The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 19: Can I Just Follow You All The Time

Chapter 19: Can I Just Follow You All The Time


Silver curse coins gushed out from the palm of his hand like a fountain. The coins scattered on the ground, making a tinkling sound as they rolled everywhere.

The people present were dumbfounded!

They were utterly shocked! What kind of performance was this? Even with magic, there was no spell that could create money out of thin air.

Sui Liers mouth hung open in astonishment, forgetting even to gasp.

The people around couldnt help but gather around Chen Lings hand, trying to figure out how he did it. However, they couldnt see anything.

Someone picked up one of the coins from the ground.

They exclaimed, These are actual curse coins but why are they only in the smallest denomination?

Thats right, Chen Ling gave them one piece at a time, take your time counting.

Love scolding people? Then scold to your hearts content! Chen Ling could already imagine them counting the coins while cursing him. The angrier you are, the happier I am!

27,333. Take your time counting. Oh, by the way, the shark fin soup in your shop is good. With that, he quickly walked out.

The waitstaff stared in confusion at the scattered coins on the ground, all wearing masks of anguish.

Go call him back! One of them angrily shouted.

You go. Im not going anyway. That person was too weird!

Chen Ling! Sui Lier followed Chen Ling, happily bouncing beside him.

Seeing her so happy, Chen Ling was in a good mood too. Whats the matter?

Youre amazing!

Chen Ling pretended to be calm and waved his hand dismissively. Oh, its just a small trick, nothing special. Lets keep it low-key.

Its so incredible! Its so cool, it was like a fountain of curse coins!

Chen Ling smiled, walking slowly. Do you like their food? If you do, we can come again next time.

Sui Liers smile froze, and she pouted. Then forget it, I dont like them.

Chen Ling looked at her. Oh? Why?

Sui Lier kicked a stone on the ground unhappily, sending it flying far away. Because they insulted you thats why I dislike them!

You dont like them? Chen Ling asked again.

Yeah! I dont like them! How can they just insult you like that

Chen Ling suddenly laughed. Haha~ Then I can rest assured.

Just as he finished speaking.


A loud explosion!

The entire ground shook.

A powerful blast of heat suddenly pushed from behind, causing Sui Lier to stumble forward a few steps.

She turned back in terror and saw Chen Ling, with a cold and indifferent expression, standing in a pitching stance, looking at the now-destroyed restaurant behind him.

At this moment, the restaurant was no longer there, reduced to a burning ruin. Who knows what Chen Ling had just thrown.

Ding~ Detected the hosts unwarranted destruction of public property. Deducting 10 points based on the extent of damage!

Tch only 10 points what a joke.

The people around looked bewildered. How did it suddenly explode?

In front of the wreckage was a person, a service staff from the restaurant who had intended to call Chen Ling back.

In his heart, he couldnt help but feel relieved: Thank goodness I came out.

What what did you do! Sui Liers eyes were filled with disbelief. ()

Did Chen Ling destroy that restaurant!?

Chen Ling stretched lazily, turned around, and bared his teeth as he looked at Sui Lier, his eyes devoid of emotion. You said you didnt like them, right? Well, coincidentally, I dont like them either.

You theyre not all dead, are they? Sui Liers voice trembled with fear.

Theyre not completely dead yet, so dont you want them to die?

Uh of course not! Sui Lier believed that because of her words, Chen Ling had killed them all.

Oh. Chen Ling said casually: Range Group Life Restoration.

Ding~ Casting Range Group Restoration Spell, restoration successful.

Since it was Chen Lings doing, no points were added. Those people hadnt died completely, nor had any points been deducted.

Then Chen Ling glanced at Sui Lier: Alright, theyre not dead. Are you satisfied?

However, Sui Lier suddenly began to apologize frantically to the people from the restaurant: Im sorry, Im so sorry its all my fault!

Ding~ Abnormal emotional state detected, 100,000 points!

-100,000 points!

100,000 points!

Chen Ling looked at Sui Lier, who was apologizing, as if he had opened the door to a new world: Oh so you can deduct points like this hehehe His smile gradually became twisted

New skill acquired +1!

Huh? Sui Lier heard Chen Lings twisted laughter and couldnt help but glance at him.

What are you laughing at She suddenly had a bad feeling. Chen Ling smiled and said: Its nothing, lets go.

Sui Lier quickly caught up with him but couldnt help looking back at the burning ruins: You cant do this next time! Although I said I didnt like them I didnt want them to die!

Chen Ling: Hmm-hmm-hmm

Sui Lier: Why do I feel like youre just brushing me off?


Youre definitely brushing me off!


Chen Ling!

Hmm? Chen Ling had a calm expression, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing his confident and indifferent demeanor, Sui Lier was rendered speechless.



You dont imitate me!

You, dont imitate me~

Im ignoring you!

Im ignoring you~

Sui Lier: ????

Today she learned three things:

The first thing: When the Lord God asks her if she believes, she should say no.

The second thing: Never tell the Lord God who she dislikes, or else he will kill them

The third thing: The Lord God is a childish prankster! Mimicking my speech! Hmph

Ten minutes later: Chen Ling, where are we going?

Chen Ling glanced at her: I dont know, where do you want to go?

I dont know either. Sui Lier had always been searching for Chen Ling, looking for a second person who could see her. Now that Chen Ling has been found, she doesnt need a second person anymore.

So where should they go now? She really didnt know.

Um Can I just follow you all the time?

Chen Ling turned to look at her, and her little face turned red~

I want to take a poop, will you come then?

Huh? The expression on Sui Liers face instantly fell.

Im wont!!

Chen Ling pursed his lips: Tch, didnt you say you wanted to follow me all the time?


Im ignoring you!

Chen Ling sneered: Oh well, in ten minutes youll start talking again.

Sui Lier: ???

Wow Im so angry I absolutely wont pay attention to him this time!


Ding~ Abnormal emotional state detected, -100,000 points!

Chen Ling couldnt help but raise an eyebrow. Oh, I see now

Ten minutes passed, and no points were deducted. But Sui Lier really didnt say anything. Seems like she really got angry.

Chen Ling smiled: Do you have any place you want to go?

Um I

Huh? Who just said they wouldnt pay attention to me?

Sui Lier was taken aback. And then


Ding~ -100,000




Chen Ling was almost laughing to death.

Ding~ -100,000 points!


Ding~ -100,000 points!


Chen Ling!

Burp~ Whats wrong?

Hmph! Sui Lier was so angry that she walked forward with large steps.

Chen Ling chuckled and followed her. He continued to smile as he looked at the system interface.

-100,000 points kept flashing on the screen. However, it disappeared before two minutes had passed.

Is she not angry anymore?

Chen Ling thought, Well, I wont tease her anymore.

Hey Why are you walking so fast? This time, Sui Lier didnt even grunt, she just kept walking quickly.

Seeing her like that, Chen Ling smiled and said, Still sulking?

Hmph~ Sui Lier lightly snorted and stopped responding to him. She really wouldnt pay attention to him anymore.

But deep down, she was thinking: If he coaxes me Ill pay attention to him!

Hey hey Dont be mad.


Inner thoughts: Coax me some more! ( )

Chen Ling really wanted to coax her, but when he saw Sui Liers expression, he couldnt help but laugh: Heh Cough cough He quickly covered it up with a cough.

Sui Lier stopped in her tracks and turned her head: Hmm? Are you laughing?

Chen Ling suddenly felt a bit flustered: Cough Im not!

Sui Lier: Youre definitely laughing.

Cough Fine then~ I am laughing. Chen Ling smiled at her with a mischievous look.

Sui Lier took a deep breath: Oh my god! Why are you so infuriating?

I wont pay attention to you anymore Hmph

With that, Sui Lier continued walking forward. Chen Ling smiled and, in an instant, disappeared and continued to follow her.

Sui Liers inner thoughts: You have to coax me three more times Then Ill forgive you. Hmm Forget it, last time was only once, so this time it should be twice!

It has to be twice!

As she said that, she glanced to the side and suddenly realized that Chen Ling was nowhere to be seen.

Chen She immediately stopped in her tracks, looking back in disbelief.

Nothing! There was nothing there! The people in this world were walking as usual, ignoring her just like before.

While everyone in the city felt the heat, Sui Lier felt unbearably cold. She felt as if she had fallen into a dark world, where no one could see her, and Chen Ling was nowhere to be found.

Endless loneliness suddenly enveloped her once again. Her aqua blue hair gradually turned pink, from top to bottom. Sadness spread through every cell in her body. At that moment, a person approached her, entering her field of vision.

She felt a glimmer of hope in her heart, only to be utterly disappointed the next second. That person wasnt Chen Ling, He couldnt see her.

Sui Lier had to move aside to avoid colliding with him.

Chen Ling? Her voice trembled from the first word.

At that moment, Chen Ling, who was invisible, suddenly felt something was amiss.

Ah Tears streamed down her face the next moment.

Ding~ -1 million points!

-1 million points!

Damn it! Its over shes crying again. Chen Ling no longer cared about the stupid points and how much they decreased. He couldnt bear to see her cry!

He immediately appeared in front of her.

Waaah! Sui Lier covered her face with her hands and cried uncontrollably, tears flowing down incessantly. She cried and sobbed, uttering incomprehensible words. Dont go

I will never sob be angry again

Im sorry sniff I I

I wont never again sob Im sorry Chen Ling Her words became incoherent.

Chen Ling stared at her dumbfounded, unsure of what to do! He regretted it deeply in his heart: Its over I went too far.

In the Main God Realm, Lin Moyu suddenly slammed the table.

Bang! It made the surrounding mentors jump.

Chen Ling! Are you even human? Give me no, damn it! Give her some comfort!

Surrounding mentors: ??? What happened?

No one dared to speak when they saw her so furious.

Sui Liers heart was truly exhausted as she cried out in anguish. Her body also felt powerless, she wanted to crouch down on the ground, to curl up like before, curled up in this world where no one could see her.

To shrink in a dark corner, motionless, waiting for life to slowly decay.

But just as she was about to crouch down, she felt a hand wrap around her waist, her body was suddenly pulled towards someone.

Thud~ Gently landing in Chen Lings embrace. She sobbed and lifted her head, finding Chen Ling frowning and looking at her.

Although he frowned, his eyes were warm, very gentle. For the first time, she felt tenderness from Chen Lings icy eyes.

She felt her heart melting instantly.

Im sorry. Chen Ling looked at her seriously, sincerely apologizing. He truly regretted it.

Sui Lier bit her lip, trying to stop crying, but she was powerless: Wuwu Dont go

Chen Ling looked at Sui Liers eyes, so cold and beautiful like the moon, and for some reason, he lowered his head slowly.

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