to lose weight.  

He kept bringing up Melly’s dungeon. He said if he had been a few pounds heavier, we probably would’ve died because we would've been able to drag him to the other side of that bridge.   

He cried; you know. He formed a fist and almost smacked his stomach, but Ami turned around the corner and stopped him. She said he was too hard on himself. And I agreed. Greggie... I felt that he wasn’t the type of guy who loved himself.   

But he’s kind. He’s funny and helpful. And he makes the best food in the world.   

And Keeth... He always gets home super late with hands that are cracked and bleeding. Meruria tells him to wear a glove because he has an image to maintain as her Soul Warrior, but overusing his skill is seriously hurting him. Last night, I stayed in his room all night and rubbed some cream over them.  

He’s just a big softie, too.  

And he’s kinda cute... He just has this innocent air around him, you know?  

But that’s not why I’m writing this!  

Since we had nothing to do today, we walked around Junsa. And this was our first time. Seriously, it was. Remy always teleported the Combat Squad (Qutie and the others) and the Entertainment Squad (me, Greggie, and Keeth) to our destination. If the destination was too far away, then to the city gates, and she’d always know when we were done, and she’d take us back to the mansion.  

But the people here didn’t know us. They just saw a group of humans and a Crystal Fairy and not Soul Warriors. So, it was nice to mingle with everyone.  

We walked all over town, to the four districts, and then ate a nice lunch at a café. Oh, and we even went clothes shopping!  

If nothing else, Meruria at least always paid us for the work we did. And the clothes here were super cute! I found an awesome pink top and a spiked belt. I once performed a song about a delinquent biker trying to fit in, and this reminded me of that.   

Hmm... I think I’ll scribble a little image... 


Heehee! I looked cute, didn't I? I really miss...the feeling I had when I performed that song.  

After going home to rest up, we were back on the prow. This time, we wanted to find a restaurant, but we found a bar, instead.  

It felt weird to chow down on turkey legs, but I didn't expect someone to strum a guitar. It was out of tune, but I couldn't resist.  

It was like a spark ignited inside me, and before I knew it, I was singing along.  

The magic of music, Diary! It took over the entire bar. The crowd started clapping, and it was like we were all transported to my world, where people genuinely care about music. I was having so much fun. It was way better than performing for those stuffy nobles.  

The music flowed through my veins, and I couldn't help but dance with all my spirit. My moves, so full of life, brought a smile to everyone's faces.  

Anyway, the night was a total blast. We sang, we danced, and we made memories that'll last a lifetime. It's nights like these that remind me why I love music so damn much. The feeling of connecting with a crowd that genuinely cares, that lives and breathes the same passion as me... It's indescribable.  

Even though we were recognized as Meruria’s Soul Warrior before we left, the bar’s owner said he knew we didn’t want to be treated any differently. He was an old man with a thick beard. He almost looked like an older, fitter version of Greggie. And the owner was the one who made the turkey legs, which got a thumb up from Greggie.  

I can't wait for more nights like these, Diary. Moments where I can let loose, be myself, and share my love for music with those who truly appreciate it. It's a reminder that no matter how tough things get, there will always be a place where my art can shine.  

Signing off for now, with a heart full of rhythm and a spirit ready to dance.  


Entry 13 – 36 Days After Being Summoned: 


Today was the worst. Yesterday was so good, and now...  


Remy appeared in my room when I was getting dressed. I screamed, and everyone came running in...  

I didn’t care that they saw me naked. I was fine with nudity. Heck, I bathe with Ami almost every night. In fact, we used the big bathtub last night, and Melly and Mary joined us. Greggie and Keeth covered their eyes when they rushed in, but Quella looked like a demon. I’d never heard her cuss so much or so loud. But Remy just laughed, ordered me to dress, and took me away.  

What pissed me off was Remy groping the air.   


She’s so nasty. And disgusting.    

But I had to sing for a brat. The dumb kid kept slapping his maids. He threw his juice and food all over them, then demanded me to dance. Meruria didn’t respect us, but I was still a Soul Warrior. Remy told me to act like a good little Soul Warrior...  


I danced.  

I sang.  

I endured the hellish treatment and didn’t let the flying rice or meat distract me.   

Because… I’m a good little Soul Warrior. I’m a selfless heroic otherworlder who yearns to put Cridia above their own wants and desires.  

Remy tells me that every time she takes me to a house.  

So, I must always smile.   

My eyes need to flutter.   

My cheeks need…to be blushing.   

I can’t look sad.   

I can’t look the way I wanna look.   

I must be Elly; the ever-popular idol. The one who never frowns. The girl who always brings an aura of positivity to everyone she sings for.   


I don’t want to be that Elly when I gotta sing for people who can’t see happiness.    

It was over quickly, but the little boy demanded I bear his children when he became an adult...  He pointed to his maids, who looked so afraid and fearful, and said I could join his harem. He even told me to give him my panties.  

Ugh... Remy forced me to do that…  

It was horrible... It was embarrassing... Every time the boy did something awful, the maids would flinch and wince. I saw the pain in their eyes, though.   

They hated it so much—prolly more than me, if I’m being honest.  

Remy only laughed, then took me back to my room before disappearing.  

And now... I’m here writing this... It’s not even lunch, and I wanna crawl into bed and cry. And I might just do that.   

Will I ever have children? Dating, getting pregnant... Those three things are death sentences to idols. Even still...  

You...had to do a lot of despicable things to get ahead. Somethings that...were shadier than putting on a private show for a rich a hotel the middle of the night...  


The path to the top... It was dark. But... I made it. It was already an open secret. Everyone knew what young girls were forced to endure for a chance to get marketed and promoted by the core companies that controlled the industry.  

I survived the hellish march... Most girls didn’t. And I don’t blame them. I sometimes felt like that too, but I endured it because my mom loved me. And I loved her. Even if she had me out of wedlock with some random Japanese man, which caused her to get exiled from our family’s estate in Russia, I still loved her because she was always there. Not like that sperm donor, who ran out on us.  

I did it for her. And I continued to do it for her even after she died on my 12th birthday.  

I once started singing and dancing during Baeblade’s and Electro Arrow’s first collab concert. I was young... Maybe around 4. And the TV was just left on while mom cleaned our little house.  

I can still remember it now... 


I sang. I danced. I copied what I saw. And my mother... I turned around, and there she was... A face of pure joy. I’ll never forget that smile.  

It was that happiness...she radiated from seeing me perform...that made me fall in love with idols.  

After that, we always watched the latest groups. I learned everything there was to know about them. I listened to idol songs all day. I watched their movies to fall asleep. I was obsessed and consumed by the thought of making others happy with my music. It eventually became all I wanted to do.  

And maybe that was why I was so popular... I didn’t care about the money or fame. I wanted to see bright smiles... I wanted to see little girls and boys look up to me as I looked up to the idols of my childhood. I never managed to meet Baeblade or Electro Arrow because they disbanded. But I’ll never forget them.  

If I had children, would they follow in my footsteps?  

Would I even be allowed to marry a man I loved?  

I kinda doubted it. For whatever it was worth, my mom saw something in my dad. I doubt Meruria would give me the option. She’s the kind of woman who would point at a man and tell me to bear his children.  

And I didn’t want that.   

I don’t want to marry someone I don’t love and give birth to children I couldn’t possibly love.  

They’d forever be a reminder that I was stuck in this prison... In this hell...  

I should go find Ami...  

Yeah, I’ll go do that.   

Her father’s my mom’s brother. So, he’s my uncle. After I made it big, the family came to Japan and took me to our estate in Russia. It’s kinda funny because Ami’s dad married some random Mexican woman and had her.  

I dunno... Maybe our similar past is why we’re so close?  

I love my cousin. She’s the best. She’s always there for me, and I’m always there for her...  

And I love Qutie... And Melly and Mary, and Greggie, Keeth... I love all my friends.  


I dunno...  



That's a thought for another time. I mean, me and Keeth together? I do like him, but... Does he like me?  

Geez... Now I’m feeling super embarrassed!!!  

Ami!!! Your cousin needs you!  

Elly Edit!  

Okay, so the weirdest thing happened. I was just getting ready for bed when Remy showed up. She talked about that brat, but she said we didn’t have anything to worry about. The family wouldn’t bother us again with any requests.   

Entry 14 – 37 Days After Being Summoned: 

I learned that child died last night. The one who threw all those things at me and ordered me to give him my panties. And it wasn’t him... That whole house burned down. His parents, the maids, the dogs, the cats, the butlers... There weren’t any survivors.  

Remy probably did it.  

Or Meruria told her to do it.  




I hated that boy, but did he deserve to die? Did his family need to die?  

The day’s going to be ruined, and I still haven’t eaten breakfast.  

Oh, Greggie’s calling for me.  

Qutie’s asking me what’s wrong.  


She’s rubbing my back...  

Keeth is touching my arm…  

And my diary...  

It’s getting wet...  

I need a Rule 1...  


I don’t wanna be alone today...  

Entry 20 – 43 Days After Being Summoned: 

We spent all day in Junsa. We did the same yesterday, and we met a lot of friendly people and ate lots of tasty food with the locals.    

It was fun.   

A lot of fun. And it’s only here that I really feel like I’m an idol again. I’ve made it a habit to start concerts at random whenever we’re walking around town. And I especially like to sing for the children.   

I still think of that noble child that died. Did Remy do it?   

If she did, I wonder why she did that?  

Meruria gave me the job, so…  

Wouldn’t she know that the kid was going to act like that?  

Last night, I asked Qutie that question. She said she didn’t know. But she wondered if Meruria wanted to thin out the nobles of her inner circle. If so, she needed an excuse to do it.   

If she did it without a reason, it would be a gross overuse of her power. But if she learned that a Soul Warrior was being treated less than a maid, she’d have reasons to bring down the hammer.   

It was gruesome. Qutie didn’t cry, but I knew something was bothering her. She let me hug her that night. And when I told her I loved her, she said she loved me.   

She loved all of us.   

And I loved everyone in Team Quella. But Qutie needs to break loose. When we went to that bar, I made sure to bring her on stage with me.   

Yeah, they had built one because of us. 

And we never had to pay full price because Greggie rolled up his sleeves and helped in the kitchen when they were backed up. And thanks to Keeth, every house and business on the street had brand-new tables and chairs.   

And I brought the entertainment!  

It was like having a block party every Friday night.   

The guards were often called.   

And they joined in after noticing it was us.   

It’s during these times that I start to feel something happy again.  

Entry 24 – 47 Days After Being Summoned:  

Was on a mission. Had to kill. I don’t feel like writing.    

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.