The Eternal battle

Chapter 167: The Young Masters Gathering (2)

Chapter 167: The Young Masters Gathering (2)

"... ? "

Behind Shi Tu and Arcana appeared a tall and handsome young man, who gave the impression of pride as if he did not care about what was around him, wore a luxurious white suit and next to him stood a tall woman wearing a yellow dress that exposed her tall legs and barely put any makeup on.

" Young Master Sun!! "

" Young Master Sun!! "

As soon as they saw Sun Chiwei, the two guards immediately bowed in respect.

" Who is this man? he seems very arrogant. " Arcana asked Shi Tu.

" How bold!! how dare you insult Young Master Sun? "

The senior guard panicked and shouted at Arcana before bowing over to Sun Chiwei.

" Young Master Sun, don't worry, we were in the midst of expelling these two poor people. "

" Poor people? "

Sun Chiwei gave a strange expression before looking at Shi Tu cheerfully.

"It really looks like you're in trouble. "

" Shi Tu, who is this man? " Arcana asked again.

Shi Tu replied, " Sun Jie's Brother. "

"Your new CEO? "

Arcana asked, with some frowning, another person qualified Shi Tu to remember her name? Why are everyone I have met is a woman? Is there no capable man in this world?

" Yes "

Sun Chiwei frowned because Shi Tu introduced him as Sun Jie's brother not Young Master Sun, though he didn't mind too much.

Sun Chiwei stepped forward and approached Shi Tu with a bright smile, " Hello beautiful lady, I am Sun Chiwei, and this is my fiance, Ji Ran. "

Ji Ran politely leaned slightly towards Shi Tu, " it is my honor to meet Young Master Shi, I have heard a lot about you and I am honored to meet you today. "

Arcana eyes narrowed a little and gave an indifferent look, this Sun Chiwei obviously introduced Ji Ran to Arcana, but she ignored Arcana and introduced herself to Shi Tu, this was an apparent contempt for Arcana as if she don't deserve to talk to her.

Sun Chiwei frowned slightly but said nothing, from his point of view Arcana is an abstract companion of Shi Tu and deserves no attention, a woman who does not know who Sun Chiwei is, it is clearly nothing and probably just a toy for Shi Tu because of her beauty which he has to admits that she is the most beautiful woman he has seen so far. 

but it is strange that she conceals her ears with her long hair, it is inconceivable that she is ashamed that she does not have any earrings right?

"Oh yeah." Shi Tu grabbed Arcana and pulled her towards him.

" This is my wife, Arcana. "

Arcana responded, grabbed Shi Tu's arm and leaned slightly on it.

" Hello, I am Arcana Blackwood, I'm Shi Tu's wife. "

Both Sun Chiwei and Ji Ran were shocked by this, Ji Ran was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth in shock while Sun Chiwei reacted better as the shock quickly disappeared from his face and responded with embarrassment.

" As expected of the woman chosen by Young Master Shi, her beauty is incomparable and her abilities must also be on the same level as her beauty. "

" Okay, we're blocking the way, help me to get in. "

Shi Tu and Arcana turned towards the door as the two guards stood in astonishment, not knowing what to say.

It turns out that Shi Tu is actually such a big personality that Young Master Sun treats him with respect and doesn't get angry at being ignored.

Sun Chiwei gave Ji Ran a warning.

Although Shi Tu had lost his fortune, he didn't think it was that simple if what Sun Jie had told him was correct, and naturally he fully trusts his sister.

It did not take long before his father told him about the issue of the Bull Army, which made him sure that what was happening with the Shi Economic Group was intentional. He could think of many reasons behind doing this, all of which were related to the upcoming war.

Sun Chiwei approached Shi Tu and looked at the two guards.

" Young Master Shi can't enter? "

Young guard "..."

Senior Guardian "..."

The two guards didn't find anything to say, they didn't know who is Shi Tu and he looked so suspicious, why are they being blamed now? It seems that they will have to change their job soon as they will most likely be a scapegoat in order not to anger Shi Tu.

Shi Tu, " I met the owner of the place a few hours ago and he gave me the VIP Gold Card, but the guards did not believe me and I was too lazy to call someone to give me his number. "

" Heh, " Ji Ran snorted, gave a proud look and said proudly, " So it was your good luck that we were the ones who met you or you should have left. "

Sun Chiwei angrily looked at Ji Ran, he had only warned her a moment ago but she ignored his warning so quickly?

" Heh, it looks like your intelligence is low compared to your beauty. "

Arcana sneered and looked at Ji Ran as if she was looking at a fool and so did Shi Tu.

" You!! ... what do you mean? If there is no Chiwei, you ..."

Ji Ran's face turned red from shame because she did not expect Arcana to say such words in the presence of Shi Tu and Sun Chiwei, isn't saying this to her the same as slaping Sun Chiwei's face? Where did she get this courage?

" Jie Ran, stop, don't humiliate yourself more "

" Ha? Chiwei, what is it ...."

Unexpectedly, Sun Chiwei's intervention was not for her? What is going on here? Ji Ran could not accept this, such a matter could not happen unless there was a huge difference in stature and influence between Shi Tu and Sun Chiwei.

However, how could Shi Tu surpass Sun Chiwei so much that he dared not oppose him for her sake? Usually, he's supposed to stand by her side no matter what the truth is in order to save his face.

Ji Ran refused to accept this and thought he was only giving Shi Tu's face for his sister's sake, if it went further then he would certainly stand by her side, she wanted to say something but Arcana preceded her.

" Even if you are not the one who came, anyone who knows Shi Tu will help him and I doubt there is someone who can come to this party and cannot recognize Young Master Shi. "

Ji Ran" !!!! "

Arcana did not interest Ji Ran and glanced at the two guards who seemed to realize the identity of Shi Tu, because the people famous in the name of Shi Tu to the point of pressure on Young Master Sun, did not exceed one person.

The two guards did not get to know Shi Tu because they don't lived in Huaxia so the pictures of Shi Tu are not famous, with their level they certainly do not know the recent developments, in their eyes, Shi Tu is still the Young Master Shi, the owner of Shi Economic Group and the richest person in Huaxia, even if He did not say anything, it was over after what they did.

" Hey? What is this gathering? "

Everyone turned towards the sound, a man in a black suit, handsome on the same level as Sun Chiwei, gave the impression that he was a playful boy, and the two beautiful women to his right and left arms helped confirm this impression.

" Lu Huang? Looks like you came late. "

Sun Chiwei seemed surprised not by the arrival of Lu Huang but by those who arrived at him late, as he is known for his fun life and his love for gambling and it is impossible to miss such an event that might the Gambling King appear.

" Arrrg, don't remember me, I could hardly run away from the old man who throws all his work on him, I took ten times as hard to finish work and get some time to come. "

Lu Huang spoke grieving and apparently wasn't exaggerating because he looked tired and pale from the workload.

Lu Huang's eyes suddenly brightened as his gaze fell on Arcana.

Quickly let go of the women in his hands and approached Arcana with perverted gazes, completely ignoring Shi Tu.

" Hey beauty, I am Young Master Lu of the Lu family, you must have heard about me, right? "

Lu Huang seemed proud as he introduced himself because most of the women throw themselves towards him as soon as they knew his identity. He couldn't wait to be alone with Arcana and was barely able to swallow his saliva, but Arcana poured cold water on him.

" No, I never heard of you before. "

Lu Huang was unimpressed and continued, " Ahh, this is normal since you are not from Huaxia, what do you think of being my partner for tonight? "

Arcana frowned because Lu Huang was so rude.

Sun Chiwei just watched from the side and admired the difficulties of others.

Lu Huang extended his hands to reach the waist of Arcana, but a voice came from behind.

" Lu Huang, I advise you to stop quickly that you will cause disaster to the Lu family. "

Lu Huang recognized the owner of the voice and looked behind him frowning to see Su Yang standing up proudly.

Lu Huang pulled his hand and his lewd temper disappeared and replaced with calm.

" I'm not stupid to do something like that. "

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