The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 39: Ch 39: Reunion (2)

Hearing what Rein said Mona's eyes widened and she looked at Rein with all her concentration. She looked at his bright red hair and shining golden eyes, she looked at his face which always made her feel very comfortable.

And the more she looked the more familiar he felt and her eyes started to become watery.

Mona had a very short life but some of the best moments she experienced were spent with her little brother who was just born.

She remembered the jealousy she felt when her mother and father were paying more attention to something that was still inside her mother and was giving her pain when coming out.

But when she took her first look at the cute little thing who was born, she immediately forgot about anything negative about him. That was her little brother and she was going to take care of him forever, that was the very first life goal that she was able to make.

After that she spent two years taking care of her brother who was named Rein and she was the one who chose it. The more she spent time with her brother, the more she started to like him. She could spend hours if not days just looking at him.

But life was cruel. With all her willpower, she was still just a powerless little girl. So when she got sick with a rare and deadly disease, she was unable to do anything. Her father and mother tried everything they could but were unable to find any solution.

Lying on her deathbed the only thing she had in her mind was regret, regret that she would not be able to take care of her brother anymore. She was sad that she would not have the opportunity to witness his little brother growing up. So Mona did not die happy, she died filled with many regrets.

But life was unexpected. Just moments before her death she awakened an inherent special ability which allowed her to reincarnate with her memories intact. But was she happy about it. No, she was not as this ability did not allow her to choose where she wanted to be reborn.

So, she was reborn in a nation named Hejour kingdom and Mona had never heard of it. She was the daughter of a somewhat influential family so she tried to secretly investigate her previous home and what she was able to find out was very disappointing.

Her previous nation was situated very very far away from her current location and she had no way to get any news from there even with her family's influence.

Mona was never fond her new family. It was definitely a more prosperous family than her previous one, but if she had a choice she would choose her previous family every time. They were not rich but they were always there to support each other. She could feel the warmth of a family with them.

But here, father and mother had no love for each other, the siblings were always fighting and trying to harm each other, that was not the type of family Mona wanted. She could not count herself as a part of this family. She also always thought that she was Mona and not Lawine.

The only reason she did not run away was because she was still very young and she wanted to use the family to find something about he previous family and especially about her brother.

Mona had never expected that she would be able to find her little brother, her beloved brother so suddenly. He had grown up to be an amazing man. She was supposed to be the big sister, but currently she was like a little sister and Rein was taking care of her like a big bother and she loved it.

She loved it when Rein patted her head. She loved it when Rein looked at her with so much love and affection. She loved it when she was able to feel Rein's warmth. The feelings she had buried deep in her heart to live a normal life came flooding out.

After not seeing her little brother for such a long time, tears started to fall from her eyes after finally seeing him. Rein was also no different and was crying after finding a long lost family member.


After calming down both the brother and the sister started to talk about what had been happening with them in the last few years. Mona did not have many things to add and it was mostly Rein who was talking about his past experience.

She was extremely sad after knowing that her father and mother had died in a Goblin attack. But at the same time, she was also glad that Rein was able to survive. She would have been devastated if she got this news from anyone else.

But as Rein was currently with her, she was somehow able to take this sad news.

Very soon, Trista came to call them as it was already dinnertime. Mona was actually using her illusion domain to control all the other relatives' minds. So if she just released their mind control and acted like normal no one would be able to suspect anything.

Her ability was truly very powerful and Rein was able to easily defend against it only because he was a hard counter to this ability with his Eye of Truth.

So very soon, Rein came out to have his dinner and Mona followed behind him with the excuse of taking a liking to Rein and wanting to stay closer to a strong adventurer. No one suspected anything as Rein was truly a great guy to be around and a little girl taking a liking to him was expected.

The other members of the noble family still did not come out though and had their food inside the carriage.

Rein, Tasha, Stella and Mona were having their dinner a bit farther away from the other adventurers. All three of them even put up invisible illusion barriers so that no one would spy on them.

Mona also used her illusion domain to support that barrier which made Stella and Tasha to be very surprised and interested in the little girl.

Then finally Rein introduced Mona as his big sister. After hearing the whole story, both of the girls were extremely surprised. It almost sounded like a fairy tale. At the same time they were also very glad to know that Rein still had a family member in this world.

They knew how lonely he felt sometimes.

Even though, Mona and Rein were not connected by their bloodline anymore, it was not a big deal. Actually when Rein awakened his perfect body, he had already lost his human bloodline. He still looked like a normal human but his blood was special as it had the special quality of Rein's ability.

So drinking his blood could heal a person. For that reason, things like bloodline and such were not important for Rein. Mona was his big sister and nothing could change that fact.

But now he needed to think of a plan to take Mona for himself. He had no intention of leaving her with this count family. He could obviously do it forcefully, but trying to solve any problems peacefully at first was important. And it's not like he did not have any plans for this matter.

Rein wanted to use Mona's illusion ability to make that happen. It was an incredibly powerful skill that would be able to definitely affect anymore below the transcendental rank. Using that and making a good believable story was very much possible for them. So it was not a big deal.

The actual thing that was keeping Rein's brain busy was where to send Mona. It was impossible for her to join Rein in the dungeon as her powers were still developing and she would not be able to fight against stronger or cunning monsters.

He was thinking of sending her to one of his wives whose power level was similar to hers or just a little stronger and they could train together. But now he had to decide which one to choose as most of his wives had power level close to Mona.

Just as Rein was getting busy thinking all that, he heard a commotion happening at a distance. None of them were using any of their scouting abilities as they were busy talking with Mona and were just depending on passive detection.

Immediately everyone used their abilities and saw what was happening. And finding that the Golden Reverie were in trouble The Conquerors immediately went for their help.

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