The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 426: the victims

Chapter 426: the victims

In one of the underground shelters in Vatican City, the civilians huddled together in a huge hall, afraid of staying alone in the different cabin-like rooms built in the shelter for them.

At this moment, the civilians had feelings of sorrow, fear, and horror for what tomorrow or even today had for them.

The past 5 days have been the most hellish in some of their lives. Packed together in this underground shelter, they could not sleep nor rest as the sounds of the ongoing battle battered at their eardrums.

The soldiers guarding them already offered them earmuffs, but it did little in alleviating the fear and trepidations in their hearts.

The earthquake-like vibrations of the battle did not help matters either as it only made them more anxious and scared.

Their nerves were stretched taut always, even in their sleep, they had no rest as they dreamt of Mocan soldiers storming this shelter and killing them all.

The parents shivered while trying hard to put on a brave front before their children to encourage them. The children sobbed softly despite this, they could sense the hidden fear in their parents emotions.

They now lived more like refugees than citizens of this city. They had 3 meals a day, but the loss of appetite caused them to eat food ranging from 1 and a half to only 2 meals a day.

At a corner of this hall where the civilians were gathered sat Mr. Trump and his family. The middle-aged man already experienced the Mocan-Spartan war before, but he still felt as scared as he was the first time.

This was war, it was not something that you could get used to or acclimatize to, not even the soldiers who were battling could.

The only comfort that he had now was his family, he tried to take warmth and courage from them but the supply kept dwindling as the days passed and the war continued.

His wife kept on trembling despite putting efforts to stop it, she just couldnt help the fear that kept on magnifying in her heart.

Whenever her scared children looked at her, she tried to look back with a brave face but the tears streaking down her face betrayed her each time.

Whenever they saw this sight, little Dandelion and Prince could not help it as tears also streaked down their face amid sobs.

Theyve seen a lot of things, but their mom crying was the few rare things that theyve not seen. Even if they didnt understand what was happening, the sight of their mother crying alone brought out all the horrors in their minds.

Despair and fear of the unknown filled their hearts, they wanted to help but they didnt know what to do.

I wish this is virtual Engineering. Dandelion thought amidst her tears. At least, at least I can help and stop mommy from crying then.

As she thought, she could not help but raise her head to look at her mom, she called out softly. Mom.

Yes, sweetie. Mrs. Trump involuntarily hugged her to hide her tears and the pain in her heart.

Mommy, are we going to die? She asked softly with a lingering sense of fear in her tone.

Hearing this, Mrs. Trump felt the last piece of tenacious hope in her heart tearing apart. She hugged her daughter tighter as she could no longer help it, she started sobbing.

Seeing this, Dandelion sobbed louder. Prince had tears on his face also, but he didnt sob, he just looked at this silently and clenched his fists.

As the family sobbed their sorrows away, a loud sound suddenly reverberated through the underground shelter.


The civilians were jolted by the sound as they stood up in a panic. They didnt know what happened, but they felt their hearts drop immediately.

When the rubble and dust subsided, they saw a uniform that theyve always been seeing in their nightmares. A uniform that they could never forget, the uniform of the Mocan army.

Immediately as the Mocan soldiers breached a hole here, they came to blows with the soldiers guarding the shelter as the civilians retreated deeper inside the underground shelter in a panic.

Despite the resistance that they put up, it remained a fact that the forces of the city were already stretched thin and only a few soldiers were left here to guard the civilians.

As soon as the few soldiers died to them, without hesitation, the Mocan soldiers started a massacre. The civilians screamed they pleaded, they did all manner of things but the Mocans did not relent.

Minutes ago, this shelter was still silent and safe, but in just moments it turned into a scenario of blood, chaos, and death.

Amid the massacre, a group of soldiers came down through the hole. Precisely, they were mercenaries of the Pendragon mercenary group.

With orders already given to them, they did not hesitate to engage the Mocan soldiers to prevent and stop the massacre.

15 minutes later, when about a hundred civilians already died in the massacre, the Mocan soldiers were finally forced out of the underground shelter.

The mercenaries did not stop to look at the damage done and the corpses lying on the floor, they rushed back as there was still a battle to fight.

So, the survivors stood, huddling at the back as they looked at the blood and corpses lying before them. Involuntarily, tears started streaking down their faces, both men and women this time.

Mr. Trump cried but he didnt wipe his tears, he cried because his family survived and none of them died, he also cried because of the innocent families just like his own that didnt survive.

None of them dared to move from their place, they just stood, watching the breached hole in fear and sorrow as the sounds of the ongoing battle kept on reverberating down.

Prince bit his lips as all this was reflected in his eyes, he clenched his fists, his chubby hands becoming strained as his nails dug injuries in his hand.

Just at his front laid the corpse of a small girl, just like his sister.

He knew her after staying 5 days here together. Just like his sister, she sobbed a lot to alleviate her anxiety. She always asked her parents when this would end, and her father would keep on replying that it would end soon.

He still remembered the fear always reflected on her face which he thought was cute at times. Such thoughts alleviated the fear in his heart at times, but now she was gone, gone forever.

He could not control himself again, tears flowed freely down his eyes.

Amid his tears, he turned to look at his father with an indignant but confused expression on his face.

He clenched his fists. Dad, w-why is this world so cruel and wicked?

[Thanks for reading.]

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