The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 10: You, Stay Put And Don’t Move

Chapter 10: You, Stay Put And Don’t Move

Being a majestic god, how can he do such sneaky things?

After just one glance Chen Ling quickly turned away, not looking at her again. But that white skin in his mind remained, persistent and unyielding.

Is anyone there? Sui Lier asked.

Chen Ling listened to her words but remained silent. Maybe he would be beaten if he spoke now? Even though he knew that no one could see him, he still felt afraid.

Then, Sui Lier turned around and gently brushed the lake water with her hand.

Its a little warm, she said. As Chen Ling had raised the temperature, the water wasnt so cold anymore. This was the perfect temperature for a bath

As a novice mage apprentice, she could easily use water control magic to take a bath. But she didnt.

Sometimes, when she passed by the school, she would come in and take a look, maybe learning one or two spells by chance. But the level of magic wasnt important to her. Even the Forbidden Curse Masters, the strongest mages in the world, couldnt break the curse on her body.

Finding someone who could see her was more important to her than anything else. Thats why she only knew a few spells.

Mmm Its so warm, Sui Lier couldnt help but exclaim. It had been a long time since she had taken such a warm bath, especially during the winter.

As Chen Ling listened to the sound of the water, he looked up at the stars in the sky. The stars in this world were beautiful and much brighter than those in other worlds.

They were the Curse Stars of this world, the twelve constellations. The stronger the owners power, the brighter the Curse Star. In this world, the twelve Forbidden Curse Masters also became the leaders of the twelve stars.

Also known as the Twelve Star Leaders. The leaders of the constellations.

Only one Forbidden Curse Master can exist for each constellation, its an inherent law of this world. You can tell which Curse Star it is just by looking up. The brightest twelve stars in the night sky are their Curse Stars.

And Sui Liers star is Pisces and numbered 390, which Chen Ling can barely locate using the system. Her strength is too weak, she hardly shines at all, just like she doesnt exist.

After a while, Sui Lier finished taking a bath and also washed her clothes. She squatted by the lake, the moonlight shining on her snow-white skin, making her look like she was glowing.

Like a little elf, the reflection of the bright moon in the distant lake looks just like a beautiful painting.

Gurgle, gurgle~

Suddenly, bubbles started to emerge from the lake. Sui Lier looked up in surprise and smiled.

Are they bubbling because its too hot? Haha She found it amusing and couldnt help but laugh.

She even reached out and poked a few bubbles. No bubbling allowed~ she playfully sang.

Gurgle, gurgle~ The surface of the water suddenly started to ripple.

Hmm? Sui Lier clearly felt the water getting hotter and hotter!

The lake was boiling like crazy, creating huge waves. At this point, Chen Ling had already turned around with a cold expression. His thoughts: Something is about to come out.

Under the moonlight, the once calm lake suddenly created earth-shattering waves. Sui Lier stared dazedly at the huge waves in front of her, momentarily forgetting to react.

What the heck?


A roar echoed for miles around, waking up many who had just fallen asleep.

Curse Beast!?

Everyone realized what was happening. That powerful energy undoubtedly signaled the appearance of a Curse Beast. Curse Beasts were powerful creatures in this world that always appeared suddenly and inexplicably.

The water from the lake rolled up and fell from the sky like rain. The scales glistened in the moonlight, looking beautiful. But Sui Lier wasnt in the mood to appreciate it.

Its a Curse Beast!

Her heart skipped a beat. She finally reacted and grabbed her clothes to shield herself, running backwards without even having time to put them on. Although she knew that the Curse Beast couldnt see her, if she was caught in the blast, she wouldnt survive.

Chen Ling frowned at the sight. Could the Curse Beast see Sui Lier? Wasnt she unable to be perceived by anyone? The next moment, Chen Lings eyes locked onto the Curse Beast. He paused for a moment before suddenly laughing.

Oh are you here to find me?

The Curse Beast couldnt sense Sui Lier. But Chen Ling, as a powerful energy entity, could be detected by it. The Curse Beast was highly sensitive to energy. It grew stronger by devouring humans, and the stronger a mage, the more power it gained.

To the Curse Beast, Chen Ling was like the most delicious delicacy in the world, making it salivate with desire. Chen Ling didnt expect that it would come to him instead of running away when it sensed his aura. It probably hadnt encountered anything strong enough to threaten it yet.

Desperate times call for desperate measures? Then dont blame me for not being polite

You can be.Dinner! Since he was just about to treat Sui Lier to a good meal, he thought of it as a reunion gift.

At that moment, Sui Lier happened to be running in Chen Lings direction. Chen Ling glanced at her and couldnt help but snort.

Its another nosebleed.

Sorry, sorry

Put some clothes on!

He quickly raised his head and looked straight ahead at the huge Curse Beast in front of him. The system scan results also came out:

Titanic Water Elephant Curse Beast: Illusionary Heavenly Spirit King

Attribute: Pisces (Water)

Body length: 339.4 meters!

Stage: Adult

Combat power value: 12 million

Skills: .

Chen Ling didnt even finish reading, and directly closed the system interface. 12 million combat power value What garbage?

The Curse Beasts in this world are divided into: Low-level, mid-level, and high-level Curse Beasts, corresponding to the strength of human Mage Apprentice, Intermediate Mage, and Grand Mage.

Above that are the Titanic-level Curse Beasts, corresponding to the strength of human Curse Masters.

This Curse Beast is obviously not weak. Otherwise, it wouldnt have dared to come out after sensing Chen Lings strength. Titanic-level Curse Beasts are very rare and belong to the second most powerful creatures.

Once they appear, if they are not killed in time, they will cause widespread destruction. Even one of their curses can easily destroy a city. Just as Chen Ling was about to attack and kill it directly, Sui Lier suddenly spoke up:

Oh no! Not good!

She stopped and turned around. Chen Ling immediately noticed her two buttocks, which seemed to be reflective. They were really eye-catching! Following her gaze, he noticed the bag of food she had left on the shore.

Oh no What should I do with my food Sui Lier looked around anxiously, not knowing what to do. It was a gift from someone, but she didnt know who.

It It shouldnt be able to see me, right? Sui Lier looked at the huge Curse Beast in the lake with some fear.

Chen Ling: ???

What is she trying to do?

Sui Lier looked at the beast in the lake, her body trembling uncontrollably. Then she hugged her clothes, shivering as she watched the giant creature.

It cant see me it cant see me Slowly, she moved forward step by step.

Chen Ling watched her moving body, unable to resist saying: What do you want to do go to your death?

Sui Lier trembled and said: No someone gave it me

Hmm? Sui Lier was stunned for a moment, then turned around with an unbelieving expression on her face. Her beautiful eyes were still dazzling even when shocked.

Who was speaking!?

Chen Ling was also stunned.

Uh He accidentally spoke out loud

Who!? Sui Lier turned around and looked behind her, but there was nothing there. She completely forgot that she wasnt wearing any clothes yet and held them in front of herself.

Her pink hair was still dripping with water, her long eyelashes curved, and she looked at Chen Lings direction in confusion.

Although Chen Ling couldnt see anything, it couldnt help but make him swallow his saliva.

He couldnt help but think in his heart: Why are you so beautiful At least its good that for once that no one can see it

Is anyone there? Sui Lier frowned with her beautiful brows and called out in her mind.

Chen Ling couldnt even make a sound. For some reason, he felt his heart beating faster.

Uh weird Sui Lier bit her lip, clearly hearing someone talking to her just now. But where was the person?

Both of them completely forgot that there was still a titan-sized beast behind them.

Roar! The giant beast suddenly roared, illuminating the pitch-black night with a golden light. Chen Ling looked up and saw golden runes spinning and swirling around their heads and the city, containing terrifying energy that could destroy the entire lake and the surrounding area of several kilometers.

Sui Lier was also frightened and looked up, never having seen this level of magic before.

At this moment, everyone around the lake looked out through the windows. This is the magic level of a Curse Master? Has the Titan Curse Beast appeared again!?

The crowd immediately panicked: Report it quickly! Report it to the Constellation Alliance! Call them for help!

If a Titan-level curse is cast, everyone will die!

Someone has already given up: Its over its too late the curse is about to form

Chen Ling suddenly yawned and rubbed his eyes: What a trashy thing Im so sleepy

You, stay put and dont move.

Sui Lier: ???

OhAlthoug Sui Lier was confused, she still nodded obediently.

At this moment, Chen Ling had already appeared above the giant beast. Just as he was about to destroy it, he suddenly remembered. Wait a minute Did I just talk to her again?

He turned his head and looked at Sui Lier, feeling speechless. Is it because Im too tired?

Then his gaze sharpened, and he looked down at the huge beast beneath him.

Well, can you help me stay alert?

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