The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 201: My Patience As A God Isn’t That Great

Chapter 201: My Patience As A God Isn’t That Great

Chen Lings heart suddenly raced, and he couldnt help swallowing nervously.

Just as he was about to speak, Sui Lier whispered: Even if I say it, he probably wont take it seriously, right~

Chen Ling was taken aback, looking at Sui Lier in front of him with a puzzled expression. I actually took it seriously, now its up to you

Then Sui Lier muttered to herself: Besides, so many people like him theyre all so attractive

Chen Lings inner thoughts: Well, theyre ordinary people after all.

If my confession fails, hell definitely kick me out of his life, right

Maybe he wont want me anymore Saying that, Sui Sui furrowed her brow.

Her face was filled with sadness, just thinking about it made her upset.

Why? Chen Ling, as Luo Yuxiu, asked in confusion.

Am I that kind of person? Do you have some sort of misunderstanding about me? Chen Ling didnt understand why she had these thoughts.

As she spoke, Sui Lier suddenly looked at Chen Ling, her gaze fixed on him. He felt uneasy under her gaze.

Yuxiu, will you keep this a secret for me?

Chen Ling, puzzled, asked: Keep what a secret?

You didnt say anything!

Sui Lier blushed and whispered: Just about how I feel, about my feelings for Chen Ling he cant find out.

Chen Ling:

Why? He wont do anything to you. Chen Ling continued to coax her.

Just confess already, my patience as a god isnt that great

Im just scared Sui Lier said softly,

We cant be too greedy in life, thats what he told me

Chen Ling was left speechless. I said that when I was a kid, youve actually remembered it

He didnt expect that his casual words, just to leave a little candy for himself, would have such an effect.

Chen Ling hadnt anticipated this, so he continued to guide her: He treats you so well, whats there to worry about?

While praising himself, he tried to encourage Sui Lier to confess.

Sui Lier whispered: Yeah, he treats me so well, I should be content

Chen Ling:???

Content, my foot. Im the one who should be content

Cough What if hes not content?

Poof Sui Lier suddenly chuckled softly.

Chen Ling turned his gaze towards her: Whats so funny?

With a small laugh, Sui Lier said in a hushed voice: Just now, when you coughed, it sounded like Chen Ling. He always clears his throat like that~ Hee~

Chen Ling:

Im never coughing again.

At that moment, Sui Lier whispered again: Alright lets go to sleep. Yuxiu, sorry for bothering you

Chen Ling shook his head: Its fine, go to sleep.

As he spoke, he extended his hand, intending to embrace her.

Huh? What are you doing? Sui Sui quickly extended her small hand to block Chen Ling.

Her face held a touch of surprise, as she was amazed that Luo Yuxiu wanted to hold her.

At the same time, her panic and resistance were evident. Although they were sleeping on the same bed, there was always a gap between them.

However, when Sui Lier slept, she would roll around, making it unavoidable. But when awake, she didnt like people touching her casually. Due to her lack of a sense of security and social experience, she had a mild fear of social interactions. This kind of close contact wouldnt make her feel at ease; it would actually intensify her sense of panic.

I I dont like it when people touch me Im sorry. Sui Sui said softly.

Chen Ling felt a little amused: Then why do you let me hug you every day, have your head patted, and even want me to kiss you?

However, he noticed that the expression on Sui Liers face seemed a bit self-blaming, and she appeared sincere.

Hearing Sui Lier say this, Chen Ling strangely felt a sense of satisfaction. Truly my wife

He said gently, Its alright, no need to apologize.

After speaking, he withdrew his hand and lay down quietly next to Sui Lier, pretending to sleep.

As it wasnt early in the morning, Sui Lier soon drifted off into dreamland. Once she fell asleep, she started moving around again, eventually crawling onto Chen Lings body.

Murmuring in her sleep, she said: Hehe~ Lord God~ Hug me~

Chen Ling chuckled softly and gently held her.

Early the next morning, before the mentor came in, Chen Ling had already left.

When Sui Lier woke up, she found that Luo Yuxiu was gone.

Hey? Yuxiu Sui Lier sat on the bed, her hair all messy from rolling around during the night. It looked like a little birds nest on top of her head, making her look very cute.

Sitting on the bed, she looked around with a confused expression.

Maybe she went to freshen up. The girl in the adjacent bed yawned and nonchalantly remarked.

Oh After that, Sui Sui wanted to get out of bed and go to the washroom to freshen up.

However, when getting off the bed, she stepped onto Luo Yuxius arm that was protruding from under the bed.

Hmm? Sui Lier lowered her head to look, only to find that she had stepped on a white arm, not her slippers!


Ding~ Sui Sui is extremely frightened! Points -100 million!


The girl next to her also saw the pale arm under the bed and let out a scream.

A dead person! Help!

Seeing a ghost so early in the morning genuinely terrified the girl next to Sui Lier, making her scream and shout in panic. The dormitory was filled with piercing screams.

Just then, that arm suddenly retracted.

Both Sui Lier and the others widened their eyes, their hearts skipping a beat.

Ah! Zombie! Ghost! Help!

Ding~ Sui Sui is scared! Points -10 billion!


Everyone scrambled off their beds and moved far away from Sui Liers bed. Now, only Sui Lier was left sitting on her bed, trembling.

My legs theyre like jelly! Lord God help!

Chen Ling had been watching the projection and hadnt intervened.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rolled out from under the bed. Covered in dirt and grime, they looked a mess.

This startled the girl in the room once again, and Sui Lier quickly pulled her lower body up onto the bed. She then did a backward somersault, pulled up the blanket, and wrapped herself in it, Help help!

Her movements were fluid.

Luo Yuxiu?

Someone with sharp eyes recognized the dirty figure as Luo Yuxiu.

Luo Yuxiu stared at the people around her blankly, puzzled: Why am I under the bed?

Ugh~ Sui Lier made a muffled whimper under the blanket, her head peeking out, Yuxiu~ Ugh, dont scare me

Tears were streaming down Sui Liers face due to the fright.

Luo Yuxiu, looking bewildered: What on earth happened?

She wouldnt suspect Sui Lier, as she was too cute to do such a thing. There was no way she could have tossed herself under the bed.

Was it me? Did I accidentally roll off the bed?

But why didnt I wake up after rolling off? Wouldnt that hurt when hitting the floor?

This remained an unsolved mystery, and the group didnt have a chance to discuss it. The mentors were already calling them.

The mentors gathered everyone in an open area within the estate, waiting for everyone to assemble.

After a night apart, Sui Lier finally laid eyes on Chen Ling again.

Chen Ling stood in place, smiling at her, waiting for her to approach. Having not seen each other for a night felt like an eternity to Sui Lier, and the corners of her mouth involuntarily lifted.

Sui Sui is delighted~ Points +1 million~

At the same time, a barrage of text appeared above her head:

(I miss you so much~)

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