The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 159 Night Of The Full Moon

Her instructor let go of Ember’s hands before stepping back several paces away, such that they were facing each other with ample space for them to use their powers.

‘I wonder what we’re going to do next,’ the nervous student could not help but wonder as she slowly clenched her hands into tiny fists.

The voice of the Fire Fae caused Ember to look back up.

“First, you need to focus on what we call energy.

“Powers have several types and divisions–they can be innate or acquired, internal or external, talent or spell, elemental attributes, etc. Before going into those, the most basic thing you must know is the difference between energy and magic. They’re the same, albeit technically, energy is what we call the form of the power inside your body and when you manifest it outside, we call it magic.

“Your energy flows naturally within your body, but it has a centre where the energy is the strongest. Think of it as the home of your energy. We call that the core. Only when you become familiar with your energy core and only when you become its master can you start to have basic control of your magic.”

Ember nodded, patiently listening like a good student. ‘Energy core? Morpheus also mentioned that term…’

Helia continued, “Though it’s a part of you, since you have never used your innate fire power, you are not familiar with your core. When a being becomes one with their core, they won’t face any difficulty in manifesting their energy into magic powers. It will become a natural part of your body, like your own arm or leg. You will only need a thought, and it will move. Like this…”

Fire Fae Helia raised one hand palms up in front of her body, and soon, there appeared a small flame on top of her hand. Though it seemed to be hot, it was not something to be scared of. Under Helia’s control, that fire seemed gentle and tamed. Ember stared at it with fascinated curiosity.

‘Isn’t that fire burning her fingers and palm?’ was the first question that came to her mind.

“Doesn’t it hurt, Lady Helia?” Ember asked as she looked at that gentle orange flame playing on the redhead’s hand.

Helia shook her head. “This fire is a part of me. It cannot harm me. Say, like your hand, does using your own hand hurt you? No, right? Unless you order your hand to hurt your own body.”


“Just like me, your own Fire, the fire-attributed elemental energy residing inside you, it won’t harm you. Since you are not used to it yet, we will make sure you become familiar and slowly make you become more comfortable with your Fire.

“I heard you previously tried to use your untrained powers and could not control it. It was because you forced yourself when you are not yet one with the core of your energy. Once you practice your focus on your core, you will naturally be able to feel how it should be used, and just like me, you will be able to control how you manifest your powers outside your body.”

“What should I do for that?” Ember asked.

“You must begin with meditation. Relax your mind and your body while you look inside you and search for that energy core. You have used your energy core before so you should know how to feel the energy spreading across your body. Try to trace the energy in your body and find where they come from. Where is the strongest energy inside you? That is where your core is. You have to look deep within you.”

“Deep within me?” Ember repeated to herself.

“Close your eyes and try to search for it,” Helia replied. “Remember, you need to relax. Take a deep breath…”

Ember did so as she closed her eyes and heard Helia continue in a soft, magnetic voice, “Feel your energy. Focus on your inside. Try to search for one strand of energy and use it to lead you where the strongest energy lies within you. There is no need to rush. It is something that is calling for you. You can feel it…”

Ember tried to find the so-called ‘energy core’ as her brows creased, trying to follow what the knowledgeable Fire Fae was telling her. However, instead of becoming more relaxed, her anxiety grew with each passing second.

‘Where is it? Why can’t I find it?’

She tried for a long time, but she could not find it. It felt like hours and hours had gone by, or maybe it had only been a few minutes; regardless, the passing time made the human girl frustrated. Finally, she flopped and sat on the grassy ground, feeling tired as if her energy had been drained on its own. It was even more tiring than when she caused that incident on the balcony with Morpheus.

“How are you feeling, Miss?” the fairy asked as she helped her student to stand up.

Ember opened her eyes and breathed deeply. “I…can’t seem to find it. Apologies, Lady Helia.”

“It’s your first attempt so it’s fine. It’s not easy to find it,” Helia assured.

“Are you sure, Lady Helia, that I have an energy core too? What if, since I’m human, I only have the energy spread around my body?” she asked to make sure. “All I could feel was unending darkness despite trying so hard.”

Helia raised a brow at her student’s questions. “There is. I have felt your core, Miss. Beyond that darkness, it’s hidden there. You have to pass through that darkness to reach it.”

“Then can you tell me where I should look?”

“Unfortunately, you can only begin controlling your energy if you yourself figure out where your energy core is.”

“I understand. Then, I will try once again,” Ember suggested, despite feeling tired.

“It’s enough for today. It is not a good thing for you to attempt when you already drained your body of your energy like this. Say, it’s similar to running. When you train your leg muscles to run faster or longer, consistent effort is necessary but you must never overexert, or else, you will receive an injury.”

Ember nodded because it was reasonable when to put that way.

“Tomorrow, we will try it again. Even if we fail again, then there’s the next day and the day after that. Do not be disheartened. Anything that concerns a great power doesn’t happen in an instance. You need to be patient and wait for it to come to you while you do your best to pursue it.

“Do not force yourself, especially since you have personally experienced how uncontrolled fire can cause incidents. Aren’t we having lessons so we do not have a repeat of that? Use that to guide and motivate you. Moreover, we are not in a hurry, are we?”

Ember shook her head. “Thank you for the reminder. I will be patient.”

“Good. Patience is what we need,” Helia said. “You look tired. We should sit somewhere.”

Ember agreed to it as she was really tired, as if she had done some heavy physical labour. On her first day of her magic lessons, she was already this exhausted– she could not help but wonder what would happen in the coming days.


After leaving Ember with Lady Helia of the Fire Fae, Draven hurried to distance himself from her and was back to his study before he realized it. He knew Ember had noticed the change in his gaze, and he had felt it too–the abrupt rise of his urge that nearly made him lose control. It was the sign that he was gradually losing control of his Dragon, to the point it was trying to show up once again upon seeing his mate in front of him. Draven thought he had sufficiently suppressed that part of himself, but he was wrong.

A Dragon had briefly tasted his mate once. He wanted it more–no, he demanded more. He desired to be with his mate, and this desire would only grow stronger the more time passes by.

Draven was distressed, though none of his emotion was showing on his face.

‘I was planning to train her to resist my scent, but now, a new hurdle has appeared.’

He paced around inside the study to get rid of his restlessness.

‘One week…only seven days are left until the night of the full moon and I am nowhere close to what I had planned.”

Draven let out a worried sigh.

‘That night is going to be the most troublesome. For ordinary beastmen, their females will also show severe signs of being stimulated by their mates’ true scent, but there is no record for divine beasts having human mates…I can only hope it is something I can handle.’

Just then, he heard a knock and his personal servant, Erlos, entered the study. The young elf looked at his master who was pacing inside his study with a small frown on his face.

“Sire, your aide, Malion, is here with a report.”

Draven calmed himself. “Send him in.”

Erlos went out to call for Melion who’s in the reception room, unaware that his master had an odd expression on his normally cold face. Draven stared at the door from where Erlos left with heavy doubts.

‘What is it with him? He’s been unusually quiet these days. Did something happen? Since I could not pay attention to him for the past few days, he should be in a good mood.’

However, he had no choice but to put that concern on hold as the Wind Fae  entered the study. Melion greeted the King who sat in his armchair behind his desk to listen to his aide.

“Your Majesty, as per your instructions, we have sent a number of shapeshifters from the feathered race and witches to spy on the human kingdoms and help in the search for the woman with reddish gold hair and purple eyes,” Melion informed.

Draven gave him a nod of acknowledgement and said, “That appearance is uncommon so it should not be difficult to find her if she truly exists.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. You are right,” the fairy said and pondered over something. “Your Majesty, if we could make a drawing of how that woman looks, it would be more helpful.”

From what Ember described, the woman’s face was covered by a veil. Draven paused for a moment before answering, “I will try to get one.”

Melion nodded and continued, “In one week, it would be the night of the full moon and all the mated beastmen would be unavailable. Like always, we would need warriors from the other races to protect the border shared with the human territories. For this round, I have appointed the Dark Elves and Valley Elves to take turns at the borders.”

“You did well,” Draven replied.

Melion left after updating the King with other kingdom-related issues. Draven leaned back in his chair as deep frown lines appeared on his forehead.

‘Night of the full moon!’

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