The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 83: Numila. Blaze

Chapter 83: Numila. Blaze

The sudden change in behavior caught me off guard, barely allowing me to time react before I was accosted by the two pervertsthankfully, I had a clear idea of what caused this unusual change in the four potatoes; its that strange chorus.

Even though we all heard the same chorus, they were visibly more affected by it than I was. From the looks of it, I had some kind of immunity to this psychic attack. But, the issue is how to bring these four back to their sensesdamn itthey are touching me there

In just a few seconds, I was pushed down onto the floor by the two pervertsone, a giant wolf and the other a giant snake

This fetish is a little too much for me

With my hands and feet bound by them, the only thing I could move was mymouth! Thats it, I can still sing my songs! Since the other party was able to control their psyche with sound, it should be the same for my songs as well. Either way, I have no better choice at this moment so I might as well do it.

But what should I singwith this wolf and snake assaulting me, I can barely concentratein that case, Ill do what those harpies did and just vocalize the emotions with sounds rather than words.

With that in mind, I opened my mouth and moaned with the same ah~~~ah~~~ vocals the harpies used. However, the four potatoes didnt seem to react to it at all and continued with their business. Perhaps the sound wasnt loud enough? I increased the volume even more but it still didnt work

Dont tell me Im going to lose my virginity like this? Nooooeven if its not with Nicole, at least make my first partner a proper human girl. Other races are fine as well but at least make it an elf or even a lust demonwhy must it be these two barely humanoid femalesdemon waifus and such are perfect just the way they are2D. As for the 3D worldthey arent that cute here.

Wahh~~~~~wah~~~~why is my life so miserablewah~~~

I began sobbing uncontrollably as the despair finally set in. Tears flowed down my eyes as I bemoaned my fate. Suddenly, I noticed that something was off. The pair of perverts werent accosting me anymore?!

Whatswhy are you crying? Habona shook her lupine head as if she was shaking a load off. Why does my head feel so heavy

Me too. The two of them had managed to free themselves from the control of the harpies but Manasha seemed a lot more beaten up than Habona.

At the other side, Harlow and Majosha came back to their senses as well, as they looked at us and then at their own entwined state, the two shameless fellows immediately blushedat least one of them did. I couldnt see if Harlows face was red as well due to his fur, but I sensed his embarrassment just the same

Exactly happened to us? What have we been doing Memories of the recent events began trickling back to her head.

That shouldve been the chorus of the harpies, their combined voices have the ability to bewitch others. While their individual voices arent able to affect us, its a different matter if they combined into a thousand strong chorus.

Lucky for us, we had this lust demon with us. Her being a soul bard ended up saving us from their mental domination. Habona said as she turned to me with a smile, clearly happy about her choice to drag me along.

Harlow threw this nightmarish place one more look but hurriedly turning to Habona. Sis, lets get out of here already, I dont want to stay here any longer

Dont worry, Harlowits all over, well leave right away. Sensing the mental trauma of her lover, she stepped forth and comforted him with another hug. She gently stroke his back and placated him: Its alright nowwe can go home nowdont worry

Such a shameless display of PDA is wrong! And dont you feel ashamed of yourself for being such a wimp! I scorn you!

As abruptly as it began, the harpies chorus ended without any warning; they mustve noticed that I had dispelled their mental domination.

Theyve probably realized that their plan has failed. They should be gathering outside right now to block us. We need to break through their blockade as soon as possible.

Habona immediately assumed the role of a big sister and offered to take on the hardest role by herself. Majosha, youre in charge of protecting Harlow, Ill lead the charge, Lust demonyoure too slow so Manasha will look after you.

If no one has any objections with this then lets head out.


Unknowingly, we were swept up by her confident aura and ended up following her orders unquestioningly. Seeing this, she didnt waste anymore time and took off in a violent burst of speed. As she charged ahead, the other two medusas went about their task as well.

Harlow was significantly taller than Majosha and so she had to hug him with both of her hands as she slithered behind. As for Manasha, she placed me on her back similar to a piggyback and slithered behind the charging werewolf as fast as she could.

At our blazing speed, it didnt take long for the trio to reach the borders of the harpy nest. As I laid on top of her back, I peered at the harpy blockade in front of us. Surprisingly, they werent flying when we first arrived but were all gathered on the ground,

These repulsive birdwomen immediately took to the air upon noticing our arrival, blotting out the entire ceiling of the maze in an impressive but deadly display of claw and feathers,

Being a creature capable of flight, these harpies naturally didnt require stairs in their nest. However, as land-bound creatures, we had no such luxury and that meant only one thingwe had to jump down in order to leave the nest.

Habona barely paid their show of force any heed, she turned around to check on us one last time before leaping off the 15meter wall without a second though.

What the f*ck, sister, thats a 15 meter wall for crying out louda gund*m is only 20 meterserr, I mean thats as tall as a five storey building! Hey heywhy are you jumping off as wellIm still not ready for thiiiisss

Shortly after that, Manasha leaped off the bone cliff as well.

Having left the ground, we were completely exposed to aerial attacks due to our lack of wings. Taking advantage of this, the harpies immediately rushed in, claws first. However, Habona was already prepared for this scenario.

She calmly grabbed onto the wings of an attacking harpy, breaking her fall slightly as the harpy desperately tried to stay afloat with one wing. The harpy furious flapped her remaining wing but that didnt change her doomed fate one bit.

Another harpy swooped in in the meantime, determined to claw at the back of this hateful werewolf. As unfazed as ever, Habona nonchalantly batted away the cunning harpy with the makeshift club she had just attained. The two birds collided into each other with a sickening crunch. They screeched one last time before falling lifelessly towards the ground with their eyes glazed over.

However, this violent display of power wasnt enough to deter the other birdwomen. Just as they saw Habonas bird hammer leave her hands, another pair of harpies swooped in to claw at her. With nothing left to aid her, it looked like that was the end for Habona.

Or so I thought. As the two birds closed in on her, she used one of the falling harpies as a stepping board and leaped off gracefully as if she was a qinggong expert from one of those wuxia novels. She vaulted away from the pair and onto an unsuspecting harpy a short distance away.

How vicious. Not only did she evade what I thought was an unavoidable blow, she even found a new bird hammer

It was at this moment that Habona transformed from a normal wolf into a flying demonic werewolf. As she savagely clubbed at the harpies with their own comrade, she would grab onto another harpys wing, refilling her stock of bird hammers while simultaneously slowing down her descent.

As she plummeted down the 15 meter drop, so did the number of harpies. With each passing second, the screeching in the air grew softer and softer as the blood rain grew ever denser. Seconds later, she landed gracefully atop a pool of blood and feathers. Judging from the height of that corpse mountain, there mustve been nearly ten harpies piled on beneath her

Such a strong aura of murder

Thanks to her savagery, Manasha and Majosha experienced a relatively uneventful descent. The only issue they faced was that they had carry another passenger while jumping off. In order to compensate for the additional bit of weight, each of them commandeered a carrier harpy with a whip of their snake tails.

As the scaly appendage coiled around their bodies, the harpies furiously flapped their wings in a bid to stay airborne. Thanks to their hard work, our descent ended up being significantly softer.

Upon landing, the first thing we did was to kill off these saviors of ours.


With everyone accounted for, Habona took the lead once more in clearing the way for us. Even in the face of the numerous harpies swooping in on her from the sky, her savagery wasnt slowed down one bit. With each swipe of her claws, a tiny mountain of meat was raked into her palms as she effortlessly ripped through the harpies.

Behind her, the medusas didnt skimp on their poison spits either. With each step we took, the air echoed with the tortured cries of harpies having their flesh gouged out or melted. It didnt take long for the harpies to begin avoiding us. As our backs slowly faded into the distance, all they did was stare, none of them daring to move a muscle.

To think our daring attack on their nest would end so smoothly. As expected, four-stars were truly the lords of the Prison of the Dead. Not only did these three barge into their headquarters, they even scared them into submission!

However, just as I thought that the coast was clear, Habona abruptly leaped backwards and shouted Stop.

*Bang* A loud explosion echoed from the very spot she leaped off just a second ago. In its place was the fiery remains of a fireball, ominously crackling in the air as it painted the ground black.

Show yourself! She landed squarely on feet and tossed a look in the direction of the fireballs trajectory.

Right at the end of that path was a 1.7m tall humanoid descending from the ceiling. She had a voluptuous humanoid figure that was covered in a luxurious coat of feathers. Except for her limbs which had claws instead of hands, every other part of her body resembled a humans.

Her face could only be described as mesmerizing. It was delicately exquisite and had a older sister vibe to it.

Her crimson hair flowed down her shoulders up till her waist, accentuated by her pearly white teeth and skin, her hair radiated like a brilliant sun. With a pair of fiery red wings on her back, she almost looked like an angel of fire, if you didnt count the feathers on her body.

If it wasnt for those feathers covering the dangerous mountains on her chest, I wouldve had to scorn her like the medusas.

Numila. Blaze. She swept her gaze over us and finally settled on Habona; Whats yours? Oh mighty werewolf.

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