The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 197 On Draven's Bed

Up until the mild rays of the sun also entered his chamber, Draven remained standing by the farthest window from the bed, which in turn, also meant he had placed a decent distance between him and his defenceless mate occupying his bed.

It was sweet torture, staying inside a room filled with her scent while resisting temptation.

After a while, the door of his chamber suddenly swung open and behind it was a surprised Erlos who was frozen in a strange posture, his hand raised as if he was just about to knock. Draven had sensed his approach and used his powers to allow him entry without waking up the sleeping girl in his bed.

When the bewildered young elf entered inside, only then did he find out that the King was not alone. Draven pointedly looked at him to signal him to keep quiet and continue his work. At this time of the day, as his personal attendant, the elf had to prepare the bath for the King as well as his clothes to wear for the day.

Back to his normal cheerful self, Erlos gave a casual gesture saying he understood, though inside, he was surprised that the King didn’t ask him to stay outside of the chamber.

‘Sire is really thoughtful to the Miss…but why is she here? I wonder what happened while I was on leave…’

While he imagined the reasons why Ember was on the King’s bed, Erlos kept his movement light, walking back and forth the side chambers without making any sound.

Once Erlos finished preparing the bath, he silently informed the King before heading off to the King’s wardrobe to choose his attire.

When Draven stepped out of the side chamber wearing nothing but his bathrobe, Erlos brought his change of clothes next to him.

As Draven stood in front of the full-length mirror after wearing his pants, Erlos came out of his wardrobe this time holding two sets of tops— one being a pair of a white dress shirt and black tailcoat, and the second being a snug dark red vest coat over a cream-coloured long sleeve— to ask the King which one he preferred.

Draven never cared about his appearance, so up until now, he didn’t understand why Erlos kept on asking for his opinion every single day when it was more convenient for the elf himself to choose on his own.

Just as he sighed, Draven sensed movement in his bed and he caught his mate mumbling something while turning to her side under the sheets.

Erlos acted as if he didn’t notice it and only stood there holding the clothes.

When Ember woke up, her sluggish senses were welcomed by a familiar scent that gave her the urge to smile. She sank deeper into the pillows, finding her bed more comfortable than before.

Without opening her eyes, she comfortably twisted in bed and voiced out her inner thoughts.

“Feels so good…don’t wanna leave bed…”

She didn’t realize she was not in her own chamber, much less her own bed, but a sudden flash of insight made her open her eyes.

‘This scent…?’ Her drowsiness disappeared when she found the view in front of her different from the norm. ‘…and this ceiling is not…’

She blinked and rubbed her eyes, hoping what she thought wasn’t real. But then she heard a voice that confirmed her suspicions.

“Are you finally awake?”

Hearing that dignified voice, she immediately sat up in bed and turned her face towards the source of the manly voice.

“Y-Your Majesty? Erlos? What—”

She saw a half-naked Draven standing in front of a mirror, his black hair slightly wet, while his young attendant was standing behind him, holding clothes in his hands.

She gulped as realization finally dawned on her.

‘It’s morning?! Oh no. But why am I in his bed? Was I not waiting for him while sitting on the floor? When did he return?’

She had many questions racing through her mind and her face showed them clearly.

“Your Majesty, I am—”

“As punishment for intruding, you answer Erlos’ question,” Draven told her in an indifferent tone.

The initially confused Erlos but he immediately understood his master’s intention and moved closer to Ember, allowing her a better view of the two sets of outfits.

“Good morning, Miss Ember. Which one would you like Sire to wear?”

As if he was an experienced auction host, he put forward the clothes in an exaggerated manner, introducing the pros and cons of each outfit as he waved them up.

“…so you see, Miss, my heart is torn because Sire would look good either way. Such is the problem of good-looking men,” he said as he faked a tear. “Then, do you prefer this one or this one?”

Ember took her time to process what Erlos meant. Erlos spoke so eloquently yet so fast, none of them registered in her mind that was yet to completely be awake.

“Uhmm…I think…” She simply looked at the clothes, somewhat anxious that she was put in this spot while agreeing that either outfit would look good on Draven.

‘The black one matches his hair but the red one matches his eyes.’ Finally, she decided and pointed toward the red one. “That one in your left hand.”

“Good choice, Miss! I know you have good taste!” Erlos praised with a light smile to encourage the confused lady.

Draven looked at Erlos. “Shouldn’t you be preparing my meal now?”

Erlos understood what Draven was truly implying and immediately nodded, playing along with him. “Indeed! I need to go now, Sire. Can’t let the kitchen people wait. I will keep the clothes here then.” He hung the clothes on the wooden rack placed next to the mirror where Drayce would hang his coats or robes after returning to the chamber.

Once Erlos made his hasty escape, Draven turned toward his mate. It was odd how he found her appearance quite lovely, despite her long hair being in a dishevelled state and her thin body clad in a plain boring white dress.

Was it not strange for him to want to suddenly close the distance between them and run his fingers through her hair?

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