The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 198: Jie Brother’s New Partner

Chapter 198: Jie Brother’s New Partner

Before the explosion engulfed Xuan Ming, Chu Jian saw a teardrop slide down from the corner of Xuan Mings eye. For some unknown reason, her heart sank.

The next moment, Xuan Ming was already submerged in Chen Lings spells and the explosion. After the burst of firelight before Chu Jians eyes, the intensity prevented her from keeping her eyes open. Though she couldnt see, she could imagine Xuan Ming as a piece of paper wavering amidst the flames, fading into ashes.

When she finally opened her eyes, Chen Ling had already disappeared.

Xuan Ming still lay there, transformed into a charred corpse, devoid of any signs of life. She was so burnt that even her facial features were unclear. Chu Jian could only judge from the outline that it was Xuan Ming.

Watching from the shadows, Chu Jian waited for a while, not daring to come out immediately until she confirmed that Chen Ling had left.

As the aura dissipated, and after making sure Chen Ling had truly left, Chu Jian cautiously approached Xuan Ming.

What she could confirm was that Xuan Ming was undoubtedly dead, with no possibility of coming back to life.

Instead of leaving, Chu Jian pondered over what Chen Ling and Xuan Ming had said to evoke such a shocked expression from her. At the same time, she was puzzled by Chen Lings earlier statement about Xuan Ming consuming dark mages and supposedly saving countless families. Was this Xuan Ming an anonymous hero of some sort?

Unfortunately, she would never know now, and she had lost track of Chen Ling again.

Outside the small stone house at this moment: With a resounding boom, after a thunderous flash, Chen Ling reappeared before the others.

At his feet lay a white-haired girl.

Yes, it was Xuan Ming.

Whatever that black corpse from earlier was, Chu Jian had no idea. She couldnt make sense of it.

Seeing the bloodied, broken-armed Xuan Ming on the ground, the group felt no ripples in their hearts. They didnt need to guess they knew that this white-haired girl was another dark mage Chen Ling had seemingly found out of nowhere.

At this moment, Chen Ling calmly said: Restoration

A green light descended upon Xuan Ming, healing all her wounds, mending every fractured bone in an instant.

Get up. Chen Ling looked at her expressionlessly.

She stood up in surprise and glanced at Min Jiangyun and the five people before her.

Just then, with a loud boom, the six individuals were once again shocked by an electric surge.


Electric currents went haywire, startling Xuan Ming, her heart racing.

As the six individuals opened their mouths, their bodies trembled uncontrollably. Their hair stood on end, emitting black smoke. They looked incredibly tormented.

What is this Xuan Ming looked at Chen Ling with confusion.

Chen Ling simply said: Starting today, your task is to torment them when Im not around. Use every method you can to torment them, but you cant kill them. Otherwise, youll be the one tormented.

As for your fathers enemies, Ill find them for you when I have the time.

That small stone house over there, youre not allowed inside. If you want to sleep, lie on the ground; if youre hungry, you can eat their flesh, but you cant eat them to death.

Xuan Ming nodded.

Everyone else: ????

Are you even human?!

They looked at Xuan Ming with confusion. Who is this person, anyway?

That little robot over there will be your partner from now on, Jie Brother!

Chen Ling called out, and the charging Jie Brother raised its head: Im here, Master!

Chen Ling walked over and gently pressed its head: This is the newcomer, your partner. Teach her how to torment these dark mages.

Then he let go, and Jie Brother nodded: Understood, Master~

Then Chen Ling looked at Xuan Ming: Clear?

Xuan Ming nodded: Clear.

I have other matters to attend to. Once the thunderstorm ends, you can start working.

Alright, Master!

With that, Chen Ling left the area.

What did Chen Ling say to Xuan Ming back when Chu Jian couldnt hear?

He had asked her before he took action:

Are you interested in being my tool? As a reward, Ill help you find your fathers enemies.

Her fathers enemies were people she dreamt of finding, but this world was vast, and there were no leads to follow. She had searched for many years, yet there hadnt been a single clue. Moreover, even if she found them, she felt powerless. The difference in strength was too great. However, Chen Ling could do it; he was the kind of person who could even kick away a Star Leader.

At that time, she didnt have time to speak, but Chen Ling saw the thoughts in her heart directly.

So, he had refrained from killing her, getting a free tool without a price. The points deducted while he was absent were actually quite minimal, even if Jie Brother was there.

Chen Ling was too lazy to come personally. How could he spend every day taking care of these dark mages and still have quality time with his wifecough, future wife?

Jie Brother was ultimately a machine, without personal thoughts; he needed a commander. So, Chen Ling needed a steward for the dark mages, and he thought Xuan Ming, who seemed to hate dark mages, would be suitable for the job. Additionally, he was intrigued by her desire for revenge against her fathers enemy.

A look from someone like that could probably deduct a lot of points.

Chen Ling had figured out the pattern the less normal and more perverse the dark mage, the more points could be deducted.

Except for Sui Lier; she was an exception, a bit of a bug.

He believed that their combination Xuan Ming and her fathers enemy would surely bring some surprises.

Of course, it also depended on whether Xuan Ming could perform. If not, she should just get lost; Chen Ling wasnt here to babysit.

Looking at the miserable state of the six dark mages before her, Xuan Ming couldnt help but frown. It was getting a bit disgusting, and there was even a faint foul smell in the air. Those rags in their mouths were basically pieces of dirty cloth, retrieved who knows where. Looking at them made her feel nauseous.

Ugh! (Save me!) Min Jiangyun shouted.

Seeing this, Xuan Ming walked over to Min Jiangyun.

Hmm? Youre Min Jiangyun!? Xuan Ming looked at him in astonishment.

Ugh! (Yes, its me! Save me!) Min Jiangyun quickly nodded.

But Xuan Mings gaze turned sharp: Werent you captured by the Aries Constellation Palace?

The incident with Min Jiangyun, where he was falsely accused by the Aries Constellation Palace, had become widely known throughout the world. Even now, the sky was emblazoned with the words Min Jiangyun is a three-second man. These golden letters were dazzling and eye-catching.

To think that Min Jiangyun, who had been captured by the Aries Constellation Palace, was here with Chen Ling. This made Xuan Ming even more curious about Chen Lings identity.

Kicking away the Aries Star Leader and harboring a repeat offender dark mage all of this raised questions.

Ugh, ugh! (Save me!)

Xuan Ming, of course, wouldnt pay any attention to what he was saying; she was lost in thought.

Just at that moment, Jie Brother raised its butt, stood up from the charging station, and walked over.

Hello, partner.

Xuan Ming: Hello, Jie Brother

Time to work.

Xuan Ming paused for a moment, realizing that the thunderstorm had stopped at some point. She quickly nodded and said, Sure, Ill assist you.

At this moment, she still had no clear idea of what she was supposed to do.

Jie Brother approached Ying Xin beside it, and Xuan Ming curiously followed.

Seeing the little robot approaching, Ying Xin immediately began to struggle madly! Why did it start with me!

Wow Xuan Ming saw Ying Xins two furry legs and couldnt help but reveal an amazed expression.

Your leg hair is so long.

She genuinely exclaimed!

Ying Xin: ?????

Ding~ Ying Xin feels embarrassed, minus 20 million points!

Yes, it gets hot with it being this long, so were helping her pluck it out.Jie Brother said.

Ding~ Ying Xins emotions are abnormal, minus 20 million points!

Seeing these deductions in points, a sneer formed in Chen Lings heart, and he returned to the Flame Blue Town.

Tonight is the hunting time!

Sorry for the interruption.

Chen Ling suddenly appeared in a dark alley, smiling as he looked at a man and a woman engaged in an indescribable activity. Both of them were dark mages.

Chen Lings appearance startled both of them, and they quickly moved away. The woman hurriedly grabbed the clothes on the ground to cover herself.

Chen Ling acted as if he hadnt noticed, and walked over with a smiling expression, Sorry, could you two shake hands with me?

The male dark mage squinted at Chen Ling, his inner thoughts came out of his head.

(Is this bastard up to no good?)

( Get lost!)

Thinking so, he released black incantations, and dark magic energy immediately spread.

Chen Lings figure flickered, and he appeared in front of him, I said shake hands, dont you understand?

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