The Era of Gods

Chapter 239: The Secrets of the Ruins of Myriad

Chapter 239: Chapter 239: The Secrets of the Ruins of Myriad

The Crystal Wall System that once belonged to the School of Myriad is known as the Ruins of Myriad, also called the Tomb of Myriad Gods, which entombs millions of True Gods from the Main World as well as several times more Alien Evil Gods.

Lin Xiao couldn’t find any information about the Alien Evil Gods from his teacher’s materials, nor was there any relevant information available online, but one thing was certain—they were incredibly powerful.

After all, the School of Myriad was once close to becoming the thirteenth Super Academy of the Main World, and it is said that it almost completely conquered this not-so-vast Crystal Wall System.

The Void Battleship traversed an unknown expanse of the Chaotic Void, the area between Crystal Wall Systems, which was especially terrifying. The Battleship was battered by boundless Chaos Storms, stretching tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of kilometers, but was guarded by a layer of powerful transparent energy shield.

This Chaotic Void seemed similar to the Void within the Crystal Wall System, but it was more horrifying.

Like the internal Void of the Crystal Wall System, it was inhabited by creatures, though not as many as in the Void; however, everyone would rather encounter a multitude of malicious Void Creatures in the Void than any being within the Chaotic Void.

Because any creature that could survive in this Chaotic Void was at the very least on par with a True God, and the powerful ones were not inferior to those with Powerful Divine Power.

It is said that in the Depths of Chaotic Void where Chaos Energy converges, there exist extremely ancient beings that even a great divine power cannot match.

To give a simple example, the legendary Nine-faced Dragon God AO was once an ancient Chaos Creature.

Yes, once— the Nine-faced Dragon God was just a Chaos Creature, but later, for some reason, it condense Divinity, developed Godhood, leapt over more than twenty God Levels, and entered a realm unimaginable to us, becoming the renowned Nine-faced Dragon God in the Chaos Sea of Void, a being of great divine power.

So, the greatest fear while traveling through the Chaotic Void is encountering anything at all.

The path they took was a fixed route, regularly cleared by Deities of the Main World, with a major cleaning carried out especially after the recent opening of the Ruins of Myriad, so they encountered no living beings along the way.

In the Chaos, where distance and time didn’t matter, they had no idea how long it had been outside while staying on the Void Battleship, only aware that every three to five days, the Battleship would enter the flip side of the Chaotic Void and perform a spatial jump across vast distances.

This spatial jump was based on the jump engines from the science fiction novels of the Main World, designed using mythological technology with the physical parameters of the Chaotic Void and the complex spatial arrays, allowing rapid travel across the Void to distant places.

A single jump could span tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of kilometers, and in Lin Xiao’s perception, they had flown almost a year, covering a distance that perhaps spanned tens to hundreds of quadrillions of kilometers.

During the lengthy travel, they spent most of their time asleep, unable to communicate with their own Divine Realms in such a state of rapid flight.

Unfortunately, during this period, his brother-in-lawwas constantly watching, making it inconvenient for him to play with his little aunt.

At most, they had time to chat occasionally and roam the Void Battleship; most of the time, they were deep in slumber.

After an indeterminate period, Lin Xiao was awakened by a series of crisp ringing, hearing the announcement that they had arrived.

Getting up from the sleep capsule, he checked the time, and it had been almost two years since their departure, which would be just two days in the Main World.

Emerging from the sleep capsule, several of their fellow travelers in the corridor had also awakened, and together they went to the main cabin; looking through the huge floor-to-ceiling battle ports, they saw the Void Battleship seemed to be decelerating, the surrounding Chaotic Void gradually becoming clearer, the terrifying Chaos Energy calming somewhat, no longer as berserk as before.

“Look over there.”

Following the direction pointed by Lu Zhou, they saw a Void Battleship, even more colossal than theirs, bursting out from the chaos, also gradually slowing down. It was heading in the same direction as theirs.

Following the direction of travel of the Void Battleship, Lin Xiao saw that millions of kilometers ahead in the Void, the space cleared up, with the Chaos Energy restrained by an invisible force, becoming more gentle.

In that clear expanse of the Void, he saw an immensely large Chaos Vortex, towering and slowly rotating in their perspective, and observed not less than twenty Void Battleships, each of different sizes and configurations, steering towards that vortex.

Their targets were the same as theirs, obviously aiming for a destination within that vortex.

Next, the Void Battleship silently slid into the vortex; everyone simply felt darkness, followed by unending brightness stretching into lines, forming a massive tunnel of light, winding toward an unknown distance.

Afterward, roughly an hour into the journey through the tunnel of light, the Void Battleship burst out of the light tunnel, appearing in a space… filled with ruins.

Yes, a Void dotted with crumbling ruins and debris.

The Void Battleship glided quietly in the calm Void, passing silently through fragments of shattered lands and the remnants of broken buildings floating in the Void, just as quiet and weightless as if in space.

Looking out the window, Lin Xiao gazed into the debris-ridden Void beyond, spying traces of Divine Power lingering like the auroras, occasionally spotting the bodies of Deities as vast as city islands drifting in the Void.

This Crystal Wall System had completely collapsed, with even the Starworld representing the spiritual world now merged with the material world.

Normally when Deities fall, their bodies are cast into the Starworld and gradually petrify over time; the stronger they were in life, the larger their Divine Corpse.

The weaker Deities might be the size of a large building, the strong ones as big as a town, and those exceptionally powerful, like those of great divine power, their Divine Corpses could become massive continents.

Every Crystal Wall System has its Starworld, even the Main World does, which is uninhabitable for life and the final resting place for the deceased Deities, generally only accessible to Legendary beings and above for a brief time.

The Crystal Wall System where the Ruins of Myriad were located had already completely collapsed, revealing even the Starworld to reality, indicating that this Crystal Wall System was heading towards Destruction. Lin Xiao estimated that one distant day, this Crystal Wall System would utterly collapse and cease to exist.

The Void Battleship, well-accustomed to these parts, flew in a certain direction, nimbly avoiding huge ruins, terrifying remnants of Powerful Divine Power and traces of rules, and even islands formed from the bodies of colossal Divine Corpses.

Along the way, Void Battleships were occasionally seen passing by; everyone’s destination was the same. The closer they got to the front, the more accompanying Void Battleships there were. When they crossed a Wall of Divine Fire that had stood unbroken for who knows how many tens of thousands of kilometers in the Void, they then saw an immense Temple in the distance. As they rapidly approached, the Temple swiftly filled their view.

This Temple stood alone in the Void, unattached and enormous. Similarly, a huge Void Battleship neared the Temple, landing before its gates.

Lin Xiao approached the porthole, watching as his perspective rapidly expanded. The ten-kilometer-long Void Battleship headed above the Temple…onto a tile decorated with strange patterns.

Then, a mysterious fluctuation arose, and he found his perspective altering wildly. The tile before his eyes grew larger and larger until the Void Battleship was perched upon a single line within those strange patterns on the tile.

This line had been just a negligible point among the tile’s peculiar patterns a minute ago, no more remarkable than a pattern on an 80*80 tile. Yet, the ten- kilometer-long Void Battleship was now resting within that very pattern.

In that moment, Lin Xiao didn’t know whether they had been shrunk or if the Temple was naturally this large.

But he felt that the Temple was naturally this massive, and what they had seen before was just an illusion.

At this time, everyone heard the voice of the homeroom teacher in their ears:

“Everyone, prepare yourselves. We will assemble at the hatch in a quarter of an hour.”

However, by now most people were awake, mainly gathered at the edges of the battleship’s portholes, all shaking with shock as they observed the battle- scarred surface outside and the dangerous fluctuations of divine energy.

The eldest brother-in-law stood with his hands clasped behind him by the floor-to-ceiling porthole, gazing out at the scene for a long time, his gaze as still as an ancient well, without expression, but after a while, he sighed softly to himself and said:

“Many years absent, Myriad still has to close the curtain eventually.”

He suddenly turned to Shen Yuexin and asked:

“Little sister, do you know why the six Tomb Guardians agreed to the God of Gamble’s proposal?”

The little aunt blinked her large eyes, thought for a moment, and replied:

“Is it because this Crystal Wall System is going to collapse?”

The eldest brother-in-law suddenly turned his gaze to Lin Xiao and asked,

“Do you know why?”

He stepped forward, standing next to Shen Yuexin, pondered for a moment to organize his thoughts, and said:

“I’ll take a bold guess. One reason is that this Crystal Wall System is collapsing and can no longer sustain itself? Another reason, is it to find an inheritor?”

Xia Yu nodded and then shook his head, saying:

“You’re only half right. Indeed, they want to find an inheritor, but unfortunately, up to now, they haven’t found a true inheritor.”

Lin Xiao curiously asked:

“The Ruins of Myriad have been opened so many times, haven’t any of the many excellent predecessors from previous sessions been qualified?”

“Of course, there have been qualified ones. Every tenth or so session, there would be one or two qualified individuals selected by them.”

Xia Yu suddenly chuckled lightly and said:

“I was also chosen by them once, even leading the competition among all the contenders for a while. However, I still fell short in the end and did not become the ultimate successor.”

He turned back, sweeping his gaze over the two of them, and said:

“Don’t even think about it; ordinary prodigies on the sub-rankings have no chance of catching their eye. Just perform well in the Ruins, and if you can snatch a Treasures of Myriad, that will be good enough. Don’t be too greedy.” “Don’t think I’m underestimating you.”

The eldest brother-in-law glanced at Lin Xiao and said:

“Your current Strength may be decent, barely qualifying you for the ranks of the sub-rankings of prodigies, but you’re still far from meeting the Tomb Guardians’ requirements. Unless you can snatch and open the last Divine Treasure of Myriad, they might give you a chance.”

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