The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 153 I Will Take Care Of It

“It is, Miss,” Yula responded with a solemn frown on her face, “or else, the mated pair will suffer. Imagine how it is like to lose control of yourself.”

“I don’t want that.”

“But that is how it will be if you do not consummate your bond,” the elf warned. “The situation will worsen until you reach the point you completely lose your sanity. As you are human, the bond affects you but not as severe as it affects your mate. It is way, way worse for His Majesty. He must be suffering a lot while resisting the bond for your sake, Miss Ember since you are not yet ready. And it is really not easy for any divine beast to do so.

“I will be honest, Miss. I wish for the both of you to consummate the bond as soon as possible for His Majesty’s suffering to end.”

“Is he suffering?” Ember gasped. “But he looked fine–“

“His Majesty has strong self-control, that’s why. It is more impressive, because from what I heard, the stronger the bloodline, the stronger the urges the mate would be having. If you were a mate of any lesser beast, you would have ended up consummating the bond whether you understood its significance or not. His Majesty is just waiting for you to understand and accept him willingly and not do so under the influence of your bond.”

“Waiting for me… to accept willingly?” Ember repeated in confusion.

Yula nodded. “Miss, did I not say mates are similar to a human’s notion of husband and wife? Will a proper husband force his wife to do anything she doesn’t consent to? I have been by His Majesty’s side for so long. He is a person who looks cold on the outside but he would never do anything that would hurt others.

“Miss Ember, you are his mate who he cherishes more than anything or anyone in this world. You are the most important thing to him and he would never want to hurt you. He is waiting for you even if it means suffering in silence.”.

Suddenly, Ember felt her mood plummet. To think such a strong person was suffering because of her.

“Try to understand his Majesty, and please be a good mate to him. Cherish him, Miss, and I assure you, you will be the happiest woman ever.” Yula let out a sigh before adding, “Don’t make him wait for long.”

“I…will try…” Ember replied as she continued gripping the mirror handle.

“There should be books about mates in the palace library. Should I browse through them and send them to you? After reading about the power of the bond, you will understand how it affects the mated pair and how much it is important for them to consummate that bond.”

“Thank you so much,” Ember said, nodding in agreement. This kind of book was what she was searching for, but there was no such book in her study. And after sneaking into King’s study and getting caught by him red-handed, she didn’t dare ask him nor did she dare go to his study again.

‘Why didn’t I think of asking Yula about this before?’ she wondered. ‘I could have saved myself a lot of trouble–‘

“Oh, look at the time. Pardon me for delaying you. You should head for your meal, Miss Ember,” Yula said politely as she stood up.

“Ah, yes!” Ember stood up from bed and went out of the chamber to go to the dining room as Yula followed her.

“Do you have a mate, Yula?” Ember asked on the way.

“How should I put it? He is technically my mate, but ‘mates’ are used for beastmen and divine beasts. What I have is a partner–a husband– but we don’t need to have a bloodline bond like a beastman. Ours is more a vow with our elemental magic in line as children of the world. Elves do have only one partner for life and we choose one out of love and with free will from each other. It cannot be forced.”

Ember nodded in understanding and asked, “Then do you have children?”

Yula nodded with a smile. “Yes, one daughter.”

Ember smiled as well and looked at Yula as they entered the dining room where Clio and Reya were waiting for them. “Doesn’t she come to the palace?”

“Once in a while. At this moment, she is receiving her education in the city of our clan and training about how to use her powers.”

Ember sat in the chair that Reya pulled out for her. “How old is she?”

“That child? She will be turning two hundred and eleven this coming winter,” Yula answered and then said, “I will visit His Majesty. Please enjoy your meal.”

Ember could only stare at her with a bewildered gaze as the short blue-haired elf left the dining room after checking everything was prepared correctly.


Draven had just returned to the palace after he went to calm the dragon inside him by spending time in his favourite dandelion field. Upon his arrival, he immediately had Yula summoned to his study.

“Greetings, Your Majesty.” The aide bowed to the King who was standing by the bookshelf while going through the books. “You called for me?”

“How is she?” he asked as he idly flipped the pages of a book.

Yula was already used to it and didn’t need to verify who the King was asking about though he never said her name.

“Miss Ember is awake and she is having a meal now,” Yula informed him.

“Anything else?” he asked.

Yula knew what he meant and answered, “As per your instruction, I strived to answer all her questions.”

“Such as?” he asked again, continuing to flip the pages of that book as if he wasn’t particularly interested in what the elf had to say.

“I explained to her my understanding of what mates are and how the bond works. But…”

Draven closed the book and looked at her. “…But?”

She cleared her throat awkwardly before answering, “The Miss seems to be ignorant of the last stage of the bond…to be more precise, the process of consummation. I guess it is to be expected since she’s a young lady who knows little about the world. I was wondering if I should explain such a delicate matter to her the way we educate the young females in the kingdom, or if Your Majesty prefers to personally…”

Draven closed that heavy, ancient literature book and walked towards his large desk. “I will take care of it.”

With much relief, Yula agreed with a bow. “Of course, Your Majesty.”

He put the book on top of his desk and pushed out a different leather-bound book. “You said she learned our runic language?”

“Indeed, Your Majesty. The Miss is astounding to learn how to read in a matter of days!”

“Then you can give this to her.”

Yula looked at the familiar-looking book. It was the book with the most detailed content written about the creation of bonds between mates, more specifically about divine beasts. Yula could not be happier than this as she had already planned to give this particular book to Ember.

She picked up the book. “I will personally deliver this to her, Your Majesty.”

“Tomorrow, someone from the Fire Fae clan will be here to teach her about her powers. Make sure to inform her that her lessons will begin in the morning.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Draven excused her from his presence. Left on his own, the King stood by the huge glass window behind his desk and stared at the garden scenery outside with various thoughts flitting through his mind.

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