The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 431: vengeful pursuit

Chapter 431: vengeful pursuit

The same way that the Mocan forces infiltrated the Spartan republic in droves like an unstoppable tide, so also did they retreat like a tide of headless sheep without a shepherd.

The Generals and military leaders who were part of the commanding brass tried to make it an organized retreat, but the vengeful Spartan soldiers did not let them.

Now unrestrained, the Spartan air force finally had the opportunity to rule the skies. Spartan Fighter jets, War helicopters, airborne war machines all filled the skies in pursuit of the enemies.

Bringing 80% of their forces for an invasion was an extremely risky venture from the onset, now the Mocans suffered the repercussions for real.

Under the leadership of Commander Rashford and Commander Arthur, the Spartan army went on a rampage.

Both Commanders did not hold back at all, they vented all their pent-up rage and frustration over the past 5 days, using all these to draw more power to massacre more efficiently and effectively.

From Spartan blood dying the cities, Mocan blood started dying the cities.

Defense structures in various parts of the city were activated without a care of their energy expenditures, all these were done to tie down more Mocan soldiers to make the revenge sweeter.

Under the leadership of General Vincent, Clark and the others in his unit fought with gusto and fierce motivation as they massacred across the Mocan ranks.

Bam! Bam!

Clark moved like a heavy train, bashing hard and sharp at the Mocan soldiers with the sheer strength powering his body.

His hands did not remain idle, neither did his legs. His spear-wielding hand wreaked havoc without rest, cutting left and right and killing tons of enemy soldiers in the process like a butcher machine.

On his left hand which wielded his 2-form gun, he shot with frightening accuracy as soldier after soldier died to his bullets.

As soon as the counterattack started, Commander Rashford transferred his orders to the 3rd rank and above high-grade soldiers.

To inflict the most damage to the enemies and cripple their strength, 3rd rank and above high-grade soldiers are your targets

Clark and the other members of his unit took and acknowledged this order with fierce gusto. Their President already removed the tricky trees for them, now removing the stubborn weed was not too big of a task for them.

Already guessing at their thoughts, the Mocan armys first reaction was to evacuate all their important high-grade soldiers but retreating was never so easy.


Clark sniped at the escaping Fighter jet with his sniper rifle, taking a huge chunk from its side. The sturdy jet continued flying, but 3 other accurate sniper shots came from other sides, hitting it impeccably.

If one could not do it, 2 or even more definitely could.

After taking too much damage, the Fighter jet spiraled out of control as it crashed. Mid-crash, a soldier tore a hole out of it with the intent to escape.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

Clark shot immediately with his 2-form gun, releasing all its loads in conjunction with his bullet encyclopedia battle art as the various effects of his gunshots pulled the Mocan Captain down.


General Vincent collided with the Mocan Captain like a moving train in mid-air before he even fell to the floor.

Amid the sound of cracking bones and pained groans, the General hit the Mocan Captains jaws with his knees, cracking the jaws in the process.

Then, he grabbed the Captain and threw him down in a back throw.

As soon as he fell down, Clark and the other soldiers in his unit surrounded him like a group of cats who just perceived the smell of catnip.

Captain Oxford rushed forward and slashed at the enemy Captain with his sword, which he was able to block on time but the force pushed him back.

Before he could stabilize himself, a huge lancer pierced directly through his ribs, spraying blood everywhere like rain.

Amid coughing blood, he was able to move his body to the side, dodging the fatal sword slash from another Spartan Captain.

He knew that his fate was already sealed, but he did not give up.

He tried to put on a good struggle but the opponents facing him were too much. He was battered and shattered like a rag doll, Clarks ax dealt the last blow to him, directly splitting his head into 2.

For Mocan!

These were the last words that he was able to say before his head split, scattering his blood and brain matter everywhere like rain.

After killing the Mocan Captain, Clark and the other soldiers in his unit did not flinch nor did they reveal much of an expression on their faces as they went on the hunt for other prey.

After killing 2 other Mocan Captains, they met a Mocan General.

One of the Mocan warships tried to take this General out of the battlefield, but 2 elite war units like those of Clarks led by General Vincent intercepted this rescue mission.

As the 2 war units battled with the Mocan General, the war unit led by General Vincent also jumped into the fray.

General Vincent joined the 2 other Spartan Generals as they surrounded the Mocan General, cornering him and dealing astronomical damage with each blow.

Clark and his companions dealt cover damage from the side. As a 4th rank high-grade soldier, it was a given that this soldier would have a lot of life-preservation measures but the odds were too much against him.

He tried to take other Spartan soldiers down with him, but the 3 Spartan Generals firmly held him down and restricted his actions.

In the end, General Vincents sword pierced his head, snuffing all life away from him. Even to the point of his death, this Mocan soldier did not lower his head.

For Mocan!

Scenarios like this filled the battlefield as the frenzied Spartan soldiers who were looking for war vented their anger.

Of course, some of the Mocan Generals and Captains were able to escape, but still, most of them perished under the vengeful swords of the Spartan soldiers.

In other parts of the Spartan republic, situations like this could be seen as the Mocan forces retreated while the Spartans pursued vengefully.

The only parts that could not pursue the enemies were the cities that succumbed to the invasion before the situation turned around.

For a whole day, the sweep revenge pursuit continued and blood rained.

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