The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 158: [Twin · Yin And Yang Mirror]

Chapter 158: [Twin · Yin And Yang Mirror]

Upon hearing this, everyone turned their gaze to Chen Ling. They were curious too!

When Chen Ling had showcased his skills to the new students before, the display had truly amazed them all. On the way back, everyone had been discussing what methods he might have used and how he achieved it.

But the methods of a god were beyond their comprehension.

Chen Ling suddenly smiled: Me?

I have no cultivation level.

People were left speechless by his words: This guy why is he so audacious?

Hes been challenging the instructors all day Couldnt he just say his cultivation level? Why keep it so mysterious?

They thought Chen Ling was arguing with the instructor, but he was telling the truth. In this world, his strength couldnt be measured by magic levels. Its like he has no magic level.

Duyin smiled upon hearing this and nodded: Good very well.

Having said that, he didnt look at Chen Ling again, immediately turned around, and left the classroom.

Everyone: ???

Wait Instructor Duyin was driven away!?

Chen Ling also looked puzzled. Could it be you cant even tell the plain truth?

I really wasnt challenging you! Why so petty

After Duyin left, everyone turned to look at Chen Ling.

Their faces seemed to say: This is all your doing

But then

Nicely done! No more class!? Wuhu! Lets have a self-study session!

Anyone up for mahjong!

As they spoke, someone pulled out a bunch of mahjong tiles from a desk drawer with a rustling sound.

Come, come, come! Bring the tables over and set up.

Freshmen, want to play? Loser strips! Goose, goose, goose (hahah)~

The group of older students cheered on the new students nearby.

Im in! Lin Ming rubbed his hands and was about to step forward.

The person quickly stopped him: Hey? You! Forget it! I dont want to see your armpit hair.


The classroom immediately became lively.

What do we do, Chen Ling? The instructor seems upset. Sui Sui looked at Chen Ling with some worry.

She was afraid he might get into trouble. Even though Chen Ling was very powerful, nobody liked trouble.

However, Chen Ling seemed indifferent and said: Let him live as long as he wants, its none of my business.


Meanwhile, Zuo Yuan had been continuously watching Sui Lier from start to finish. Her gaze was reluctant to leave her.

Just as everyone was getting excited, a sudden chill swept over them, followed by a gust of cold wind

Startled, everyone turned around, only to find Duyin standing at the door again.

In his hand, he held a person who was tightly bound and severely beaten, with a swollen and bruised face. The person was covered in blood, looking utterly miserable. And it was a woman!


The womans pitiful state made Sui Lier involuntarily furrow her brow.

However, Chen Lings expression brightened at the sight: Well, well, an incoming dark magic user. This academy really doesnt hold back.

Instructor, whats this The students looked at Duyin with confusion.

Duyin simply said: Shes a dark mage.


A shock ran through everyone, and in the next moment, their expressions turned cold.

A flesh-eating dark mage!

Initially, some might have pitied her, given her condition, but now, any trace of compassion vanished, replaced only by anger.

Duyin tossed her onto the podium, glanced at the people, and said nothing more. The students were puzzled. Why did Duyin bring a dark mage here with a binding curse stone?

A live dissection of a female dark mage, an experiment?

Thats just too cruel, right!?

At that moment, Duyin began to speak slowly and lightly: Do any of you remember what dark spell we learned in the last lesson?

Soul Passage! Someone answered promptly.

Duyin nodded: We covered the incantation, effects, conditions, and methods of dispelling the Soul Passage spell in the last class.

Could someone recap it?

I can! Me! A student immediately stood up.

They rattled off a long and elaborate explanation.

Sui Lier was utterly bewildered, struggling to understand what was being said. She couldnt make heads or tails of it.

After the very long explanation, Duyin nodded: Very well, take a seat.

In the past days, youve already learned a lot about dark spells.

Now, when you see a familiar dark spell, you should know how to defend against and dispel it. So today, well put it into practice.


A thrill ran through everyones hearts! Their faces lit up with expressions of excitement.

Wow, this is exciting!

I cant wait to beat her up!

Thats the spirit of Aries people Theyve never been afraid!

Of course, they werent fools either. After all, Duyin wouldnt allow them to be killed. They could go all out without any worries.

Then Duyin continued with a calm tone: The dark magic user before me is a mid-level grand mage in terms of strength.

Everyone: ???

What? Mid-level what?

Did I hear that correctly? Mid-level grand mage?

Thats just lets forget it. One spell from Duyin might catch us off guard, and wed be done for. Lets just not fight!

This is the spirit of Aries people

Its not about the zodiac sign Aries, people from Aries Academy are collectively called Aries people~ They are a group of uniquely individual folks.

Seeing that many of them seemed disheartened, Duyin said coldly: Dont worry, with me around, at most youll lose an arm or a leg.

Everyone: ???

Do you think youre quite the comedian?

Today, the new students will also participate in this practical exercise. Use everything youve learned and let me see your abilities!

Having said that, he looked at Chen Ling. His expression seemed to say: You dont need to say anything, its okay if you dont.

Chen Ling couldnt help but chuckle: Youre really quite something! Sending me a dark mage!

He laughed happily, but the other new students wore pained expressions.

Help, I dont want to lose an arm or a leg!

Everyone, head underground.

With those words, Duyin picked up the dark mage from the ground, lightly tapped a button on the podium. With a swoosh, as if disappearing into the earth, she vanished directly into the ground.

Alright, lets go!

After he spoke, everyone stood up from their seats, formed a line, and headed towards the podium.


With each press of the button, a student disappeared.

On the floor of the podium was a magic formation, the Submersion Spell from the Concealment Arts. Apart from submerging, there were five other elemental submersion spells, collectively known as the Submersion Arts, a commonly used magic.

As long as the students pressed the button, it triggered the formation. The formation lit up, sucked them into the ground, and they vanished into the underground space. It looked as though they were sinking into quicksand. After they were consumed and disappeared, there was no trace left on the surface.

Sui Lier stood up in astonishment and wanted to join the line. However, Chen Ling grabbed her wrist, and with a flicker of his figure, they both disappeared.

Zuo Yuans surroundings blurred again. The only clear figure, Sui Lier, was gone!

Where did they go?

With a hint of confusion, she looked around but saw nothing.

Zuo Yuan! Theyve gone! Underground!


By now, Chen Ling and Sui Lier had already arrived in the underground space. The space was about ten meters high, and everyone descended from the ceiling, landing on the ground.

Without some strength, ones legs might break from the fall

It was roughly the size of four classrooms, quite spacious. Various luminous magic formations adorned the walls, illuminating the entire underground space.

Next time, I want to try that magic formation~ Sui Lier gently shook Chen Lings hand.

Chen Ling remembered something and said casually, You really do like to explore.

Sui Sui: ????

She also remembered something!

Sui Sui is shy~ Points +1 million~

After a while, observing their surroundings, she couldnt help but marvel, Is the space beneath the classrooms really this large?

Chen Ling smiled, Is the space beneath me not this large?

Sui Sui: ????

What is he talking about? She genuinely couldnt catch on.

How could she have imagined that her Lord God was teasing around every day? She hadnt even considered that possibility. What are you talking about? I meant this space~

Chen Ling smiled and didnt say anything.

At this moment, Duyin was silently watching Chen Ling and Sui Lier. How did they come down? They appeared out of nowhere!

Soon, all 34 students in the class had arrived in the underground space.

Once they were down, everyones eyes were fixed on the dark mage in Duyins hand. Only Zuo Yuan was looking at Sui Lier.

However, Sui Lier wasnt looking at her; she was sneakily watching Chen Ling. At that moment, Duyin suddenly pressed a button on a device in his hand.

Click~ went the sound!

The chains on the dark mages body automatically fell off.

Bang bang~ They hit the ground with a heavy thud.

The forbidden curse stone that had been restricting her power had fallen off!

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