The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 37: Desperate God

Chapter 37: Desperate God

He cursed in despair and frustration for a long time.

His intimidating presence kept Sui Lier from approaching him.

What happened to Lord God Im so scared!

C233 was starting to regret: Why did I tell him? He wont go on a rampage and harm innocent people, right?

Suddenly, the aura that Chen Ling had unleashed dissipated within a few seconds and retreated back into his body.

He sat on the bed absentmindedly.

Its over Im finished for life 300 billion Thats 300 billion points

Chen Ling truly felt devastated.

Seeing the situation, C233 felt a bit scared and said: Well Chen Ling, if theres nothing else, Ill leave first! Goodbye!

With that, C233 quickly stepped into the dimensional passage and disappeared.

The room was left with Chen Ling alone, constantly contemplating a solution.

Sui Lier stood in the living room and noticed that there was no sound coming from Chen Lings room. She became somewhat worried and walked to his door. She stopped and listened, indeed, there was no sound inside.

Did Lord Gods friend leave?

Did he fall asleep?

Chen Ling, are you asleep? Sui Lier softly called out.

Chen Ling paused and his gaze sharply turned towards the doorit was Sui Lier! Now, there were four choices in front of Chen Ling.

First, honestly be a god.

Second, commit a crime that would result in imprisonment. After serving time, he couldnt be a god anymore. The lightest sentence would be ten years.

Third, disgust Sui Lier, make her feel uncomfortable, earn more points from her, but also deduct more.

Fourth, disgust the world, let the people in this world pay back the points Sui Lier earned.

At this moment, these were the only four paths left in front of Chen Ling.

The first path is impossible. He could only choose one from the remaining three paths.

While he was contemplating, Sui Lier softly called out at the door again: Chen Ling? Are you asleep?

Chen Ling still didnt respond. He no longer had the mental energy to deal with Sui Lier.

Okay then Sui Lier muttered softly, feeling a little disappointed.

She had hoped that Chen Ling would wake up and they could play together, but Chen Ling had fallen asleep again. Just as she was about to leave, she couldnt help but turn around and glance at his door.

Hm Maybe he didnt lock the door

Should I take a peek? She thought to herself, and suddenly, her mood improved.

Wait Is it a bit weird to peek at him while hes sleeping? Um Just a quick look should be fine. Ill just see if he covered himself with a blanket!

Yes! He doesnt cover himself when he sleeps, so Ill help him with the blanket!

With that thought in mind, she reached out her hand, intending to grab the doorknob, but then it froze in mid-air. Suddenly, she remembered something

He doesnt cover himself with a blanket!

The horrifying image of little Chen Ling appeared in her mind again, and her face turned red in an instant.

Ah, forget it He doesnt even wear clothes

Ding~ The target feels embarrassed because of you. Points +5

Points +5

Chen Ling paused for a moment. +5 points? So low?

Why would she feel embarrassed? This made him feel a bit confused, as if he hadnt seen the familiar +5 points in centuries.

At this moment, Chen Ling, like any ordinary divine intern, felt happy when seeing [Points +5].

However, joy and sorrow are not the same. Others are happy because they earn a lot of points, but he is happy because he earns so few

At this moment, he started to doubt: Was I dreaming earlier? Did Sui Lier not earn that many points?

However, even though the points were only 5, she kept spamming! In a short period of time, she earned hundreds of points at an extremely fast rate, almost reaching tens of thousands.

Chen Ling panicked. You cant earn any more, big sister!

Sui Lier! He quickly shouted, trying to stop her.

This was the first time Chen Ling called Sui Lier by her name.

Huh? (O?O) She was startled and made a sound like a little kitten.

Come here!

Oh no I have been found out! Instinctively, she wanted to run away.

But then she realized: Wait hes not asleep! Hehe~ (`)

Chen Ling!

Click~ With a sound, Sui Lier happily pushed open the door.

Thats great! Youre not sleeping!

Ding~ Points +10,000!

Chen Lings heart couldnt help but jump. His eyebrows twitched and he shouted, Stop!

Sui Lier was instantly intimidated by Chen Lings momentum, and the points stopped spamming as well. Just with that one instance, she earned an additional 50,000 points. If he hadnt called a halt in time, it would have been a guaranteed 200,000 points.

With this person around, how will I spend my days from now on!? Now, whenever he sees Sui Lier, its as if he sees his own future miserable life.

What should he do!? Disgust her?

Chen Ling has countless ways to make Sui Lier feel sad. Even with just a few words from Chen Lings mouth, he can pierce Sui Liers heart.

This was the simplest and most effective method! No need to go to jail, no need to be a god, no need to constantly meddle in this worlds affairs. He felt tempted. From a normal perspective, harming one person for the benefit of thousands had absolutely no flaws!

So he looked at Sui Lier.

Sui Lier was looking at Chen Ling with confusion. She thought Chen Ling had just had a fight with a friend and was in a bad mood. She didnt dare to speak, thinking she might disturb him.

Chen Ling couldnt help but gently open his mouth: You

But he couldnt say any of the following words. Just by running through them in his mind, he could imagine how Sui Lier would cry.

That crying and tearful appearance immediately appeared in his mind. It was as if he could even hear the sound, Wuwuwu~ The sound was so real, as if Sui Lier was truly crying in front of him.

Chen Ling suddenly felt a headache. Forget it forget it.

Sigh He let out a long sigh.

Sui Lier, puzzled, asked, Whats wrong why sigh?

But Chen Ling shook his head, lay back on the bed, covered himself with the blanket, closed his eyes, and spoke with a tired tone: I want to sleep, so please leave.

He needed to calm down and think. There must be some other method, something simple and quick, that he hadnt thought of yet.

Sui Lier bit her lip and looked at Chen Ling with a tinge of heartache. Oh alright~

Then goodnight~

With that, she gently closed the door, making every effort to keep it quiet. She tiptoed back to her own room and slowly closed the door, afraid of disturbing Chen Ling.

As soon as she returned to her room, she could see her reflection in the mirror. Still so beautiful, just the way she liked it.

But now, she didnt feel as happy as before. She no longer looked at herself in the mirror.

Instead, she lay on the bed, unhappily burying her face in the sheets. She took a deep breath and started holding her breath. It seemed like after holding her breath for a long time, when she finally exhaled, her worries would disappear.

After a while, she couldnt stand it anymore and let out a long breath.

Wow I almost died Clearly, besides almost suffocating herself, it had no effect at all.

So she started rocking her little feet on the bed and muttered softly: Whats wrong Chen Ling wont you talk to me? Ugh~

Just talk to me These were what she wanted to say earlier but didnt dare to say out loud.

She could only mutter quietly to herself. Talking to herself was a habit she had developed over the years. She didnt need an audience, she just wanted to speak.

Being coquettish was also something she wanted to do. She wanted to act coy towards Chen Ling, but she was afraid of annoying him.

You wont tell me anything

I can help you! Geez You always feel like Im a fool but Im not hmph.

Sleeping wont solve the problem hmph Sui Lier kept muttering softly, like chanting. As she continued, drowsiness overcame her. Without even taking off her clothes or shoes, she sweetly fell asleep while lying on the bed.

However, a few hours later, before dawn, she woke up. Ah~ It hurts

Her arm had gone numb. Wuwuwu It hurts so much!

She rolled over and curled up into a ball. After a while, she gradually recovered.

Wuwuwu Ill never sleep on my stomach again! Tears welled up from the pain.

She let out a sigh, then looked at the clock: Wow Its already 2 a.m. I cant believe I slept on my stomach for so long!

Hmm? Wait a minute 2 a.m. Chen Ling! Ah-ha! Chen Ling at 2 a.m Hehe~ As she said that, she giggled softly like a little fool.

Who knows where her sense of humor comes from.

Cough cough By the way, is he asleep? Will he be annoyed and unable to sleep? Just the thought of Chen Ling made Sui Lier wide awake.

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