The Eternal battle

Chapter 177: Maxwell Against Lan Chen

Chapter 177: Maxwell Against Lan Chen

Lu Huang was a bit confused and didn't understand what Su Yang meant by his words, how could he be a retard?

Maxwell stood before Lan Chen proudly and confidently as if the result had already been settled, which angered Lan Chen because he had not been subjected to such treatment for a long time.

" What do you think to give it one last thought? You can still back off. If you call me grandaddy, I might consider withdrawing and letting you win. "

Lan Chen frowned and said, " Stop blowing nonsense, this king never backs on something he said, especially if it has something to do with gambling. "

" Heh, don't regret it if "

" Don't worry, I will never regret it. "

" Well, let see what will be the game in the first round "

Du Wang came forward to stop the insults that seemed like pre-wrestling insults and turned the turndisc that stopped on the Russian roulette game.

Du Wang cunningly smiled and pointed at his men, and quickly two people brought three guns of the same type with a rotary bullet tank.

" As you can see, there are three guns and one bullet like this "

Du Wang showed a blue bullet and continued, " There is a bullet like this in the bullet tank of one of the guns while in the other two there is a fixed mass in the bullet tank so that the correct gun wouldn't be recognized by weight. "

" Of course, this bullet isn't real, but it is a blue paint bullet. The winner will be the one who fires the paint bullet at the other side, but if he makes a mistake and fired one of the fixed mass, the gun will explode in his hands and he is considered a loser, is this clear? "

Fan Ru asked with astonishment, " This Russian roulette is weird, isn't everyone supposed to shoot themselves? "

She could understand there was paint bullet instead of a real bullet, but she didn't understand the reason for the other additions.

" True," Sun Chiwei said, " Usually, the percentage of win and loss is one from six and it increases with each round, but the percentage of winning from the first round is now one from eighteen, and the percentage of self-destruction is two grom eighteen and the percentages increase with each round, instead of checking one gun, they will have to check three guns in search of the winning bullet, but they may cause self-destruction."

" Correct, " Lu Huang nodded, " This is a more difficult game than regular Russian roulette, a game worthy of showing the abilities of the Gambling King. I wonder how many rounds he will hold. "

Su Yang said, " don't you mean how many rounds before he wins? "

" Ha? Do you support my brother? It's okay, no need for this. We will not give you any way to escape later "

Alex heard Su Yang's words and mocked him.

" Don't say words bigger than you, you don't even know if you are going to leave alive. "

Su Yang pointed to Shi Tu and Arcana, Alex couldn't reply and gave a look of terror before looking at the stage again.

" Well, I'll be shameless and start first. I don't think His Majesty wants to be the first, right? "

Lan Chen didn't say anything and kept his silence as proof of his approval.

Maxwell didn't check the guns, picked up a gun randomly, pointed it at Lan Chen's chest and fired directly without checking the gun or running the bullets tank.

Unfortunately, Lan Chen was safe and unharmed.

" Oh?! This is unfortunate, it looks like I'm not lucky today. ''

Maxwell looked a little disappointed as if he was really expecting to win.

Lan Chen slightly frowned and thought Maxwell was making fun of him, how could he shoot without checking the guns? Does he want to win by luck? Although winning by luck is possible in this game, but this doesn't explain Maxwell's confidence earlier, as he was sure of winning, and that confidence couldn't have been fake.

Lan Chen didn't think too long, he just had to win like usual. Lan Chen went ahead and checked the three guns before picking one of them and pointed at Maxwell's chest after running the bullet tank several times.

Lan Chen pressed the trigger, but unfortunately, he missed too.

"It seems that the Gambling King is also not so lucky today. "

Maxwell smiled and said.

Lan Chen was not upset because he didn't expect to succeed the first time and just wanted to check some things, he could know a lot of things from the shooting sound and reaction force and things like that, so after this shot, he can guarantee that the winning bullet isn't in this gun, he knows Well this gun type, he has played with it many times, so he can say it has fixed mass and not a bullet, also depending on the sound, it is likely that the bullet isn't in the gun that Maxwell chose, which means that the winning bullet is in the third gun.

" Don't waste time, I advise you to win in this round because you will definitely lose if you don't. "

Shi Tu said suddenly while looking at Maxwell.

Hearing Shi Tu's words, Lan Chen's face became respectful, could this Shi Tu locate the winning bullet based on sound alone?

Everyone looked at Shi Tu and didn't care what Shi Tu said just thinking he was making fun of Maxwell, but Maxwell didn't take it lightly, this is head of the demon, and looking at his previous behavior he will not initiate trouble, so why does he help him? To defeat him by himself of course!

Maxwell smiled at Shi Tu gratefully, he intended to procrastinate further in order to provoke Lan Chen, but he didn't expect that Lan Chen would do it in one round.

" Well, I will do as the head of the demon said, and I am grateful that head of the demon appreciates my abilities this way and trusts in my ability to win whenever I want, but ...."

Maxwell never doubted Shi Tu's judgment, nor was there any harm in being careful. There was one-point Maxwell didn't like about Shi Tu's behavior.

" Don't you think I am qualified for you to call me by my name? "

Although he knew this point, hearing about it and being exposed to it are two different things, previously he didn't care about this, but since Shi Tu refuses to call him by his name, indicating that he doesn't deserve to remember his name, it struck Maxwell's pride severely.

Shi Tu said indifferently, " Why would I remember someone's name that I would never see again and wouldn't benefit me in anything and would not harm me? "

Shi Tu's words were a slap in everyone's face, a very strong slap.

Everyone reached a tacit agreement to ignore this point after Maxwell referred to it previously, who despised them because Shi Tu doesn't consider them as anything, but now he is exposed to the same thing and dares to object?

For Maxwell, this was not just a slap in the face, but two slaps on both of his cheeks.

Maxwell felt like vomiting blood as Alex and Max's face turned red from embarrassment and anger, but he didn't lose his calm, not yet.

Maxwell advanced and took the third gun and turned the bullet tank multiple times.

Lan Chen's gaze became very serious upon seeing that Maxwell had picked up the right gun and had a bad feeling, could it be that he would really lose here?

This time Maxwell pointed the gun at Lan Chen's face instead of his chest and didn't hesitate to shoot.

In the next moment, everyone's gazes froze and shocked, so many couldn't stop themselves from opening their mouths to their wrestler.

Because Lan Chen's face was covered in blue paint!!

The gambling king Lan Chen lost!! and lost in a disgraceful way!!

Obviously, Maxwell had intentionally hit Lan Chen in the face in order to deflate his anger.

" T-This ... How did this happen? How did the Gambling King be defeated? someone tell me! "

Lu Huang was dumbfounded and unable to speak.

" How did he do it? It is inconceivable that he discovered the right gun from the sound only? Impossible, right? "

Sun Chiwei switched off his phone and his face became serious.

"Of course, this is impossible for ordinary people, but when looking at the Gambling King's appearance when Shi Tu warned Maxwell, he must have also known by voice so it isn't unlikely that Maxwell could do it too. "

" But, but this is the Gambling King!! how can one reach the same level so easily? "

Lu Huang was not convinced, because that meant that there was someone in the world who could compete with the Gambling King!!

And he is a western!! 

Lu Huang felt the urge to rush and get rid of Maxwell who had insulted his role model in this way.

" Don't rush. "

Sun Chiwei said, " It is possible that he just happens adept at this, many soldiers who have spent their lives carrying weapons can do, the ability of the Gambling King is that he mastered a lot of games and not just one game "

Lu Huang nodded and sat silently, the two women on his side didn't dare to say anything in order to console him, this is the war of the adults and they are not qualified to say anything, if Fan Ru and Ji Ran didn't comment, would it be their role?

They only looked at Shi Tu with some wonder and radiance in their eyes, but they felt that they would die if they kept looking.

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