The Era of Gods

Chapter 235 - 235 The True Appearance of Jin Sisi

Chapter 235: Chapter 235 The True Appearance of Jin Sisi

With thirty Relic Shards rich in Creation energy in hand, Lin Xiao was eager to return to the Divine Realm to dissect them and try out a certain idea.

After Jin Sisi reminded him of some precautions, she left, and he immediately took three Ancient Treasure Fragments back to the Divine Realm.

Upon entering the Divine Realm, the first thing he did was to take out the Creation Rubik s Cube and throw the Relic Shards into it.

Although he did not choose carefully and did not intentionally pick the largest Relic Shards, just a rough sweep, each shard was a mid-to-high grade Relic Shard containing thick Creation energy. The smallest had about half the energy of a Rank 1 Ancient Treasure, and the ones with more contained more Creation energy than a Rank 1 Ancient Treasure. The Rank 1 Ancient Treasure he currently had loaded in the Divine Realm the Fist of the Titan would probably not even make the top ten if placed inside.

As the Relic Shards were broken down, some yielded as little as half a point of Creation energy, while others yielded more than one full point. The largest shard contained over three points of Creation energy, nearly reaching the amount from disassembling a complete Rank 2 Ancient Treasure.

It took him more than two hours to disassemble all thirty Relic Shards, ultimately yielding forty-one points of Creation energy.

With the ten units of Creation energy he originally possessed, he now had a total of fifty-one points of Creation energy in his hands.

“This will do!”

With food in hand, the heart is at ease.

Sitting upon the Throne of the Divine Nation, he calmly considered how to maximize the effect of these fifty-one units of Creation energy.

“Supreme Naga, Small Fishman, Wise Goblins, Grey Dwarves!”

The Small Fishman was the first to be passed over.

This race had already reached the limit of a lower-level race through his repeated adjustments, with combat power nearly matching some of the weaker Intermediate races. Within the lower-level races, it virtually had no rival. To enhance it further would require a significant amount of Creation energy and the improvements would be minimal.

Something of a white elephant.

Unless he was willing to spend a large amount of Creation energy to transform it entirely, allowing it to become the exemplar of low-level creatures, or to cross the racial limits to advance into an Intermediate race, it would hardly be worth it.

But Lin Xiao’s role for the Small Fishman was as cannon fodder, and cannon fodder should do what cannon fodder is meant to do; there was no need to invest that much into them.

Next, the Wise Goblins…

After some consideration, he placed them as a second priority.

This race, capable of giving birth to true Masters of Law, had great potential and was worth cultivating properly.

The last he considered were the Grey Dwarves. The Supreme Naga did not need consideration, he had obtained so many Relic Shards precisely because he wanted to further strengthen and transform them.

Although the current Supreme Naga were very strong, among the best of their rank, only slightly behind the invincible Legendary species such as Giant Dragon Giants of the same rank, he was still not satisfied, always feeling there was room for improvement.

A Clan of upper rank within the same level was not weak, but they were not sufficient to support him ranking on the secondary list of prodigies.

This list, recognized by the Main World Gaia Will, was the most authoritative prodigies list in the Main World. It’s not something one can enter just by general consensus nor by evaluation from powerful Deities; it is personally judged by the Gaia Will. To be listed requires recognition by the Gaia Will.

Once recognized and listed, it means that both your strength and potential are among the strongest of the new Deities in your class; none may dispute this.

This requires absolute strength and potential; the current Supreme Naga clearly did not possess this potential.

But now the opportunity had arrived.

Lin Xiao thought for a while, made up his mind, sorted out his feelings, and decided to set aside the others for the time being, to first elevate the Supreme Naga and allow their evolution and transformation. Afterwards, he would use the remaining Creation energy to adjust the second race.

His gaze then shifted to the Main Divine Realm, where Black Dragon Nejelanmu was currently making a home on an island in the easternmost seas of the Main Divine Realm, building a dragon’s nest, spending his days sleeping and eating, not knowing how comfortable life was.

Compared to the resource-scarce Under World, the Main Divine Realm with its complete Divine Sanctuary ecosystem was simply paradise. The Black Dragon, initially subdued by force, had been in the Main Divine Realm for some time and had long lost any desire to flee; he probably wouldn’t want to leave even if he were allowed.

Lin Xiao observed the Black Dragon for a while, then quickly returned his attention to Naga City on the Main Divine Realm’s mainland.

His will appeared instantaneously in the central Temple of Naga City, where he saw five young Naga with dragon bloodlines.

Under the protection and guidance of the Church, they were very healthy, growing robustly with extremely firm and devout belief. Though young, they were already beginning to show the extraordinary aspects of their mixed heritage.

These dragon-blood Naga were larger than other Supreme Naga of the same age. Their heads were very similar to Black Dragon Nejelanmu, and their scales had changed from snake-like to the much harder dragon scales, extending all the way to their tails, which were wider and more muscular compared to a snake’s. Their bodies were also more robust.

Lin Xiao used the authority of the Divine Realm Master to check the attributes of the dragon-blood Naga, and it was as he expected, just as he had anticipated.

As he expected, the Dragon bloodline overshadowed most of the Supreme Naga’s bloodline and Talent, with the Talent of the Child of Nature already being covered by the Dragon lineage.

But again as he had thought, the Dominator’s Body Talent that he had spent a large amount of Creation Energy and resources to synthesize stubbornly remained.

That is to say, the newly born dragon-blood Naga perfectly inherited both the Dragon bloodline and the Supreme Naga bloodline, and they would grow up to be even stronger than their peers.


Lin Xiao snapped his fingers, very satisfied.

His will retracted, and what followed was just waiting, waiting for the Dragon-Veined Naga to reach adulthood and gene stabilization before starting the modulation.

Considering he didn’t know how much Creation Energy it would consume, he did nothing else for the time being and just took out a bit of Divinity, wrapped in Divine Power, and began refining.

A total of twenty-nine points of Divine Power. In two months’ time, even without using Creation Energy, he could slowly refine it. There was no rush.

The gestation cycle of a Supreme Naga was eight months, with a two-year infancy, a three-year childhood, and about five years of adolescence. It was only in the tenth year that they reached adulthood, and by then their genes were completely stabilized and could be modulated.

Ten years in the Main World was only ten days. After attending a lecture and spending a day playing on a date with his little aunt, it was almost done.

Then he would return to the Divine Realm to refine a few more points of Divinity, and the Dragon-Veined Naga would be of age.

An adult Dragon-Veined Naga was stronger than a Supreme Naga, reaching Level 4, but the normal limit was still Sixth Level, not breaking through the threshold to advance into Rank 7.

But thinking about it, that was normal. Rank 7 was only one step below the Legendary Level of Rank 8. Even their father, Black Dragon Nejelanmu, had not ascended to the Legendary Level of Rank 8, which showed that the gap between each level became quite significant the higher one went.

As previously mentioned, even a Legendary Race with an upper limit of Rank 8 wasn’t guaranteed to step into legend; it was merely their potential limit. Whether they could grow to their racial extreme was very uncertain.

From the five adult Dragon-Veined Nagas, he casually chose three with the most devout faith. After promising to elevate them to the God Country for rebirth, these three Devout Believers voluntarily gave themselves up for sacrifice.

The first was thrown into the Creation Magic Cube where it was disassembled, and a complete essence of the Dragon-Veined Naga bloodline was extracted.

Then, using the Creation Energy as a furnace, he started refining this Dragon-Veined Naga Bloodline Essence, purging the impurities from its bloodline and genes.

Yes, he was removing the gene of the original Supreme Naga that had been covered with Dragon bloodline.

Since it had been covered, it was no longer deemed useful, so there was no need to keep it occupying the gene-bearing location. Removing it would free up space to better release the power of the Dragon bloodline, widen the upper limit, raise the gene ceiling, and break through the limit.

At the same time, he also refined the bloodlines of the other two Dragon-Veined Nagas, not for extraction but to start analyzing and breaking down the Dragon bloodline components.

In the Creation Magic Cube, there were no secrets. Even the genetic material of a legendary creature like the Dragon was fully exposed and broken down piece by piece.

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment, then attempted to project his consciousness into this Dragon bloodline essence.


A thunderous dragon roar startled him awake to find that he had become a Dragon.

No, to be precise, he found he had turned into Black Dragon Nejelanmu and was in the underground world of the previous plane. Time reversed rapidly, turning from an adult into a young dragon, then a juvenile, and then a whelp. At this time, he saw Nejelanmu’s mother, an even larger female Black Dragon.

Afterwards, the view receded to inside a Black Dragon egg, and everything turned to chaos.

This chaos seemed to be real chaos; he didn’t know how long it lasted with no changes occurring. Lin Xiao waited unknowably long, thinking this memory regression would end there, and was about to return when he felt it was enough.

At that moment, the chaos suddenly exploded violently. An unimaginable terrifying will accompanied by an inconceivable oppressive force descended, and then his consciousness was directly extinguished.

Faintly, he heard a sky-shaking dragon roar.

Above the Throne of the Divine Nation, Lin Xiao sat upon his divine seat, unconscious and oblivious to his surroundings as if he had fainted.

The Creation Magic Cube, suspended and slowly spinning in front of him, suddenly jolted violently seconds after his will was extinguished, starting to shake intensely and rotate while a transparent flare of light burst forth from the Cube’s cracks.


A dragon’s roar suddenly erupted inside the Divine Palace, and the vast palace began to tremble slightly. An intangible phantom slowly emerged from the light seeping through the cracks of the Magic Cube, and into the form of a transparent Dragon with vertical pupils.

At that moment, Lin Xiao, still groggy, had a jade talisman explode on him, transforming into a dazzling divine light rushing toward the forming Dragon’s pupil.

It was the protective artifact his grandfather had given him.


A blast of terrifying Divine Power burst forth, lighting up the Divine Core Palace where it was enforced. A circular white light enveloped the entire Divine Palace. The chaotic Divine Power surged towards Lin Xiao but was blocked by a transparent shield of Divine Power that spontaneously rose from the divine seat.

It held for only a second before it began to deform and was about to break.

Fortunately, at this moment, Lin Xiao awakened due to the strong stimulation of impending death. Without time for shock, he quickly pointed towards the Creation Magic Cube. The cube expanded rapidly, a burst of invisible flame sprayed out enveloping the entire Cube, and as it slowly rotated, a click’ could be heard. The forming Dragon’s pupil was abruptly distorted, and the next second, it collapsed into a flux of transparent light, retracting back into the Creation Magic Cube.

Lin Xiao, wiping the cold sweat from his brow subconsciously and not pausing to rest, reached out, and the Creation Magic Cube shrank and flew to the palm of his hand, spinning smoothly while emitting waves of indescribable profound fluctuations, coating the trembling and violently shaking Magic Cube.

“That was close!”

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