The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 313 - 313 Captive (2)

313 Captive (2)

“Edgar!” Priscilla yelled as loud as her now sore throat would allow her to. She had been requesting for Edgar to return to take her out of this hell hole but no one was listening to her.

Priscilla didn’t know how long she had been inside the cell since she was pushed in but she wanted to be taken out immediately. There was only light coming from a torch placed on the front of the locked door for her to get a look at where she was.

A foul stench filled her nostrils and she didn’t have to guess the source of the smell. She knew her son brought his enemies down here to end them. The unbearable scent was their death still lingering in the room.

“Edgar!” She yelled once again but this time, she choked up. Edgar had not even provided her with water to wet her dry mouth. He pulled her away from her house just as she was about to enjoy breakfast so she was hungry and thirsty.

Priscilla covered her ears with her hands when something was heard running across the floor for the fifth time. Her feet were tired and she so desperately wanted to sit down but not on this floor. She would rather die than sit on the cold dirty floor like a prisoner.

“What,” she murmured, looking at her hand where something touched her. “Ah!” Priscilla screamed, shaking her body like a mad woman as she swatted at the bug on her hand.

She managed to flick it off before it could crawl any further. Her body shuddered as the feeling of it once on her hand was still there. Never in her life was she treated so poorly. Priscilla was always in a clean environment and should a pest ever get in all the servants would rush to get rid of it.

Priscilla started to panic even more as she thought of how many more bugs must be on her dress where she couldn’t feel them. She gripped her dress and started to shake it to be rid of the small creatures. The sound of something running across the floors once again did not help ease her mind.

Priscilla covered her ears to block out the sound but this time, she screamed ignoring the ripping pain in her throat.


At the same time, Edgar entered the dungeon with Reed following behind him holding a torch and a box.

“It was a good decision to build this far away from the main floor. Your screaming would have woken up Alfred. How are you fairing?” Edgar asked though he already had the answer.

“You,” Priscilla glared at her son. “Release me right now. I didn’t come here for this.”

“What were you expecting after wanting Alfred dead and Timothy dying because of it? A warm bed and a servant to order around? You aren’t on vacation. I am properly punishing you. You’ve done as you pleased for years with hardly a smack on the hand when you kill others-”

“Do not talk about killing others unless you are ready to speak about the people you have killed,” Priscilla snapped, marching over to where Edgar stood on the other side of the cell door.

“I do not have memory loss. I know the people I have killed and I can name them when I want to. I’ve killed people who harmed others or were threats to this kingdom. I’ve helped to make it safe from people like you. I don’t mind getting that kind of blood on my hands. You, however,” Edgar paused to pull a chair to sit on while he spoke. “You did it to show your power.”

“Edgar, release me or else-”

“Or else what? You will break down the door separating us and kill me? Go on,” he encouraged her. “I want to see how you are without the people you hire.”

Priscilla gritted her teeth as what he was asking her to do was not an easy task. “I am your mother,” she softly spoke. No matter how strained their relationship was, she deserved respect. How many times did she have to say she did not order Federick to get rid of Alfred?

“I served our ties, remember? Or has time in here started to mess with your memories? If you cannot last an hour, how will you last the days I plan to hold you in here?” Edgar asked.

“Days?” Priscilla questioned with wide eyes. For a second it felt like her heart dropped to her stomach. “I have already given you the name of the man you are looking for. You cannot subject me to this filthy place any longer. Nothing will change the fact that I birthed you, Edgar. You are in this world because of me. Everything you have now is because I gave you life.”

Edgar didn’t see why she was getting so riled up about giving him life. “No one is denying you gave me life. What I am choosing to do is not refer to you as my mother. You’ve lost that title. I just can’t help wondering what you thought would happen from plotting to kill Alfred. You thought I would suddenly need you? That just goes to show how little you know me.”

“You placed me here when your grandmother has done the worst things yet you keep a relationship with her,” said Priscilla.

“You have this annoying habit of pointing fingers at others but not taking accountability. I suppose it is expected because you were never told when you were wrong. I know what my grandmother is like. I’ve spent plenty of days with her to see what she does to keep her family safe,” Edgar replied.

Watching his grandmother drive fear into her enemies excited him as a child. He watched Rose kill to protect the family while Priscilla killed to control him. Whatever the two did as high-ranking women to other women, he ignored them as long as no one ended up hurt or dead.

“I’ve witnessed her thanking Alfred for being by my side when she could not be there unlike a certain someone but I won’t call names.”

“I’ve given you Federicks name and where I always find him. It is time you release me. Please,” Priscilla begged as it was the only thing she could do now.

“You are not only here because of Federick. I am already doing my search for him because I do not trust a word that comes out of your mouth. You will remain here for a while because you infuriate me. Had it been anyone else, they would have been dead,” Edgar said, hinting that she should consider herself lucky to be alive.

Still, seeing her locked away didn’t settle his anger.

“Seeing you unable to stay still isn’t enough. I have been thinking of cutting out your tongue so you can never disrespect my wife, threaten Alfred, or order anyone else to be killed. Do not anger me or I will have your tongue or worst. Behave while I am holding back my urge to kill you. Reed!” Edgar called for Reed to bring forth the gift he prepared.

Reed walked to the cell bringing with him a loud box with something scratching and running around on the inside.

“I’m sure there is one in here keeping you company but I’ve bought more rats in case you do not behave. These ones unfortunately have not been fed and should I release them in here, you will look pretty appetizing. Someone will bring you food and water twice a day. As long as you stay silent and reflect on your actions your days here won’t seem so bad. That is all for now,” Edgar stood up as he had nothing more to say right now.

Reed placed the box on the ground right in front of the cell Priscilla was in as Edgar told him to do before they came in. The rats would not be able to get out as long as no one unlocked it with the key he was keeping.

Priscilla backed away from the cell door, afraid the small creatures would get out. She squeezed her eyes shut hoping that when she opened them she would be back at home. Priscilla sobbed when she opened her eyes and saw that it was not a dream and Edgar was leaving her all alone again.

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