The Era of Gods

Chapter 199: School Sister Xiong Chumo

Chapter 199: Chapter 199: School Sister Xiong Chumo

Translator: 549690339 |

“After reaching five points, getting from six to ten points is a hurdle: during this phase, merging two points of Divinity is required to enhance a single point of one’s own Divinity. This stage is known as Level 2 Divine Beings,”

“As for Level 3 Divine Beings, they range from eleven to twenty points, where four points of Divinity must be merged to enhance a single point of one’s own Divinity.”

“Moving on, between twenty-one and forty points of Divinity lie the Level 4 Divine Beings, where a full ten points of Divinity are needed to enhance a single point.”

“After Level 4, those with more than forty points up to one hundred points of

Divinity are called Fifth Level Divine Beings.

“With each rise in Divinity Level, one can add a Divine Extraordinary Ability or upgrade an existing one. The higher the Divinity Level, the stronger the new Divine Extraordinary Abilities obtained.”

“The gap between Divinity Levels increases geometrically, meaning a Level 2 Divine Being with ten points of Divinity is much more than twice as powerful as a First Level Divine Being with only five points of Divinity.”

“Oh! So that’s how it is.”

Lin Xiao understood; no wonder those who didn’t worry about resources didn’t have extremely high Divinity. Even Wu Zhonglin only had a Godness value in the low twenties. Aside from the fact that grinding down the residual will of Divinity was overly troublesome and time-consuming, this was the other reason.

If it weren’t for this hassle, those from resource-rich clans could easily rely on their families’ constant supply of Divinity to accumulate several hundred or even a thousand points of Divinity in one go, which would be absurd.

Having figured this out, Lin Xiao knew exactly what to do.

But before hanging up the communication, he suddenly said,

“I like you. Think it over carefully!”

After waiting a moment and, as expected, receiving no response, he hung up first.

There was no need to rush her. Giving her time to think would avoid pressuring her, which could have adverse effects.

He planned to contact her again after a day, by which time she should have made up her mind. It was neither too long nor too short a wait.

Upon returning to the Divine Realm, Lin Xiao put aside his emotions and threw the tiny bit of Divinity extracted from the Demi-God Statue into the Creation Rubik’s Cube. Of the twenty-one remaining points of usable Divinity, he invested sixteen, leaving five to be slowly eradicated by his own abilities, as a means to train the strength of his will.

There was no immediate rush.

The Divinity that had its residual will erased was pure and crystal-clear, and he began to merge it into himself bit by bit, slowly enhancing his own Divinity. It’s worth mentioning that although he previously had only four points of Divinity plus two points not yet fully formed, when merging Divinity, the unconsolidated two points were counted as if they were already solidified. This meant that the point of Divinity he just merged counted as his seventh, requiring two points to increase his own Divinity by one point.

This meant that his Divinity began counting from six points; combined with the previously merged point, he had spent a full eight points of Divinity to strengthen himself to ten points in one go, barely reaching the pinnacle of Level 2 Divine Beings.

Moving forward, this put him on par with the strongest competitors from the Summer Camp, except for Wu Zhonglin.

This needed a full four points of Divinity to increase by one point, and he just happened to have eight points of Divinity left, precisely enough to increase two points.

This means he now possesses 10+2 points of Divinity, as well as one point that

is being eroded.

Apart from this, he still had the skull of a Semi-god Vampire with five points of

Divinity, and three points of Divinity yet to be bestowed.

When his Divinity exceeded ten points, reaching Rank 3, Lin Xiao immediately

felt a tremendous change.

Firstly, as his Divinity strength surged, the speed at which he could eradicate Divinity increased by a significant margin. Previously, it was expected to take almost a year to erase the residual will and spiritual Branding of this bit of Divinity; now, it seemed it would only take about half a year, cutting down more than one-third of the expected time.

Moreover, the expansion speed of his Divine Realm was also accelerating.

In professional terms, as his Divinity grew stronger, his control over the Divine Realm also enhanced, boosting the speed at which he could integrate Divine Kingdom fragments.

Beyond that, a series of good things followed. For example, when casting down Divine incarnations, the Incarnation gained a stronger Strength bonus, allowing him to project even more powerful Incarnations.

By current standards, Lin Xiao could project a Divine Incarnation with Strength approaching Rank 7, just below the Rank 8 legends, as long as he was willing to consume enough Divine Power.

The enhancement of Divinity had shored up one of his weaknesses. Even if he wasn’t as overwhelmingly powerful as his classmate Wu Zhonglin, he was still outstanding among his peers, respectable enough not to be like before, when he had only four points of Divinity, which everyone in the entire school would have found hard to accept. One can imagine how much trouble would arise in the future.

Having resolved the trouble with divinity, Lin Xiao felt good and finally had the time to cast his gaze into the Divine Realm for a scan.

But this scan left him astonished. In just a few years, he discovered that there had been significant changes within the Divine Realm. The Wise Goblins had relocated, abandoning their original city to build a new one elsewhere.

After careful investigation into the cause and effect, he believed he understood the reason.

A few years earlier, he had bestowed the Tower of Truth. Curious Wise Goblins entered the Tower of Truth and discovered the various knowledge stored within it, which was like opening the door to a new world for them. I he knowledge in the Tower of Truth captivated them so much that many Wise Goblins spent days and nights inside, absorbed in learning, to the point where they didn’t even return home.

Later, the Wise Goblins felt this situation was inconvenient. Moreover, by that time, they had come to regard the Tower of Truth as a holy site of knowledge. After discussion, they simply abandoned their old city and, taking the knowledge they learned from the Tower of Truth, they built a new city centered around it.

The new Tower of Truth is located at the very center of the Divine Realm and is revered as the holy land of truth. The structure of the entire city is clearly more rational than the previous one and carries a style reminiscent of the Main World.

Lin Xiao projected a fragment of his will onto the new City of Truth, taking the form of an ordinary goblin walking on the central street of the city. Most of those around him were goblins, with a few Fishmen and the occasional Supreme Naga passing by.

Now, the three species of the Divine Realm lived together, with the Supreme Naga at the head. However, as the Wise Goblins gradually gained new knowledge from the Tower of Truth and invented all sorts of strange things to improve life, many of these small inventions turned out to be convenient and practical, much to the liking of the Fishmen and the Supreme Naga, and the status of the Wise Goblins was raised imperceptibly.

Like the ancient colosseum, the Tower of Truth is also a miracle building, meaning it’s a building that can produce miracles. It isn’t too far from the ancient colosseum and is now one of the two cores of the Divine Realm.

It looks like an ordinary tower, with simple stone walls, complicated patterns, and bizarre reliefs filling the entire building.

It was Lin Xiao’s first time walking into the tower, and he immediately felt the presence of a weak spirit inside. This Tower Spirit naturally formed after the creation of the Tower of Truth. It’s a being similar to Flower Fairies and Elemental Sprites, but weaker and unable to leave the Tower of Truth.

However, as time passes and more and more Wise Goblins gain knowledge from the Tower of Truth and spread it, the power of the Tower Spirit will grow stronger.

But there’s a limit to how strong it can get. After all, the reach of the Tower of Truth is fixed unless…

Maybe if Lin Xiao’s Divine Realm grows to a certain limit and the Tower of Truth evolves to a certain point, it could break through the limits and ascend to be a True God.

But that is very difficult, incredibly difficult, and he currently sees no possibility of it happening.

He decided to let it be for now and follow the natural course. At the moment, he’s quite interested in the various foundational knowledge the Wise Goblins have obtained from the Tower of Truth.

The Tower of Truth now encompasses eight or nine basic disciplines. The Wise Goblins obtain this foundational knowledge from it, and, based on it, they slowly research and develop advanced knowledge unique to the Wise Goblins, using it as a foundation to develop a civilization of their own.

It’s still in its infancy and not even a full form can be seen yet, but Lin Xiao can see the potential for the development of a new civilization from the current progress of the Wise Goblins.

Besides the Wise Goblins, the Naga and the Fishmen haven’t changed much, except for birthing some new offspring over the past few years.

Fortunately, the Divine Realm is undergoing rapid expansion. The enlarged area can sustain more clans, and they’ve already allowed the Fishmen to freely reproduce.

Most areas on the periphery of the sixfold expanded Divine Realm are still wasteland. Between the lush vegetation of the original Divine Realm and the wasteland lies a transitional area where a few weeds stubbornly grow on the barren land.

Similarly, the expanded sea area has also grown sixfold. With the expansion of the sea, the sea level has significantly dropped, revealing many islands, but close to the coast, Slarda is gathering all Fishman Magicians to summon a large quantity of Water Elements and create a channel to the Water Elemental Plane. This brings a continuous influx of pure water from the Water Elemental Plane into the God Realm Sea, barely sustaining it from drying out.

It’s a pity that the Fishman Magicians are of too low a level, opening a channel to the Water Elemental Plane that is too small and unable to last very long. The flow will stop after not running for long, requiring a day of rest before it can continue.

Given his current level of divinity, the speed at which these Fishman Magicians summon water probably can t keep up with the growth rate of the Divine Realm.

Lin Xiao feels that he needs to create a few high-level summoning Water Element cards and integrate them into a single card similar to the Ancient Quality Card of the Flame Melting Sea. Of course, it won’t reach the supermodel level of the Flame Melting Sea, but just creating about fifteen Rank 6 Super Large Water Elements in combination with the Fishman Magicians would suffice.

Moreover, he’s already prepared to open up six new Divine Domain Spaces in the Void outside the Main Divine Realm. Not to mention others, the water and fire Divine Realms with Elemental Planes can be established first.

Without hesitation, he then withdrew from the Divine Realm and connected to the internal network of Glorious Middle School through his privileges.

Also known as the Education Intranet, it’s exclusive to students of Glorious Middle School’s First and Second Levels for communicating and trading cards, with no connection to the external network.

Students place cards they don’t need on the internal trading platform, either to exchange for specified needed cards or to directly sell for the Power of Faith. However, since school has just started, there aren’t many students yet, and while there are quite a few exchanging on the platform, there isn’t much on offer for trade..

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