The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Intermission – Quella – Ominous Prelude – Part Two

Intermission – Quella – Ominous Prelude – Part Two

“Qutie, I can’t balance on these thingies,” Ami wined, holding onto my arm. She hated heels, and it didn’t help that Meruria had picked out a strapless black dress that was too short on purpose.   

I didn’t much care for the hip split on the crimson one she chose for me. Mary, though, wore hers without any reservations. It was an emerald-clasped one-shoulder dress. It sparkled with the pearls she was ordered to wear around her neck.   

We had just walked into the grand ballroom after being escorted by Remy. The suit-wearing bitch said her goodbyes after catcalling us. Greggie, Keeth, Elly, and Melusine had left at noon because they had to prepare.    

The ballroom was packed with noblemen and women trying to coerce and sweet talk the others into backhanded deals.    

Meruria had arranged for a band to play, and melodies of a violin and piano filled the room. Some nobles were already dancing.  

We walked together as a group and did what was ordered of us-- make small talk and pleasant introductions.   

There was Lord Maximus Barkwood, a once dignified and respected Dogfolk known for his unwavering loyalty. One ear was yellow, and the other was orange, but he was finally granted a chance to atone for his family’s past sins after his daughters were given to Shiku to serve as maids.    

Lady Gloria Glacier was also present. Her eldest son and husband had died. Shiku killed the former and Remy the latter after the son had slapped Shiku’s ass and made off-handed, lewd comments. I knew Shiku disliked being called feminine, but his rage got the better of him. Then Meruria didn’t think that was enough and had her husband killed.    

I saw it in her blue eyes... She was scorched with anger and resentment. Her expression said otherwise, but I knew her deep feelings. It probably killed her to be present. Meruria once ordered Elly to sing at her place for a week straight.     

Count Oliver Ravenshaw, a Ravenfolk with a penchant for diplomacy, waved us over. We had once met him before leaving for the Cridian Desert for his child’s birthday party. His son had heard of a Crystal Fairy and desperately wished to see one. He was four years old, so even without an order from Meruria, Melusine said she would’ve still attended to grant the child’s wish “Ah, Lady Quella, Lady Ami, and Lady Mary. Your otherworldly beauty is as charming as it always is.”   

“Your words are too kind,” I said. “I see your feathers are looking as wondrous as always. Has the advice I imparted from my world worked?”   

“Oh, it most definitely has, my lady. My wife can’t keep her hands off them anymore. Hahaha!”   

“That’s wonderful, Count Ravenshaw. If I recall, you were attempting to try for a second child? I’ll pray for your success.”   

“You’re much too kind, my lady. Ah, allow me to thank you for taking care of the sandstorm. Lord Meruria has gushed about your accomplishments every time you and your team return from a mission. Truly, Cridia is made safer with Soul Warriors such as yourself, Lord Tokko, and Lady Mia. Ah, I see Marquess Thornehill has just entered. Please excuse me.” Ravenshaw nodded and walked over to speak with a man with a mole-like face.   

I was about to head that way, but then...he walked in.   

It was someone I hadn’t seen in almost six months...   

Will Penmark.   

I last saw him at the dinner held less than 20 hours after Shuuta was sacrificed. Back then, a stick had more definition than him.    

But he was muscular. He was taller, and Will looked defined and regal, like a proper count or marquis. Even the suit was made from something more expensive than our lavish dresses, yet he wasn’t alone.    

A woman with obsidian-black skin followed behind him. The demon wore a risqué dress with a plunging neckline, nearly allowing her breasts to flop out. Two brown-haired women held his arms and escorted him. Will looked my way and smiled, sending shivers down my spine.    

“Isn’t this a nice surprise? Quella? Ms. Mary? Ami? It’s been far too long,” he said when he walked over.    

“A surprise? I suppose it is. You’ve been doing well for yourself.”   

“More than well.”   

“Will, who are these women? When did you become a demon summoner?” Mary asked.   

Will explained [Mathematical Deduction], [Arithmetic Incantation], and [Summoning Magic: Demonic Calculus], skills he had acquired while working for Lord Meruria. They enabled him to use math to solve the secrets of this world—almost akin to reverse engineering. He had to solve equations to cast magic, and Will eventually worked out the mechanics behind summoning magic. Two weeks later, he conjured Lilith, his first demon. But she wasn’t his only one. The others were back home--in his estate located in his duchy.   

“Wait, your duchy? I’m confused.”   

“This ball was thrown in my honor, after all. Lord Meruria trusted me with important tasks, and now that they are complete, I’ve been welcomed as Duke Will Penmark Fairchild, overseer of the Fairchild Duchy to the west. The woman to my left is my wife, Elara, and this is my daughter, Lana.”   

“Daughter?!” I blurted.   

“By marriage, of course.”   

“It’s an honor to meet you, ladies.” Elara bowed and offered a smile. Her daughter did the same.     


“Yes, Lord Fairchild?” The demon spoke with honor. Her black heels clacked against the floor as she walked around him.   

“Could you get us some drinks? Why don’t we talk at the table? There's one over there.”   

The demon walked away, and we followed Will, although it wasn’t by choice.   

If I had to guess, he was drunk off power. Maybe Meruria said or did something that...made him yearn for it even more. That was a common trope in my fantasy books, so...   

Yeah, that was probably it.    

He had all the telltale signs.  

“So, why don’t you catch me up?” he asked after sitting.   

He was probably one of Meruria’s favorites. Knowing her, having him be the one that betrayed Shuuta and turned sides probably did it. Or maybe he calculated a risk and wondered if a rotten woman like her would like a decision like that?   

It didn’t matter, I suppose.   

I acted amicably to keep the peace. It would be a mistake to cause a scene.  

Will silently listened while Lilith returned. She sat the tray of drinks on the table and stood behind her summoner.     

“I’m seriously impressed, Quella. Stopping a sandstorm with brute force is no easy feat. I don’t think I could’ve done anything about it,” said Will.    

“Don’t sell yourself short, father. You’re powerful! I’m sure you wouldn’t have had any trouble.”  

“She’s correct, my dear. You’re a wonderful Soul Warrior... And I know our...child will be blessed by it.” Elara touched her stomach.   

“You’re pregnant?!” My eyes went wide with surprise.   

“Yes, Lady Quella. I am. I cannot wait to share the good news with everyone else.”   

“I’m scared of being a father. It fills me with fear I cannot describe, but my father-in-law says every man feels the same. It’s a rite of passage I must conquer.”   

“I’m...happy for you. I really am.” I forced the words through my teeth.     

I’d never feel happy for this piece of shit.   

“A baby?” Ami had remained quiet until this point. Her confusion was plastered on her face like neon lights in the darkness.   

“Any companion of my husband is welcome to visit anytime they like. Isn’t that right, dear?”   

“It is.” Suddenly, I changed the topic to Shuuta, and... This bastard started to shed a tear, but only after asking his family to give us a moment alone. “I wondered when you’d bring him up. I think about him often. I dream about him sometimes. I won’t lie… I… wasn’t happy in the world we came from. And I used to have these grand delusions that I was somehow meant to rule. I was a pathetic shell of a man. And… I wanted to impress Lord Meruria so much that I falsely believed I wanted Shuuta to die. When the bell didn’t ring for me, I knew it was fake. But I had to keep the acting going... That was a mistake…”   

Will took a handkerchief and wiped his watery eyes. “I love my wife. And I love my daughter. They’ve helped me realize the errors of my way. It's through them I found the strength to apologize to everyone I had wronged since we were summoned. I’m not proud of what I’ve done. I’ve abused my power and status a dozen times in the first month alone. People...have killed themselves because of what I did... And I don’t expect anyone to forgive me for my actions. I don’t expect you to believe me, but I swear I’m not the same Will Penmark. I… want to…solve the secrets of the void. I want to bring him back. It may not be possible, but I need to try. If anyone can do it, it’s a Soul Warrior.”    

Will dropped a bombshell. He said his skills allowed him to solve mysteries behind the world and its concepts because everything could be broken down into mathematical formulas.   

That was how he cracked the demon summoning system.     

But the void? He was deeply fearful of what secrets it laid. However, he didn’t have a way to access it. Only Meruria could.    

“I…” I was speechless. I had this hatred for months… We all held it—more so for Greggie and Keeth. “You can’t drop something on us like that. You just can’t-- We hated you—I hated you! For months, no less! And I’ll still hate you! I...”   

“I’m sorry, Quella. The most I can do is look ahead… I must be the best man I can be. And if I have a son, I’d want to name him Shuuta. I’ve…thought about killing myself a few times. When the regret was the deepest… When I was tearing myself apart… When I stood at the crossroads, looking at the shitty, selfish, sex-obsessed brat I used to be and the man I wanted to be… I don’t believe redemption is even possible for me. Oh? There’s someone I need to greet.”    

Will stood and pushed in his chair. “I’ll ask Lord Meruria to give you and your team another break soon. And I’d like it if you’d visited my duchy. I can tell you haven’t been sleeping well, and I hope our little slice of naturalistic paradise can remedy that. Please excuse me.”  




We were utterly speechless as Will walked away to speak with a lion-headed noble with a gray mane.     

We got up, walked to the side, and chatted about Will.    

I was more confused than ever.    

But I was cynical as hell. This world had twisted me so much I couldn’t recognize myself in the mirror. I couldn’t help but feel that Will was speaking a giant load of shit. His acting like that pissed me off more than Remy.    

I just hated it.    

I just hated very much...  

Ami and Mary held my hands and supported me—they knew what I felt. Their presence helped me handle my emotions and dissolved them—understood – more like it, rather than pushing them off to the Shadow Quella that now loved to torment my dreams.   

She didn’t need any more ammunition.    

“I…don’t know what to think,” Mary said. She slowly closed her eyes and softly shook her head.    

“Qutie, is Will a good guy? He was bad, but… I don’t know.”   

“I don’t know either,” I said. I watched Will closely, analyzing his body language and mannerisms. Comparing his actions during the trial and at the dinner that night…   

I was too pissed off to even think that straight about it.    

Did I even want him to have a change of heart?   

The thought of him improving himself and understanding how wrong he was just…   

He didn’t deserve it! It wasn’t fair!  

It was total bullshit!  

You couldn’t just say, ‘Oh, I feel bad about it. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean for Shuuta to die. Or I didn’t mean for him to be sacrificed to the void.’   

Forgiveness didn’t exist for that piece of shit!  

It didn’t!  

Redemption didn’t either!  

Although, I wondered if that said more about me than him…   

I knew the night would be ruined, but I didn’t think it’d be like this... I can’t wait for this shitty evening to be over... I need another Rule 1...  

Ami grabbed my hand and turned me away from Will. Mary told me that my feelings were valid. She felt angry herself and felt like crying.   

Team Salim soon arrived, with Shiku sporting a fancy suit. Laika and Leika—his maids—were attending the ball as his dates, and they wore dresses matching their ear color. Benedict was there—alone, looking upset while rubbing his cufflinks.   

Renata’s probably asleep still. I hope she wakes up soon.    

We approached and chatted with them. Salim looked handsome in his suit and tie and meticulously groomed beard. I hadn’t spent much time with him, but I knew he was popular with the ladies. But he had a family he had left behind when he was summoned, and his heart forever remained with them.   

Salim was the sole survivor from two generations ago, summoned 120 years before us.  

There were four members left of the last generation.   

And we hadn’t met them, but we knew they were working with our weaker classmates. Meruria didn’t let us do much since we were always working. They'd probably show up. We were all ordered to attend.  

The twins attracted the gazes of men and women when they strolled into the ballroom. Ann wore a perfectly tailored suit, and Lori rocked a flashy, revealing dress. They held hands and immediately walked towards us.    

“It appears Lord Meruria spared no expense, sister,” said Lori.    

“It does not. I am happy to be here as your date,” replied Ann. “Let us enjoy the amenities provided and make this night one to remember, sister.”   

“Mmm… Let us do just that, sister. Shiku, your companion. How is Renata?” Lori asked. He said she still wasn’t awake. Ann turned to me and inquired about my status, and I just had to thank her and her sister again for helping me.    

“Qutie, do you think Nelly’s going to show up?” asked Ami.  

“I hope,” I replied, changing the subject to Lord Enele. “It feels like it’s been ages since we’ve last seen him.”  

“And I miss—” Suddenly, there was a murmur happening near the dance floor. It interrupted Ami, so we investigated it.  

A dazzling light was collecting itself in the middle of the dance floor. When it exploded with bright, colorful particles, music began to play. The room darkened as Elly and Melusine took the stage, dressed in idol outfits that flashed intensely with the color of wind and ice. They danced their hearts out, singing a chosen song representing the struggle Soul Warriors endured when coming from another world. It was filled with twists and turns that supposedly mimicked our problems, though over 80% of it was manufactured bullshit.    

Or bullshit organized by the bitch who summoned us.  

When the song ended, the ballroom graciously applauded, but it wasn’t the kind Elly enjoyed.     

More light filled the room, and Meruria descended like an angel.    

She landed softly, spread her arms wide, and welcomed everyone to the most exciting ball of the year. She spoke about bullshit I knew she didn’t care about, but Meruria ended it by introducing Will, a Soul Warrior she said was near and dear to her heart, as the new Duke of Fairchild.     

There was applause when he walked to join Meruria. She hyped him up. Tokko and Mia were here. They were in the corner, observing things—dressed in a black suit with a red flower and a white dress with sparkling heels. Damon was also present. I had just seen him enter with three women hanging off his arms out of the corner of my eye. Those three were the same ones I’d seen hug him when we were summoned.  

I was surprised Meruria hadn’t sent him to bug us at the mansion. Maybe that was a silver lining in all of this.   

Carter was probably using his drones from another room or something.   

But the other members of our class were also present. I barely recognized them. They were like extras an author had plans for, but the almighty writer forgot about them because they weren’t vital to the plot. How ironic they were reduced to mere mentions in this world when they had stood at the top in our reality? I wondered if it was the same for our predecessors? If those four were here, they didn’t stand out. So, Meruria would have the trash train the trash.   

Maybe they’ll all die soon?   

Would I get that lucky?  

I still can’t stop thinking about murder and death. I need another Rule 1 to help me get away from this mindset. I sighed. This night can’t end quickly enough. Just how long is this going to last?  

I saw movement in the back and realized it was Greggie and the other chefs when Meruria’s speech was nearing its end. They were pushing carts of hors d'oeuvres full of food I wouldn’t exactly call ‘proper’ for a ball like this, but they were, admittedly, exotic to those who didn’t know about them. They’d probably set them next to the drinks before returning to the kitchen to finish the main dishes.  

Keeth appeared a few seconds later and set up a workshop in the room’s corner. The table was lined with baskets of sapphires, rubies, and other expensive jewels. His hands would probably be pressed to the limit tonight. I hoped we still had that lotion Elly used on him the last time.   

But then…   


I felt a distinctive buzzing. My nerves sounded alarm bells. Using [Mana Perception], I saw an unholy glob of pure magical energy concentrating at Meruria’s feet.    

And when I switched the skill off…   

It was entirely visible to the naked eye.    

Instinctually, I knew it was a bomb…   

The old me… The one who didn’t talk to Lori and Ann would’ve hesitated.   

That Quella… That faker I harbored within... The one I threw my wayward emotions towards because I didn’t want to feel them...  

What if she had only had enough soul energy to save her friends and not herself?  

The power coalescing would be enough to kill her outright, and she’d be gone from this world.   

That…Quella would’ve been fine with meeting her end here.  

And she probably would’ve…just done nothing after ensuring her friends would survive. She’d selfishly leave them behind to deal with the aftermath. She’d be smiling because she wouldn’t have to live in this cruel world.   

But that Quella wasn’t here!  

And I would never let her return!  

[SOUL BARRIER]!” I screamed, summoning my soul weapon. The protective shield powered by my soul energy swarmed around my friends and me as I targeted us…before the mana at Meruria’s feet exploded skyward. 

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