The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 565

Chapter 565

As the representatives from each country were discussing the new guidelines of the generous constellation, hunters were doing their own thing.

The hunters from the Mount Hua Sect were frustrated to see Chinese hunters blocking their path.

“Hey, we have permission to be here, right? Does it really have to be like this? Aren’t other people watching?”

The Mount Hua Sect, one of the clans serving Choi Yeonseung—after the Master of Slowness and Silence disappeared, the hunters of the clan boldly petitioned Choi Yeonseung.

-Great constellation, can we go to China for various activities?


With permission, the hunters immediately took a flight to China, but then they were immediately surrounded.

Whenever hunters traveled abroad, their personal information was logged into the destination country's database. Thus, it was no surprise that the Mount Hua Sect hunters were stopped as soon as they got off with their passports at the airport.

The Chinese hunters who had rushed out also looked very flustered.

‘Are they crazy?’

“What permission... If you had permission, would we be here?”

“Hey...” Louis Wang, the leader of the clan, spoke up as if to warn him. “Are you aware of our hunter ranks? We’re all martial artists. I can clean up as many of you as I want if I put my mind to it.”

Having been with Choi Yeonseung from the very beginning, the Mount Hua Sect hunters were the ones who had benefited the most from his realm of martial arts. Most of them were B-grade or higher, and masters such as Iris and Louis boasted skills beyond that.

What if such hunters were to fight together in a crowded airport? It would be the optimal situation for them, with close quarters allowing them to use their martial arts more efficiently and preventing their enemies from using wide-area magic.

It made sense for the Mount Hua Sect hunters to be confident.

The Chinese hunters were astonished by the threats, but they didn’t back down.

“No matter what you say, we can’t let you pass.”

“Impertinent fools. Who are you doing this for?”

“We have families too!”


The hunters of the Mount Hua Sect suddenly felt sorry for them. If these Chinese hunters fled from the intruders in fear, there was a good chance that not only they but also their families would face punishment.

“R-right... Sorry, we were too short-sighted.”

“Why don’t we just wait?”

The Mount Hua Sect hunters started whispering among themselves. They naturally harbored a deep resentment for China. After all, they had been forced to flee the country during the second generation in order to escape the horrible treatment of the government.

But apart from that, they felt a bit sorry to cause trouble for the airport security hunters.

“What are these crazy people... Catch them!”

As they were waiting, someone who seemed to be in a high position appeared behind them. People who had been in high positions within the party for a long time were bound to have a unique kind of arrogance about them.

The Mount Hua Sect hunters were able to notice it right away.

“I think he’s a real senior executive!”

“Yes! It seems so! Maybe he has connections with the Party Central Committee!”

The hunters gritted their teeth. The moment he puffed up his chest, the senior executive would act as a firecracker announcing the splendid return of the Mount Hua Sect hunters.

“You guys went into exile, huh... You haven’t the slightest clue who you’re up against...”

‘He came!’

Just as the hunters were about to clench their fists and throw punches, the executive got a call. He took out his phone with an annoyed look on his face, but then he lowered his head in surprise.

“Yes! Yes... Huh?? Why... Constellation... Yes... No... How can the constellation be above the command of the party... I-I’m sorry... I understand.”

The executive bowed his head with a noticeably different expression.

“...You can go.”



The Mount Hua Sect hunters felt like something was off.

What had just happened?

“It’s now that we’re not glad, but... We were prepared to fight you... with the strength we’ve built up...”

“I understand! That’s what I also wanted. I wanted to fight.”

“I guess revenge really is meaningless.”

‘What are these madmen saying...?’

The party official was furious at the conversation between hunters. These exiles had come into the country at will, robbed them of everything, and then gained the right to operate in the area?

Was revenge truly meaningless?

‘I need to be more active in the party! What’s up with this constellation?’

The party official vowed that when he returned, he would gather people and raise opinions more actively. Even if that constellation was now the master of Earth, he was meddling too much. The constellation would surely listen and understand if the Chinese government imposed itself.


Kwon Yeongseung—compared to other A-grade hunters, he was the most popular because of his charm and activity in other fields.

Even after the Master of Slowness and Silence was defeated and disappeared, Kwon Yeongseung’s popularity continued to soar. He was also receiving greater hospitality from other countries. Normally, no country neglected their A-grade hunters, but wherever Kwon Yeongseung went, he received better treatment than the A-grade hunters of that country.

There was only one reason for that—he was a peripheral figure attached to Choi Yeonseung.

“Ah, you’re the kind of hunter who uses his friendships to get special treatment.”

“...N-no!” Kwon Yeongseung stammered, caught off guard by Han Seha’s sharp criticism.

In fact, he felt a bit guilty about the excessive hospitality he received whenever he was invited abroad.

Jeong Wonuk, another A-grade hunter, carefully said, “It’s okay to be treated like that, but those people must have ulterior motives. Don’t get carried away...”

“I’m not that bad!”

“Whatever. Why did you call us here?” Han Seha asked impatiently.

“It’s not a big deal...” Kwon Yeongseung said hesitantly. “You know the Iron-Blooded Ice Emperor... I thought it would be a good idea to help him make up with Dragon Hwang.”



Han Seha and Jeong Wonuk were genuinely impressed. They hadn’t thought about this at all, but it was a good idea.

After Choi Yeonseung revealed his identity as a constellation, it was the people around him who were the most surprised.

-How hard it must’ve been to hide his true identity and save humans who didn’t listen to him!

-Even so, couldn’t he say something...?

-Do you want to die?

-...I used to think that. But now, I realize he must’ve had a lot of trouble as a constellation!

Luckily, someone like Han Seha was flexible enough to adapt to the shock. As for those who couldn’t think flexibly, she had forced them to become more flexible.

Of course, everyone had been stunned at first, but as the shock wore off, people gradually came to accept reality. In fact, instead of being surprised, they ought to be grateful that a constellation born in South Korea had become the master of Earth.

If a constellation from a neighboring country had become Earth’s ruler instead, they would’ve been seriously considering fleeing from Earth by this point.

-We need to learn martial arts and have stronger faith...

-We should find his home and commemorate...

-Make a documentary about his life...

The media was initially abuzz about this news, but after a while, they all felt silent.

The A-grade hunters could tell right away.

‘He told them to stop.’

In any case, there were things that the Korean hunters couldn’t do. They utterly failed to express their sincere gratitude to Choi Yeonseung. Despite his incredible achievement, they couldn’t thank him properly.

...However, Han Seha was furious when Kwon Yeongseung expressed such an opinion.



Kwon Yeongseung was taken aback. Had Han Seha suddenly gone crazy?

“No, it’s a really good idea. The constellation will be pleased.”

“Is that so?”

“In fact, he might directly bless the hunters of your Six-Eyed Turtle clan.”

“N-no... I didn’t mean that?”

Kwon Yeongseung was genuinely confused. Of course, he was a key member of the clan, but he hadn’t made this suggestion expecting such privileges.

“As expected...” Han Seha said with a hint of hostility in her voice.

“That’s not the reason!”

“But is there a way to reconcile the two of them?”



The two young A-grade hunters shut up and simultaneously looked at Jeong Wonuk.

“After all, you’re our senior...”

“Considering your age and experience... You’re from the same generation as them, right?”


Jeong Wonuk was sullen. These two young punks only treated him as their senior at times like this!

“The three of us might be from the first generation, but they were much more advanced in their careers than me. I didn’t have much of a chance to talk to them.”

“Umm... I guess I have to ask...”

Han Seha was conflicted. She didn’t want to ask Choi Yeonseung directly as he would be less impressed if he knew about the gift in advance.

They needed to find someone who knew Hwang Gyeongryong and Lee Changsik well...


“Do not worry! Us orcs are great at solving old feuds!”

“Besides, we are close friends with both Hwang Gyeongryong and Lee Changsik!”

“Oh...!” Han Seha was delighted.

The orcs seemed nothing like the violent ones who attacked hunters on sight in dungeons. They seemed oddly intellectual, evoking a kind of trust in Han Seha that she had never felt toward orcs before.

“I, Garagoncha, will act as counselor for the two of them. But first, we need to settle the grievances of their past,” Garagoncha said with an intelligent expression.

Han Seha listened attentively.

“First of all, I heard that humans criticized Hwang Gyeongryong in the past.”

“They did.”

“We need to catch all the people involved. That will make Hwang Gyeongryong feel a bit better.”


Kwon Yeongseung, who was listening next to them, panicked. Among the people who had criticized Hwang Gyeongryong at that time, some were big politicians and businessmen, as well as leaders of media companies. Arresting all of them was impossible...

“Humans... Catch them...”

Han Seha was taking notes regardless.

“I heard that people also criticized Lee Changsik in the past.”

“Aha. Do we need to catch those people too?”

“Exactly! Very clever!”

“Okay... Humans... Catch them.”

“I’ll go with you. You’ll need a helping hand.”

“Good. Then let’s go.”

“Not wasting any time. Very good!”

Kwon Yeongseung panicked even more when Han Seha and the orcs immediately raised their weapons and set off.

Should... Should he stop them?

“What’s wrong? Is there a problem?”

“Do you want to participate but you’re too nervous? Don’t worry! You’ll be on the jury too.”

The orcs put their arms around Kwon Yeongseung’s shoulders as they encouraged him.

Just like that, Kwon Yeongseung got caught up in a past grudge because of these intelligent orcs.


Han Hyeokrim, Han Seha’s uncle, was quite drunk.

“That’s what I’m saying. Isn’t Father crazy?! No matter how close she is to the constellation, making such a lunatic his successor...”

“Yes, exactly.”

The man sitting in front of Han Hyeokrim nodded. Despite his old age, he maintained the appearance of a middle-aged man thanks to the various rare elixirs he had taken.

“I’ve always been very critical of hunters. I knew they’d ruin the country at some point!”

“No, Assemblyman!”

“People don’t know how to repay favors...”

“Prosecutor Garagoncha has entered the courtroom!”


“Lawyer Palvacha is also here!”

“Judge Iguacha enters too!’

“The jury also enters! Admit the jury!”


The people at the bar looked around in a frightened manner.

Monsters swarmed in as though a dungeon had exploded.

“What the hell... Call the hunters! The hunters!”

As if answering the call, Kwon Yeongseung stepped inside. He was terribly embarrassed, still not prepared for this, so he averted his gaze.

“Hu... Hunter?! Hunter Kwon Yeongseung?!”

“...Y-you’ve got the wrong person.”

“Get rid of these orcs now! What is this...! Wait, isn’t that Hunter Han Seha?”

“No? I don’t know you?” Han Seha said as she kicked the old man in the chin.

Stunned, Han Hyeokrim exclaimed, “Don’t you recognize me?!”


Han Seha delivered the same kick to her uncle.

The orcs cheered and clapped.

“We need to make her a prosecutor! Prosecutor Han Seha!”

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